Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 259 Fiancée’s Good Sister

When she realized what Lin Jiangnian meant by his understatement of "imported tea," the original smile on Miss Zhao's face finally couldn't hold back.

Her smile was stiff and she paused in place, her pretty face turned red, and her beautiful eyes were filled with shame and annoyance.

There was a moment of silence.


She put the tea back on the table.

With some force, the tea cup made a slight impact sound when it came into contact with the table.

She stood up and took two steps back, distanced herself, and stood there with her cheeks flushed and her eyes glaring at Lin Jiangnian. Under the tight-fitting dress, her towering breasts were rising and falling with rapid breathing, trembling.

The emotion at this moment was enough to show that her state of mind had changed greatly.

Lin Jiangnian still sat there motionless, glanced at Miss Zhao who was staring at him in shame, and chuckled: "What? Miss Zhao won't feed you anymore?"


Zhao Xi bit her silver teeth lightly and glared at him: "Dirty!"

She never expected that the guy in front of her would be so nasty and disgusting.

How could he say such disgusting words as...'imported tea' with a normal expression?

Even just thinking about it, Zhao Xi felt a little uncomfortable all over and it was hard to accept it.

Prince Lin, was he really so aggressive in bullying her?

Lin Jiangnian said casually: "Didn't Miss Zhao take the initiative to approach this prince? I haven't done anything yet. Why would Miss Zhao want to slander my prince?"

"What you just said was very obscene!"

"Where's the obscenity?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

Zhao Xi: "..."

She blushed and gritted her teeth, especially when Lin Jiangnian looked at her. Perhaps it was an illusion, but she always felt that the Prince Lin's eyes seemed to be lingering on her mouth.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt something strange that he couldn't describe, and his whole body seemed to feel vaguely hot...

Damn it!

"It seems that His Royal Highness has seen through the little girl's plan?"

Taking a deep breath, a smile returned to Zhao Xi's face. His delicate face was as smooth as grease, and his temperament was as elegant as water, but it also carried a somewhat unpredictable aura.

Lin Jiangnian looked confused: "Plot?"

"Did Miss Zhao use any strategy against this prince?"

"Why do you need to pretend to be stupid anymore, Your Highness?"

"What do you mean by Miss Zhao's words...Why can't this prince understand you?"

Seeing this guy in front of him still pretending to be stupid, Zhao Xi couldn't help but feel angry.

This guy's reaction just now was clearly intentional... and now he's pretending to be stupid with her?

She was angry in her heart, but the woman still had a beautiful smile on her face, and her bright eyes were lively and lively. "Didn't Your Highness realize that the little lady just used... a beauty trap?"

"Honey trap?"

Lin Jiangnian became more and more confused: "Is there any?"

Zhao Xi: "..."

Zhao Xi half-squinted his eyes: "In the eyes of His Royal Highness, the little girl is not good-looking?"

"That's not true!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and glanced at Zhao Xi in front of him.

This young lady from the Zhao family is considered top notch in both appearance and temperament. Especially the innate sense of coolness on his body is rare in the world.

"Miss Zhao's country is beautiful and fragrant, and she is worthy of the word beauty. However... I think that Miss Zhao should have misunderstood the beauty trap."


There seemed to be something shining in Zhao Xi's half-narrowed eyes: "Then according to His Highness, what can be considered a honey trap?"

Lin Jiangnian calmly explained: "The key to the beauty trap is the trap..."

While Zhao Xi was listening, he suddenly saw Lin Jiangnian was speechless.

"Then what?"

she asked.

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down, and then said casually: "Miss Zhao is not taking off her clothes, and she has no body or words to seduce her... How can she talk about a beauty trick?"

Zhao Xi: "..."

Visible to the naked eye, the fair and pretty face of this young lady from the Zhao family suddenly turned red, as beautiful as a cold plum in early winter.

His expression changed to one of astonishment, as if he had not expected this for a while.

"His Royal Highness, you want to see me take off my clothes?"

She gritted her silver teeth and questioned.

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "If you say you don't want to, Miss Zhao will definitely not believe it. But if you do, you will..."

After a pause, Lin Jiangnian continued: "If Miss Zhao is willing to show it to my son, I will naturally not refuse."


Although Zhao Xi has lived in a boudoir all year round, he is no stranger to matters in Beijing. She doesn't like to appear in public, but she just doesn't want to pay attention to those strange looks in the capital.

As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, she has received great attention since she was a child. Even as an adult, people seeking marriage have almost crossed the threshold of the Zhao family.

However, Zhao Xi didn't take a fancy to any of them.

Whether it is a well-matched young master, a dandy from a family with no knowledge or skills, or those young masters in the capital who claim to be talented. When they saw Zhao Xi, without exception, they would hide the burning gaze in their eyes, pretend to be sanctimonious, and talk.

