Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 252 Confrontation with the Eldest Princess

Under the eaves, the cold wind raged.

The winter chill invaded the courtyard, blowing up dead leaves all over the ground.

A figure dressed in pure white appeared silently at the door, her long snow-covered skirt swaying gently in the wind. Where the corners of the skirt fluttered, a small visible piece of snow-white was revealed, which was even more dazzling than the white jade that was cast with incredible craftsmanship.

She looked at the two people in the room expressionlessly, her eyes falling on the two people pulling each other, her eyebrows furrowed, her face was beautiful but extremely cold, her cold eyes stared at the two people, silent.

The green silk is fluttering, and the long hair is tied with a pure white ribbon. She is like a fairy from the dust. She is breathtakingly beautiful and as cold as the frost in deep winter.

In an instant, the world seemed to be getting colder and colder.

"Princess, princess..."

In the room, Jinxiu, whose head was blank and her face was hot and red, finally came to her senses. She withdrew her little hand in a panic, struggled to break free from Lin Jiangnian's arms, and took two steps back.

He looked at a loss, his face was red, and he felt a little overwhelmed and uneasy for a while. Her flushed face was as pink as a peach blossom, and she ran to the door as if running away, hiding outside the door, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his hand and stood there, looking up at the cold figure at the door.

He is no stranger.

It was the master Jinxiu mentioned, the woman in white whom he had seen when he first arrived in the capital.

Right now, their eyes are facing each other.

The woman in white still had a cold aura on her body, her complexion was as usual, and there was no wave in her body. She just looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly.

Silence for a long time.

"Your Highness, the eldest princess, you are welcome and safe!"

Lin Jiangnian was the first to speak.

She also stared at Lin Jiangnian and said casually: "Each other."

The voice was also very soft, with a bit of indifference, just like when they first met, calm and calm.

"I thought that Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, would always avoid me."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows, still sizing up the woman in white in front of him, and spoke in a relaxed tone.

The eldest princess didn't seem to hear the teasing in Lin Jiangnian's tone, and said calmly: "Why should I avoid you?"

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly: "Perhaps Her Highness the Princess is afraid of marrying this prince? So she avoids it?"

The eldest princess looked at Lin Jiangnian for a long time with her cold eyes, and her tone remained calm: "Why should I be afraid of marrying you?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised by such a calm and calm tone.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "So, Her Royal Highness the Princess is not afraid?"

The eldest princess did not speak.

"Since you are not afraid, does it mean that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess actually admires my son's talent and has wanted to marry me for a long time?"


As soon as these words came out, the eldest princess in front of her didn't react yet. On the contrary, Jinxiu, who was hiding at the door behind the eldest princess, couldn't hold back her laughter for a moment.

She was blushing from Lin Jiangnian's sudden intimate contact, and it wasn't until Her Royal Highness the Princess appeared that she was able to escape.

The cold wind blowing outside the door gradually calmed down. But he was still upset, with a bit of shame and anger.

His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, was so rude this time. As expected, he had evil intentions towards her just like last time.

He was angrily condemning in his heart. When Leng Buding heard his words, he couldn't help laughing for a moment and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The princess admires his talent?

This guy can really talk nonsense.

However, just as she laughed out loud, she suddenly noticed that the eyes of His Royal Highness Prince Lin and her own princess were all focused on her. Jinxiu quickly covered her mouth, blinked innocently, and wanted to leave the place of right and wrong.

But just when she thought about running away, she heard the cold voice of her princess.

"Jinxiu, pour some tea."



In the quiet room, there is a round sandalwood table.

On both sides of the table, two figures were sitting.

Jinxiu, who was wearing a waist-length undershirt, was making and pouring tea with a straight face.

On the table, the tea cup was steaming, and the aroma of tea filled the room.

Jinxiu took a step back and stood next to her princess. A pair of smart and beautiful eyes quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian, scanning up and down with a certain agility.

When Lin Jiangnian looked over, she seemed to have thought of something, her face flushed slightly, then she glared at him, showing a bit of shame and anger, and looked away with a snort.

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze and fell on the woman in white opposite him.

Wearing a long white dress, she has a heroic appearance, and she can vaguely smell a bit like a child of the world.

I heard that the eldest princess was trained as a successor of Kendo since she was a child, so she must have a lot of Jianghu aura in her body.

