Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 270 I didn’t see anything

An hour ago.

Zhao Mansion, in the backyard, in a warm and fragrant room, a beautiful figure lazily leaned on the soft couch, leaning back slightly, with a pair of slender white jade legs intertwined on the soft couch. The calves are slender and straight, the thighs are plump and graceful, and the curves are extremely beautiful.

Perhaps it was because the temperature in the room was very high, but the woman's dress was extremely thin, and the looming graceful and proud figure was looming under the close-fitting skirt.

He was holding a book lazily, but his eyes did not fall on the book, and he glanced out the window.

The window was closed, and a woman in well-dressed clothes stood outside the window, lowering her head and reporting something.

"Today, Young Master Zhou's funeral was held. His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, attended the scene with only one maid... The maid was not weak in martial arts and taught Zhou Rujin a lesson. For the first time, Zhou Yao agreed to His Royal Highness Prince Lin to offer incense to Zhou Huiguang..."

What the well-dressed woman reported was exactly what happened to the Zhou family not long ago.

"The funeral was carried out normally. Gao Wenyang, the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs, secretly left the ceremony and was caught by Prince Lin's men..."

"Gao Wenyang was so frightened that he admitted the fact that he poisoned Zhou Huiguang. Zhou Yao became furious after learning the truth..."

"Prince Linwang went to see the third prince, and... slapped the third prince twice."

inside the room.

Zhao Xi still held the book in his hand, listening to his subordinates outside the door reporting what happened to the Zhou family today. His beautiful face was thoughtful and indifferent, without much surprise.

She had expected this.

However, when he heard that Lin Jiangnian slapped the two third princes, Zhao Xi, who had always looked calm, was finally a little shocked.

"He beat the third prince?"



Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes showed a bit of incredible surprise, and he quickly asked: "How did it happen? What exactly happened? Tell me carefully..."

The well-dressed woman outside the door told in detail the whole process of Lin Jiangnian's meeting with the third prince today.

Incredibly detailed.

After Zhao Xi finished listening, he froze on the spot for a moment, full of surprise.

That guy actually beat the third prince?

Did he hit the third prince in the face?


Should I say that he is too courageous, or that he can't think about it?


A touch of excitement soon appeared in Zhao Xi's eyes, and then he seemed to be a little happy, muttering to himself: "This guy, I really saw him right..."

As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi asked again: "Where are others? Where are they now?"

"After Prince Lin finished beating the third prince, he returned directly to Jiang Mansion with his maid... His subordinates were worried about being discovered by Prince Lin, so they did not send anyone to follow him."

The well-dressed woman said: "Miss, you want to see him? I will send someone to..."

"No need for now!"

Zhao Xi interrupted her first: "You go down first."


The well-dressed woman outside the window stepped back.

Zhao Xi was still lying on his side on the soft couch, his attention no longer on the book in his hand, and his slightly bright eyes were filled with excitement.

"This guy actually dares to hit Li Yuan. Is he more courageous than expected? Tsk tsk..."

"Li Yuan is a man who will retaliate for his anger and his methods are extremely ruthless. He will definitely not give up this time..."

"How should he thank me for helping him so much this time?"

Zhao Xi muttered a few words to himself, put down the book in his hand, sat up, and stood up. The black hair that was originally wrapped around him immediately fell around his waist. It was dark and thick, and his long hair reached his waist, making this beautiful face under the black hair. A little more charming.

She walked a few steps in the room barefoot, pushed the door gently, and felt the cold wind coming from outside. As soon as she touched it, she felt a biting chill on her white arms.

"It's so cold in winter!"

Zhao Xiqing sighed and called out: "Xiaoyue."

"Miss? Do you have any orders?"

The voice of a little maid soon came from outside the door.

"Help me get some clothes ready, I want to take a bath!"



The inner courtyard of Zhao Mansion.

This is Zhao Xi's private space. No one is allowed to enter without her permission, not even her biological father.

Zhao Xianglao had a daughter, he was very important to his only precious daughter, he doted on her very much, and he would try his best to satisfy whatever he wanted.

The inner courtyard where Zhao Xi lives is the best location in the entire Zhao Mansion. Whether it's the landscape in the front yard or the decorative carvings in the room, everything is decorated according to Miss Zhao's preferences.

There was even a hot spring bath specially built for Zhao Xi behind the inner courtyard.

At this time, the cold winter wind was blowing outside, and the weather was freezing.

