Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 269 The Shyness of a Girl


This crisp and loud slap not only slapped the face of the dignified and somewhat gentle third prince, but also seemed to slap on the brains of everyone present, causing everyone's brains to short-circuit at the same time. Confused.

He stood there dumbly.

The surroundings were eerily quiet!

Everyone's eyes were still a little confused, and there was a bit of confusion in the confusion... Why did they suddenly take action? !

A second ago, His Highness the Third Prince and His Highness Prince Lin were still chatting with each other, maintaining the most basic superficial skills... Even if they wished for each other's death, they would never show it easily.

This is their almost default subconscious mind as a powerful class. As long as they don't completely break up, at least everyone can still be harmonious on the surface.

Because of this, Prince Lin, who was smiling with you just a second ago, suddenly gave His Highness the Third Prince a big sinus, which made everyone unexpected and even a little bit at a loss.

When they came to their senses, their expressions changed and they were horrified.

"Your Highness?!"

Several guards who were still standing around the courtyard ran towards the eaves at almost the same time.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The cold light suddenly appeared, and the guards drew their swords one after another, and the bright sword energy came directly under the eaves.

The paper kite, which was originally standing outside the eaves, holding a black umbrella, silently blocked everyone's way.

"Get away!"

One of the guards stopped at the slightest moment and saw someone blocking the way. He slashed the cold sword in his hand, intending to kill the seemingly beautiful and weak maid in front of him.

The methods are harsh and there is no mercy at all.

The kite stood outside the eaves, watching the guards in front of him with an expressionless face. He gently held the black umbrella in his hand and rotated it. The raindrops falling from the sky formed a curtain of rain on the umbrella surface, and were thrown out by the rapid rotation of the umbrella surface.

The guard who had just approached suddenly realized something was wrong, and the cold sword in his hand suddenly came to meet him.

The rain curtain that should have been split easily seems to have a majestic energy.


There was a crisp cracking sound, and the sword in the guard's hand was instantly shattered.

He lowered his head in disbelief, looking at his arms that were shaking slightly due to gravity, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

His sword couldn't cut through the water? !

Before he had time to think about it, the dangerous aura suddenly hit his heart. He raised his head suddenly, and suddenly there was a group of black spots in his sight.

Caught off guard!


The figure of the guard flew out and fell heavily in the rain. He vomited blood, clutched his chest and looked ugly. He stared in disbelief at the girl in black skirt who was closing her umbrella under the eaves.

She held up the umbrella again and stood outside the eaves. Rain dripped down the sides of the black umbrella. The beautiful girl under the umbrella still had no emotion on her beautiful face. She raised her eyes and looked calmly at the remaining guards in front of her.



The remaining guards' hearts trembled. They didn't expect that the weak-looking girl in front of them could be so unfathomable? !

They quickly put away the contempt in their eyes and looked at each other. The next second, they launched attacks from all directions in tacit cooperation.

The sword light and sword energy enveloped the figure of the black-clothed girl outside the eaves in an instant.

Under the umbrella, Zhiyuan did not move, but when he raised his eyes, those beautiful eyes, as bright and clear as stars, showed a hint of silent murderous intent.

The cold wind swept across the girl's black skirt.

The murderous intention is revealed!

Under the eaves.

Lin Jiangnian's blow to the sinuses was so clear and loud that it stunned the third prince in front of him. His body was unstable and he took two steps back, almost falling.

Half of his face, which was originally clear and fair, became visibly red and swollen, and his original handsome appearance was no longer there.

His eyes went from shock to anger, then to unforgivable anger, until he was staring at Lin Jiangnian.

He, he dared to hit himself?

Dare you hit him in the face? !

Perhaps he was too shocked. After he came to his senses, the third prince could no longer hold back the violence in his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian coldly: "You dare to hit me?!"

Lin Jiangnian calmly looked at the third prince in front of him, whose face looked a bit ferocious due to shock and anger, and chuckled: "What? Doesn't the third prince like this great gift from this prince?"

Big gift?

Your mother...

The third prince's handsome face was distorted, and he could no longer maintain the gentleness he had just now. He gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You are looking for..."


Before he could say the word 'death' in his mouth, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward and slapped the other side of the third prince's face again.

"Is the Third Prince satisfied now?"

Lin Jiangnian retracted his hand and spoke calmly.

Now it’s symmetrical!

The third prince staggered back a few steps as he was slapped again, and almost fell down.

"Your Highness?!"

At this time, Situ Yan, who ran out of the room, quickly stepped forward and supported His Highness. His eyes were shocked and angry: "How dare you hit His Highness the Third Prince? Are you crazy? Do you know that this is a capital crime?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked indifferently: "What crime is this prince guilty of?"