When she and Lin Jiangnian met for the first time, almost nothing had changed, except that this time the almost inseparable sword was missing from her hand.

The two of them just sat like this, neither of them spoke first.

The deserted atmosphere and simple environment around them also made everything around them seem a bit out of place.

One is the eldest princess of the current dynasty, and the other is the son of the only two kings with different surnames in the dynasty. The first official meeting between these two distinguished people was in such a simple environment.

Unexpected indeed.

The two of them remained silent in a tacit understanding, the fragrance of tea spread, and the tea in the teacup began to get cold. Jinxiu, who was preparing to eat melon in silence, saw this scene and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Why haven't you spoken yet?

What are the two of them doing?

Your Highness, Princess, you are good at speaking. Prince Lin, weren't you quite eloquent before? Why are you mute?

You should hurry up!

She was so anxious!

Jinxiu was silently worried and didn't know what to do. He could only look at his own princess, then at Lin Jiangnian opposite, and give her a hard look.

Lin Jiangnian ignored Jinxiu's wink and looked at the eldest princess in front of him, his nominal fiancée, with a calm gaze.

Before I met her, there had been rumors that she was one of the rarest beauties in the world today. There were various rumors among the people, and the scholars almost said that the eldest princess was a fairy who descended from the earth.

At first, Lin Jiangnian scoffed, and even doubted whether those people were the navy hired by the eldest princess. When I actually saw it with my own eyes, I had to admit that the eldest princess was indeed very good-looking.'s a bit too cold.

It’s so cold that it’s uninteresting!

Not feminine, not even remotely human...

The eldest princess in front of her was like an ice cube, not like a mortal.

Conquering the high fairies is indeed a challenge and a sense of accomplishment, but conquering the ice cubes seems to have a unique taste.

Although the eldest princess is indeed beautiful, there is no shortage of beauties around Lin Jiangnian. Whether it is Zhiyuan or Liu Su, their appearance is no worse than that of the eldest princess in front of him.

In comparison, conquering those two is obviously much more interesting than conquering the eldest princess in front of me...

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking wildly, Leng Buding felt a chill in the air. When he came to his senses, he saw the eldest princess in front of him staring at him expressionlessly.

There seemed to be a chill in his eyes.

"Your Highness, don't you have anything to say?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes.

The eldest princess remained expressionless: "What did you say?"

"Your Highness, the eldest princess, invited me to come here. Don't you have anything to say?"

The eldest princess looked at him coldly: "I am the one you made an appointment with."


"It does not matter."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and mentioned another matter: "Last time we met, why didn't Her Royal Highness reveal her identity?"

The eldest princess's eyes remained unchanged: "Why do I need to make it clear?"

"So, you teamed up to fool me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the eldest princess, and then at Jinxiu beside him.

"Your Highness is stupid!"

Jinxiu on the side curled her lips: "I thought His Royal Highness would be able to guess it soon..."

The eldest princess didn't say anything, she just looked at Lin Jiangnian with a strange color in her eyes.

Lin Jiangnian's face was expressionless.

He really didn't expect this at the time.

It wasn't until later when I returned to Jiang Mansion and mentioned it to Zhi Yuan that I gradually realized something was wrong, and then I made a guess.

Only after seeing it with my own eyes was I convinced of this.

However, the eldest princess in front of her already knew his identity, but she pretended to be dumbfounded...

What's the purpose?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian sighed: "It is indeed my prince who made a mistake."

Jinxiu's smile was as bright as a flower: "But His Royal Highness can still guess what's behind, which proves that he is not too stupid..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "I have something important to talk with your princess, you go out first."

Jinxiu pouted her lips slightly in displeasure and looked back at her princess. The eldest princess did not speak, but nodded slightly.


Jinxiu was a little reluctant. After glaring at Lin Jiangnian, she reluctantly left the room and closed the door.

Lin Jiangnian and the eldest princess were left in the room.

The cold wind was raging outside the door, but it was as warm as spring inside. There was a man and a woman alone. What should have been an extremely ambiguous atmosphere now seemed a little lonely.

"Your Royal Highness, the eldest princess, I think you already know the purpose of this prince's visit to the capital, right?"

After Jinxiu left, Lin Jiangnian looked at her and said straight to the point: "My son came to Beijing this time for the purpose of our marriage..."

