Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 264 Reap the consequences

In the cold and clean room, the surrounding decoration is slightly exquisite. Exquisite porcelain is laid on the mahogany counter, and an ancient bronze mirror reflects the bright candlelight.

The quaint armchair was covered with soft brocade cushions. A woman in gorgeous brocade and satin was sitting in front of her, her body slightly bent back, staring at the young man in front of her.

The woman's hair is slightly messy, and her beautiful face has a hint of red, mature and beautiful. There is a delicate fat-yellow jade hairpin stuck in the messy hair, and the brocade clothes are exquisite and elegant, gorgeous but not ostentatious. There is a lavender brocade belt tied around the waist, which is casual and graceful.

As if she had just experienced some intense exercise, the woman in front of her was breathing rapidly, with a few beads of sweat appearing on her fair skin, and her plump and round breasts were rising and falling with her breathing.

The round drum is bulging and trembling.

Those apricot-like eyes were staring at the young man in the room, his face still showed a bit of unwillingness, and occasionally a few traces of imperceptible shame flashed through.

inside the room.

Lin Jiangnian stood aside honestly, well-behaved and obedient.


"Shut up, don't talk."

Lin Jiangnian shut up.

As expected, the woman's lies cannot be believed. She said she didn't care and wasn't angry anymore, but then she turned around and took action.

Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly.

Although today's incident is indeed not his fault, in calculation, he is also innocent.

But after all, Lin Jiangnian took advantage of it, and it was his aunt who suffered the loss.

I feel a bit sorry.

In addition, since coming to the capital, this nominal aunt has taken good care of Lin Jiangnian. She even supported Lin Jiangnian at the Lu family's wedding last time, even if she didn't hesitate to fall out with everyone present.

Lin Jiangnian kept this friendship in mind.

So now that my aunt is angry and erratic, Lin Jiangnian is just accepting it.

Don't argue with her.

In the room, the atmosphere was dull.

After taking a breath, Jiang Yuxiang finally calmed down. He raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, who had his head lowered and looked obedient and honest. He didn't know what he thought of, but his heart softened slightly.

Thinking of the way this guy had honestly not dared to refute just now, most of the anger in my heart disappeared.

However, she still kept a straight face: "Why don't you speak?"

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Wasn't it because she wasn't allowed to say it?

However, seeing his aunt sitting on the chair with a straight face, Lin Jiangnian didn't take it to heart and asked softly: "Aunt, is there anything else?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "It's getting late. If my aunt is angry and nothing happens... I should go back first?"

"Are you angry yet?"


Lin Jiangnian sighed secretly and said, "Auntie, why don't you... beat me again?"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "You are thick-skinned and thick-skinned, I can't beat you."

"What do you want, auntie?"

What do you want?

When asked this question, Jiang Yuxiang was slightly startled.

What does she want?

She really didn't think about it.

The guy in front of her was her nephew in name no matter what. What happened today was an accident. I wanted to teach him a lesson, so I just let it go.

But when Jiang Yuxiang heard Lin Jiangnian's words, he didn't know what he thought of, and his heart moved slightly.

"Humph, I haven't thought about it yet."

Jiang Yuxiang looked him up and down and said expressionlessly: "However, when I ask you something in the future, you must not be perfunctory with me, do you understand?"

"Understood." Lin Jiangnian nodded naturally.

"Okay, let me ask you."

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to have thought of something and stared into his eyes: "How are you and the eldest princess doing?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned: "Eldest Princess?"

"Didn't you meet the eldest princess last time?"

Jiang Yuxiang snorted coldly: "How is the situation?"


Lin Jiangnian spoke subconsciously, looked into Jiang Yuxiang's slightly unfriendly eyes, and then coughed: "The eldest princess has a cold temperament and is very indifferent to me... Our communication was not very good last time we met."

"Then why do you suddenly plan to marry her?"

"Marry her?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned and said subconsciously: "No?"

"Not yet. The news has spread all over the capital. Even the Queen has heard the news and came to ask me specially!"

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he became even more angry: "What's going on with the noise you've made in the Jiang Mansion these days?"

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize that he had set up a trap specifically for the eldest princess these days. Did he expect that even his aunt had been deceived?

So Lin Jiangnian quickly informed his aunt of his plan. After Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he was stunned: "You mean, you are forcing her to take the initiative to mention breaking off the engagement with you?"

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Jiang Yuxiang was stunned again, "But what if she doesn't retreat?"

"She won't."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "She doesn't want to agree to this marriage even more than I do. She will definitely not be able to sit still... Take a step back and say, if she really agrees to it then, at worst, I will write another letter of divorce..."

Jiang Yuxiang: "..."