Situ Yan said angrily: "The third prince is His Majesty's son and has a distinguished status. If you hit His Majesty, it is equivalent to slapping His Majesty in the face. You are treason and deserve death!"


Listening to Situ Yan's angry accusation, Lin Jiangnian glanced at him calmly: "My prince deserved death for slapping him in the face. So what crime should the third prince deserve for assassinating my prince outside the capital?"

"Or, in your eyes, the life of the prince who has made great contributions to the unification of the Daning Dynasty and was appointed king by His Majesty is not as good as a mere slap in the face of the three princes?"

As soon as these words came out, Situ Yan's expression suddenly changed.

I can't accept this at all.

Is the life of the prince's son worth a slap in the face from the third prince?

If he dares to nod, he may end up staying in this capital.

"His Royal Highness..."

Situ Yan was about to speak, but he suddenly realized something, his face changed again, and he denied it: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince must have misunderstood... My Third Prince is so good, how could he assassinate His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"



Lin Jiangnian said nothing and just sneered.

But this sneer seemed to be more effective than any words.

Situ Yan's face suddenly darkened. Although he had already guessed that Prince Lin knew that the person who assassinated him was the third prince, he still didn't expect him to say it so directly.

Today's move is undoubtedly a complete rupture in face.

...even more serious than breaking up!

Situ Yan looked back at the third prince beside him, and his heart suddenly sank.

This will probably be a life-and-death situation!

The third prince beside him had red and swollen faces, messy hair, and extremely resentful eyes. These two slaps not only slapped him in the face, but also seemed to hit the fragile self-esteem in his heart.

This son of the feudal lord, who had never been taken seriously by him, had openly humiliated him today.

The hatred in the third prince's heart was overwhelming, his eyes were blazing, and he made a low hoarse sound from his throat.

"Give me, kill him!"

The tone was full of hatred, but soon fell silent with the silence outside the eaves.

The eyes of several people under the eaves fell on the courtyard almost at the same time.

At this moment, the courtyard has quietly quieted down.

On the ground, there were several guards lying in a mess. The rain and blood were mixed together. The swords were broken and thrown randomly in the courtyard, leaving a mess.

Under the eaves, the beautiful figure of the girl wearing a black umbrella still stood there quietly.

The cold wind blew her black hair and long skirt flying, and her lonely and dusty back formed a sharp contrast with the messy scene of guards all over the courtyard in front of her.

This scene is shocking!

The girl in black dress under the black umbrella slowly turned around, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful face. Her bright and clear eyes swept over the third prince, and landed on Lin Jiangnian, watching him quietly.

Not a word was spoken.

But it seems to be saying: Look, I took care of them all!

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's heart was slightly touched, and he had the urge to kiss the little maid.

He walked up to her and looked her up and down nervously: "Are you hurt?"

Zhiyuan shook her head slightly.

After confirming that Zhiyuan was fine, Lin Jiangnian felt relieved and glanced at the courtyard again: "Did you kill them all?"

Zhiyuan still shook his head.

There was a trace of murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

She had already restrained her attacks. If Lin Jiangnian hadn't given an explanation today, none of these people would have survived.

But even so, even if these guards recover from their injuries, their martial arts skills are probably useless.

She never shows mercy.

"It's really amazing. It is indeed my prince's most powerful and cutest little kite."

Lin Jiangnian praised with a smile on his face.

Zhiyuan remained expressionless and glanced at him. He seemed a little dissatisfied with Lin Jiangnian's childlike praise, but there was also a hint of indescribable joy in his eyes.

Lin Jiangnian turned around again and looked at the third prince who was staring at him with anger not far away. He said calmly: "This first 'big gift' today is to repay His Highness the Third Prince for assassinating my son outside the city. A great gift."

"The second 'big gift' is naturally a gift in return for the third prince murdering Zhou Huiguang and framing this prince..."

"His Royal Highness the Third Emperor has such vicious thoughts. He has repeatedly tried to kill this prince. Today, my prince has only replied to two 'acknowledgements'. In total, His Highness has already made a lot of money!"

This understatement made the third prince feel angry.

made money?

Where did he earn it? !

How could the third prince not realize that Lin Jiangnian was here for revenge today.

Revenge for his previous assassination and frame-up!

He chose the simplest and most brutal way of revenge!


Very stupid.

However, it was this act of revenge that seemed the most stupid and childish to the third prince, but it made him lose face and become extremely angry.

