Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 261 Leader of the Celestial Cult

The night falls slightly.

In the courtyard, the cold wind blew.

Four black shadows appeared silently and fell around the woman in red dress, surrounding her.

The body is wrapped in a dark robe, and the body of the robe is embroidered with strange patterns, similar to ancient text patterns, giving people a depressing and heavy atmosphere.

All four of them had their faces covered with black cloth and were shrouded in black robes. Their appearance could not be clearly seen. They only revealed a pair of dark eyes, looking at the woman in red in the courtyard.

"Holy girl, the leader has given instructions. No one is allowed to come to see you without being summoned!"

Liu Su, dressed in red, stood in the courtyard, the cold wind blowing her hair, and her cold eyes glanced over several people, "This saint has something important to report to the leader!"

One of the men in black robes said in a low voice, "No one is allowed to see the leader without the order of the leader. This is the rule!"

Liu Su said coldly: "You want to stop me?"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings tightened in vain.

The four people present instantly felt a sharp aura coming towards them. Their expressions changed and they used their skills to resist.

Saint, is it possible that you want to force your way in? !

"Holy girl, are you... trying to disobey the leader's order?!"

There was a bit more unfriendliness in the deep voice.

Liu Su didn't speak, just stared coldly at the black-robed figure in front of him.

Her long skirt fluttered as she stepped forward.

"call out!"

All around, the sound of swords being unsheathed was heard.

It's freezing!

Murderous intent permeated the air.

"Holy girl, don't make me wait!"

Liu Su ignored him and continued to move forward.

Her black hair was fluttering, her beautiful and cold face was devoid of any emotion, and her red dress was like the evil spirit in the middle of the night, causing the expressions of the four guardians present to change suddenly.

The atmosphere is tense and the most tense moment has been reached!

At this moment, a dull voice came from behind the courtyard: "The leader has an order, and the saint has invited you."

As soon as these words came out, the four tense guardians around them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief as if they were relieved.

The saint in front of them has not been seen for a long time, which puts even more pressure on them!

In the Tianshen Sect, apart from the leader, this saint's martial arts is the most unfathomable. Now that we haven't seen each other for more than half a year, this saint's strength seems to have improved even more...

Everyone's eyes were complicated and their thoughts were uncertain.

The saint's martial arts are getting stronger, which is not good or bad for the Celestial Sect...

"Saint, please!"

The black-robed protector in front of him made way.

Liu Su remained silent and raised her eyes to look behind the courtyard. After a moment, step inside.

In the backyard, there is a bottomless underground chamber.

After passing through the dark and quiet secret room, we came to the depths of the secret room.

This place is the main altar of Tianshen Sect in Beijing.

It is also the place where the leader of Tianshen Sect retreats.

At this moment, in the dim secret room, lights were burning in the niches, and several statues of gods were placed deep in the secret room. The statue was also dim and seemed to be enveloped in some ancient and dilapidated atmosphere, which was extremely strange.

In front of the statue, sandalwood curled up and enveloped the entire closed chamber.

Liu Su stopped and looked at the statues in front of him without saying a word.

This is the belief enshrined by the Tenjin Sect. It is rumored that several gods founded the Tenjin Sect, and it is also the foundation for the development of followers of the Tenjin Sect over the years.


Liu Su's eyes were cold.

As a saint from the Celestial Sect, she never believed in these things.

Belief in this thing is mostly a strategy to fool people.

She moved her eyes coldly away from these statues and landed in front of the altar, her cold eyes gradually becoming serious.

In front of the altar of the statue, a strange figure was kneeling in front of the statue with his back to her.

He was tall and tall, and his whole body was covered in a loose black robe.

After just one glance, a trace of deep fear appeared in Liu Su's eyes.

But soon, she quickly restrained all her emotions, lowered her eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Master!"

The cold voice did not wait for a response.

Liu Su did not continue to speak.

The secret room was so silent.

It wasn't until a long time that the black-robed man who was kneeling in front of the altar of the statue finally stood up slowly and inserted the incense in his hand into the altar.

Turning around, he looked at Liu Su not far behind him.

The ink-like black robe enveloped this person. Wearing a ferocious cyan mask on his face, he looked extremely penetrating. Hun's body was tightly wrapped, with only a pair of cold eyes revealed from the bronze mask.

This person is the mysterious leader of the Tianshen Sect!

No one knows his origins, and no one has seen his true appearance.

From the time Liu Su could remember, the leader seemed to have always looked like this. No one can really get close to him, and no one knows his true identity.

Extremely mysterious!

Inside the bronze mask, the cold eyes stared at Liu Su for a long time, and then he said in a deep voice: "The Saint has something to do with me?"

