Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 253 You dare to marry, I dare to marry

The eldest princess in a long white dress was still sitting there, with curved eyebrows, a straight nose, slightly pursed red lips, and no expression on her frosty face.

Her eyes were indifferent, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian calmly, as if she was talking about an understatement.

If she dares to marry, will she dare to marry?

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly.

The woman in white in front of her looked indifferent. There was no emotion on her face, nor could she tell what was in her heart.

What does she mean by this? !

Was it intentional, or...

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Jiangnian stared at her: "If this prince dares to marry, you dare to marry me?"

"Is this true?"

The woman in white has an unparalleled elegance, aloofness and aloofness. After she glanced at Lin Jiangnian, she said in a nonchalant tone: "Of course I take it seriously."

The tone was very light, without any emotion.


A dead silence fell in the room.

The appearance of the woman in white caught Lin Jiangnian off guard.

We were all having a good chat, and we all agreed on each other's ideas, and neither of us wanted to get married... but then you suddenly stabbed me in the back? !

Suddenly said he was willing to marry?

Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and looked at the eldest princess in front of him: "So, the eldest princess is willing to marry this prince... don't you plan to cancel the marriage?"

"If you want to retreat, you can."

The eldest princess said calmly: "I will not stop you."

"What if I don't go?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into the eldest princess's cold and emotionless eyes. Her eyes were still indifferent and she said calmly: "Then, you marry?"

There was a moment of silence.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly sneered and said, "Since Her Royal Highness the eldest princess dares to marry, I naturally dare to marry her."

The figure in white clothes looked slightly startled when he heard this. He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian, but saw that Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually changed.

"Before coming to the capital, I heard that the eldest princess hated my prince so much that she even threatened to break my prince's legs if he dared to enter the capital?"

There was no emotion on the face of the eldest princess: "I never said that."

"Have you ever said that it's not important, but the eldest princess really doesn't like this prince, right? I don't intend to embarrass or force him. I came to Beijing to see the eldest princess this time just to discuss this matter..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at the white-clothed figure in front of him with unscrupulous eyes, and said with a smile: "I thought that since Her Royal Highness the Princess is unwilling to commit herself, I will not force anyone to do anything, so that you and I can get back together. But I didn't expect that it turned out that I had misunderstood Her Royal Highness the Princess. …”

"Since Her Royal Highness the Princess loves me and is willing to marry me... then there is no need to discuss today's matter."

The eldest princess raised her eyes and stared at him: "What do you mean?"

Lin Jiangnian's smile grew brighter: "This time my son came to Beijing, he was already prepared to marry Her Majesty the Princess... In this case, my son has to go back and make good preparations. When he chooses an auspicious day, he will go to meet your majesty. , come again to marry Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian stood up slowly: "Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, also get ready and wait for me to come and marry you."

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian said no more, turned and walked towards the door.

The eldest princess seemed to be stunned on the spot, her expression was stunned for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes were filled with coldness. She stared at Lin Jiangnian's back: "Do you really dare to marry me?"

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly, "Why don't you dare?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill your confidante?!"

The eldest princess had no expression on her face and looked at him coldly: "I can't tolerate them in my eyes."

She is anxious!

Lin Jiangnian sneered in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged. He turned around slightly and glanced at the eldest princess up and down with a slightly aggressive look, as if he wanted to see through her. His tone was frivolous and meaningful: "Is there such a stunning beauty as the eldest princess to marry?" My eldest son, this eldest son should be happy and forget about Sichuan, singing and singing every can I care about other beauties?"

As soon as these words came out, the temperature in the room dropped sharply.

The eldest princess's expression remained unchanged, but a hint of coldness could clearly be seen in her eyes.

He seemed to be angry at Lin Jiangnian's words.

Lin Jiangnian didn't wait for her to react, and waved his hand: "Eldest Princess, it's better to go back as soon as possible to prepare, pack up and return to Linzhou with my son..."

Go to the door and open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a figure was standing furtively at the door, leaning its ear against the door. When Lin Jiangnian opened the door, he immediately stood up straight and pretended to be nonchalant.

"Hey, His Royal Highness is out?"

Jinxiu blinked with a blank and innocent expression: "How was your chat with my princess?"


Lin Jiangnian looked at the exquisite and quirky brocade in front of him and took a step closer to her.