"When we meet for the first time, apart from these two great gifts, there is nothing else I can give to His Highness the Third Prince, so..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, and a strange smile appeared on his face: "Then I wish His Highness the Third Prince to live a few more days."

This is already an obvious and naked threat.

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at Zhiyuan: "Let's go, it's time for us to go home."

Zhiyuan glanced at him silently for a few times, nodded silently, said nothing, turned around with an umbrella, and prepared to leave with Lin Jiangnian.

They had just taken two steps when a figure silently blocked their path.

Zhiyuan subconsciously stepped in front of Lin Jiangnian, staring at the person in front of him warily and coldly. She felt a good aura from the other party's body.

Lin Jiangnian looked as usual and glanced back: "Your Highness, the Third Prince, do you want to keep me here for dinner today?"

At this moment, the third prince's cold eyes were full of anger. Just when he was about to speak, Situ Yan suddenly leaned into his ear and said something. But he saw the third prince's eyes condensed, staring at the two of them, as if he was unwilling to hesitate.

After a while, he finally gritted his teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian coldly: "Today's 'big gift', I will return it to you tenfold sooner or later."

"Am looking forward to."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said with a smile: "I hope His Highness the Third Prince will not keep me waiting for too long!"

When he turned back, the figure blocking the two of them had disappeared. The two of them walked through the courtyard without any obstruction, holding black umbrellas, and left through the gate.

Silent and ruined.

Under the eaves, the third prince's cold eyes were still staring at the door. It wasn't until a long time later that he spoke in a low and hoarse voice: "Is this maid really that powerful?"

Situ Yan also had a very ugly expression on his face. He looked at the door and whispered: "She has very high martial arts skills. It is conservatively estimated that she is at least a master in the early stage of the third-level Dao Realm, or even higher..."

Hearing this, the third prince's eyes flashed with fear: "Third-grade Taoist realm?!"

"His Highness may be able to keep them today, but he will definitely have to pay a high price. Once things get serious, it will not be of any benefit to His Highness... Furthermore, her martial arts skills are too high. If she attacks His Highness, my subordinates cannot guarantee it. His Highness’s safety…”

Empress Situ Yan was extremely frightened. The seemingly inconspicuous little maid next to Prince Lin had extremely terrifying martial arts skills!

He had been observing just now that the most elite guards in their house could not withstand a few moves at the hands of the maid in black skirt.

In fact, the maid in black dress didn't show any strength at all. With one person and one umbrella, she defeated these elite guards in their house.

Under such circumstances, Situ Yan absolutely did not dare to take risks. If anything happens to His Highness the Third Prince, he will become a sinner!

The third prince was obviously aware of this, and his cold eyes were filled with gloom: "Could it be that my beating today was in vain?!"

He was furious.

I was beaten in vain today, but I can't take revenge!

How could he, the third prince, who was determined to retaliate against his anger, accept it?

"Today's revenge will definitely be avenged someday. But Your Highness, things are important!"

Situ Yan advised in a low voice: "Now is the most critical moment, Your Highness must not make any mistakes... When Your Highness succeeds to the throne in the future, the world is in His hands, why worry about being unable to deal with the son of a vassal prince? !”

The third prince was still staring at the outside of the courtyard, gritting his teeth, his eyes full of gloom and coldness, filled with hatred!


Leave the mansion and walk through the alley.

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan walked out of the alley holding umbrellas.

On the street, drizzle was falling, and it was gray not far away. A few streets away, in the direction of Zhou's home, there was a lot of movement.

Pedestrians were passing by on the street, and there were many discussions from time to time.

"Have you heard? Something happened to the Zhou family!"

"What happened? Isn't today the day for the funeral of the son of the Zhou family? What else could happen?"

"It's so lively. I heard that Prince Lin went over to cause trouble!"

"Ah? This Prince Lin Wang is already so arrogant?"

"It's not arrogance. I heard that Prince Lin was wronged and the real murderer who poisoned Young Master Zhou has been caught!"



On the street, Lin Jiangnian slowed down slightly, letting the paper kite, which was always holding an umbrella and was half a step behind him, move parallel to him.

"Zhou Yao's actions are quite fast. He has a sworn hatred for his son. Now the Gao family may be in trouble..."

Zhiyuan said nothing.

"I don't know if Gao Wenyang will reveal the third prince."

Young Lin Jiang said with a smile, "If I confess, the third prince will probably not admit it. Gao Wenyang is a pawn that he uses, and he is also an abandoned one. But even so, it is enough for him to drink from a pot!"

Zhiyuan still said nothing and listened quietly.

"you say……"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly turned to look at Zhiyuan beside him: "Did I slap him hard enough?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him.

