Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 251 It’s really you


Xu Mansion.

This mansion, located to the west of the inner city of Beijing, is inconspicuous.

Although the old man of the Xu family is the official minister of the Ministry of Rites, his power in Beijing is weak. The Xu family is based in Linzhou, and the Xu family is too close to the Lin family in Linzhou, so their development in Beijing is not smooth.

As Mr. Xu is getting old and about to retire, the Xu family's influence in Beijing is getting smaller and smaller, and they are now in an embarrassing situation.

After a heavy snowfall in Beijing, the weather gradually cleared up, but it was still cold.

The inner courtyard of the Xu family.

Under the eaves, a young girl was sitting there bored, her pretty eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she had some troubles that were difficult to resolve.

The girl wears a waist-length light-colored robe with a white lining and a light green robe skirt, adding a bit of heroic temperament.

But at this moment, she seemed a little depressed, and her eyes fell on the courtyard with bored eyes. As if thinking of something, his eyes dimmed a little, and he gritted his teeth secretly: "Is that guy still alive?"

Several days have passed since the news of Prince Lin's death came out in the capital, and he still doesn't know what the situation is.

Starting a few days ago, since her brother went to attend the Lu family's wedding and came back, she was not allowed to continue to inquire about the intelligence information in Beijing.

This made Xu Lan anxious!

Now there is still no news about that guy. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Can she not be anxious?

"Humph, they must be hiding something from me."

The girl looked indignant, and her delicate, fair, slightly handsome face was full of anger.

But then, some deep worries and uneasiness emerged.

This time she finally convinced her father and came to the capital, hoping to surprise the guy before he arrived in the capital.


Surprise turned into shock!

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's face became more and more sad.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared in another corner of the small courtyard. After carefully checking around and making sure that no one was around, he sneaked closer.


The voice is very soft.

Xu Lan looked up and saw the figure in the corner not far away. Her eyes lit up and she quickly stood up and walked away.

"how's it going?"

"There's news..."

The speaker was a pretty maid who had been with Xu Lan for many years. At this time, the maid lowered her voice and said: "The second young master didn't let me go out. I took advantage of the house to buy groceries today and sneaked out to find out some news..."

"Say it quickly!"

Xu Lan grabbed her and said anxiously: "Is there any news about him?"


The maid nodded heavily and said, "Yes, Prince Lin is not only still alive, but... he has arrived in the capital safely!"

Hearing the news, Xu Lan was worried for many days, and finally let go. An inexplicable joy surged into her heart.

"Great, I knew he wasn't could he die so easily?!"

Xu Lan's face was full of joy and she secretly clenched her fists. Then he realized something and quickly asked: "Then where is he now? Where is he?"

"Prince Lin has now entered the capital. I heard he lives in the Jiang Mansion in the middle of the capital..."

The news that Prince Lin was in the capital had already spread throughout the capital. She went out and made some inquiries and found out everything.

His Royal Highness Prince Lin is in big trouble!

"In Jiang Mansion?!"

Xu Lan quickly remembered that the man from Jiang Mansion in Beijing seemed to be that guy's second uncle? I heard that the aunt who came from Jiangnan some time ago is now also in Jiang Mansion.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After learning that Lin Jiangnian was still alive and where he lived now, Xu Lan couldn't sit still anymore and excitedly planned to leave the house.

However, when she left the backyard with her maid, she met Xu Zhongshan head-on after taking a few steps.

"Xiaolan, where are you going?"

Xu Zhongshan looked at Xu Lan who was walking out excitedly and said doubtfully.

Xu Lan's face didn't change: "I've been bored at home for a few days. Let's go out and get some fresh air."

With that said, she wanted to leave.

However, as soon as he took two steps, he was stopped by Xu Zhongshan: "No, grandpa said that you are not allowed to go out during this period."


When Xu Lan heard this, she stared unconvinced.

"Grandpa is also doing it for your own good."

Xu Zhongshan sighed and glanced at Xu Lan and the sneaky maid behind her: "When you go out, you shouldn't just get some fresh air, right?"

Xu Lan felt a little guilty and snorted softly.

Xu Zhongshan also quickly realized that his younger sister should already know the news about Prince Lin.

Although he had deliberately concealed the news from his family in the past few days, the news outside was spreading so fiercely, and his little sister was so weird that it would be difficult to completely hide it from her.

Xu Zhongshan sighed: "Grandpa said he won't let you go find him."


"Our Xu family is in a bad situation in Beijing right now. We are walking on thin ice... If you go to find him now, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble." Xu Zhongshan advised earnestly.

