Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 263 Settlement of Accounts

Lin Jiangnian's memory has always been very good!

Although it does not reach the terrifying state of complete photographic memory, it is still close.

But almost everything he has seen, touched, and felt can be remembered quickly. This is also the reason why Lin Jiangnian was able to adapt quickly when he first entered Prince Lin's Mansion.

Whatever Liu Su told him about Crown Prince Lin's habits, preferences, and life characteristics, he could record them down word for word.

Such a terrifying memory was Lin Jiangnian's talent. Of course, he did not waste this talent.

He could memorize the many martial arts techniques he read in Ruyi Tower and keep them in his mind. He can also keep replaying the unique sword moves taught to him by Senior Li in his mind to deepen the impression, and practice them skillfully.

This helps him understand and become proficient in martial arts moves, achieving twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, in addition to this, Lin Jiangnian also applies this gift of photographic memory to his life.

For example, write down the names and appearances of the relevant forces in Beijing, and remember the complex relationships and unknown connections between them.

Or, take note of the likes and characteristics of the people around you.

For example, Lin Jiangnian had already figured out Xiaozhu's physical characteristics when he followed him to Beijing, but Xiaozhu preferred to look at him from behind...

Of course, there are also paper kites.

Although he has not been able to have any closer communication with Zhiyuan, the two have slept together many times. With only a few brief contacts, Lin Jiangnian is still familiar with Zhiyuan's characteristics.

So, at this moment.

In the dim room, the screen blocked the light of the lamp, making the view from the bed dim.

Lin Jiangnian quietly sneaked into the room, preparing for a 'night attack'. As soon as his hand touched the delicate body on the bed, he quickly felt something was wrong!

This is not a physical characteristic of the paper kite.

Wrong size!

At the moment when Lin Jiangnian made contact, he could clearly feel that the delicate body in his arms suddenly tightened as if it was being stimulated by an extremely strong stimulus.

A very unfamiliar reaction.

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian smelled the fragrance of hair.

Some familiar body scent!

But it doesn't come from the fragrance of the paper kite.


Lin Jiangnian was also stunned!

His mind was a little dazed, and he looked down with dull eyes.

Under a head of thick black hair, the dim light vaguely reflected a delicate and beautiful side face.

At this moment, this beautiful profile face was red, as if stained with blood and ink, spread out on the white paper. And Lin Jiangnian's crystal clear earlobe was already as red as blood when he leaned close to his ear.

Very beautiful!

Stunningly beautiful!

It's a breathtaking image.

However, Lin Jiangnian was completely stunned.

This, this is not...

The picture seemed to be suddenly frozen at this moment.

Set completely.

Lin Jiangnian only felt a chill on his back. A cold air suddenly rushed up from his spine, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

How could it be...

Did he go to the wrong room?

Lin Jiangnian's mind quickly recalled that he could not go wrong. This was indeed Zhiyuan's room, and there was no way he could go wrong.

So why is she here?

Where is the paper kite?

At this moment, even Lin Jiangnian was a little confused and completely at a loss.

In a daze, Jiang Yuxiang, who was on the bed, finally turned her head. Her beautiful face was already blushing, her breathing was messy, and her fair skin was almost bleeding. Her beautiful eyes were staring at Lin Jiangnian, ashamed and angry. Jue, her rapid breathing caused her voice to tremble: "You, you... Why don't you just take it away?!"

The voice of shame and anger, and the eyes that were almost on fire, staring at him, finally made Lin Jiangnian come back to his senses, and then he realized that he hadn't moved yet.


Lin Jiangnian then withdrew his hand, but because Jiang Yuxiang's body was tense and his arms were tightly clamped, Lin Jiangnian pulled it back quite hard, causing heavy friction between the palm of his hand and the tight clothes.

Lin Jiangnian's heart trembled.

He quickly stood up and climbed out of the bed.

"You, why are you here...I, I didn't know it was you..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly explained.

He really didn't expect Jiang Yuxiang to be on Zhiyuan's bed. It was late at night, and there was someone lying on the bed. He really didn't expect that it wasn't Zhiyuan.

Why did she come to Zhiyuan's bed?

"Shut up!"

Jiang Yuxiang's voice was filled with shame and anger, and he spoke fiercely.

She curled up in the quilt, wrapped it tightly around herself, and even buried her head in it.

