Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 260 Zhao Xi’s compensation

In the center of the room, the fire was burning brightly, blocking the cold winter wind outside the window. The warmth mixed with the woman's faint rouge fragrance spread in the room.

The atmosphere is dull, surrounded by warmth, and there is a strange sense of comfort.

The elegant decoration in the entire room brings a somewhat graceful and gorgeous artistic conception. In front of the table, Zhao Xi, who was wearing a plain white dress, was staring at Lin Jiangnian without blinking.

The thin dress is close to the body, the looming side curves, the beautiful face, especially the eyes that seem to have a spring-like shyness, with a bit of resentment, a bit of uneasiness, and a bit of nervousness, like a young girl in her spring. He was cautious and testing as if he were meeting his sweetheart.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it and felt his heartbeat slow down for some reason.

He looked away without leaving any trace: "What does Miss Zhao mean by this? I don't understand."

"Don't you want to touch it, Your Highness?"

The voice was soft and somewhat teasing, making people feel numb all over.

At the same time, Zhao Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian. He seemed to be thinking and hesitated for a moment, then he gently raised his bare hands and landed on the white skirt, gently lifting the hem of the skirt up slightly.

Hidden under the hem of the skirt, a pair of slender legs, as white as snow, were completely exposed to the air. They were as slender and straight as condensed white jade, and their skin was as white as white as jade bamboo shoots.

Lin Jiangnian's gaze that had just been turned away was unconsciously attracted by the scene in front of him.

After taking a closer look, he realized what he was doing, raised his eyes, and met a pair of shy eyes.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with autumn water, as if she were angry and a little complicated, and there were a few blushes on her fair and delicate face. Zhao Xi bit her lower lip lightly, her thin red lips seemed to be dotted with rouge, and she stared at him unblinkingly.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian felt as if something stirred in his heart.

The after-effects of today's practice are vaguely lingering.

"Miss Zhao... calm down!"

Perhaps it was because the temperature in the room was too high and the air was too dry. Lin Jiangnian's voice was a little hoarse: "My prince... is a gentleman!"

"Then, Your Highness, do you want to touch it?"

The voice became softer and softer, even with a hint of deliberate seduction.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head with difficulty, but the corner of his eye inadvertently fell on those exposed, snow-white, slender legs.

In this warm women's boudoir, a stunning woman with excellent temperament and stunning appearance lifts up her skirt, her eyes are as charming as silk, and she wants to refuse but welcomes you. This scene will never be forgotten!

Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath: "Can you try another way?"


"that is……"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and asked tentatively: "I don't need to kill Chen Zhao to touch him enough?"


The room seemed to suddenly fall into dead silence.

The expression on Zhao Xi's face seemed to suddenly freeze, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, do you want to get something for nothing?"

"Miss Zhao can also understand this."


"Your Highness, do you think it's possible?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Miss Zhao won't agree?"


Zhao Xi gritted his silver teeth, feeling extremely angry and feeling a deep sense of shame in his heart. She was already like this, and Prince Lin still wanted to... prostitute her for nothing?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on her body inadvertently. Suddenly, a strange feeling emerged from underneath him, and a layer of chicken skin appeared on the white legs exposed to the air, as if he was being played with by the guy in front of him, and he subconsciously shrank back.

Zhao Xi's breath tightened, and he quickly let go of his hand. The hem of his skirt slid down, covering his snow-white calves.

As if that wasn't enough, he stood up and picked up a coat from the soft couch, draped it on his lower body, completely covering those snow-white jade feet, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian with an angry look.

Lin Jiangnian looked back with regret, then looked at Miss Zhao, who was glaring at him with a face full of shame and anger, and sighed deeply: "Can I ask another question?"

Zhao Xi said nothing, clenching his silver teeth and staring at him.

"Why is Miss Zhao so determined to kill Chen Zhao, even at the expense of..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and considered his words: "Are you wronging yourself?"

"Chen Zhao relied on the emperor's favor to disrupt the imperial court, confuse right and wrong, and stir up the chaos in the Daning Dynasty. I don't know how many innocent people were harmed by him. Shouldn't he be killed?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "It is true that he should be killed."

From ancient times to the present, there have been few good people who have caused trouble to the castrated dogs in the court.

After all, he really deserves to be killed.

"But this doesn't have much to do with Miss Zhao, does it?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhao Xi, who was sitting on the soft couch, and shook his head gently: "Chen Zhao's crime is so heinous that someone will deal with him. Why should Miss Zhao be so concerned?"