"I wonder what Your Highness, the eldest princess, thinks of this marriage?"

Mentioning this matter, the eldest princess raised her cold eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, and said lightly: "Didn't you pay much attention?"

"What do you mean you didn't pay much attention to it?"

"I just didn't watch much."


"Your Highness, the eldest princess, do you want to marry this prince?"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down, as if he could feel the heat in Lin Jiangnian's gaze. The eldest princess frowned coldly, stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, and then said expressionlessly: "You dare to marry her?"

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian said in a playful tone: "Her Royal Highness the Princess has a stunning appearance and outstanding temperament. She is admired by thousands of people in the capital. How many young talents will be envied to death by being able to marry Her Royal Highness?"

"Why don't you dare to do a good deed that will benefit me and cause no harm at all?"

The eldest princess was unmoved. After staring at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, she said coldly: "You don't dare."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Why do you say this?"

A sneer appeared in the eldest princess's cold eyes: "If you marry me, none of the confidante around you will survive."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face froze. Looking at the cold face of the eldest princess in front of him, it didn't look like he was joking at all.

The atmosphere solidified at this moment.

Lin Jiangnian was silent!

He had predicted many situations, but he never expected that the eldest princess would say such childish words.

Childish threats!

But he had to let Lin Jiangnian pay attention to it... The eldest princess in front of him was rumored to be a master of the second-level Tianxuan realm, and was even known as the successor of the swordsmanship to the best swordsman in the world!

Her threatening nature is self-evident.

"Why don't you speak?"

The sneer in the eldest princess's eyes became more and more obvious: "Do you still dare?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment: "I don't think Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"How do you know I am not?"

She spoke calmly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian.

He didn't speak again, but everything was lost in words.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If you say that, we won't be able to continue talking."

It's a threat, but it's also a fact!

If Lin Jiangnian really marries her, he will really get into big trouble!

Apart from everything else, this eldest princess has a noble status. If she really marries him and becomes the royal concubine of Prince Lin, she will be able to attack the people around Lin Jiangnian openly.

Coupled with her unfathomable martial arts...

She really wasn't joking when she said none of them would survive.

The eldest princess' eyes were indifferent, and she could see through Lin Jiangnian's thoughts at a glance, and said calmly: "You never planned to marry me from the beginning."

"How can I see it?"

The eldest princess did not explain: "Why did you come to see me today?"

Lin Jiangnian had to admit that he still underestimated the eldest princess. I am afraid that this eldest princess is not only unfathomable in martial arts, but as a royal goddess, she is not stupid in terms of brain...

"Since Her Royal Highness the Princess is so frank, I will not hide anything from you."

Lin Jiangnian paused, "Right now, it seems that neither the princess nor this prince approves of this marriage, right?"

The eldest princess did not speak, but her eyes acquiesced.

"That way, things will be much easier to handle."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked at her: "Since you and I are not willing, then this marriage should not exist. The best result for you and me is to cancel this marriage..."

The eldest princess glanced at him without moving her eyelids: "How to retreat?"

"Of course it is up to the Princess to explain the situation to His Majesty and request the dissolution of the marriage."


The eldest princess said expressionlessly: "Why don't you go?"

Lin Jiangnian's expression did not change and he said confidently: "Your Majesty is the father of Her Royal Highness the Princess. It is more appropriate for the Princess to come forward."

This time, it was the eldest princess's turn to be silent.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian: "Since ancient times, the man should be the one to break off the engagement. If you want to break off the engagement, naturally you should explain it to my father!"

"Then what if your father doesn't agree?"

The eldest princess continued to be silent.

Of course it is impossible to agree.

The royal emperor's engagement was annulled, and the consequences were self-evident.

What's more, this marriage is not only about the two of them, but also about the trade-off between the court and the vassal king.

If she could retreat easily, why would she wait until now?

"This is your business!"

The eldest princess gave him a cold look: "If you don't want to marry me, it's naturally up to you to break off the engagement."

"But isn't Her Royal Highness the Princess unwilling to marry?"

"I didn't say anything."

The eldest princess was still sitting there, wearing a long white dress, looking cold and proud, with an aura that was a bit unlike human fireworks, and glanced at him lightly.

"If you dare to marry, I will certainly dare to marry you!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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