The voice was low and a bit hoarse, which made people uncomfortable to listen to.

Liu Su lowered her eyes and said calmly: "The great elder was killed in Yanzhou!"

After hearing the news, the leader in front of him did not react as violently as he expected. His expression remained unchanged and his tone remained low: "How did you die?"

Liu Su raised her eyes and glanced at him, then said calmly: "After the Linzhou plan failed, the leader ordered the great elder and me to go to Xunyang City to eradicate the Wang family..."

"On the way back to the capital, the great elder met Prince Lin. In order to recover the losses caused by the failure of the Linzhou plan, the great elder decided to take risks, but he did not expect to fall into a trap..."

"The Great Elder and several disciples around him all died tragically at the hands of the Crown Prince, and no one survived!"

Liu Su explained calmly, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

In the secret room, the leader was silent and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, he took a deep look at Liu Su: "Did the Great Elder really die at the hands of Prince Lin?"

Liu Su's heart skipped a beat, but she remained calm and said calmly: "Yes!"

The leader didn't speak.

Liu Su didn't speak again.

The death of the great elder was a big blow to their Celestial Sect. With the death of the great elder, the forces in the religion were in chaos, and the remaining elders began to fight for power, eating away at the great elder's previous power.

Coupled with the failure of the Linzhou plan and the revenge of the Linwang Mansion some time ago, the Tianshen Sect suffered heavy losses.

Regarding the death of the great elder, Liu Su had already expected that the leader would definitely doubt her.

However, she wasn't worried.

There was almost no lie in everything Liu Su said.

The Great Elder did indeed assassinate Prince Lin Wang, and he did fall into the trap and was seriously injured. The only thing Liu Su concealed was the fact that she killed the great elder with her own hands.

However, no one will know this.

The death of the great elder was naturally blamed on Prince Lin.

After a long silence in the secret room, the leader's voice was heard again.

"Why did the Linzhou Plan fail?"

Liu Su said silently: "My subordinates underestimated Lin Hengzhong's strength..."

She was confident that even if her strength was not as good as that of Lin Hengzhong, she would still have a chance of success in a sneak attack.

But she didn't expect that she still underestimated Lin Hengzhong's terrifying skills.

"Where's the Xuanyang Picture?"

The leader stared at her.

Liu Sudao: "My subordinates sneaked into Prince Lin's Mansion and searched, but did not find any information about the Xuanyang Map..."


The leader stared at her coldly.

Liu Su said calmly: "My subordinates controlled Prince Lin before and sent him to look for him in Ruyi Tower. However, he still didn't get any clues about Xuanyang Tu..."

"Come to think of it, the only person in Prince Lin's palace who knows the whereabouts of Xuanyang Tu is Prince Lin..."

"It's because my subordinates are incompetent."


The secret room fell into strange silence again.

Liu Su lowered her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

This Linzhou plan is, firstly, to assassinate Prince Lin, and secondly, to help the leader find the legendary Xuanyang Map.

However, nothing was found.

He even lost his wife and soldiers!

Thinking of this, a familiar figure gradually appeared in Liu Su's mind, and she felt some strange emotions in her heart.

But soon, the scene he saw that night came back, and he felt a little angry.

It flashed by.

"It's not your fault."

After a while, the leader's voice came: "Lin Hengzhong is such a smart person, it's hard for you to get close to him!"

Liu Su didn't speak.

"However, Lin Hengzhong didn't tell Prince Lin the secret of Xuanyang Tu?"

The leader seemed to be thinking about something.

Liu Su was silent for a moment and said: "Indeed, no, my subordinates have tested it many times. Prince Lin Wang should indeed be unaware of the existence of the Xuanyang Diagram, and even... Lin Hengzhong did not even pass on the Xuanyang Heart Technique to him... "

The leader's voice was low and full of confusion: "Prince Lin Wang is his only son, why doesn't Lin Hengzhong teach?"

Liu Su said nothing.

Of course she understood the reason clearly.

However, she didn't say it out loud.

After a while, the leader raised his eyes and stared at Liu Su: "That Prince Lin Wang is in the capital now, right?"

Liu Su's heart skipped a beat and she had an ominous premonition: "Yes...what are the orders from the leader?"

"Bring him to see me." The leader said expressionlessly.

Liu Su was startled.

"has a problem?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult... After the last time, he has been wary of me, and there are many masters around him. It will not be easy to bring him back..."

The leader glanced at her and said calmly: "Isn't it difficult for you?"

Liu Su was silent, and then said after a while: "I will do my best."

The leader nodded: "Remember, don't reveal your identity... If nothing happens, go down first."

Liu Su stood there and didn't move.

"Anything else?"