There are conflicts and discord between Prime Minister Zhao and Chen Zhao. As the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, it is understandable that Zhao Xi wants to help her father eliminate the powerful enemies in the court.

But Zhao Xi's reaction seemed to be more than just that?

"Who can deal with him?"

Zhao Xi sneered: "Nearly half of the officials in the court have become his minions. The only one who can compete with him in the court is His Highness the Crown Prince, but His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill some time ago..."

"Although my father tried his best to support the affairs of the court, he was ultimately outnumbered and unable to buck the trend... The Xu family is a lesson learned from the past."

When mentioning the Xu family, one could clearly detect a tremor in Zhao Xi's tone.

"Xu family?"

Lin Jiangnian was no stranger to it. He had heard about it when he arrived in Zhongzhou.

Xu Zheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, was executed by his entire family for treason.

The dignified Minister of the Sixth Ministry, who said his home was ransacked, was enough to show that something unimaginable might have happened behind the scenes.

When Zhao Xi raised his eyes, a circle of red appeared in his eyes at some point, and his tone became a bit sadder, as if he was suppressing a trace of anger: "Master Xu was loyal to the court and devoted himself to the imperial court. But he was slandered by that castrated dog for treason. The whole family was imprisoned and executed..."

Mentioning this matter, Zhao Xi's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "My Zhao family and Xu family have been on good terms for many years. Mr. Xu is an upright official, and there is absolutely no possibility of rebellion... But that old eunuch But the dog didn't care at all. Just because Mr. Xu repeatedly opposed him in court, he was framed and imprisoned..."

"My father just received the news, and before he could think of a way to rescue him, Mr. Xu committed suicide in prison..."

When he said this, Zhao Xi's eyes were cold, and there was a somewhat sarcastic sneer on his face.

What a man who commits suicide in fear of crime!

The person died, and all the charges were pinned on the Xu family, without giving them a chance to stand up. The entire Xu family was beaten into a family of criminals.

"Master Xu is dead, and the Xu family is finished. I secretly sent people to hide the few wives and concubines of the Xu family who escaped from the disaster as well as the only blood daughter in the city in advance. I wanted to wait for the limelight to pass and send them away from the capital to save the Xu family. The only bloodline..."

Mentioning this, Zhao Xi's eyes were cold, and his frosty eyes were a bit colder than the ice in winter.

There was a permeating hatred all over her body.

"But the old castrated dog was driven to death... Just a few days ago, I secretly sent someone to send them out of the city, but they were ambushed and chased. The Xu family members all died tragically under the Mi Tiansi sword, and no one survived... …”

Zhao Xi's eyes were filled with crystal tears, and his voice was trembling with a hint of coldness. He gritted his teeth and said, "They killed them all, even little girls of a few years old..."

"Do you think he should die?"

Zhao Xi suddenly raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at the young lady from the Zhao family in front of him. She was very emotional at the moment, and her sad and desolate eyes filled with hatred made Lin Jiangnian inexplicably familiar.

He suddenly remembered the paper kite.

Isn't Zhiyuan's experience just like the orphan of the Xu family described by Zhao Xi?

It's just that Zhiyuan mother and daughter were rescued by Princess Lin, and more than ten years later, they had a chance to take revenge.

The orphan of the Xu family was obviously not so lucky.

Lin Jiangnian nodded silently: "He indeed deserves to die."

"But, I can't do it."

Zhao Xi lowered his eyes, curled up on the soft couch, hugged his legs, and said with absent-minded eyes: "The old castrated dog has lived in the palace all year round and is extremely vigilant. He is very aware of the relationship between my Zhao family and the Xu family, so he is particularly wary. No matter what, Give any chance..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xi's tone was very low.

Lin Jiangnian heard it and said nothing.

Sympathy is sympathy, but he will not make irrational decisions rashly because of sympathy.

The chivalrous act of being a chivalrous person and drawing a sword to help when there is injustice is suitable for the heroine Shen.

Lin Jiangnian is not suitable!

The room suddenly became quiet.

Zhao Xi didn't speak any more and just curled up on the soft couch. Her sad expression and red eyes gave her a more pitiful temperament.

She was silent for a long time, then raised her head to look at Lin Jiangnian, and said slowly: "I do want to use you to get rid of him, but on the other hand, he is also a hidden danger to the Lin family. Getting rid of him will be a big deal for the Lin family." This is definitely a good thing for your Lin family..."