Inside the hot spring bath, it was enveloped in warm mist, and there was no chill at all.

After Zhao Xi dismissed the maid Xiaoyue, he stepped to the edge of the bath and began to take off his clothes.

As the long skirt was untied and slipped off, her skin as white as jade was revealed, as well as the fullness and trembling that the cyan embroidered apron could not wrap. The long skirt fell down, revealing those round and slender legs. Zhao Xi stretched out his slender bare hands to tuck her hair casually, took off the last of her bellyband and panties, and slowly approached the edge of the pool.

She first stretched out a jade foot to test the water temperature in the bath. After making sure that the water temperature was just right, she carefully stepped down the steps and slowly soaked her body in the steaming water.

Feeling the touch of the slightly scalding hot water slowly wrapping around the white and tender skin, Zhao Xi showed a somewhat comfortable look on his face.

She swam several times in the bathtub. Her snow-white body was like a flexible fish, swimming and rolling in the water, trembling slightly with the movement, up and down, and dazzling for a moment.

When she felt a little tired, she swam back to the edge of the pool, and then closed her eyes. The hot water soaked her white and tender neck, leaving her head floating on the water, and her delicate body lying back slightly. , quietly feeling the remaining warmth at this moment.

Zhao Xi didn't like winter very much and rarely went out. The cold weather made it hard for her to even leave the house. However, the only thing she likes in winter is taking a bath!

Soak in the scalding hot water, feel the feeling of the hot water wrapping your skin, immerse yourself in it, empty your mind, and think about nothing. At this moment, she felt a rare sense of tranquility.

Perhaps it was too comfortable, and Zhao Xi even hummed an unknown ditty unconsciously. It was extremely comfortable on this cold and freezing day outside.

And all this was interrupted by a faint cold wind blowing towards him.

Why is there a cold wind?

Zhao Xi slowly opened his eyes, and in his sight, a familiar figure appeared at the door not far away.


Lin Jiangnian?

Didn't this guy go back to Jiang Mansion?

Why are you here?

Zhao Xi was about to speak, but suddenly remembered something and lowered his eyes subconsciously.

The next second, his expression suddenly changed!

She was soaking in the bath at the moment, but she was still naked.

Then wouldn't he...

Have you seen them all? !

When she saw Lin Jiangnian's equally confused and stunned gaze at the door, it fell on her like this. .

At this moment, Zhao Xi's mind went blank.

It was as if his brain had shut down, his vision went black, and his whole body was frozen in the water.

I even forgot to cover it!

He and Lin Jiangnian looked at each other like this for a long time...


Lin Jiangnian also froze on the spot.

He never expected that this place was actually a bath. This young lady from the Zhao family actually built such a large hot spring bath in her backyard.

What's more, he didn't expect that this young lady from the Zhao family was taking a bath in the bathtub right now, appearing naked in front of him, with everything in sight from top to bottom...

"Have you seen enough?!"

After a while, an extremely embarrassed voice came, and Lin Jiangnian finally came to his senses. He looked up and saw the pretty face of Miss Zhao in the bath, her blushing face, her eyes staring at him with shame and anger.

However, she did not panic like an ordinary woman. She covered her breasts with her bare hands and glared at Lin Jiangnian with gritted teeth.

But how can those slender arms completely block it?

"Sorry, I didn't know..."

Lin Jiangnian came to his senses, apologized quickly, closed the door quickly, turned around, and returned to the yard.

"Ms. Zhao, I didn't know you were bathing and changing in there... I wanted to thank you for today, but I didn't expect... Don't worry, it's foggy, I didn't see anything..."

Lin Jiangnian stood in the yard and took a deep breath.

Who would have expected that this young lady from the Zhao family would take a bath in broad daylight?

Not locking the door yet?

At a certain moment, Lin Jiangnian even suspected that Miss Zhao was deliberately 'seduce' him like she did the previous two times?

But he soon gave up this idea. Such a costly 'seduction' was not worth the loss for this Miss Zhao.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but recall the 'shocking glimpse' just now in his mind.


Snow white!

Everything is white!

The white is dazzling!

In the bath.

As the door of the bathhouse was closed, Zhao Xi's pretty face turned red, as if stained with blood and ink, the red was stunning and hot.

The skin all over his body was feeling faintly hot at the moment, and he was trembling slightly.

Her head was still in a semi-dead state, and the shame and anger spread throughout her body. She almost curled up into a ball, as if she wanted to wrap herself into a ball.

She didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian would suddenly appear here.

No one came over on weekdays, and she never had the habit of locking the door. Even though she had already told her that Prince Lin Wang did not need to stop him if he came to see her, but she had already told Xiaoyue that she was going to take a bath. Where was Xiaoyue?

Why didn't you stop him? !

Just when Zhao Xi was confused, Lin Jiangnian's apologetic explanation came from outside the door.

After Zhao Xi heard this, his apricot eyes widened, he could no longer restrain his shame and anger, and bit his lower lip tightly.

See nothing?

His eyes almost popped out of his head just now!

Still pretending not to see it?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt aggrieved and had an indescribable emotion in his heart, and his anger was rising!


After realizing that he accidentally broke into Miss Zhao's bath, Lin Jiangnian walked away. As soon as I returned to the room in the front yard, I saw the maid at the door running in in a panic.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Xiaoyue's face was full of anxiety. Seeing Lin Jiangnian coming from the backyard, she suddenly panicked: "Your Highness, you, did you see my young lady just now?"

Xiaoyue was just seduced by the 'beauty' of His Royal Highness Prince Lin in front of her, and for a moment she forgot what her young lady had told her. It wasn't until I reacted and thought about it that I realized something was wrong.

The young lady is taking a bath. If His Royal Highness Prince Lin accidentally breaks in... it will be over!

Seeing the red and anxious expression on the little maid in front of him, Lin Jiangnian quickly understood what was going on.

"I didn't see her. I was looking for her too."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

"That, that's good..."

Hearing this, Xiaoyue felt relieved and said with a guilty conscience: "I, my young lady is having something... Your Highness, please wait for now."

"That's fine."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

After what happened just now, the Miss Zhao family must be angry and furious. The best choice is to leave first.

After this Miss Zhao calms down, she will come to apologize again.

However, that behavior is somewhat like a scumbag running away!

Lin Jiangnian thought about it and decided to stay.

What happened just now was indeed a misunderstanding, not something he did intentionally. Then Miss Zhao is considered a reasonable person. If she explains and apologizes, she will understand...right?

With this in mind, Lin Jiangnian stayed in the room and waited quietly.

This wait lasted half an hour.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark outside, the Miss Zhao family still did not appear.

Could it be that she was thin-skinned and didn't dare to see him after what happened just now?

Lin Jiangnian stood up and was thinking about whether to go to Miss Zhao to apologize again when he suddenly heard a sneer coming from behind him.

"What? You took advantage and now you want to run away?!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw a beautiful figure standing at the door of the backyard not far away, staring at him expressionlessly.

Different from Miss Zhao that Lin Jiangnian had seen in the past, the current Miss Zhao was wrapped in thick clothes, completely wrapping herself up, even her neck was wrapped tightly. As for what was underneath her body...

Her long, snow-white legs were no longer visible, and even her jade legs, which had always been barefoot the first few times they met, were now put on a pair of white stockings, covering them up tightly, not revealing any trace of her spring glory.

The Miss Zhao I had seen in the past had always dressed very boldly, but the Miss Zhao I saw now seemed to want to cover herself up completely.

But the more this happened, the more the white streak of snow that he saw not long ago appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind...

"Still watching?!"

A sound of shame and anger brought Lin Jiangnian back from his thoughts. He looked up and saw a blush of shame reappearing on the other person's face, and a bit of anger in his eyes, glaring at him as if he wanted to eat someone.


Young Lin Jiang coughed and quickly looked away: "Miss Zhao, I was indeed rude about what happened just now... Please forgive me, Miss Zhao!"

"What if I don't forgive?"

Zhao Xi snorted coldly, stepped into the room, and stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Then, what does Miss Zhao think should be done? Just say it."

Zhao Xi sneered: "I haven't left the cabinet yet, and now you have seen all of my body. What do you think you should do?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched, he was most afraid of this situation.

The dignified young lady of the Zhao family, with a distinguished status and a maiden's wife, was naked by him. This was obviously...

"What do you mean, Miss Zhao, let me take responsibility?"

"Any questions?"

Zhao Ximei's beautiful eyes were full of shame and anger, and she snorted coldly: "You have seen all my body, shouldn't you be responsible?"

Lin Jiangnian asked tentatively: "Then, how does Miss Zhao want me to be responsible?"

"How else can I be responsible?"

Zhao Xi stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and said through gritted teeth: "It's very simple, you..."

"Marry me!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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