Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 271 If you have the ability, come and touch me


When the words 'marry me' came out of the mouth of the young lady from the Zhao family in front of him, Lin Jiangnian fell silent.

It seemed that he didn't expect that she would actually come up with such a responsible method.

It stands to reason that Lin Jiangnian accidentally took a look at the body of this young lady from the Zhao family. Although it was an unintentional act, he had seen everything that needed to be seen. If you want to be responsible, marrying her is a reasonable thing.

But the problem is, this responsibility is not so easy to shoulder...

Not to mention the identities of the two people, one is the prince of Linwang and the other is the daughter of the prime minister of the dynasty. The positions represented by the two people are destined to have no outcome.

What's more, Lin Jiangnian is still engaged...

So, if she knew this, what did she mean by saying this?

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't speak, Zhao Xi stared into his eyes and sneered: "Why don't you speak?"

"You don't want to be responsible anymore?!"

With a somewhat questioning tone, at this moment, the Miss Zhao family in front of her lost her previous gentle temperament, and was replaced by a condescending and domineering look.

She was already tall, with her feet wrapped in white stockings stepping on the blanket, and her eyes were almost at Lin Jiangnian's level.

She pressed forward step by step.

It's like forcing and condemning a heartless person.

Lin Jiangnian looked into her eyes and was silent for a moment: "Miss Zhao, are you serious?"

Zhao Xi said coldly: "Do you think I am joking with you?"

She looked cold and said expressionlessly: "You have now tarnished my innocence, do you still want to deny it?"


Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched suddenly: "Miss Zhao, the word 'defile' is a bit too much."

He just glanced at it accidentally, how could he talk about being defiled?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xi said coldly: "I am not married yet, but you have seen me naked. Isn't my innocence just stained by you? What's the problem?"

"Does His Royal Highness still want to deny it?"

Faced with Zhao Xi's aggressiveness, Lin Jiangnian fell silent again. According to what she said, it seems that she is really right?

After all, these days, if you accidentally look at a woman's body, is it really tantamount to 'tarnishing' her body?

Thinking like this, Lin Jiangnian somehow felt like he was being relied upon.

"Haha, it seems that His Royal Highness really doesn't want to take responsibility anymore?!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything. Zhao Xi's face was filled with emotion, and his cold and fair face was flushed. He gritted his teeth and sneered: "In this case, I will find someone to comment on it!"

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, has tarnished a woman's innocence but is unwilling to take responsibility. I wonder how Prince Lin of Linzhou will react when he finds out about this?"

"I wonder what the world will think of it after they find out?"

"What do you think, Your Highness?"

Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian, his bright eyes filled with a bit of shame and anger, a bit of unspeakable complex expression, and a bit of inexplicable strange color flickering.

Vaguely like...satisfied?

What is she proud of?

"Miss Zhao, don't be impatient."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "I didn't say I was irresponsible, and I didn't say I wouldn't marry Miss Zhao... Don't be so hasty yet."

Zhao Xi's expression was slightly condensed, and he narrowed his beautiful eyes: "So, you are willing to marry me?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and sighed: "Today's incident was originally a misunderstanding, but after all, it has happened. Miss Zhao has not yet left the cabinet, and she is innocent. If this matter is spread, it will definitely have a bad impact..."

"I wanted to apologize to Miss Zhao, but I didn't expect that Miss Zhao would be willing to get married. I hope that my son will be responsible. Since Miss Zhao is so willing..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhao Xi in front of him and said seriously: "Miss Zhao is willing to give me a child, so naturally I will not let Miss Zhao down... I will come to my door in person after two days of preparation after my prince returns. Ask Prime Minister Zhao to marry you."


Zhao Xi froze on the spot.

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, his eyes were blank and the smile on his face gradually stiffened.

Marry, marry her?

This guy...he, he really wants to marry? !

Do, make small?

When is she going to have a baby? !

When did she, the dignified daughter of the Zhao family, become his concubine? !

Zhao Xi was confused!

