Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 268 A great gift for the third prince

There was silence.

The sky was still gray, as if covered with a layer of haze. The rain fell in patter, gradually getting heavier and sliding down the eaves.

The courtyard was already muddy.

Gao Wenyang fell to the ground in embarrassment, struggling to retreat, with a panic-stricken look on his face, staring at the figure in front of him, his eyes almost bulging out in disbelief.

Zhou Huiguang is not dead?

What, how is it possible?

How could he not be dead? !

He has obviously seen it with his own eyes...

But, who is this person in front of me? !

Lin Jiangnian's repeated verbal stimulation and threats put Gao Wenyang in a state of fear and panic. In addition, Zhou Huiguang's sudden 'resurrection from the dead' appeared in front of him. Gao Wenyang's soul was scattered and his hair and bones were shaking. Under the double stimulus, My brain was completely short-circuited, and I had no time to think at all, so I spoke almost without thinking.

Then, the surroundings suddenly fell into a brief silence.

"Didn't you know it was poison?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice came again: "Then what do you think it is?"

"I, I thought I was just drugged..."

Gao Wenyang spoke subconsciously.

"So, Zhou Huiguang was indeed poisoned to death by you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile: "You have admitted it!"

"Poison, poison to death?"

Gao Wenyang was startled suddenly, and then suddenly realized something, and his body trembled with fear: "You, you..."

He realized something was wrong, his face suddenly turned pale, he turned to look at 'Zhou Huiguang' under the eaves, his pupils shrank: "You, you are not Zhou Huiguang?!"

Gao Wenyang was not a fool. He was really panicked when he was frightened just now. Now after hearing Lin Jiangnian's words, he calmed down for a moment and instantly realized that something was wrong.

Zhou Huiguang is dead!

He had confirmed with his own eyes that he was indeed dead and could no longer die, so how could he come back to life? !

Is this ‘Zhou Huiguang’ in front of me fake? ! !

At the same time, 'Zhou Huiguang' who was standing under the eaves suddenly moved, reached for his neck, and under Gao Wenyang's frightened gaze, tore off a silk human skin mask, revealing a completely unfamiliar face.

This person is indeed not Zhou Huiguang.

"Your Highness, your mission has been completed. It's time to go back and resume your duties."

The man raised his hand towards Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian nodded, "Give my regards to your lady, and thank her for her help."

The man bowed respectfully to Lin Jiangnian and quickly disappeared into the courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and stared at Gao Wenyang with a smile: "You guessed it right, he is indeed not Zhou Huiguang. But, it's too late!"

Gao Wenyang trembled all over and stared at Lin Jiangnian with a ferocious and angry look on his face: "You, are you trying to trick me?!"

How could Gao Wenyang not realize at this moment that he had fallen into Lin Jiangnian's scheme!

The other party deliberately provoked and threatened him, exposed his chicken feet while he was frightened and distracted, and then tricked him...

Thinking of this, Gao Wenyang was filled with anger.

"You don't have to be dissatisfied!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Gao Wenyang and shook his head gently: "I originally prepared a lot of packages for you, but I didn't expect you to plead guilty all of a sudden... It's really surprising..."

Gao Wenyang: "..."


How could he fall for such a low-level strategy?

Too careless!

Gao Wenyang was ashamed and angry. His face turned red. He stared at Lin Jiangnian. He seemed to have thought of something, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "So what if you know? What can you do?" Who would believe it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him quietly: "Don't you pretend anymore?"

Gao Wenyang sneered. Now that he has been exposed, he is now broken.

"Do you think you can still stand up? Even if you say it now, who will believe it?!"

Gao Wenyang smiled evilly, gritting his teeth and staring at Lin Jiangnian: "They have all long believed that you killed Zhou Huiguang, and everyone hopes for this result... It's useless no matter how hard you try, you must bear the blame for Zhou Huiguang's death! "

Public opinion in Beijing has already been fermenting. Even if he, Lin Jiangnian, learns the truth now, what can he do?

"My prince is not in the habit of taking the blame for others."

Lin Jiangnian looked at him pitifully and shook his head slightly: "On your side, I'm afraid you will take the blame for your third prince."

The smile on Gao Wenyang's face froze slightly: "What do you mean?!"

Lin Jiangnian ignored him, stood up slowly, turned around and glanced behind him: "Master Zhou, should you trust me now?"

Gao Wenyang felt his head buzzing and raised his head in disbelief. In the line of sight ahead, several figures appeared at some unknown time.

The leader is none other than...Zhou Yao!

For a moment, Gao Wenyang's head was spinning, and his vision almost went dark.

It’s over!

This was the last thought in Gao Wenyang's mind.

In the rain, Zhou Yao walked towards Gao Wenyang with heavy steps, step by step, and stopped in front of Gao Wenyang.

His breath, set off by a dark gown, was extremely deep, like a volcano about to erupt.