"Do you know how serious the consequences are?"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him.

How dare he write a letter of divorce to the eldest princess of the dynasty?

"Isn't this the worst possible outcome? We haven't reached that point yet."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head to comfort him, and then seemed to think of something: "Does the Queen know about it too?"

Jiang Yuxiang glared at him angrily: "How could the palace not know about such a big thing?!"

"Then, where is the eldest princess?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed to have thought of something: "Auntie, did you see her when you entered the palace?"

Jiang Yuxiang was confused: "How do you know?"

"That's right, she's anxious!"

Lin Jiangnian immediately made the decision: "She probably came to find out about the situation, auntie. You shouldn't have been exposed, right?"

"how could I know?"

When Jiang Yuxiang mentioned this, he became angry and said angrily: "You didn't tell me about such a big thing, so I was kept in the dark?!"

"Aren't you worried about this, auntie?"

Lin Jiangnian quickly comforted him, then thought of something and changed the subject: "By the way, auntie, why did you enter the palace again?"

"Isn't it because of you?"

"because I?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, then saw a hint of worry on Jiang Yuxiang's face, and glared at him angrily: "Do you know the current situation of the Zhou family?"

"Zhou family? You know a little bit..."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yuxiang said worriedly: "The Zhou family will not let it go. Zhou Yao's complaint has been filed in the capital. Your Majesty is in seclusion. Even the Queen was alarmed and came to ask me about the situation..."

"Tell me honestly, what are you going to do?"

The affairs of the Zhou family have been simmering for some time, and now Beijing has long been in a commotion, and almost everyone knows about it.

The Jiang family has been closed to the public these days, but Lin Jiangnian, the instigator of the incident, has remained indifferent. How can Jiang Yuxiang not be anxious?

What should we do if things don't end well?

Jiang Yuxiang stared at the familiar but somewhat unfamiliar handsome face in front of her. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's hesitation, he immediately warned coldly: "Don't deal with me anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated and thought for a moment, then finally nodded and expressed his plan.

After Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he was stunned for a while and thought: "Is this possible?"

"Gotta give it a try."

Lin Jiangnian said: "He gave me such a big gift, I have to return it to him, right?"

"Tomorrow is the day Zhou Huiguang is buried, it's about time..."

Jiang Yuxiang was silent, his eyes a little complicated, and he looked at Lin Jiangnian worriedly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and just nodded.

"Be careful."

"Don't worry, I will bring the kite." Lin Jiangnian had a plan.

Jiang Yuxiang nodded in relief and remained silent for a while: "If nothing happens, go back and rest."


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Auntie, please rest early."

Jiang Yuxiang waved his hand impatiently, and Lin Jiangnian exited the room and closed the door.

The room fell silent, Jiang Yuxiang was still sitting there, his eyes slightly absent-minded. Staring at the door, not knowing what to think.

After a while, she seemed to come back to her senses. She glanced down at something, her face looking unnatural for some reason.

Her pretty face was slightly red, and there seemed to be an unspeakable look in her eyes.

After a while, he hummed to himself.

"Sister, your son... is really not honest."


After leaving his aunt's room, Lin Jiangnian stood in the courtyard and blew the cold wind for a while before returning the same way.

On the way back, we passed by the small courtyard where Zhiyuan lived. Surprisingly, the light in Zhiyuan's room was still on.

Lin Jiangnian approached and knocked on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

Called softly.

"Come in."

Zhiyuan's cold and clear voice came from the room.

Lin Jiangnian pushed the door open and walked in. In the room filled with warm fragrance, the lights were dim and illuminated a beautiful figure.

Zhiyuan was sitting in front of the screen, wearing a formal dress, sitting upright, looking at Lin Jiangnian at the door indifferently.

It seems that he has been waiting for him.

"Why haven't you rested yet?"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian walked forward slowly and came to her side.

Zhiyuan raised her beautiful eyes and looked at him quietly for a while before saying, "What does my aunt want from you?"

"Didn't my aunt go to the palace? The queen asked about the previous rumors... and the Zhou family's affairs..."

Lin Jiangnian briefly explained to Zhiyuan, and Zhiyuan remained silent after listening.

"It's cold and it's getting late. Let's take a rest early."

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and held Zhiyuan's slightly cold hand, urging him softly.

The kite didn't move.

"Let's go, let's go. I have something very important to tell you... I am going to do something big tomorrow, and I need you to follow me and protect me."

Hearing this, Zhiyuan just raised his head again: "What's the matter?"

"It's cold outside. Let's go to bed and talk to you."


On the bed.

"What clothes should you wear to sleep? If you feel uncomfortable, come and ask His Highness to help you take them off..."