I wanted to take this opportunity to make trouble, teach Lin Jiangnian a lesson, vent his anger that he was taken advantage of, and at the same time use this to blackmail and manipulate this guy.

But I didn't expect that this guy didn't play according to the routine at all!

He actually dared to say that he wanted to marry him?

Does he know what nonsense he is talking about? !

Does he know that he also has a fiancée who is the eldest princess of the dynasty?

Isn't he afraid that Li Piaomiao will send him to the palace as a eunuch with a sword? !

Zhao Xi was still confused, but she saw Lin Jiangnian cupping his hands towards her, turning around and walking outside, as if he really planned to go back and prepare to propose marriage in two days.

Zhao Xi suddenly came back to his senses and said hurriedly and angrily: "You, stop!"

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment: "Is there anything else you want, Miss Zhao?"


Zhao Xi's apricot eyes were round and wide, with a look of shame and anger. I wanted to blackmail this guy with this, but unexpectedly, it seemed like I was taking advantage of him.

Zhao Xi was anxious and angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who said I want to be a child?!"

"I, I want to grow up... If you want to marry me, it must be a clear matchmaker who wants to marry me as your official wife. I will never be a concubine!"

At this moment, Zhao Xi felt that his face was hot and flushed with embarrassment.

She, what the hell is she talking about!

What to be a legal wife?

Why not be a concubine?


Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at her strangely: "Miss Zhao, do you mean to be my son's first wife?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Xi raised his head slightly, glanced at him, gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't my status worthy of your wife's status?!"

"Miss Zhao is the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao. She has a distinguished status and is naturally worthy of..."

Lin Jiangnian paused: "However, there is still a small problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Miss Zhao should already know that this prince is engaged, right?"

"I know, so what?"

Zhao Xileng glanced at Lin Jiangnian. She naturally knew this, and it was for this reason that she dared to put forward the condition for Lin Jiangnian to marry her as his wife.

It was precisely because he was certain that Lin Jiangnian did not dare to agree!

If he really planned to marry himself as his official wife, he would definitely disobey the court's marriage agreement, and the price of that crime would be high.

Zhao Xi sneered in her heart, she wanted to see how he would choose?

"My son has been granted marriage by His Majesty. Logically speaking, the eldest princess is my real wife..."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "So, if Miss Zhao also wants to be the head wife... she may have to negotiate with Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess first!"

"If the eldest princess agrees, this prince will have no problem."


The smile on Zhao Xi's face solidified again.


Let her negotiate with Li Miaomiao?

Negotiate with the eldest princess who will be his head wife?

Is what he said really human? !

Why is it that if the eldest princess agrees, he will have no problem?

What he was thinking was so beautiful!

After a brief silence, Zhao Xi became more and more angry, and her expression was on the verge of breaking down. She gritted her teeth, feeling extremely ashamed and angry: "This is your problem... If you want to marry me, you have to divorce her!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Miss Zhao is making things difficult for me!"

"Who told you to peek at me taking a shower?!"

Lin Jiangnian: "...First of all, let me state that I was not peeking, I just broke in accidentally. Furthermore..."

"The bathhouse was foggy at the time, and I didn't see anything... Miss Zhao can actually rest assured."

Zhao Xi stared at him coldly: "Do you think I believe it?"


Obviously, Zhao Xi didn't believe it.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian didn't expect her to believe it.

After a moment of silence, he quietly looked at Miss Zhao, who was staring at him with a livid complexion and watery eyes filled with shame, and sighed: "Miss Zhao knows it's impossible, so why would you embarrass me like this?"

Zhao Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at him coldly: "Do you think I'm making trouble unreasonably?"

"That's not true."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "What happened today was indeed my son's fault... However, Miss Zhao also knows that it is nonsense for me to marry you..."

"Not to mention whether Miss Zhao is really willing, even if Miss Zhao is willing, Prime Minister Zhao will definitely not agree."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if Prime Minister Zhao is in a daze and agrees... I'm afraid the civil and military officials in the capital will not agree."

Zhao Xi fell silent, staring at the guy in front of him, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

What he said was correct, she was indeed deliberately trying to embarrass him.

