Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 267 ‘Resurrection from the Dead’

Gao Wenyang opened his mouth, but the words that reached his mouth were cut off abruptly.

He was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his body covered with drizzle of mud and water, and he was extremely miserable. But at this moment, he couldn't care about any of this.

He raised his head with difficulty and looked forward not far away. What he saw was a small courtyard. Under the eaves of the courtyard, a figure wearing a dark robe was standing.

On the robe, there is a handsome and familiar face with delicate features, but it does not look like those pampered pretty faces in the capital. With sharp edges and gleaming eyes, she was looking at him relaxedly and happily.

"Mr. Gao, what a coincidence!"

Gao Wenyang trembled suddenly, his eyes showing fear. But it quickly flashed past and disappeared quickly.

"Lin, Lin, what do you want to do?!"

"Don't you know what this prince wants to do?"

Lin Jiangnian looked him up and down, then smiled softly and spoke.

Gao Wenyang became increasingly uneasy, and ominous premonitions kept coming to his mind. Why does Lin Jiangnian appear here? What is his purpose in finding him? !

Could it be...

Gao Wenyang seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was in turmoil, but he still managed to calm down: "You, please don't mess around..."

"It's not enough for you to kill Zhou Huiguang, do you want to kill me too?!"

"Let me tell you, if you dare to touch me... the capital will never tolerate you again, and His Majesty will never spare you..."

Listening to Gao Wenyang's threatening warning, Lin Jiangnian's smile became even brighter. He looked at Gao Wenyang with a smile: "Zhou Huiguang, is it really this prince who killed you?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Wenyang's heart beat violently and his pupils shrank: "No, who else is it if it's not you?!"


Lin Jiangnian glanced at him but said nothing, then glanced at Lin Qingqing standing beside him.

Lin Qingqing took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and threw it in front of Gao Wenyang.

"This, what is this?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said, "Open it and take a look?"

Gao Wenyang was wary and suspicious. He looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of him, and then at the heroic woman beside him, who was staring at him coldly with no expression. His heart tightened, and he tremblingly reached out to pick up the porcelain bottle on the ground. Open carefully.

"Smell it and see if it sounds familiar?"

Gao Wenyang brought the porcelain bottle to his nose, sniffed it gently, and the next second, his expression suddenly changed, and he threw the porcelain bottle out in a panic as if he was holding a poisonous snake.

The porcelain bottle fell on the grass, and the purple medicinal powder in the bottle scattered, melted when exposed to water, and merged into one body silently. After a while, the naked eye could see that the grass on the meadow was yellow, withered and black...

This scene made Gao Wenyang's pupils shrink suddenly and he was terrified.


At this time, Lin Jiangnian's voice came from the front. Gao Wenyang's heart suddenly sank, and he suppressed the fear in his heart: "You, what do you want to say?"

"I, I don't, can't you poison me to death?"

Lin Jiangnian ignored his sophistry, pointed to the medicinal powder scattered on the ground, and explained to him: "This poison is called purple fragrant orchid. It is a strange poison from the Western Regions. This poison melts when exposed to water and becomes colorless." It is odorless and extremely toxic, and it only takes half a quarter of an hour for the toxicity to take effect..."

"Zhou Huiguang died after being poisoned."

Gao Wenyang's breathing was rapid and his face was extremely ugly. He stared at Lin Jiangnian and his voice trembled slightly: "You, what do you want to say?! You used this poison to murder Brother Zhou, and now you want to murder me?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and said calmly: "My prince just said that this poison came from the Western Regions. It is extremely precious and rare in the world... Coincidentally, just last month, a group of people came from the Western Regions as tribute. The treasures that came here were sent to the capital, and this purple fragrant orchid was among them..."

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment and glanced at him: "Mr. Gao, would you like me to help you recall the hands of those treasures sent as tribute from the Western Regions?"

"And, does it have anything to do with Mr. Gao?"

Gao Wenyang's face turned completely pale, his whole body was trembling, and his panic could not dissipate: "You, what do you mean by this?!"

"I, I don't know what you are talking about? I've never heard of purple fragrant orchid..."

At this point, Gao Wenyang stared at Lin Jiangnian, as if suddenly enlightened, and said angrily: "You, you want to put the blame on me?!"

"Don't be anxious. I don't know if it's okay. I'll help you remember slowly."

Compared with Gao Wenyang's excitement, Lin Jiangnian seemed very calm and spoke slowly: "This batch of tributes from the Western Regions is in charge of Xin Wenshen, the Minister of Rites. Are you familiar with Xin Wenshen? I heard that he has a close relationship with your Gao family. That's right... every year, the tributes from the small countries around the Daning Dynasty are often secretly withheld and divided up by officials like them. You, the Gao family, must have benefited a lot from it, right?"