"For us, this can be considered a win-win situation...right?"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly: "Not participating in government affairs is a good thing for the Lin family."

Zhao Xi fell silent.

She understood the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words.

Yes, the more chaotic the Daning court is, the more beneficial it is to a vassal king like the Lin family. There is really no need for him to get involved.

Protecting oneself wisely and sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight is the most important thing for him, the son of a feudal lord, to do.


Just when Zhao Xi's eyes darkened completely and he thought there was no chance of improvement, he heard Lin Jiangnian's tone change again.

"If you can give me the conditions I want, I may consider making an exception."

Hearing this, Zhao Xi froze in place. The next second, his eyes suddenly lit up: "What, what conditions?!"


inside the room.

There was silence.

Lin Jiangnian has left, and Zhao Xi is still curled up on the soft couch, his eyes blank, thinking about something.

The originally dim eyes seemed to have regained some color.

Be agile again.

I don’t know how long it took, but footsteps suddenly came from behind the screen.

A cold figure appeared quietly in the room, holding a sword in both hands, looking at the door expressionlessly, and then landed on Zhao Xi.

There was a moment of silence.

"Are you really going to promise him?"

Zhao Xi slowly raised his eyes and looked at the woman with unparalleled temperament in front of him: "Why are you avoiding him?"

Qing Leng Qianying's expression remained unchanged: "Since when have I been avoiding him?"

"You knew he was coming, so why didn't you come down to see him? Instead, you hid upstairs and eavesdropped. Then you showed up again after he left... What else is it if you're not hiding from him?"

The eldest princess said expressionlessly: "I don't want to see him."

"Then we should still hide?"

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi raised his eyes to meet hers, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Why, how do you feel about listening to me seducing your fiancé upstairs?"

The eldest princess' expression remained cold and calm.

No words were spoken.

"Unexpectedly, the dignified princess turns out to be a woman who likes to listen to her fiancé..."

Zhao Xi clicked his tongue twice and sighed again.

"Unfortunately, I still underestimated him a little. I thought that by hooking my fingers, I could make him fall under my skirt..."

The eldest princess still didn't respond. She glanced at Zhao Xi who was lying on the soft couch. As the coat on her legs slipped off, her half-exposed snow-white legs were exposed to the air again, intertwined lazily and stunningly beautiful.

"Maybe you can try stripping off next time."

The voice was cold and cold.

Zhao Xi was startled and looked at her unexpectedly: "Are you angry?"

"Why am I angry?"

"Am I seducing your fiancé?"

Zhao Xi looked at her: "You asked me to strip naked...are you afraid that I will really seduce him away?"

The eldest princess said expressionlessly: "If you like it, just take it."

"Just look at his handsome face, who wouldn't like it?"

Zhao Xi looked at her: "Are you really not tempted at all?"

The eldest princess was silent.

"If one day I really seduce him away... don't regret it then, don't cry and beg me?"

The eldest princess responded with a cold look, "Just don't get yourself involved."

"No way."

Zhao Xi shook his head, a slight blush appeared on his delicate face, and he pursed his lips.

"If he can help me kill Chen Zhao, I don't mind being taken advantage of by him, as he wishes... But if he wants to take advantage of me, it's absolutely impossible!"

The eldest princess was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Are you really going to get involved with the Lin family?"

Zhao Xi did not deny it and nodded: "He wants to see my father, not just because he wants to use the power of the Zhao family to help the Lin family gain greater support in the court!"

The eldest princess stared at her: "Do you know what the consequences of this will be?"

"Everyone gets what he needs..."

Zhao Xi said: "With the current situation in the DPRK, is there any better choice than this?"

The eldest princess was silent.

"The tragedy of the Xu family is the biggest lesson. He is so heartless and crazy that he even dares to slander and murder the Minister of War. Is there anything else that he dare not do?"

Zhao Xi's tone was slightly cold: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ill. Now the only person in the court who can compete with him is my father..."

"I'm afraid the next one he has to deal with is my Zhao family!"

The eldest princess looked at her quietly and remained silent for a long time before speaking: "I can help you kill him."

The voice was calm and without any emotion.

However, Zhao Xi shook his head: "You can't."

She raised her eyes and looked at the eldest princess: "You are the eldest princess of the day. You represent not only yourself, but also your father, His Royal Highness, and the entire royal family..."

