Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 254: Pretty tough mouth

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, looked into Zhiyuan's lonely eyes, and then realized something.

"Did you hear everything just now?"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, turned around and wanted to leave.


Lin Jiangnian quickly stepped forward and blocked her way. Looking at the girl's frosty face, he quickly explained: "You misunderstood..."

"It's not what you think."

The girl stopped, raised her eyes and stared at him coldly, without saying a word.

Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little funny. But he still suppressed his laughter and explained to Zhiyuan.

He told Zhiyuan about his meeting with the eldest princess today and the fight between him and the eldest princess.

Zhiyuan listened to Lin Jiangnian's explanation with a cold expression. That handsome face was filled with indifference and coldness. It wasn't until Lin Jiangnian told the whole story that he calmed down slightly.

"She wanted to use this to force me to break off the engagement to His Majesty and transfer the trouble to Prince Lin's Mansion. Naturally, I couldn't let her plan go as planned, so..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed, looking at the tight face of the girl in front of him, he realized that she must have misunderstood.

Indeed, anyone would misunderstand this...

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, then stared at him again, her lips trembled slightly, but she still didn't say a word.

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly, stepped forward and took the girl's weak, boneless hand.

Zhiyuan struggled for a while but couldn't get rid of it. She glared at him lightly, her tight little face still expressionless.

The girl's tiny palms are as smooth and delicate as delicate tofu, smooth as jade to the touch, and her fingers are green and flawless, with an excellent feel.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't put it down. He lowered his head to look at Zhiyuan's dreamy and delicate face, and chuckled, "Are you angry?"

The girl seemed a little unnatural and turned her cheek away slightly: "No."

What a tough talk.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the girl's lightly pursed red lips, his eyes burning.

It looks hard but feels soft.

"The reason I met her today was to break off the engagement. Since she wants to plot against me, I naturally can't do what she wants... But don't worry, since I promised you, I will never marry her."

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him, pursed her lips and said nothing.

"What? Don't believe it?"

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless and she looked away: "I don't believe it."

The cold tone seemed to have a hint of anger.

Lin Jiangnian straightened her twisted face and looked into her delicate and bright eyes: "Then what do you need to do to believe me?"

Zhiyuan glared at him slightly displeasedly, struggled to turn away, snorted coldly, and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian said softly: "Don't worry, she and I don't agree with this marriage. Even if I were willing, she wouldn't be willing..."

As soon as he said the words, he saw Zhiyuan staring at him coldly.

Lin Jiangnian quickly changed his words: "I definitely don't want to. The eldest princess looks as cold as ice. I feel cold when I see her. How can anyone like her?"

With the eldest princess's unfemale and less human temperament, it is indeed difficult for people to like her.

Zhiyuan said expressionlessly: "I'm cold too."

"You are different from her."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. The coldness on Zhiyuan's body was completely different from that of the eldest princess.

Zhiyuan just has a cooler temperament and is not good at socializing with others. Her coldness is just her habitual disguise. Underneath her cold appearance, she is still just an innocent teenage girl.

As for the eldest princess, she is more like a weapon without much emotion, unable to evoke any emotions at all.

Zhiyuan was silent, staring into his eyes. After a while, she suddenly said: "She is beautiful?"

"Not beautiful, very ugly!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke without any hesitation.


Zhiyuan said coldly.

"Really ugly, I kid you not... In my eyes, she is the ugliest woman in the world. She can't be compared to my little kite at all."

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, but she didn't know if Lin Jiangnian's words had an effect, and the coldness in her eyes faded a little.

Look away and be silent.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian struck while the iron was hot and gently put his arms around Zhiyuan's shoulders and pulled her into his arms.

Zhiyuan's delicate body was slightly startled, and she subconsciously wanted to retreat, but Lin Jiang forcefully pulled her into his arms and held her gently. His head was close to the green hair of the girl's neck, smelling the fragrance of the girl's hair.

Zhiyuan's face turned red, her eyes were panicked, and she struggled.

"Let it go, let it go."

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't let go, and even hugged him tighter.

"Yes, someone will see..."

The two of them were under the eaves of the courtyard. Such close contact in such a large area was a great challenge for Zhiyuan.

Her fair face was flushed, her expression was panicked, and she wanted to struggle to get away, but Lin Jiangnian took advantage of the situation and hugged her slender waist, hugged her tighter, and breathed softly into her ear.

"Don't worry, no one else dares to come in without my order."