Liu Su was silent for a long time, raising her eyes to stare at the leader in front of her, staring at the ferocious bronze mask: "I have something I want to ask the leader."

The leader stared at her: "What's the matter?"

"How did my mother die?"

The eyes behind the bronze mask seemed to be condensed: "Why are you asking this suddenly?"

Liu Su said calmly: "I want to know."

"Are you doubting our religion?"

"My subordinates dare not."


The leader stared at Liu Su for a long time and said in a hoarse voice: "This sect has told you before that your mother was the most outstanding saint in our Tianshen sect. Unfortunately, she fell in love with the wrong person..."

"When Lin Hengzhong pacified more than a dozen countries in southern Xinjiang, the world was in chaos. Your mother's family was severely affected by the turmoil, and they were forced to leave their hometown... Not long after you were born, your mother was killed by King Lin's army in order to find your father. Treated as an enemy, he was seriously injured during the encirclement and suppression, and unfortunately died..."

Liu Su listened silently and said nothing.

The leader stared at her: "What did someone tell you?"

Liu Su said: "No."

"So many years have passed since then, and we don't know exactly what happened. But your mother's death must be closely related to Lin Hengzhong..."

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "I understand."

Then, she raised her eyes and said, "Thank you, Master, for clearing up the confusion."

After passing through the cold passage, leaving the secret room and walking out of the backyard, in the dark night, the cold wind blew on the red dress, making the silent night even more lonely.

There was silence in the front yard, not a soul in sight. Liu Su left the house, walked through the deep alleys, and came to the streets of the town. On the street not far away, Youdao's figure has been waiting for a long time.


Ling'er trotted forward with gentle steps, her face full of nervousness and anxiety: "You finally came out, you scared me to death!"

Liu Su glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

"I'm not worried about you, Saint..."

Ling'er patted her chest, looked around, and then leaned closer in a low voice: "The death of the great elder... The leader didn't doubt you, right?"

"No." Liu Su shook his head gently.

"That's good……"

Ling'er took a deep breath, relieved, and then thought of something: "Holy girl, what do you want to see the leader for today?"

Liu Su said: "There are some things that are not clear to me. Please ask the leader."

"Did the saint ask?"


"How's it going? Did you clear up the doubts?"

Liu Su was silent for a moment: "No."

"What should we do?"

"have no idea."

Liu Su looked back in the direction he came from and remained silent.

"Saint, where are we going now?"

"Let's go into town."

Liu Su raised her eyes and looked ahead. Not far away, there was the towering city wall.


When night fell, Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion.

"Your Highness, are you back?"

Xiaozhu, who was standing under the eaves of the courtyard and pacing boredly, saw His Highness and trotted forward excitedly.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Xiaozhu, whose face was red from the cold, and hugged her into his arms: "Why don't you go to the room?"

"Waiting for you, Your Highness!"

Being held by His Highness, Xiaozhu's face turned red, and he buried his head in His Highness's arms shyly, and said softly and sweetly: "Why did Your Highness come back so late today?"

"There was an accident, which delayed some time."

Lin Jiangnian felt a little sad when he thought of what happened when he met the Miss Zhao today.

"By the way, Your Highness, after you went to Zhao Mansion today, someone came to see you again." Xiaozhu said.


"It seems to be someone from Mitiansi..."

Xiaozhu thought for a while and blinked: "However, the other party left immediately after hearing that you were not around."


Lin Jiangnian was startled and quickly realized who the visitor was.


Lin Jiangnian nodded, then looked at the little maid in his arms: "Let's go back to the room first."


Xiaozhu nodded, and then quickly remembered something: "Wait, I'll go talk to Sister Zhiyuan first."

When Xiaozhu was getting up, Leng Buding noticed Youdao's gaze coming towards him. Subconsciously raising his eyes, he saw an additional figure not far away at the entrance to the courtyard next door.

She was leaning there quietly, her long skirt hanging down, her temperament cold, looking at the two people hugging each other.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan..."

Xiaozhu's face suddenly turned red, and he quickly broke away from His Highness's arms and ran away shyly.

Lin Jiangnian looked at the little maid who was "escaped", then his eyes fell on Zhiyuan, and he slowly stepped forward.

"I'm back."

Zhiyuan's expression remained unchanged and she nodded lightly.

Seeing that Zhiyuan didn't respond much, Lin Jiangnian gently grabbed her hand and put it in his palm, "What's wrong?"

Zhiyuan just looked at him and said nothing.

"Why, are you worried that I will be deceived by that young lady from the Zhao family?"

Lin Jiangnian said jokingly: "Don't worry, I will never be easily tempted by beauty."

Zhiyuan was silent for a while, then withdrew his hand and turned to leave.

"Let's wash off the rouge smell on your body first."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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