"Because of this, even if you can kill him, it will inevitably cause panic among the ministers in the court, and in turn cause the entire court officials to be wary of your Li family's imperial power... Over the years, Chen Zhao has ruled the court with one hand. Who is behind him? There is no way of knowing how many official families support him..."

There are too many dependent forces behind Chen Zhao. The eldest princess represents the royal emperor. Even she cannot do as she pleases. Once she acts rashly, the officials and families behind Chen Zhao will never sit still and wait for death. Then the trouble in the court will probably begin. It will be trickier.

"When the time comes... you will no longer have a foothold in the capital. They will regard you as the biggest threat and will do everything possible to eradicate you... Even if you are the eldest princess, they will never allow you to do this." Aliens exist..."

The eldest princess stood there, gently stroking the scabbard in her hand with her left hand, looking carelessly: "I don't care."

"But I care."

Zhao Xi looked at her, was silent for a moment, and said, "You are my only and best friend in Beijing... I don't want anything to happen to you."

The eldest princess seemed stunned for a moment and glanced at her: "I won't have any accidents."

"That's not OK!"

Zhao Xi still refused: "The purpose of eradicating Chen Zhao is to avenge those innocent people who died in vain, and also to stabilize the court and let the people of Daning live a stable life... My father has worked hard for this all his life, and he doesn't want his hard work to be ruined in one day. .”

The eldest princess was silent for a long time before saying, "Can he do it?"

"He's the perfect fit."

"You're putting him to death."

The eldest princess's eyes narrowed: "With his martial arts, he entered the palace and escaped death."

No one knew Lin Jiangnian's strength better than her. Even if he entered the palace and killed Chen Zhao, it would be difficult for him to come out alive.

"Not that serious."

Zhao Xi said: "After all, he is Prince Lin's eldest son, and his identity is enough to make those in the palace afraid... As long as Chen Zhao dies, the dust will settle. As for how he will get out of the palace..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xi paused for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I know you won't stand idly by when the time comes, right?"

The eldest princess stared at her for a long time, a complicated look flashed in her eyes: "Have you settled everything already?"

"Not really."

The eldest princess was silent for a moment and said: "If he agrees to you, you will owe him a huge favor."


Zhao Xi chuckled, and then sighed quietly: "So, don't I plan to compensate him for myself?"

The eldest princess said nothing and stared at her.

"What? You can't bear it?"

A smile appeared on Zhao Xi's beautiful face.

The eldest princess stared at her for a long time, and finally said "Whatever you want" expressionlessly, turned and walked towards the door.

Zhao Xi was still lying on the fragrant and soft couch, with a lazy expression, her beautiful eyes staring blankly at the door, a pair of jade legs circling, looming under the cover of her skirt.

The beauty lies on the bed, the beauty is alluring.

She watched the eldest princess's leaving figure until she disappeared.


She muttered to herself, her soft voice echoing in the room.

at dusk.

It's getting late.

Since the beginning of winter, the sky has gradually darkened earlier and earlier.

The capital, outside the city.

On the endless official road, the cold wind swept over the sky and swept the heaven and earth.

The merchants and travelers who passed by, the escorts and knights who traveled north and south all wrapped up their clothes tightly, cursing and cursing that the winter weather was getting colder and it was impossible to survive this day.

Outside the official road, ten miles to the west, there is a small town. The town is inconspicuous, with only twos and threes of pedestrians passing through.

On the east side of the town, there is an old house that is not eye-catching.

As night fell, a figure appeared quietly outside the house.

It was getting dark, and this thin red dress was particularly dazzling. Her long hair, scattered with thousands of green silk threads, flutters in the wind, and her unparalleled elegance floats out of the dust again.

The eyes are like water, the skin is like snow, and the slender eyebrows are elegant and otherworldly that cannot be blended with the best ink and rosin. The eyes are full of autumn water, which is the elegance and beauty that can only be seen in thousands of mountains and ice lakes.

And that fiery red dress added a different kind of temperament to this cold and dusty scene.

She quietly opened the door of the mansion and stepped in slowly.

The courtyard was dark and the surroundings were silent.

It wasn't until he stepped into the courtyard that the sound of howling wind suddenly came from all around.

Then, several figures silently landed beside him.


There was a bit of awe and a bit of surprise in his voice.

"Why are you here?!"

Liu Su glanced at them coldly, with her hands behind her back, her expression cold and arrogant, and her tone neither cold nor indifferent.

"I want to see the leader!"


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