Even so, Zhiyuan was still very uneasy. Such an intimate hug in public was really embarrassing and infuriating for her.

Just as he was about to continue struggling, Lin Jiangnian leaned back slightly and stared down at the girl's flawless face under the red face. Her apricot-like eyes were staring at her shyly and her red lips were glowing. Light.

"Let... um..."

Before the girl had a chance to say anything, everything was blocked back.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and kissed the girl's stubborn little mouth.

Being attacked again, the girl's delicate body trembled and suddenly tensed up.

Although he had not been raided once or twice, it had always been in the room before, and this was the first time in public.

The girl's frail and delicate body was stretched straight, her hands tightly holding Lin Jiangnian's clothes, extremely nervous.

When Lin Jiangnian let go of the girl in his arms, the girl was breathing rapidly, her face was pink, her whole body was numb, and she almost lay limply in Lin Jiangnian's arms, without any strength.

Breathing in the fresh air, Zhiyuan gradually came back to her senses. An unconcealable feeling of shame and anger suddenly surged into her heart. She struggled to get up and wanted to run away.

However, with quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Jiangnian pulled her into his arms again and sucked on her delicate face that could be broken by blows.

"Are you still angry?"

The girl's face turned red, and she was so embarrassed and angry that she almost lost her face in front of others. He turned his head away, not daring to look at Lin Jiangnian, and snorted stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, I won't bully you anymore."

Lin Jiangnian stopped by and saw that Zhiyuan looked ashamed and angry, so he didn't provoke her any more.

"Let, let me go..."

Zhiyuan's voice was trembling.

"If that doesn't work, let's hug again."


After a moment of tenderness and a friendly interaction with the girl in his arms, Lin Jiangnian let go of the kite.

Zhiyuan regained her freedom, immediately took two steps back, turned around, breathed quickly, and adjusted her clothes.

Even if you can't see it, you can still feel her mood swings at this time. Rapid breathing caused his chest to rise and fall, and Lin Jiangnian stood to the side, looming.

It wasn't until a long time later that he finally calmed down.

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward, came to Zhiyuan's side, and held her little hand again.

This time, Zhiyuan didn't even bother to struggle symbolically.

They had kissed each other and played with each other. Except for the last step, everything they should do and shouldn't have been done, so there was no need to struggle.

Zhiyuan, who was slightly giving up on herself, allowed Lin Jiangnian to play with her hand. Then she seemed to think of something and turned to look at him. Seeing Lin Jiangnian looking over, she quickly turned away.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiang asked in a young voice.

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, her lips moved slightly, but she still didn't say anything.

She wanted to ask him, what would he do if the eldest princess really planned to marry him?

Although it is indeed impossible, what if...

No one knew what the eldest princess was thinking or why she did what she did.

Zhiyuan wanted to ask, but in the end he couldn't.

This doesn't fit her character!

It was difficult for her to speak.

Finally, Zhiyuan took a deep breath and moved her gaze to the courtyard. After a while, he suddenly spoke.

"Do you remember Xu Lan?"

"Xu Lan?"

When Lin Jiangnian heard this name he hadn't seen for a long time, he looked at Zhiyuan beside him with some surprise: "What's wrong with her?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "She is also in the capital now, did you know?"


Lin Jiangnian hesitated and nodded. When Zhiyuan looked over, he added another explanation: "I just knew..."

"When I first arrived in the capital, I met a young man named Xu Zhongshan in a teahouse. I thought the name sounded familiar at the time, and then I met him at the Lu family wedding. After I came back, I asked Qingqing to check..."

After an investigation, Lin Jiangnian quickly found out everything.

Xu Zhongshan, the second young master of the Xu family and Xu Lan’s second brother!

The foundation of the Xu family is in Linzhou, but Mr. Xu works in Beijing. Apart from Xu Lan, only Xu Lan's father remains in Linzhou. As for her eldest and second brothers who had been in Beijing many years ago, Lin Jiangnian had never met them.

The Xu family is still somewhat famous in Beijing. After Lin Qingqing's investigation, she also brought back another news.

Xu Lan is coming to the capital!

When he learned the news, Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised.

Then why did Nizi come to the capital?

However, Lin Jiangnian had just gotten into trouble and had no time to deal with her. Plus, when he learned about the Xu family, he didn't take it to heart for the time being.

Now Zhiyuan suddenly mentioned it, which was a bit surprising.

"Why did you mention her so suddenly?"