As for actually marrying him?

Zhao Xi really hasn't thought about it.

How could the daughter of the current prime minister marry the son of a vassal prince?

If she really gets married, how will Prime Minister Zhao gain a foothold in the court in the future?

Should we support the reduction of vassalage? Or object?

How should the ministers in the court view this veteran of three dynasties?

"Then what should I do?"

Zhao Xi stared at him, with a bit of embarrassment in his beautiful eyes, and secretly gritted his teeth.

Although it was indeed impossible to marry this guy, after all, he had seen her body. How could she not mind?

You can't let him go easily, can you?

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "Miss Zhao should have thought about it a long time ago, right?"

Zhao Xi was silent for a moment, glared at Lin Jiangnian again, and then snorted coldly: "I really don't have to worry about what happened today, or I can just pretend that nothing happened..."

"But you have to do something for me!"

"Kill Chen Zhao?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Xi nodded and stared into his eyes: "How about you help me kill Chen Zhao as compensation for me... Just write off what happened today and I will never mention it again in the future?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed in his heart, he knew this was the condition.

Kill Chen Zhao!

It was the condition that Miss Zhao put forward when she first met her. Lin Jiangnian declined at that time. When it was brought up for the second time yesterday, Lin Jiangnian still declined.

Now, mention it again.

Lin Jiangnian was well prepared today. He hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I can promise to help you try this once, but I can't guarantee success."

Lin Jiangnian was not sure. He had never been in contact with the old eunuch in the palace and did not know the details of the other party. In addition, there were too many variables to guarantee that everything would be foolproof.

It's okay to agree, but I didn't say that I would definitely be able to kill Chen Zhao... This was the leeway Lin Jiangnian left for himself.

But even so, Zhao Xi's eyes still lit up slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, but he quickly restrained himself, glared at him lightly, and hummed: "That's pretty much it!"

After a pause, he added: "No matter whether you can succeed or not, as long as you are willing to try and do your best... If you can get rid of him, it will be regarded as eradicating a scourge for the court and the people of the world, and the people of the world will remember you." Credit goes."

Lin Jiangnian didn't have the consciousness to eliminate harm for the court and the people. It didn't matter whether he would be grateful and remembered by the people all over the world. The reason why he agreed was to repay Miss Zhao's favor and express his apology for the misunderstanding that had just occurred.

"Speaking of which, I haven't even had time to thank Miss Zhao for helping today!"

Lin Jiangnian thought of something and said, "Thanks to Miss Zhao's help, Gao Wenyang showed his weakness so quickly today."

When leaving yesterday, Lin Jiangnian got a lot of intelligence clues from Zhao Xi. Regarding the murder of Zhou Huiguang at the Lu family's wedding, it turned out that the Miss Zhao family had already secretly investigated it.

This is why she was confident when she first met Lin Jiangnian.

Even without the information about Miss Zhao, Lin Jiangnian could still uncover Gao Wenyang and find out the truth, but it would just take a little more time. But with Zhao Xi's help, it saved a lot of time.

This favor was neither big nor small, but it happened to make Lin Jiangnian not sure how to repay it.

And this is also the brilliance of this Miss Zhao family.

Zhao Xi snorted coldly: "Is this your thanks?"

"I helped you, and all you have to say is thank you verbally?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Then, how would you like to thank Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Xi thought for a while, but didn't think of how to thank this guy. The purpose of helping him was to let Lin Jiangnian assassinate Chen Zhao, but now that he agreed, Zhao Xi didn't know what to do.

After thinking for a moment, he hummed softly: "I haven't thought about it yet, so I owe you first."

After saying that, Zhao Xi glanced at him again: "Kill Chen Zhao for me first."

"How to kill?"

Zhao Xi turned around and walked to the table beside him, took out a sheepskin map from under the table, and laid it flat on the table.

Lin Jiangnian came closer and took a look: "This is it?"

"Palace map!" Zhao Xi didn't even raise his head.

Palace map?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the sheepskin map, and sure enough, he saw many familiar names of marked places on the map. It contained densely detailed records of the locations of many palaces in the palace, as well as the patrol distribution and changing time of the imperial guards in the palace.