Jinxiu's eyelids twitched and she took a step back in panic: "Your Highness, what are you... doing?"

"Let me take a good look at you."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "I didn't expect that Jinxiu girl looks so young, but she hides a murderous weapon!"

Jinxiu's eyes are blank, is there a hidden weapon?

When did she hide...

The next second, Jinxiu glanced down subconsciously, seeming to realize something. Her apricot-like eyes widened in vain, and her pretty face suddenly turned red: "Your Highness, you..."

"Miss Jinxiu, are you shy?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a smile and patted her head: "Don't be afraid. When my son marries your princess, you will be the first one to sleep with her!"

"Bedtime attendant?"

Jinxiu's pretty face was as red as blood and hot, as if she didn't expect that His Royal Highness would be so bold today.

Such a close distance, such ambiguous provocative words and actions, Jinxiu's breathing became rapid, her heartbeat increased, and she was filled with embarrassment and anger.

He froze in place for a moment, motionless.

After teasing Jinxiu Lin Jiangnian, Lin Jiangnian's face was full of spring breeze, he waved his hands triumphantly, and left with cheerful steps.

Jinxiu stood there, staring blankly at Lin Jiangnian's figure disappearing from the courtyard. The hot and red face took a long time to dissipate.

Lowering her eyes, she stretched out her hand and touched her face. She could still feel her delicate cheeks burning hot. Her eyes were full of water, her thoughts were messy, and she secretly gritted her teeth.

"Jinxiu, Jinxiu, how can you be so worthless?"

"This Prince Linwang speaks obscenely and behaves badly. He is truly a scoundrel..."

"But, he is really handsome..."

"Bah, bah, bah, what's the use of being good-looking? You're not such a dirty guy, but you want her to sleep with you? You're so beautiful, how could it be possible..."

"But if the princess really marries him, wouldn't I really have to sleep with him?"

"...I heard it hurts..."


Jinxiu outside the door stood there struggling for a long time before walking into the room.

In the room, the tea on the table was completely cold and had not been touched at all. Beside the table, the eldest princess in white clothes still sat there, motionless.

Like a cold statue, without any emotion.

Jinxiu walked carefully to the princess, looked at her quietly, and then couldn't help but ask: "Princess, are you really planning to marry him?"

The eldest princess looked outside the door, her eyes calm: "No."

"But you just..."

Jinxiu couldn't help but speak, she clearly heard what the princess said herself.

As long as Prince Lin dares to marry, she will dare to marry!

Now that Prince Lin has dared to marry, wouldn't the princess...

The eldest princess did not speak, her brows furrowed slightly, and a cold look appeared on her beautiful and deserted face.

Jinxiu on the side was silent for a moment and said softly: "Princess, what you said just now, are you trying to make progress by retreating and force the prince to take the initiative to break off the engagement?"

The eldest princess lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Seeing this, Jinxiu sighed.

Sure enough.

The princess didn't want to get married, and the same was true for Prince Lin. But it would be extremely difficult to cancel the marriage between the two.

When the two met today, it was originally a game. The eldest princess is unwilling to get married, but she will never take the initiative to mention breaking off the engagement to His Majesty. The consequences will be too great.

Then, naturally, the blame can only be placed on Prince Lin.

But what I never expected was that His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, would not fall into the trap. Faced with Her Highness the Princess's desire to retreat in order to advance, he simply... flipped the table?

He actually said he wanted to marry a princess? !

"Now what?"

Jinxiu sighed softly: "Princess, is it possible that you really plan to marry..."

"Don't marry."

The eldest princess remained expressionless, looking out the door with cold eyes, and said calmly: "He is competing with me."

The game between the two is tumultuous, and whoever takes the initiative first loses!

Neither of them wants to get married, but they both say they are willing to get married. They just want to put pressure on the other and force the other to admit defeat first.

Lin Jiangnian knew it, and the eldest princess in front of him naturally knew it too.


Jinxiu couldn't help but said, "What if he comes for real?"

"Princess, didn't I tell you that your Royal Highness Prince Lin is a pervert? She has many beauties and confidantes around her. Your Royal Highness Princess, you are as beautiful as a flower and you have conquered the country. Now you have offered to marry him. If anything happens, Is he excited?"