Hypocritical and boring!

These children of aristocratic families, entrenched at the feet of the emperor and relying on the shade of their ancestors, are accustomed to the comfort zone of life. It looks stylish on the surface, but it’s actually unsightly.

But today, the frankness of Prince Lin in front of him caught Zhao Xi off guard.

Perhaps she never expected that a man of the opposite sex would openly admit that he wanted to see her take off her clothes in front of her.

Zhao Xi fell into a brief silence, doubting his life.

It was not until a long time later that she raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian again: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell the eldest princess about this?"

"Why did Miss Zhao tell the eldest princess?"

"Pianmiao and I are good sisters..."

Zhao Xi seemed to have found some point of counterattack, his eyes gradually brightened, and he stared at him: "Pianmiao is His Highness's fiancée, but His Highness wants to see his fiancée's good sister take off her clothes... Tell me, if this spreads..."

"My prince also wants to ask Miss Zhao a question!"

Lin Jiangnian interrupted her.


"As a good sister of the eldest princess, Miss Zhao secretly invited the eldest princess's fiancé into her boudoir and intended to use a beauty trap to seduce her good sister's fiancé. What is her purpose?"

"Ms. Zhao is not afraid that if this matter spreads out, what will the world think of Miss Zhao?"

The smile on Zhao Xi's face froze again.

The originally gentle and soft eyes became more and more angry.

She gritted her teeth: "Is this the reason why you want to see the eldest princess and your good sisters take off their clothes?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "When did I say I wanted to see it? Besides... Miss Zhao, you didn't take off your clothes either?"

"How about you take off your clothes first?"


Zhao Xi naturally didn't take off his clothes.

She was not a fool, so how could she really be taken advantage of by the Prince Lin in front of her?

But after a brief confrontation, she did lose this time.

Losing badly.

This also made her evaluation of this Prince Lin deeper in her heart.

"This man has a very thick-skinned personality, shameless words and deeds, but he is also as wise as a fool. He should not be underestimated..."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and saw that the young lady from the Zhao family had lost her previous look. She bit her lower lip lightly. There seemed to be a touch of embarrassment on her plain white cheeks. She stared at her like a bullied little daughter-in-law, and gently said Gritting his teeth, he didn't know what to think.

With this look, it seemed like Lin Jiangnian had really done something to her.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian did not provoke the young lady from the Zhao family any more. Although it is not clear what the purpose of this Miss Zhao family is, if she can make good friends with the Zhao family, it will be of great help to Lin Jiangnian in his affairs in Beijing.

His eyes moved away from her face, but inadvertently fell on the naked pair of legs under the plain white skirt, lightly stepping on the blanket.

Half of her snow-white and shapely calves were exposed outside the hem of the skirt, and a pair of delicate and small three-inch golden lotuses were shining brightly on the blanket.

The slender snow-white toes are crystal clear, as flawless as white pearls, and the green and small instep has perfect and elegant curves. There are also traces of invisible cyan on them, and the looming cyan blood vessels are like jade marks dotted in jade. .

Dazzling white.

Extremely tempting.

After Lin Jiangnian glanced at it for a few more times, he looked away again: "Miss Zhao, why did you invite me to come today?"

"Why do you ask, Your Highness, knowing everything you know?"

Zhao Xi also slowly put away the emotions on his face at this time, and his beautiful face gradually became serious, staring at Lin Jiangnian: "I wonder how your highness considered what happened last time?"

"Miss Zhao overestimates this prince."

"Your Highness still refuses and is unwilling to do this little girl's favor?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and sighed: "I would like to help, but I'm afraid I am powerless..."

Zhao Xi was silent for a moment, as if he had expected this result.

However, she still raised her eyes and looked at Lin Jiangnian again: "Can I ask His Highness a question?"

"Ms. Zhao, please ask."

"Your Highness..."

Zhao Xi paused, stared into his eyes, and asked word by word: "Are you still loyal to the Daning Dynasty?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly raised his head with a deep gaze: "Miss Zhao, what do you mean by this?"

However, Zhao Xi seemed not to notice the wariness in Lin Jiangnian's expression and said, "Your Highness, there is no need to worry. It is just my personal curiosity and has nothing to do with others or the Zhao family."

Lin Jiangnian said nothing.

Zhao Xi sighed softly: "There have long been rumors in the capital that Prince Lin is self-reliant with his troops in Linzhou and has great achievements, but he has long been interested in rebelling..."

"Although this matter is a rumor, over time, this rumor can confuse people's minds and confuse right and wrong... His Highness should be able to feel this when he comes to Beijing, right?"

Lin Jiangnian remained silent.

After entering the capital, he could indeed feel that most people in the capital were not friendly or even hostile to him, the Prince Lin.