At this moment, the calmness on Gao Wenyang's face completely disappeared, and he explained in panic:

"Zhou, Uncle Zhou, you, listen to me explain... things, that's not what happened... Lin Jiangnian deliberately framed it, that's not what happened..."

Zhou Yao stood down and stared at him coldly, his voice seemed to come from his throat: "Why do you want to kill Hui Guang?"

Gao Wenyang trembled all over and said in horror: "No, it's not what you think, uncle, it's..."

"Hui Guang considers you his best friend, why did you kill him so cruelly?"

Zhou Yao's eyes were red, his eyes were cold as if he wanted to eat him up, and his voice was trembling and angry.

"Uncle, I, I..."


Zhou Yao waved his sleeves and slapped Gao Wenyang hard on the face.

Crisp and loud, deafening!

Gao Wenyang screamed, covering his face and struggling on the ground mixed with mud and water.

Zhou Yao grabbed Gao Wenyang by the collar, picked him up, and stared at him fiercely: "Why do you want to kill my son? Why?!"



Another hard slap in the face, as if he wanted to vent all the pain of losing his son.

Gao Wenyang screamed repeatedly, and the sound of painful wails could be heard.

But no one sympathized.

There was silence all around, and everyone watched this scene quietly.

Lin Jiangnian admired it quietly, then turned around and saw a familiar figure appearing in the crowd.

"Chen Kuishou."

Chen Changqing's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and the two looked at each other without saying anything.

Lin Jiangnian said: "Now that the real culprit who killed Mr. Zhou has appeared, the next step will be handed over to Chief Chen!"

Chen Changqing looked as usual and nodded: "Your Highness, don't worry, the real murderer has been caught, and I will definitely clear Your Highness's name!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded, then looked at the people behind Chen Changqing and some 'important people' who appeared in the courtyard.

At this moment, their eyes were extremely complex, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Is there really someone else who killed Mr. Zhou?

Lin Jiangnian stopped paying attention. He raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of Zhiyuan standing there under the eaves not far away, looking at him quietly.

Lin Jiangnian quickly approached and came to her side.


Zhiyuan glanced at Zhou Yao who was venting the pain of losing his son in the courtyard.

"So be it."

"As soon as I scare Zhou Huiguang with a fake person, he will show his weakness..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed with emotion: "It was too simple, and it went so smoothly that it was unexpected."

Zhiyuan was silent, then raised her eyes to look at him again: "How did you know that he had a problem?"


Just as Lin Jiangnian spoke, he saw Zhiyuan staring at him calmly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, and after a while she said, "Did that Miss Zhao tell you?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"That's absolutely not the case."

Zhiyuan's gaze fell forward: "Then why did Miss Zhao send a strange person who can disguise herself to help you?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and sighed: "It does have something to do with her, but... not much."

After returning from Zhao Mansion yesterday, Lin Jiangnian had the prototype of today's plan. It is indeed related to Zhao Xi, but not entirely.

As early as when Hui Guang was killed at the Lu family wedding last week, Lin Jiangnian had already suspected Li Qianlin and Gao Wenyang.

These two people are the people who have the best relationship with Zhou Huiguang, and they are also the people most likely to poison him. Zhou Huiguang's disbelieving look before he died also showed that he was probably plotted and murdered by someone close to him.

Lin Jiangnian initially focused his suspicion on Li Qianlin, who had a close relationship with the third prince. He was sure that the mastermind behind the incident was the third prince, and Li Qianlin was naturally the most suspect.

However, Lin Jiangnian's secret investigation revealed that Li Qianlin's reactions during this period were normal. On the contrary, Gao Wenyang has been living in seclusion since the Lu family's wedding, which is quite different from his usual habits and is a bit abnormal.

Lin Jiangnian was sure of his suspicions until he learned some definite information from Miss Zhao yesterday.

The person in question is indeed Gao Wenyang.

Ever since, this plan about Gao Wenyang was laid out quietly.

It wasn't a clever plan. After all, this frame-up against Lin Jiangnian wasn't very clever either.

Gao Wenyang was hiding at home a few days ago. On the one hand, he was probably guilty, and on the other hand, he was worried about being exposed, so he simply pretended to be dead. But today is the day when Zhou Huiguang is buried. As Zhou Huiguang's good friend, if he doesn't come, it will look like he is a ghost.

Lin Qingqing has been eyeing him since he showed up at Zhou's house. The plan was to wait until after the funeral. But he didn't expect that he would give him a chance when he left the meeting to report the news.

According to the original plan, it didn't matter whether Gao Wenyang would confess today or not. For Lin Jiangnian, he never needs evidence to act. Furthermore, once a playboy like Gao Wenyang falls into the hands of Lin Jiangnian, he is not afraid of being really tough-talking.

"I still overestimated this kid."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I thought he could carry it for a while."

Zhiyuan ignored Lin Jiangnian, her beautiful eyes fell on the courtyard, and after a while she said, "What should we do next?"

"Gao Wenyang has been exposed, even if he doesn't admit it, it's useless. Now that Zhou Yao knows who the murderer of his son is, he will definitely not give up. He just needs to wait and see the good show..."