But even so, he still couldn't hide his rapid breathing.

On the bed, Jiang Yuxiang wrapped herself in the quilt, her delicate body was tense and trembling, and her face was hot and red.

Especially the vague feeling of touch on the chest seems to still be echoing, and the hot breath has not completely subsided. Her mind was in chaos at the moment and she didn't know what to do.

It was the same last time!

Last time, this guy treated her like a kite and treated her lightly.

But this time, it was completely different from last time.

This guy kissed her last time, but this time...

This time, this bastard kid actually took advantage of it...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang was filled with shame and anger, and anger suddenly emerged in his heart.

Is this the bastard boy who bullies Zhi Yuan like this on weekdays?

Can he do it?

Thinking of this, the shame and anger in her heart grew stronger.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

Outside the bed, Lin Jiangnian was still confused!

What to do next?

An apology?


At this moment, familiar footsteps came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door was gently pushed open.

Outside the door, Zhiyuan, dressed in a plain white dress, walked in holding a quilt. As soon as she stepped into the room, she suddenly stopped, raised her eyes and looked behind the screen, stunned.

She looked at Lin Jiangnian standing by the bed, and then at the figure covered in quilt on the bed, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"How will you be here?"

"Paper Kite?"

Only then did Lin Jiangnian see the quilt in Zhiyuan's hands and subconsciously asked, "What are you..."

"My aunt said she wanted to sleep with me tonight and asked me to go to her room to help her get the quilt."

Zhiyuan walked behind the screen holding the quilt and looked at Lin Jiangnian standing by the bed with suspicious eyes: "Why are you here?"

Lin Jiangnian's back became colder as he looked into Zhiyuan's clear eyes.

He coughed slightly, "I, I originally wanted to come to you, but I didn't expect you weren't here..."

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian's eyes for a few times, then moved his gaze to the bed.

On the bed, Jiang Yuxiang, who had been hiding himself in the quilt and was in confusion, suddenly tensed up when he heard the kite coming in from outside the door.

Even she herself didn't know why.

But the subconscious reaction in my heart...Zhiyuan must not let Zhiyuan know what happened just now!

If Zhiyuan knew, this guy cheated on her in bed.

What would Zhiyuan think?

Does Jiang Yuxiang want to lose her reputation as an elder?

Absolutely not!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang ignored the shame and anger in her heart and opened the quilt, revealing her beautiful and blushing face, which was red and beautiful.

There is an indescribable and moving atmosphere!

She took a deep breath, glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, and then said, "This kid came to look for you in the middle of the night, but I caught him..."

The voice was calm and without any emotion.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. He didn't seem to expect Jiang Yuxiang to cover for him.

And this tone...

Lin Jiangnian looked around in surprise, only to see Jiang Yuxiang's eyes staring at him hatefully.

He looked away feeling guilty.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, but soon realized something, and a trace of shame appeared on her fair face.

What other purpose could Lin Jiangnian have for coming to look for her at night?

Thinking of this, Zhiyuan's face felt a little hot, and she had no intention of paying attention to Jiang Yuxiang's abnormal blushing reaction at this time.

She felt ashamed and angry that her parents had caught her in the act, and she glared at the guy coldly: "You, what do you want from me?"

Lin Jiangnian did have trouble with Zhiyuan, but he couldn't care less about these things at the moment.

"There's nothing important..."

Lin Jiangnian coughed slightly again and waved his hands: "In that case, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going back first!"

With that said, Lin Jiangnian turned around and wanted to run away.

It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!


Just as Lin Jiangnian turned around, Jiang Yuxiang's cold voice came from behind him.

Lin Jiangnian paused: "Auntie, is there anything else?"

"It's true!"

Jiang Yuxiang's tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and he bit his silver teeth gently, but Lin Jiangnian could hear a hint of gritted teeth.

After a pause, Jiang Yuxiang said again: "It has something to do with the Zhou family. I want to talk to you."

"Go and wait for me outside the door first!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

This tone definitely has nothing to do with the Zhou family. It is definitely coming to settle a score with him!

Feeling uneasy, Lin Jiangnian could only nod his head and walked outside to wait.

On the bed, Jiang Yuxiang slowly sat up: "Zhiyuan."


"You can go to bed tonight, and I'll go talk to that guy about something."