Xu Lan was silent for a while, then raised her eyes and stared at him: "But, aren't our Xu family and Lin family family friends? Didn't our relationship always have a good relationship in the past? Why is it not working now?"

Xu Zhongshan sighed: "The past was before, the present is now... You know, grandpa is about to retire, and our Xu family has no foundation in Beijing. Once grandpa retires, there will probably be no place for our Xu family in Beijing." place."

"so what?"

Xu Lan asked: "We, the Xu family, are not from the capital. The capital cannot accommodate us. Why can't we go back to Linzhou? Why do we have to stay here?"

Xu Zhongshan was silent: "Xiaolan, many things are not as simple as you think..."

"Don't coax me like I'm still a child."

Xu Lan snorted coldly: "Grandpa, dad and you are all the same. Are you going to betray the Lin family in order to stay in the capital?"

"That's absolutely not the case!"

Xu Zhongshan shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The Lin family is kind to our Xu family. I absolutely cannot do anything to betray the Lin family, but..."

Xu Zhongshan didn't know how to explain it.

Nowadays, the conflict between the imperial court and the vassal king is getting deeper and deeper, and sooner or later the reduction of the vassal clan will be put on the agenda. When the time comes, once the conflict between the two parties becomes irreconcilable, the Xu family will be caught in the middle and will inevitably face a choice.

Either stay in the capital and side with the imperial court. Either stay in Linzhou and completely side with the Lin family.

But if that happens, the Xu family will become rebellious officials and traitors.

This crime is too big for them to bear!

The old man has lived an upright life and does not want to end up like this. In order to preserve their reputation and preserve the Xu family's business, they had to make a decisive choice.

"Huh, after all, it's not for your own benefit..."

Mentioning this, Xu Lan looked angrily, with a bit of contempt in her eyes: "Grandpa did save Uncle Lin back then, but the Lin family has never treated our Xu family badly in these years. The kindness back then has been repaid, and even far from it." Far more than...but now you have surrendered to the imperial court for your own sake. Is this worthy of Uncle Lin? Is it worthy of your conscience?"

Faced with the accusations from his own sister, Xu Zhongshan remained silent.

They were indeed ashamed of the Lin family in this matter. But that was decided by father and grandfather. It not only determined their fate, but also the future fate of the Xu family.

If the Xu family's loyal lord is still stubbornly siding with the Lin family, once the imperial court breaks up with the Lin family, the Xu family will definitely become the first victim.

The Xu family must make a decision. This time, the father allowed his sister to come to the capital, which obviously meant that he had already made a decision.

"Our Xu family is indeed sorry for the Lin family, but our Xu family will never betray the Lin family, but..."

Xu Zhongshan wanted to say something else, but Xu Lan interrupted him coldly: "Hypocrisy!"

"Second brother, I originally thought you were one of the few sober people in the family. But looking at it now, you are just like dad and the others..."

Xu Lan glanced at him disappointedly, turned and left.

Xu Zhongshan stood there, listening to the younger sister's words, looking stunned and a little embarrassed.

He was silent for a long time, unable to say a word.

In the courtyard.

Xu Lan returned silently, with a very ugly look on her face.


The maid behind her said cautiously: "Then...what should we do now?"

"how could I know?"

Xu Lan had a cold expression on her face and spoke angrily.

There was a look of hesitation and confusion between his eyebrows.

Although she scolded her second brother and her father, she knew in her heart that her father and second brother had no choice but to make such a choice.

Xu Lan did not agree with their decision, but the deal was already done and now it was too late.

Now that the Xu family has decided to side with His Majesty and the imperial court, they will inevitably have to separate their relationship with the Lin family. If she insists on going her own way to see Lin Jiangnian now, she will definitely harm the Xu family, her grandfather and her second brother.

"Then, why don't you go see His Royal Highness Prince Lin?" the maid asked again.

Xu Lan was silent for a moment, a look of hesitation flashed between her brows, and after a moment, she suddenly gritted her teeth.

"See you, of course I want to see you!"

"Since I can't see you, can't I just change my identity?!"


It is a rare sunny day. After heavy snowfall, the weather in Beijing is gray and the cold wind is howling, but it cannot resist the enthusiasm of the residents in the city.

The streets are busy with traffic, and this most prosperous city in the Daning Dynasty is prosperous.

In the western suburbs of central Beijing, located in a west alley in a prosperous place, the place is deserted, cold and quiet.

Lin Jiangnian's figure appeared in the alley and stopped at the door of a courtyard in the corner.

The courtyard door is lightly covered.

Lin Jiangnian stood there for a moment, then opened the door and walked in.