"It's better to restrain yourself. I'm afraid I'll slap him to death!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed. Since Linjiang City, these three princes have been giving him troubles. Today they finally met, and Lin Jiangnian was naturally not polite to him.

The third prince?

The one I’m beating is your third prince!

Others may still pretend, but Lin Jiangnian is too lazy to pretend!

Since we are already a relentless enemy, do we still have to pretend?

In an assassination outside the city, Lin Jiangnian narrowly escaped death. Today, just two slaps in the face were enough to give him an advantage.

In the eyes of others, the third prince, who has a prominent status, huge power in the capital, and is very likely to even get involved in the throne, is an extremely terrifying existence. But in Lin Jiangnian's eyes, he was not used to it.

In terms of status, there is not much difference between the two of them. One is the prince and the other is the heir apparent. Everyone has the same status and status, so naturally everyone should do it according to their abilities!

Lin Jiangnian would naturally not be merciful when it came to beating up the third prince.

But pumping and pumping, and being able to spit out bad breath, can only go so far. After all, the third prince has a distinguished status and cannot be killed yet.

At least, they can’t be killed in public for the time being!

Lin Jiangnian's behavior today undoubtedly completely broke up with the third prince. Next, if the two of them meet again, there will probably be no room for mercy.

Zhiyuan suddenly stopped, looked back at him, and was silent for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

"Two ways."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said: "He must be eager to kill me now. His goal is the imperial chair in the palace. If he succeeds, it will be very bad for our Prince Lin's Mansion... "

What the Lin family faces is not only the crisis of the imperial court and the private sector, but also an enemy that has been dormant in the north - King Xu!

Unlike the Lin family, King Xu had always had a close relationship with the court. Compared to Lin Hengzhong, who was difficult to control, King Xu was more like a knife placed by the court in the north of the dynasty.

And this sword has good relations with many courtiers in Beijing. Among them, the third prince was included.

If these three princes are really allowed to ascend the throne, he will definitely regard the Lin family as a thorn in his side. If he joins forces with Prince Xu to fight against the Lin family. Until then, there are only two paths before the Lin family.

Either surrender or rebel. Surrendering, the third prince would never let Lin Jiangnian or the Lin family go.

But once you go against it, there is really no turning back. If it succeeds, there is a high probability that it will suffer eternal infamy. Once it fails, it will be irreversible.

Therefore, any result is unacceptable to Lin Jiangnian.

"So, we have to find a way to ruin his good deeds and make his dream of being in Beijing come to fruition, or else..."

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

"Just kill him neatly!"

Zhiyuan still looked up at him quietly, her cold face still devoid of many other emotions, and she nodded lightly.


It seemed like he was responding, but also like he was promising something.

When the two returned to Jiang Mansion, the light rain that had been falling for a long time finally stopped. The sky is still gray and there is a cold mist in the air.

Not long after arriving at Jiang Mansion, Xiaozhu greeted him.

"Your Highness, Sister Zhiyuan, are you back?"

Xiaozhu spoke diligently, then seemed to think of something, and turned to look at Zhiyuan: "By the way, Sister Zhiyuan, Aunt Xiang said that after you come back, she will ask you to go and find her."

Zhiyuan heard this, nodded, and planned to go find her aunt.

"I will go with you."

Lin Jiangnian was about to follow, but he was pulled by Xiaozhu and shook his head: "Aunt Xiang did not allow Your Highness to go there."

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, and even Zhiyuan was a little surprised.

"Auntie really said that?"


Xiaozhu nodded seriously: "My aunt specifically told me that she didn't want to see you, and she also said that she would be angry when she saw His Highness... Your Highness, have you offended Aunt Xiang?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

How could he have guessed that his aunt was still remembering last night's grudge?

You obviously said you won't be angry anymore, but you still fall out.

With the woman's appearance, it's no wonder that my aunt hasn't gotten married after so many years.

With this kind of character, it would be a ghost to get married!

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly and looked at Zhiyuan: "Then you should come over to see my aunt first and say hello to me."

Zhiyuan said nothing, nodded, turned and left.

After Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu had a warm relationship, they remembered something serious.

"By the way, I have to go out for a while, and I may come back later. Please tell Zhiyuan and my aunt later that you don't have to wait for me!"


Xiaozhu nodded obediently: "Then please be careful when you go out, Your Highness."

Lin Jiangnian touched Xiaozhu's head, turned around and left Jiang's Mansion, got on a carriage outside the mansion, and followed the road to Zhao's Mansion.

"Hey, His Royal Highness?!"