Jiang Yuxiang said and started to get dressed. Seeing Zhiyuan's expression of doubt, Jiang Yuxiang felt guilty inexplicably. He did not look into her eyes and explained softly: "I went to the palace yesterday and asked the Queen about something. I have to go find him. Making sure."

Hearing that it was a matter in the palace, Zhiyuan didn't say anything more and nodded lightly.

Jiang Yuxiang quickly put on her clothes, wrapped her body in a long skirt, and wrapped her graceful figure in a mink velvet gown. After adjusting her hair and appearance to regain her composure, she took a deep breath and walked to the door.

Push the door and walk out!

Outside the door, the cold wind howled.

Jiang Yuxiang, who had just stepped out of the door, saw Lin Jiangnian standing not far outside the door. He was lowering his head, looking honest and obedient.

"follow me!"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him and spoke expressionlessly.

Then he turned around and walked out of the corridor.

Lin Jiangnian followed him obediently, walked through the corridor, and walked out of the yard. Not long after, we arrived at another courtyard.

The room where Jiang Yuxiang lived was located in the best part of the inner courtyard of Jiang Mansion, which was enough to show Jiang Ningkang's doting on this sister.

Jiang Yuxiang opened the door and walked in.

Lin Jiangnian stood at the door and hesitated.

"Why don't you get in quickly?"

Hearing an angry voice coming from the room, Lin Jiangnian stepped in.

"close the door!"

Lin Jiangnian closed the door and turned around. The room with the oil lamp gradually became brighter. In his sight, Jiang Yuxiang, who was wearing a bright dress, was sitting at the table, looking at him expressionlessly.

She was graceful and elegant, with good looks. There seemed to be a bit of blush on her beautiful face that had not completely faded away, and she was staring at him coldly.

Lin Jiangnian stood in the room as if he had made a mistake and was waiting for punishment.

Very well-behaved!


"Shut up, don't call me!"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at him coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "I have nothing to do with you!"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and raised his eyes to see Jiang Yuxiang's gnashing of teeth and expression of shame and anger, knowing that she was speaking angrily.


Lin Jiangnian admitted his mistake sincerely: "Just now... it was all a misunderstanding. I really didn't know it was you, so that's why..."

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "It was a misunderstanding last time, and it's a misunderstanding this time too?!"

It was okay if I didn’t mention it, but she became even more angry when I mentioned it!

This guy used this reason to kiss her last time, and this time he used this reason to touch her again...

"Are you going to misunderstand me next time?!"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily.

"Absolutely not!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Last time and this time were all misunderstandings... Don't worry, there will never be another time!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's guilty and sincere look, the anger in Jiang Yuxiang's heart subsided a lot.

But I still hold a breath in my heart!

can not go out!

If this guy wasn't the only child left by her sister, if he dared to treat her so lightly, his dog's paws would have been chopped off!

But even so, Jiang Yuxiang still felt aggrieved.

Have you been taken advantage of twice for no reason?

But then I thought about it, and it seemed that she was indeed responsible both times.

This guy has an unusual relationship with Zhiyuan. This guy really didn't expect her to appear in Zhiyuan's room tonight.

So he touched the wrong person...she is also responsible?

What is this mess?

Jiang Yuxiang's face turned red, and he was filled with shame and anger.

She was taken advantage of, so is she still responsible?

When I think about being hugged and touched by this guy not long ago...

This guy is still her nominal nephew...

Jiang Yuxiang instantly felt a hot touch, an indescribable numbness all over his body, and his breathing became rapid.

She quickly took a few deep breaths to steady her mind, then raised her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, and said coldly: "I was also at fault for what happened tonight, so I won't argue with you anymore. But if there is a next time, I will I will never spare you!"

"There will never be a next time!"

Lin Jiangnian vowed to do so.

"Also, forget what happened tonight and don't mention it to anyone, especially Zhiyuan, do you understand?"

"Understood, I will keep it secret!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian being so obedient, Jiang Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

But for some reason, when I saw this guy in front of me, I still felt a little bit blocked in my heart.

There is also an unspeakable emotion.

She bit her lower lip lightly.

"come here."


Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly: "Little... eh... be gentle, be gentle... it hurts..."

Jiang Yuxiang grabbed Lin Jiangnian's ear, forced it hard, and gritted his teeth angrily.

"You brat, you even dare to take advantage of me!

"See if I don't deal with you, you brat!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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