"Bloody mouth!"

Gao Wenyang gritted his teeth: "My Gao family is loyal to the court and your majesty, and I will never do such a thing!"

"Don't worry, it's okay if you don't admit it."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and signaled him not to worry: "On this point, if I can come to you today, it is natural that I have already gone to see Xin Wenshen. Among the batch of tributes from the Western Regions, the purple fragrant orchid in the list has indeed been It was taken away. As for who took it away..."

Having said this, Lin Jiangnian didn't speak again.

But Gao Wenyang's face suddenly turned red, and he said angrily: "How do I know? My Gao family has never embezzled any tribute, and I don't know anything about purple fragrant orchid..."

Speaking of excitement, Gao Wenyang struggled to get up from the ground. But as soon as he stood up, his shoulder was slapped by the handle of the knife in Lin Qingqing's hand. The whole person was unsteady and fell to the ground again.

"Don't be too excited, Mr. Gao. I didn't say you took it. I believe Mr. Gao and would never do such a thing, right?"

Gao Wenyang was embarrassed, but he raised his head in disbelief, as if he heard wrongly.

Under the drizzle, Lin Jiangnian suddenly approached under the eaves, squatted in front of Gao Wenyang, raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Qingqing with a slightly reproachful tone: "You are so cruel, how can you be so rude to Mr. Gao?"

Lin Qingqing: "..."

I don’t know who ordered it.

She chose not to speak, silently took the blame, and stood beside His Highness holding an umbrella.

Gao Wenyang's eyes were filled with resentment and suspicion. What kind of tricks does this son of a bitch want to play? !

"My prince naturally believes in Mr. Gao. After all, the tributes sent from the Western Regions are all recorded. The purple fragrant orchid was an important murderer in the murder of Mr. Zhou. As long as the people from Jingzhao Mansion and Mi Tiansi investigate, they can easily find out. …”

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment, then suddenly said with a smile: "So, it is better to save some time. Mr. Gao directly told me who took the purple fragrant orchid away?"

"Who gave the purple fragrant orchid to Mr. Gao and instigated Mr. Gao to drug him and poison his best friend in Beijing?"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

Gao Wenyang's eyes instantly showed fear, and the hairs all over his body almost stood up.

He stared at Lin Jiangnian, and when he looked at Lin Jiangnian's still harmless expression, he couldn't stop trembling all over.

He, how did he find out? !

Both the Purple Fragrance Orchid and the batch of tributes sent from the Western Regions are extremely secretive matters, and few people know about them.

Prince Lin, Prince Lin, had just arrived in the capital, so how did he find out about this?

Absolutely impossible!

"I, I don't know what you are talking about..."

"How could I poison Brother Zhou to death? Zhou, Brother Zhou was obviously killed by you..."

"You, you want to put the blame on me?!"

However, Lin Jiangnian ignored him and sighed softly: "I am giving Mr. Gao a chance. Does Mr. Gao really not want it?"

Before Gao Wenyang could answer, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked outside the courtyard again: "Where did Mr. Gao go just now? Let me take a guess, Mr. Rong Ben... If you guessed correctly, Mr. Gao should have gone to report to the third prince just now, right?"

Gao Wenyang's eyes were horrified, his hands and feet were cold, and he froze on the spot.

He, he already knew this?

"The poison was given to you by the third prince, right?"

Lin Jiang young spoke loudly.

"I, I really don't know what you are talking about, what kind of poison, it has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with the Third Prince..."

After being horrified, Gao Wenyang reacted quickly and denied it.

"Master Gao's mouth seems really tough, doesn't it?"

"You, don't even think about putting the blame on me."

After a brief period of fright, Gao Wenyang gradually came back to his senses and gritted his teeth: "You have no evidence and slandered the innocence of me and the third prince out of thin air. Do you know that slandering the Tian family is a capital crime?!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at him as if he were a fool: "When does my prince need evidence for his actions? Even if my prince slanders you, what can you do?"

Gao Wenyang was stunned on the spot.

"Even if I kill you now... who would know? Since everyone thinks I killed Zhou Huiguang, what if there is one more of you? Do you think so?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Wenyang felt a chill in his heart, his whole body suddenly tensed up, and his eyes were horrified: "You, you dare to kill me?!"

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Lin Qingqing next to him. Lin Qingqing immediately understood and took out the knife from his waist and handed it to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian held the knife and felt the weight of the knife. It was just right and the blade was bright. It was a good knife.

Gao Wenyang was frightened when he saw the blade so close!

"You, don't mess around...if you kill me, I, my father will not let you go..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced sideways at him: "Your father won't let me go? Who is your father? He has a high official position? Or is he well-connected? Or... is he very powerful? More powerful than my father?"

