Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 265: Close to the face and open up

Early in the morning in the capital, it started to rain lightly.

Dawn had just broken, and the sky was still gray. On the street, pedestrians occasionally walked quickly with umbrellas.

The world was deserted.

In the west of the city, a few streets away from the imperial city, there is a quiet alley with rows of buildings.

Most of the people living here are officials from the DPRK and China. If a brick is smashed down, several fifth-rank officials can be smashed out.

It was still early, the continuous light rain was falling, the cold wind was biting, almost piercing the skin, and all the courtyard doors were closed tightly.

The atmosphere becomes more and more depressing.

Just outside a house deep in the courtyard, the door is open. White paper money is spread on the ground outside the courtyard. The lantern at the door is changed to white. Through the door, you can see a huge black and white word "Dian" in the courtyard, which makes the surrounding environment The atmosphere added a bit of terror.

Vaguely, sobbing could be heard from the courtyard, accompanied by bursts of curses from time to time.

Zhou Mansion.

Today is the day when Zhou Huiguang, the only son of Zhou Yao, the son of a doctor in the official department, was buried!

As the sky gradually gets brighter. Several figures began to arrive outside the Zhou Mansion.

There are officials from the capital, friends the Zhou family has made over the years, or children from various families in the capital...

Over the years, the Zhou family has made many connections in Beijing. Today, the only son of the Zhou family was buried, and many people came to see him off.

As noon approached, the sky was still gray. In the Zhou Mansion, mournful music suddenly sounded, mixed with cries, and the voices of the people in the courtyard intertwined with each other, making the atmosphere indescribably weird.

"Chen Yi, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, has arrived!"

"The Song family from Zhongzhou is here!"

"The Minister of Civil Affairs has arrived!"


Following the announcement outside the door, these big shots in Beijing, who were usually invisible, gathered here one after another.

"Master Zhou, my condolences, please take care of yourself!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your concern."

"Master Zhou, I understand your feelings very well. You must hold on and never tolerate the murderer!"

The speaker is Song Zhongfu, the head of the Song family in Zhongzhou.

Outside the gate, in just a few days, the official doctor who had experienced the pain of losing his son had almost lost a lot of weight, but the grief and hatred in his eyes were still blazing.

"Master Song!"

Zhou Yao looked up at Song Zhongfu in front of him and seemed to have thought of something.

"You and I have a common enemy!"

Song Zhongfu's eyes were also filled with sadness and hatred.

Six months ago, his second son Song Jue was brutally killed by Prince Lin in Linzhou without any reason, and no body was left.

So far, the Lin family has not given any explanation.

Although the Song family has some influence in Zhongzhou, it is almost impossible to fight against the Lin family. In the past six months, Song Zhongfu tried every means to seek justice for his son, but was unable to do anything.

Watching his son die at the hands of his enemies, but unable to take revenge, was the most painful thing in the world.

Because of this, he understood Zhou Yao's mood very well.

Hearing this, Zhou Yao instantly understood the meaning of Song Zhongfu's words, and a trace of hatred quickly appeared in his eyes: "That's right, the murderer must not be allowed to go unpunished!"


Song Zhongfu patted Zhou Yao's shoulder and walked into the courtyard.

Outside the door, carriages and sedan chairs were still coming one after another, and figures from official families kept appearing.

"Uncle Zhou, my condolences!"

Li Qianlin and Gao Wenyang also came. They usually have good friends with Zhou Huiguang and are considered close friends in Beijing and China.

Zhou Huiguang was going to be buried today, so they naturally came to see him off.

"Uncle Zhou, don't worry. Uncle Zhou has been friends with our family for generations. Now that Brother Zhou has been murdered and the murderer is at large, we will never sit idly by and ignore it..."

"I still don't believe it. Is there no royal law in this world? Prince Lin can kill people at will?"

"We will definitely find a way to let Brother Zhou rest in peace!"

Gao Wenyang's tone was low, and Li Qianlin on the side remained silent, but there was something in his eyes that flashed with fear.

Maybe he never thought until now that Lin Jiangnian would really dare to kill someone like this? !

This reminded him of his trip to Linzhou half a year ago. At that time, he was in high spirits and did not take Prince Lin's prince seriously at all.

But what's the result?

Song Jue died quietly!

If he hadn't been prepared for it, he might have told him that he was in Linzhou, right?

Thinking of this, Li Qianlin couldn't help but shudder.

Zhou Yao's eyes were downcast, looking at the two former friends of his son in front of him, and he nodded happily: "Guang'er has you two friends, this life is enough!"