The eldest princess was stunned for a moment, with a hint of solemnity in her eyes.

"He just bullied the slave and had evil intentions towards the slave... The last time the slave tested him, he was not polite at all. Moreover, he also said last time..."

Speaking of this, Jinxiu glanced at her princess secretly and whispered: "He also said that you, Princess, should learn how to have fun in bed... He also said that he would have sex with you every night, which clearly exposed him. For evil purposes..."

"What if he comes and really plans to marry you, the princess, back home... what?"

The room was still silent.

But there seemed to be a chill spreading across the air, vaguely accompanied by weak and rapid breathing.

The eldest princess, dressed in white like snow, was still sitting there, but her indifferent face seemed to be colder than the Ten Thousand Years Snow Peak.

The eyes looking out the door were extremely solemn.

After leaving the courtyard and walking out of the alley, Lin Jiangnian got on the carriage at the entrance of the alley.

"go back."

In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian sat there, the smile on his face gradually dissipating.

This eldest princess is really not very honest.

When we meet today, in addition to revealing our identities, we are here for the purpose of getting married between the two of us.

But it was obvious that the eldest princess was not stupid and even wanted to leave this mess to Lin Jiangnian. Lin Jiangnian was naturally not a vegetarian. Since the eldest princess wanted to pass the blame, he simply took advantage of her plan.

Dare she marry?

Does she really dare to marry?

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Let's see who can stay calm first.

Jiang Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion and found Lin Qingqing.

"Your Highness, what orders do you have from your subordinates?"

"How many men are left in my own army now?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"Your Highness, there are still more than 40 pro-army troops hiding in the capital, waiting to be dispatched at any time."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Go down and help me with something."

"Your Highness, please give me your instructions."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Send someone down to spread the news in the capital, saying that...this prince and His Royal Highness the eldest princess are in love with each other, and they are in love with each other. They plan to enter the palace to propose to Your Majesty some day..."

After hearing the news, Lin Qingqing was obviously stunned for a moment, and looked up at His Highness with some doubts: "Your Highness, is this...appropriate?"

"It doesn't matter, just do as I say...remember, you must spread the news. The truer the better!"


Although Lin Qingqing was puzzled, she still nodded and obeyed.

"Also, pull out all the betrothal gifts brought from Linzhou to make it look like the prince really wants to marry the princess, and..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly ordered several things for Lin Qingqing to handle.

Lin Qingqing was confused and didn't know what His Highness wanted to do.

Didn't His Highness come to the capital to marry Her Royal Highness the eldest princess?

Why bother?

However, Lin Qingqing didn't ask any questions and left in a hurry after receiving the order.

Lin Jiangnian stood there and remained calm.

Since the eldest princess wants to play with him, let's see who is in a hurry first?

It was natural and logical for Prince Lin to come to Beijing to marry the eldest princess. There was nothing wrong with Lin Jiangnian's move.

But for the eldest princess, this was undoubtedly putting her on the fire.

Once Lin Jiangnian enters the palace to meet the emperor, the marriage will be settled. At that time, it would be too late to regret it.

Then, it depends on whether she can keep her composure by then.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt happy and turned around to leave, but he caught a glimpse of a cold figure under the eaves.

The delicate face has no makeup, beautiful eyes full of aura, delicate facial features, snow-white skin, soft and delicate, cool and elegant.

The girl has creamy skin and is wrapped in a thick goose-yellow long skirt. She has a childish and cute look, but is also cold and lonely.

"Paper Kite?!"

Lin Jiangnian's face was filled with joy, and he quickly approached the girl. Looking at the girl's cold face, he habitually grabbed the snow-white catkins hidden under the girl's sleeves, wanting to hold them in his hands and play with them.

But just as he stretched out his hand, the girl in front of him took a step back and avoided it.

Lin Jiangnian moved his hands for a moment, with a look of confusion on his face. He raised his eyes and saw the girl in front of him staring at him, her eyes cold and indifferent.

But there seemed to be some emotion in his eyes.

This look was very familiar to Lin Jiangnian.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian was uneasy and quickly thought about whether he had offended or bullied her yesterday.


The girl still stared at him calmly, her eyes were a little colder, and she seemed to be questioning, her face was expressionless.

"You want to marry the princess?"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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