"Why are you still shy? We are already an old couple. What haven't you seen before? Come on, come on..."

"Don't worry, my aunt has already fallen asleep and won't find out..."


Under the silk quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but hold the paper kite in his arms and hold him tightly.

Zhiyuan's delicate body was slightly tense, still not used to it, but she didn't resist. Putting his bare hands on Lin Jiangnian's chest, he lowered his head and let the waterfall of black hair cover his slightly red cheeks.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the cute little paper kite in his arms, feeling a little proud in his heart.

He lowered his eyes slightly and leaned closer, smelling the faint fragrance of the girl, feeling relaxed and happy.

It is more comfortable to hold Zhiyuan in her arms.

After holding the paper kite in his arms for a while, Lin Jiangnian whispered softly: "Tomorrow, I'm going to visit the Zhou family. Will you come with me?"

Zhiyuan still lowered her head, motionless, and just whispered back one word: "Yes."

"Why don't you ask me what I'm going to do?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled.

Zhiyuan didn't respond.

Still motionless, like a little hedgehog curling up into a ball.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sighed with regret.

Although this was not the first time they slept together, Zhiyuan was still so shy and never gave Lin Jiangnian a chance to get closer. If you want to really get her to open up, I'm afraid she still lacks an opportunity.

Lin Jiangnian slowly reached out and stroked the girl's silky hair, his fingertips went deep in, gently caressed the girl's little head, and said softly: "The third prince is now very powerful in Beijing. In terms of power and connections, we He is indeed no match for him in the capital. He wants to use the public opinion of the forces in the capital to force this prince to become the target of public criticism..."

"However, who is this prince? Even if he is some kind of third prince, it is impossible for him to be bullied!"

"He set such a big trap for me, no matter what, I have to let him reap the consequences..."

Lin Jiangnian explained something softly while gently stroking the hair of the girl in his arms.

The kite in his arms remained motionless, but seemed to be listening very seriously. Under the gentle caress of Lin Jiangnian's hand, her breathing gradually calmed down, and her originally slightly tense body gradually softened.

Soft and sweet.

Lin Jiangnian held Xiangyu in his arms. Perhaps it was because the environment at the moment was too beautiful, or maybe he had missed someone on this bed not long ago. At this time, Lin Jiangnian's heart was still, and he had no evil thoughts at all.

"what do I need to do?"

After an unknown amount of time, the kite in his arms finally made a sound, breaking the silence.

The voice was very soft, with a rare hint of tenderness.

Lin Jiangnian hugged her tighter and shook his head gently: "It's very simple. If anyone wants to hurt my son, you will help me deal with him."


"Remember, don't be too harsh... Tomorrow is a special situation, don't kill anyone unless absolutely necessary."


Zhiyuan didn't ask any more questions and still gave a short answer.

"Zhiyuan is so good!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction, looked down at the girl's snow-white skin, and couldn't help but take a sip on the fair and delicate face of the girl in his arms.

In an instant, her fair skin turned red visibly to the naked eye, and the girl's just-relaxed body became slightly tense again, struggling slightly.

"Don't be nervous, just give me a kiss, I won't touch you tonight..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly spoke softly.

The girl in her arms was silent for a long time. After a while, Zhiyuan suddenly raised her head and stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes: "Did you bully my aunt today?"

The girl's cheeks were slightly red, but there was a bit of questioning in her bright eyes, as cold as ice.

Lin Jiangnian's back instantly became numb.

"How, how could it be possible?!"

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and his voice was uneasy: "Zhiyuan, why do you ask this?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and then said: "Just now, my aunt was not in the right state."

When she recalled it, she realized that something was wrong with her aunt's previous state.

Auntie's reaction is a bit strange?

"Isn't my aunt very nice? Are you overthinking it?"

Lin Jiangnian's heart almost trembled and he coughed: "How dare I bully my aunt? If I really want to bully my aunt, why won't my aunt finish with me?"

Zhiyuan was silent, with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

But it also makes sense.

With my aunt's character, how could she let him go easily if he dared to bully her, let alone the prince of Prince Lin?

Is she too sensitive and overthinking?

"You must be overthinking it. She is our aunt. I will not bully anyone else... You must be tired today. Let's take a rest early."

Seeing that Zhiyuan still seemed to be suspicious of something, Lin Jiangnian had to use his ultimate move.

"Auntie... huh? You, what are you doing? You, you... didn't you say you won't do anything?"

The girl's tone suddenly changed, her whole body tensed up, her pretty face turned red instantly, and her eyes were panicked.

"You, let me go!"

There was a bit of shame and anger in the shy voice.

...(End of chapter)

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