The two of them chatted with Zhou Yao again, comforted him for a while, and then stepped into the courtyard. It was still raining lightly in the sky, the air was very humid and cold, the wind was biting, and the stone pavement in the courtyard was full of muddy footprints. Under the eaves not far away, children from various families and officials were standing or sitting in twos and threes, discussing something.

Many people's eyes fell on the hall. The atmosphere in the hall was bleak.

With the help of servants, Zhou's mother cried so hard that she fainted several times and was distraught.

That tragic voice moved many people present!

Zhou Huiguang lost his life at a young age, and the black-haired person of the Zhou family gave away the white-haired person. How could this situation not make people feel filled with emotion and anger?

Some officials with a righteous mind gnashed their teeth: "How could Prince Lin Wang be so vicious and considerate of human life? He is going too far to deceive others!"

"How can a savage from a savage land have etiquette in his eyes?"

"I don't believe that there is really no king. The son of a vassal thousands of miles away is bullying him, but no one can do anything about him. Is there really no one in the capital?"

"What are you all afraid of? Are you afraid of the Lin family's revenge? Are you allowing him to be so arrogant and domineering?"

"Today's Lord of Zhou, and tomorrow's Lords!"


There was a lot of discussion and indignation around, many people looked angry, and many people had their own agenda.

Everyone knows that the Zhou family is now in a life-or-death situation with Prince Lin. It is almost impossible for a small Zhou family to shake Prince Lin's Mansion.

Not to mention the Zhou family, among all the civil and military officials in the capital, who could shake the position of Prince Lin's Mansion?

No matter how you mess around in the capital, King Lin holds the military power and has overwhelming power. He is stationed in the south and remains unmoving. What can you, a small official, do?

Even if the DPRK and China have been discussing the reduction of vassalage for several years, in the end it only remains in words, and no one dares to actually do it?

On weekdays, it's enough to just follow him and scold him, but there are really not many people who dare to be such a standout!

There was probably someone behind the Zhou family this time, someone who wanted to take the opportunity to add insult to injury and target Prince Lin's Mansion. There are also people who sit quietly and watch the tiger fight.

Zhou Yao walked slowly into the courtyard with heavy steps. He stood in front of the hall and looked at the people in the courtyard with a low voice.

"Thank you to all my colleagues, relatives and friends for coming to see my son off today. I, Zhou, am here today. Thank you all..."

Zhou Yao's voice seemed to contain some suppressed emotion. He glanced back behind him and said in a sad tone: "It's a pity that my son's body is still cold and he dies with his eyes open. It's my incompetence as a father that allows my son's murderer to remain free..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yao's voice was filled with a trace of uncontrollable sorrow: "However, I, Zhou, swear here. Prince Lin killed my son, and I, Zhou, will never give up and seek justice for my son. To sacrifice my son’s spirit in heaven!”

A cold voice, sad.

These words quickly excited many people present.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, we will definitely support Mr. Zhou and never let the murderer go unpunished!"

"We might as well send people to break into the Jiang Mansion, capture Prince Lin, and avenge Mr. Zhou!"

"I'm so angry. Fortunately, that son of a bitch isn't here. If he were here, I would blow his head off with one punch!"


Just when the crowd was boiling, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation and denounced Prince Lin Wang.

Outside the door, a servant rushed in in a panic.

"Old, sir, no, it's not good..."

The servant stumbled into the yard and ran up to Zhou Yao, hurriedly saying: "Master, Prince Lin...come, come..."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were instantly silent. The originally noisy sound suddenly stopped as if someone had suddenly strangled the neck.

The next second, many people's eyes fell on the guy who just said he was going to blow Prince Lin's head off with one punch.

But I saw that the guy's eyes were dull, his expression was shocked, and the smile on his face was stiff.

Really, really coming?

"I, I was joking..."

The smile on this person's face was extremely stiff, uglier than crying. The arrogance he had just moments ago disappeared in an instant, and he slipped into the crowd in despair.


"Who's coming?!"

When Zhou Yao heard this name, his eyes suddenly became cold and he stared at the servant in front of him.

"Lin, Prince Lin... He, he is just outside the street, Ma, he will be here soon..." The servant stammered.

There was a brief silence in the courtyard, and then an uproar quickly broke out.

"It's too much!"

"How dare he come?"

"He murdered Young Master Zhou and came here today when Young Master Zhou is to be buried. Is he just here to show off? Damn it!"

No one expected that Prince Lin Wang would come here?

How dare you come?

Since the last wedding of the Lu family, the Prince Lin has kept a low profile for several days. It was originally thought that he was hiding in the Jiang Mansion and was acting like a coward because of his identity.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to come to Zhou Huiguang's house today on the day of Zhou Huiguang's funeral.