"In everyone's eyes, Prince Lin has long been a rebellious minister, and you are the son of a rebellious minister. Naturally, they are hostile and hateful towards you..."

"In fact, many people in the court speculated that His Highness's visit to Beijing was a delaying strategy by Prince Lin. On the surface, His Highness went to Beijing to marry the eldest princess, but in fact, he concealed the truth and covered up the rebellion plan..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What about Miss Zhao?"

"Do you think so as they do?"

Zhao Xisu gently supported her chin with her hand, leaned forward slightly, and moved closer to Lin Jiangnian. Her eyes were fixed on Lin Jiangnian's face without blinking. After a moment, she shook her head gently: "I think, Your Highness Will not rebel."

"How can I see it?"


Zhao Xi said.

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Intuition may not be accurate."

"That's true."

Zhao Xi nodded lightly, and his beautiful eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian's face again. He paused and chuckled: "However, I believe in Your Highness."



Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes were as silk as she stared at Lin Jiangnian's handsome face without blinking: "Your Highness, is he good-looking?"



"If King Lin really had rebellious intentions, he would have established himself as king when he destroyed the southern kingdoms more than ten years ago. Why wait until today?"

"Prince Lin was so powerful back then that he made outstanding military achievements in wiping out more than a dozen countries in southern Xinjiang, and the people's support... Why wait until the world is at peace now to gain the reputation of a rebel?"

The quiet room was filled with warm fragrance.

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced at the beautiful face in front of him.

Slender willow eyebrows, dark and clear pupils, a straight bridge of the nose, soft, full and delicate lips, graceful and smooth cheeks, and a flawlessly pink face, all perfectly integrated into the same pure and refined face. Beauty on.

She was also looking at Lin Jiangnian, seemingly smiling.

Lin Jiangnian was silent and then said: "It's a very simple truth, but they don't believe it."

Zhao Xi chuckled: "It's not necessarily that I don't believe it, it's just that... for them, there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Linzhou in the hands of your Lin family, and they never sleep peacefully."

Lin Jiangnian said nothing.

"Your Highness hasn't answered my question yet?"

Zhao Xi's eyebrows were filled with a smile: "Then, Your Highness, are you still loyal to the Daning Dynasty?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Don't you already know the answer?"

"I want to hear it from His Highness's own mouth."

"Your father asked?"

Zhao Xi shook his head gently: "It has nothing to do with my father. I want to ask myself. Of course... I also asked the good sister who helped me."

At this point, she paused: "Of course, it doesn't matter if His Highness doesn't want to say anything."

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and said: "There is nothing that cannot be said... Since I am a subject of the Daning Dynasty, I should be loyal to the dynasty!"

"But what if the court doesn't believe it?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and glanced at her, and said calmly: "As long as the imperial court does not reduce the vassal status, this prince will be a citizen of Daning."

Zhao Xi was silent and thoughtful.

As long as the feudal vassal is not reduced, he will be a citizen of Daning.

If the imperial court cuts down the vassals...

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi sighed: "Does Your Highness know which officials in the court are in favor of reducing the vassal status?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "Miss Zhao, do you know?"

"Above the court, there have always been conservatives and radicals on whether to reduce the vassal state. The conservatives are worried that the imperial power will decline and the world will be in chaos, so it is imperative to reduce the vassal state. As for the radicals, they think the conservatives are too conservative. Already..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "So, all civil and military officials in the dynasty agreed to reduce the vassal status?"

"That's not true."

Zhao Xi shook his head gently: "The trend of reducing vassal status has been prevalent in the court for a long time. Even if there are those who disagree, they dare not speak lightly. If you are not careful, you will be accused of being a member of the Lin family."

Having said this, Zhao Xi glanced at him again: "My father actually does not agree with the reduction of vassalage."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.

As the elder of the three dynasties, Prime Minister Zhao had a very high status in the court. He has not taken a stand on the controversy over vassal reduction. But in everyone's eyes, this Zhao relative was loyal to the court and should have agreed to reduce the vassal status.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xi said that Prime Minister Zhao did not agree with the reduction of vassalage?

Is it true or false?

What is her purpose in talking about this?

"My father sees it more clearly than they do. The Daning Dynasty has only had a few good years now? It's hard to recuperate and recuperate. If we cut the vassalage at this juncture, it is very likely that the world will be in chaos if we are not careful..."

Zhao Xi sighed: "My father doesn't want to see this happen, but there is a lot of momentum in the imperial court to cut down the vassalage. Especially the issue of cutting down the vassalage was mentioned by His Highness the Crown Prince. His Royal Highness is the Crown Prince and the future emperor. He proposed Who dares to oppose the reduction of vassal status?"