Gao Wenyang froze on the spot, the fear in his eyes getting worse.

More powerful than Prince Lin?

No matter how powerful his father was, how could he possibly compare to Prince Lin?

There's no comparison at all!

Thinking of this, Gao Wenyang trembled all over, his face turned pale, and he struggled back almost subconsciously: "You, don't mess around..."

A ray of cold light appeared in front of him, and the long knife was close at hand. Gao Wenyang's eyes were wide and bulging, and he was frightened and frightened.

"Mr. Gao, you don't really think that you can get the benefits that the third prince promised you, do you?"

Lin Jiangnian said in a cold but meaningful voice: "What benefits did the third prince promise to give you? Did he ask you to do things for him because he was a high-ranking official and had a good salary, or did he make any promises to your Gao family?" , to ensure that your Gao family will be prosperous and prosperous?"

The long knife was close at hand. Gao Wenyang was so frightened that his whole body became stiff and he didn't even dare to move.

"But don't worry, with my son here, your Gao family will definitely not get any benefits... No matter what he promises to give you, your Gao family will never have the slightest chance to get it..."

Gao Wenyang, who was lying on the ground, was trembling all over, looking up at Lin Jiangnian with red eyes. There seems to be hatred and ferocity.

"Don't believe it?"

Lin Jiangnian still showed him a harmless smile.

Gao Wenyang said angrily: "I, my Gao family have no enmity or enmity with you, why do you target my Gao family like this..."

"Zhou, Brother Zhou's death has nothing to do with me. I, I have no idea what you are talking about..."

"You, why do you have to accuse me so unjustly?!"

Gao Wenyang's trembling and panicked voice was filled with tears. If it were anyone else, he would definitely be a little moved.

"It seems that you really don't cry until you see the coffin!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and suddenly changed his tone: "Mr. Gao, do you think that Zhou Huiguang is dead and there is no proof... As long as you insist and don't let go, no one can do anything to you?"

Gao Wenyang said nothing.

This is indeed what he had in mind.

Zhou Huiguang is already dead, and there is no evidence of his death.

Even if someone doubts it, there is absolutely no evidence. So what if you doubt it? So what if we know the truth?

No evidence!

As long as he bites him to death, nothing will go wrong.

"You're still too naive."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly smiled mysteriously at him: "Do you think this is really the case?"

For some reason, Gao Wenyang suddenly felt an ominous feeling in his heart when he looked at Lin Jiangnian.

Just when he didn't know what to say, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.

"Gao Wenyang!"

Gao Wenyang shuddered and suddenly raised his head in disbelief.

A figure appeared under the eaves not far away.

However, when he saw this figure, Gao Wenyang felt chills all over his body, as if he had fallen into a deep cellar. His whole body was completely stiff, and even his blood almost solidified.

"Zhou, Zhou Huiguang?!"

"You, you're not dead?!"

The figure that appeared in Gao Wenyang's sight was clearly the resurrected 'Zhou Huiguang'. His pale face looked like he had been dead for many days and then resurrected, and he stared at Gao Wenyang expressionlessly.

"No, you can't be Zhou Huiguang!"

After a brief period of confusion and panic, Gao Wenyang reacted quickly and shook his head in fear: "Zhou Huiguang has obviously been poisoned to death. You are a fake... You are definitely not Zhou Huiguang!"

"Gao Wenyang, you really want me to die, don't you?"

Zhou Huiguang, who was under the eaves, stared at him expressionlessly and gritted his teeth: "I treat you as my best brother. I didn't expect that you plotted against me and wanted my life!"

The low voice destroyed Gao Wenyang's fragile mood like a threat to his life.

"No, it's, you are fake, you can't be Zhou Huiguang..."

Gao Wenyang stared at Zhou Huiguang in front of him, trying to find any flaws in him, but he had no flaws at all in terms of appearance or temperament.

It is clearly the real Zhou Huiguang!

He, how could he still be alive?

No, it’s impossible!

"If this were not the case, how could you be fooled?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice suddenly came from the side: "You don't think that Purple Fragrance Orchid has no antidote, do you?"

Gao Wenyang trembled all over, and felt cold all over when he heard the words "antidote."

Under the eaves in front, Zhou Huiguang's deep voice came again: "Thanks to my good friends with you, you killed me... Gao Wenyang, you beast, you deserve to die!"


Gao Wenyang was already terrified, but the scene in front of him was so 'shocking' that his mind had no time to function. Almost instinctively retorted: "No, it's none of my business. I, I didn't want to kill you..."

Gao Wenyang crawled back a few steps in fear, trembling all over, staring at Zhou Huiguang in front of him with a pale face, his teeth chattering, and he said with great fear: "I, I didn't know that was poison..."

"I, I really didn't, didn't mean it..."


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