What does this mean?

Close to the face and open up? !

"How many people did he come to?"

Zhou Yao's face turned pale.

"Two, two people..."

The servant's figure trembled: "He seems to have only one maid with him!"

Good guy!

Many people took a breath.

Prince Lin Wang is so brave!

Dare you come to your door with a maid?

Are you really not taking them seriously?

Is he really not afraid of death?

Aren't you afraid that the crowd will beat him to death?

Zhou Yao's face was livid and his brows were deeply furrowed.

"Master, do you want to drive him away?" the servant asked.

Zhou Yao was silent for a moment, then his eyes were cold and he looked up at the door coldly: "No, let him come!"

It was still raining lightly in the sky, and the rainwater washed away the bluestones in the courtyard.

Just when everyone in the courtyard looked at the door, two figures slowly appeared outside the door.

The first thing that catches the eye is a black umbrella.

Under the black umbrella, two figures appeared. One in front and one behind, one master and one servant.

What caught everyone's attention was a young and handsome face with sharp edges and sharp eyebrows. Wearing a black robe, it seems to set off today's atmosphere, but it also makes her temperament more elegant.

Just one glance made many people present gasp in amazement.

What a handsome man!

He is Prince Lin? !

Among the people present, there were people who had met Prince Lin at the Lu family's wedding last time, and there were also people who had met him for the first time. But when they saw this figure appearing in front of them, they were all shocked.

The wild news in Beijing is so wild!

The majestic and handsome man in front of him, especially the black robe, made him even more mysterious.

Seeing such a handsome man in person is still shocking.

In an instant, the noisy courtyard became quiet again.

There was silence.

Between heaven and earth, there was only the sound of cold wind and drizzle.

The young man in black robe holding a black umbrella stepped across the threshold and stepped into the courtyard. He looked straight ahead, with a calm and indifferent expression, stepped on the bluestone, and walked slowly in.

Behind him is a young and beautiful woman who is also wearing a long black dress. Her delicate appearance gives off an extremely cold chill, and she does not look away. Quietly holding an umbrella, he followed Lin Jiangnian step by step.

The two of them walked in tandem, in front of everyone, turning a blind eye.

At this moment, in a daze, these two people actually gave everyone present the illusion of a talented man and a beautiful woman, like a couple of gods and immortals.

Is this person really Prince Lin?

Is that stunning woman behind him really just his maid? !

Many people stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

In such a quiet and strange environment, Zhou Yao stood in front of the hall with a gloomy face, watching the murderer of his son approaching and stopped.

"Master Zhou!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes slightly, looked at Zhou Yao in front of him, and slightly cupped his hands.

Zhou Yao stared at him, hatred suddenly emerged in his eyes at this moment: "What are you doing here?!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "I heard that Mr. Zhou is going to be buried today, and I came here to see him off. I want to burn incense for Mr. Zhou!"

"Are you worthy?"

Before Zhou Yao could speak, an angry voice came from the side.

A young man glared at Lin Jiangnian with fierce eyes: "You killed my cousin, and now you still have the nerve to show off and offer incense to him?!"

"Did you really bully me into having no one in the Zhou family?!"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the person: "Who are you?"

"Zhou Rujin, Zhou Huiguang's cousin!"

Zhou Rujin said coldly: "You killed my cousin, and now you come to the door on your own initiative. This is too much!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Young Master Zhou was not killed by this prince."

"The evidence is conclusive, you still want to quibble?!"

Zhou Rujin said coldly and angrily: "Stop talking nonsense and suffer death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Rujin's eyes suddenly showed murderous intent. He suddenly rose up, breathed sharply, tapped his toes, and suddenly rushed towards Lin Jiangnian, punching Lin Jiangnian on the head.

Extremely fast, arriving in the blink of an eye.

As a result, almost no one present reacted, and no one expected that Zhou Rujin would suddenly take action!

Many people were shocked.

How could Prince Lin defend himself at such a close distance? !

You're not really going to die here, are you?

"call out!"

Something cold seemed to flash through.


There was a dull sound, and a figure flew out.


Zhou Rujin fell heavily in the courtyard, vomiting blood, eyes and pupils widened, staring ahead in disbelief.

In the sight ahead, Lin Jiangnian was still standing there, motionless.

The maid behind him also stood there, holding an umbrella with one hand, and quietly retracting the other hand under her sleeve, staring at him with cold eyes without saying a word.

There is still light rain in the sky.

All around, it was still eerily silent!

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