Zhiyuan's eyes still fell on the courtyard, and her tone was calm: "I remember that you have a good relationship with her?"

"No, not good at all!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head decisively without any hesitation.

"I'm not familiar with her at all!"


Lin Jiangnian is very familiar with the desire to survive.

Although it was unclear why Zhiyuan suddenly mentioned Xu Lan, Lin Jiangnian quickly distanced himself from his relationship with Xu Lan.

However, he didn't lie either.

He and Xu Lan were not close friends, and apart from the dispute they had at Prince Lin's Mansion, the relationship between them was indeed not that good.

Zhiyuan looked back at Lin Jiangnian but said nothing.

But there was a hint of... scrutiny in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and pretended to be dumbfounded.

Zhiyuan retracted her gaze and said softly: "I haven't seen her for a while. If you have time, let her come and sit in the house."

Lin Jiangnian's expression was stunned, staring at Zhiyuan's face, a little unsure.

Let Xu Lan come and sit at your house?

Can these words be said from Zhiyuan's mouth?

When did her relationship with Xu Lan become so good?

If Lin Jiangnian remembered correctly, although the relationship between Xu Lan and Zhi Yuan was indeed good, it was not to the point where Zhi Yuan could personally invite her to his home, right?

Looking back carefully, when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion, Xu Lan and Zhi Yuan didn't have many interactions.

Seeming to see the suspicion in Lin Jiangnian's eyes, Zhiyuan fell silent for a moment and explained softly: "It's what my aunt meant."



Zhiyuan looked away and said calmly: "My aunt has a good relationship with her. Later, I didn't see her for many years after she left Prince Lin's Mansion..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, it made sense.

"That's okay."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "If I have time in the next two days, I will pay a visit to the Xu Mansion and ask her to come over and sit for a while."

I haven’t seen Na Nizi in half a year. I wonder how she is doing now. Why did she come to the capital all of a sudden?

However, when it comes to Xu Mansion, Lin Jiangnian is thoughtful.

Lin Hengzhong once mentioned it to him when he was at Prince Lin's Mansion. The Xu family, who are close friends with Prince Lin, seem to have other thoughts recently...

Hearing that Lin Jiangnian planned to visit the Xu Mansion, Zhiyuan hesitated to speak. When he saw Lin Jiangnian's thinking look, he quickly understood something and said nothing more.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the hospital.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Xiaozhu ran out of breath and ran into the yard. When he saw the two people under the eaves, he stopped in his tracks. When he saw Zhiyuan under the eaves, he subconsciously felt guilty: "Sister Zhiyuan, are you there too?"

Zhiyuan glanced at her, nodded lightly, and said nothing.

Xiaozhu's momentum suddenly weakened, and he was as submissive as a concubine meeting a grown-up woman's cowardice.

"Xiaozhu, why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu: "What's the matter?"

Xiaozhu then remembered the business and said quickly: "Your Highness, the guard outside the door came to report that someone wants to see Your Highness."

"see me?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Didn't I tell you that I won't see anyone?"

Ever since the news came out that Lin Jiangnian had arrived in the capital alive, countless people wanted to come to Jiang Mansion to see him, but they were all stopped outside the house.

After Zhou Huiguang's death, there was so much commotion in the capital. There were a lot fewer people visiting Lin Jiangnian, but it was not none.

"But, the other party said that he is an acquaintance of yours, Your Highness."

Xiaozhu gasped and said: "Also, I asked my slave to tell His Highness something, saying that Your Highness will definitely be willing to see her after hearing this."

"What's up?"

"The other party said... Your Highness still remembers the bet with her?" Xiaozhu repeated the story.

Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart at first.



When had he ever made a bet?

Can't you hold on after eating enough?

Just as he was about to shake his head, he was suddenly startled and vaguely seemed to remember something.

Wait, a bet?

Why does it sound familiar?

Thoughts swirled in his mind for a moment, and Lin Jiangnian quickly remembered something...

When I was in Prince Lin's Mansion, I had indeed made a bet with a certain young lady who didn't know the heights of the world.

What's the stakes?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu: "Is the other party a woman?"

"Probably...that's it."

Xiaozhu described the other party's attire, and then blinked: "Do you know His Highness?"

"Okay, let's invite her in."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

That's right, everything is correct.

It's really what I said.

After telling him to play, Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw an unkind gaze falling coldly on him.

Zhiyuan stared at him: "Woman?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..." (End of chapter)

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