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't speak, Zhao Xi seemed to have noticed something. His tone suddenly changed and became a little softer: "In addition to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, there is another person who strongly supports the reduction of vassalage. Even you and the eldest princess He was the one who tried his best to broker the engagement, do you know who it was?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly. He only knew that the marriage contract with the eldest princess was an agreement reached between the emperor and Prince Lin. He did not know that there were unknown details in it.


"Chen Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her suspiciously.

Zhao Xiqi raised her head slightly, her pretty face was full, and under her curved eyelashes, her eyes were like the ripples of clear spring water under the moon. She smiled and explained: "He is your majesty's favorite, and he is favored by the emperor. Can you and the eldest princess's marriage contract be finalized back then?" Your Majesty, it is inevitable that he will turn a deaf ear to His Majesty."

"Why would he do this?"

"Actually, I'm quite curious about this..."

Zhao Xi sighed: "As the crown prince, it is reasonable for His Royal Highness to want to reduce the vassal status. But Chen Zhao is just a eunuch in the palace, but he also agrees with the reduction of the vassal status. It is very unusual..."

Now in the palace, since the emperor ignored the government affairs, the imperial power factions were divided into three, headed by His Highness the Crown Prince. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince took the lead in reducing the vassal status, and with Chen Zhao's strong support, the voice in the court was almost one-sided.

"This person is indeed not a simple person. I checked his origins and found out that he entered the palace at the age of fifteen, and nothing was found about his life experience before entering the palace..."

"Since he took charge of Mitiansi, he has secretly cultivated his own power and done some shameful things. I have always suspected that the things he did secretly must be connected with the Daning Dynasty and your Prince Lin's Palace. …”

"Otherwise, he would not have strongly approved of His Majesty marrying the eldest princess to you. There must be some ulterior motive in this..."

But soon, Zhao Xi frowned and said to himself: "But in the final analysis, he is just a eunuch. Now that he is loved by the emperor and has power over the government, what's the point of doing these things again?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "No one would think that they have less power in their hands."

"But hasn't he already..."

When Zhao Xi said this, he was startled and looked up at Lin Jiangnian: "Is he a eunuch?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer, but suddenly asked: "What is his relationship with the prince?"

Zhao Xi was startled, and then his expression changed slightly.

"His relationship with His Highness the Crown Prince is not very good. Earlier, he was still..."

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi's face gradually became serious.

In the early days, there was indeed discord between His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Chen Zhao, and there were even quite a few conflicts.

Hearing Lin Jiangnian's words at this time, an idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Could it be that His Highness the Crown Prince's illness some time ago...had something to do with him?!"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing. It was unclear whether His Royal Highness's illness had something to do with the old eunuch. But it is certain that there must be an open and covert fight between the two.

Zhao Xi thought for a long time, and when he raised his eyes again, he looked at Lin Jiangnian with a strange look: "Do you know something?"



Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian, his beautiful eyes sparkling, "You must know something, right?"


"Then how can you be sure that Chen Zhao has the intention to rebel?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and denied: "I never said that."

Zhao Xi: "..."

This guy really didn't say that.

But he had clearly hinted just now...

Chen Zhao was a eunuch, and all the power in his hands came from the favor of the emperor. Once the emperor dies and His Highness the Crown Prince succeeds to the throne, his good days will inevitably come to an end.

In this case, Chen Zhao must have been prepared.

So, what is his purpose?



The guy in front of him was indifferent, but Zhao Xi could sense that he must know something.

Zhao Xi stared at him, as if trying to read something from his face: "Do you know Chen Zhao's secret?"

"Not sure."

"Then why aren't you willing to help me kill him?"

"I don't have that ability!"

"You have!"

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth: "The old eunuch Chen Zhao caused trouble in the court, murdered loyal ministers, and committed heinous crimes... Some time ago, Xu Zheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, was captured and imprisoned on trumped-up charges, and his entire family was executed..."

"Master Xu has been an official for three generations, loyal to the imperial court, and served as a minister of the Sixth Ministry, but he ended up like this... Such a scourge to the imperial court, do you think he should die?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement: "You deserve to die."

"Then are you willing to help me kill him and eliminate the harm to the court?"

"I don't have that ability."


Zhao Xi said nothing, staring at him with a pair of apricot eyes, resentful and angry.

Lin Jiangnian looked away and stopped looking at Zhao Xi. Inadvertently, his eyes fell on the other party's exposed, snow-white, slender feet.

The snowy and slender calves are delicate and delicate, and the slender feet are as smooth as jade, soft as fat, delicate and smooth.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Does it look good?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded subconsciously.

"Want to touch?"

Lin Jiangnian paused, raised his eyes, and saw a pair of slightly shy eyes glaring at him. His dark eyebrows were curved and his eyes were as charming as silk. He bit his red lips gently as if he had made up his mind.

"You help me kill Chen Zhao, and I will let you touch..."


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