After the first two visits, the servants outside the Zhao Mansion had remembered Lin Jiangnian's face and hurriedly came forward to greet him. Knowing that Lin Jiangnian was here to see his young lady, he respectfully welcomed Lin Jiangnian into the house without informing him.

My young lady had already given instructions last time. If the Prince Lin came to see her, there was no need to notify her, just invite him in. The servants in the house would naturally comply.

When Lin Jiangnian stepped into the Zhao Mansion, he was still led by the little maid who had received him the last two times. The little maid blushed and led Lin Jiangnian outside the small courtyard, "Your Highness, please go, my lady is at home!"

After Lin Jiangnian thanked him, he stepped into the courtyard. The little maid stood at the door, looking at the back of Prince Lin in a daze, watching him walk into her lady's room, and stood there staring for a long time like an idiot.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin, you are so beautiful..."

After muttering to herself for a while, the little maid remembered something again...did she forget something?

I was just here to see the Crown Prince, and I was so happy that I accidentally forgot about it...

What is going on?

The little maid stood there racking her brains and thinking.


Lin Jiangnian walked through the small courtyard along the familiar road and came to the door of the room. After knocking, there was no response, so he skillfully opened the door and walked in.

As expected, the room was still empty, and the Miss Zhao family was not seen.

Where are people?

Didn’t the maid just say she was in the room?

"Miss Zhao?" Lin Jiangnian shouted, but there was no response. Glancing around, his eyes fell on the stairs not far behind the screen.


Remembering that Miss Zhao came down from upstairs yesterday, Lin Jiangnian came to the stairs and shouted twice more, but still no response.

After hesitating, Lin Jiangnian stepped upstairs.

If it were in the past, Lin Jiangnian would naturally not break into the forbidden area of ​​​​a woman's boudoir without permission. However, during the first two meetings, this Miss Zhao gave Lin Jiangnian a mysterious feeling of wanting to refuse but welcoming, and there seemed to be something in her words and actions. Ruowu's seduction also made Lin Jiangnian a little rude.

The second floor is exquisitely decorated, elegant and fresh, not much different from the one downstairs. The only difference is that behind the screen carved with blue and white flowers, there is a woman's bed, and a few women's clothes are vaguely displayed, which seems to be the place where Miss Zhao rests.

Lin Jiangnian glanced around, but there was still no one there.

However, after looking around, Lin Jiangnian quickly saw movement in a room in the backyard of the small building from the attic on the second floor.


Lin Jiangnian returned the same way and came to the backyard.

The backyard was still empty and quiet. The courtyard is not big, but it is beautifully decorated, like a world that belongs exclusively to the Miss Zhao family.

When Lin Jiangnian approached the room, he heard a few faint sounds coming from the room, very soft, like humming some light and cheerful ditty.

What was she doing secretly hiding in her room in broad daylight?

Lin Jiangnian stepped closer and tried to push the door.

It's not locked and opens with a slight push.

A hot mist hits your face, accompanied by a refreshing fragrance, mixed with the aroma of flower petals and other spices.

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously raised his eyes and was stunned!

In the center of the room, there is a huge pool.

Like a swimming pool!

Like a bathtub?

The water vapor filled the air, making the room extremely warm. The mist curled up, and in the haze, you could see the crystal clear water, with some petals scattered among it.

A graceful and white figure was soaking in the pool, leaning on the edge of the pool facing the door, eyes closed, a look of comfort and enjoyment on her delicate face, cherry red lips tightly closed, as if humming some tune softly.

The snow-white skin was slightly reddened by the hot water in the pool, making it extremely delicate. The delicate neck, the sexy collarbone, the plump and round buns, the slender waist, and the long legs that Lin Jiangnian had coveted for a long time were all exposed to his sight without the cover of the dress.

A bird's eye view.


Shockingly white.

Through the hazy water vapor, you can see clearly.

Through the haze, it seems to have more artistic conception!

Even though Lin Jiangnian had already experienced strong winds and waves, he was just stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

And as the door of the bathhouse was pushed open, the cold wind outside the door swept in. Zhao Xi, who was taking a bath quietly in the pool, seemed to feel it. His beautiful and delicate brows frowned slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The next second, their eyes met!

Zhao Xi didn't come back to his senses at this moment. He didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to be here at all, so he subconsciously said: "Why are you here..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Zhao Xi, who had just spoken, quickly realized something and lowered his head.

The expression on his face suddenly froze.

The atmosphere suddenly froze at this moment.

The outline of that fair and delicate face was covered with blush and panic almost in an instant.

The pink color is stunning, just like that of a girl who is just in love.

Astonishingly shy!

...(End of chapter)

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