The yard is not big, and the entire front yard is as far as the eye can see. The grass and trees in the yard are withered and covered with fallen leaves. In a corner not far away, two towering trees stood alone, adding a sense of loneliness to the world.

The courtyard was still empty.

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the courtyard and came to one side of the eaves.

It was quiet and quiet all around.

Lin Jiangnian stood under the eaves and waited for a long time, but still there was no movement.

"Why do you all like to play this trick?"

Lin Jiang young sighed.

Invite people to your door, but no one comes.

Very rude and lacking in quality.

Same as the Miss Zhao family whom I met not long ago.

...No wonder they become good sisters.

There is still silence between heaven and earth.

When the cold wind blew the fallen leaves in the courtyard, a laughter like a silver bell suddenly sounded.

"Sir, long time no see!"

A crisp silver bell-like sound rang not far away in his ears, and a familiar figure appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight.

Wearing a waist-length underskirt, she has a graceful figure, an outstanding temperament, and a delicate and delicate face with a bright smile, just standing quietly under the eaves. Behind his hands, he looked at Lin Jiangnian with a half-smile, and blinked: "What a coincidence, I can meet the young master here!"

The smile on the girl's face did not diminish, and there was a bit of mischievous smile in her eyes. She looked at Lin Jiangnian with a smile.

Playful and cute!

Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at the familiar girl in front of him, and the last suspicion in his mind settled.

"It's really you."

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

The girl didn't seem to understand. She rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "It's a blessing to see His Highness again. Sir, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and nodded: "That's fine."

"Master. Please!"

The girl in the undershirt pushed open the door under the eaves, bent slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze from her and stepped into the room.

The cold room was also empty. On the table not far away, a fire was burning brightly, and the hot water on the stove was boiling slightly.

The girl in the skirt followed Lin Jiangnian into the room. After Lin Jiangnian took his seat, she skillfully made and poured tea for Lin Jiangnian and brought it to Lin Jiangnian.

"Sir, please warm yourself up with a cup of hot tea."

Lin Jiangnian picked up the scalding hot tea and took a sip. Looking up, the girl in the undershirt was standing aside, still looking at Lin Jiangnian with a half-smile.

He couldn't hide the curiosity in his eyes, just looking at Lin Jiangnian without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her quietly: "Where is your young lady?"

"My lady is not at home."

The girl in the undershirt blinked at him: "Young master, you want to see my young lady?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and sighed: "Girl Jinxiu, why bother pretending to be confused anymore?"

The girl in the underskirt in front of me is the beautiful girl who took care of Lin Jiangnian after he was injured and fell into coma when he first arrived in the capital not long ago.

Last night, Xiaozhu sent a letter.

The letter asked him to meet here today. Although it was not signed, Lin Jiangnian guessed the identity of the other party. Now that Jinxiu appears here, it has completely verified Lin Jiangnian's suspicion.

"What do you mean by this, Master? Jinxiu doesn't understand."

Jinxiu smiled sweetly at Lin Jiangnian, still pretending to be stupid.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, just stared at her face. Jinxiu blinked innocently: "Why do you think so of the slave family, Master?"

"Girl Jinxiu is beautiful." Lin Jiangnian said, suddenly stood up and walked towards Jinxiu.

Jinxiu seemed to be stunned for a moment, staring blankly as Lin Jiangnian walked up to him. Before she could react, her hand under her sleeve was suddenly grabbed.

This sudden move made Jinxiu freeze on the spot. Before she could react, the hot breath came from her palm, making her pretty face blush slightly.

"Mr. Gongzi..."

"The last time we said goodbye, I missed the favor of Miss Jinxiu and regretted it. After I went back, I couldn't forget Miss Jinxiu. Now that I see you again, Miss Jinxiu is still beautiful and the country is fragrant. This time, I won't be polite... Since you My young lady is not here, so why don’t Miss Jinxiu accompany me first..."

A slightly joking tone with a bit of frivolity.

Jinxiu froze on the spot, her pretty face turned red instantly, and her eyes were panicked: "Mr. Master, no, no..."

She blushed, her tone was panicked, and her mind went blank for a moment, as if she didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian in front of her would suddenly be so bold.

In panic, he quickly wanted to refuse: "No..."

But before he finished speaking, Liu's waist was suddenly hugged. The next second, a body with hot breath approached.

Jinxiu, who had never had such close contact with a man, completely shut down her head. She froze in place, her face turned red, and she forgot to resist for a moment.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to take a step closer, a cold wind suddenly rushed in behind him from outside the door.

Like the ice in winter, it is bitingly cold.

Lin Jiangnian made a movement with his hands, turned his head and looked out the door, half-smiling.

"I'm finally willing to show up..."

"My eldest princess?!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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