"The little one has been exposed, and now it's time to go to the big one to settle the score."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell in a direction outside the courtyard, and he meant something.

Zhiyuan's eyes also fell.

"Let's go."

Lin Jiangnian put his arms around Zhiyuan's round and jade shoulders. Zhiyuan was not used to it and glared at him lightly, as if he was about to struggle, but Lin Jiangnian held him tighter and more domineeringly, and walked towards the door.

"Don't make trouble, don't move around, be good... let's go and accompany this prince to meet him."


Quiet courtyard.

inside the room.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince seems to have noticed something, and has instructed the eldest princess to change the deployment of the imperial army in the palace. This is not good for us..."

"Don't worry, the palace will take care of you when the time comes. The only thing you have to worry about now is Li Miaomiao..."

At the mention of this imperial sister, the third prince frowned slightly, seeming a little worried.

Situ Yan sighed: "Actually, if the eldest princess can marry to Linzhou, it will be a good thing for us."

The third prince shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Sister, there is no way she will marry Lin Jiangnian. I understand her! Furthermore, if she really marries Lin Jiangnian, if she gets help from the Lin family, she will be a bigger person." The threat..."

The third prince's eyes flickered, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Situ Yan just sighed secretly and said nothing more. He looked up at the window and said, "It's getting late, Your Highness, it's time to go back!"

"Let's go."

When the third prince stood up and was about to leave, a hurried voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, someone is coming to the door!"


"Lin, Prince Lin!"

The third prince suddenly raised his head.

In the cold courtyard, several figures fell around the courtyard, waiting in full formation.

In the courtyard, a black umbrella appeared.

Under the black umbrella, there is a pair of master and servant dressed in black.

The charming and beautiful maid was holding an umbrella and standing beside the man with an expressionless face, not squinting.

The young man in black robe stood there, looking up at the eaves not far ahead, his eyes seemed to be a bit mocking.

"What? The third prince doesn't even dare to meet this prince?"

There was a moment of silence.

Under the eaves in front, the door slowly opened.

The third prince, dressed in brocade robes, slowly walked out of the room, stood under the eaves, looked up at the man in the courtyard, and looked into each other's eyes.

This is not the first time the two have met. There had been conflicts between the two a long time ago.

But for Lin Jiangnian, this was indeed the first meeting.

They are obviously enemies, even enemies who want to kill each other. When they met at this moment, there was no trace of it on their faces.

The third prince quietly looked at the strange yet familiar figure in the courtyard, hiding the gloomy meaning in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face: "How could that be?"

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is here. I should welcome you."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Is this the third prince's welcome?"

When the third prince saw this, his eyes became slightly cold, and he glared at the guards in the courtyard: "You bitch, don't you have eyes? Your Highness, Prince Lin, has arrived, why don't you greet him quickly?"

As he said that, the third prince quickly showed a kind smile on his face, "Your Highness Prince Lin, it's cold outside, would you like to come in and have a cup of hot tea?"

"You don't have to drink tea."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, glanced at him, and said with a hint: "I am worried about poison."

A coldness flashed in the third prince's eyes, but there was still a smile on his face: "Your Highness is worried that I will poison you?"

"The third prince is well-known in the capital and behaves aboveboard. Naturally, he will not do such despicable things. But the people around the third prince are not necessarily..."

Pointing fingers at mulberry trees and scolding huai trees!

The third prince's eyes were slightly cold: "Your Highness, don't worry. With me here, no one dares to poison you."

"Then I'll be relieved."

"Your Highness, please."

The third prince is smiling but not smiling.

"Since the third prince has extended your invitation so kindly, it would be disrespectful for me to refuse!"

Lin Jiangnian said, and he and Zhiyuan walked slowly to the eaves under the umbrella, then stopped and whispered something into Zhiyuan's ear.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced, then nodded lightly.

The third prince stood still, glanced at the maid behind Lin Jiangnian, and frowned slightly.

Lin Jiangnian stepped onto the eaves and walked to the third prince.

"We haven't seen each other for several years, and the third prince has become even more handsome!"

"His Royal Highness is not bad either."

The two looked at each other and smiled, like old friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

"Actually, today, my prince brought a big gift to the third prince!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the third prince in front of him and suddenly spoke.


The third prince seemed a little surprised: "What gift did His Highness bring to this king?"

"Third Prince, please take a look."

Lin Jiangnian reached into his arms and seemed to take out something.

The third prince narrowed his eyes and moved slightly closer.

The next second!


A crisp slap sounded.

Lin Jiangnian turned his fist into a palm and slapped the third prince hard and accurately on the face.

This slap instantly made the third prince in front of him dizzy and confused.

There was sudden silence all around.

None of the guards present reacted, and they all looked at this sudden scene with dull eyes.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, slowly put his hands back under his sleeves, and spoke calmly.

"Is His Highness the Third Prince satisfied with this great gift?"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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