Very detailed!

It can be seen that this Miss Zhao is well prepared.

"Chen Zhao lives deep in the palace. Your Majesty is in seclusion in the Health Palace. Chen Zhao has been guarding the Health Palace. If you want to kill him, you must start here..."

Having said this, Zhao Xi raised his head and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "If His Majesty summons you, he will probably be here, and the person who receives you will definitely be Chen Zhao. This is your best chance to get close to him..."

Lin Jiangnian quietly listened to Miss Zhao's talk about the detailed plan to assassinate Chen Zhao. She was well prepared, including the timing of assassinating Chen Zhao, the arrangement of secret guards inside and outside the health palace, and how to escape smoothly after the assassination was successful. Everything has been prepared...

After listening to this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but admire that the Miss Zhao family in front of him was really thoughtful and her plan was linked together. If nothing unexpected happened, it would indeed be a perfect assassination plan.


"Miss Zhao, are you sure that Chen Zhao is just an old eunuch who has no power to restrain a chicken?"

Lin Jiangnian asked, "What if he knows martial arts?"

Zhao Xi was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Don't you know the same?"

"My three-legged cat skills can't be put on the stage."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He was not sure of the old eunuch's martial arts strength and he did not dare to act rashly.

"I don't know if he knows martial arts or what his strength is."

Zhao Xi's tone was unusually uncertain: "No one has seen him take action, so I guess he won't..."

"Want to come?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This is just your guess. What if he is a hidden peerless master, a great master?"

Zhao Xi was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Then I have to give it a try... If he is really a peerless master, he will admit it!"


Lin Jiangnian said: "But I am in danger!"

Zhao Xi glanced at him and shook his head: "You are Prince Lin. Even if the assassination fails, he will never dare to do anything to you."

Lin Jiangnian was silent and sighed: "Is this really your plan?"

Zhao Xi naturally heard the meaning in Lin Jiangnian's tone and said, "Don't worry, even if the plan really fails, someone will save you and leave."


Zhao Xi did not explain, "You will know it by then."

"Why do I sound unreliable?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "What if I really told you there, wouldn't it be a loss?"

"You can't die."

"How can you guarantee that?"

Zhao Xi raised her beautiful eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "I will guarantee it with my life, okay?"

"I'm already dead, what's the point of pledging your life?"


Zhao Xi's face turned red with anger: "Then what do you want?"

"I raised a reasonable question and didn't think anything of it."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Since I promised to help you kill him, I will naturally not regret it."

Zhao Xi's expression softened slightly and he said: "Don't worry, even if the assassination fails, nothing will happen to you... I promise with the reputation of my Zhao family, I will never let anything happen to you."

Listening to Zhao Xi's assurance, Lin Jiangnian became more and more curious. Why was she so sure that nothing would happen to him?

Are you prepared?

then what?

"However, for now, we don't know how long His Majesty will be in seclusion."

Lin Jiangnian added: "My prince has been in Beijing for some time, but there has been no movement in the palace."

Zhao Xi thought for a moment: "If nothing else happens, it should be soon..."


"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill. The situation in the court is very bad now. Without the Crown Prince as the backbone of the country, the situation in the court is in danger... Your Majesty, it is impossible not to know about this."

"If he doesn't come out of seclusion, the situation in this court may change."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhao Xi and saw something strange in her eyes.

"Presumably, you already knew about this, right?"

Zhao Xi's eyes flashed with something, he looked at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

Lin Jiangnian was confused and shook his head: "I don't know!"

"Stop pretending!"

Zhao Xi snorted coldly, then thought of something. He looked Lin Jiangnian up and down with his beautiful eyes, and suddenly said: "You beat the third prince today, he won't let it go so easily."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes: "How did you know?"

There was a hint of pride in Zhao Xi's expression: "Why can't I know?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent, stared at Zhao Xi for a few times, and quickly thought about it.

This young lady from the Zhao family may have more intelligence and connections than he imagined. No outsider knew about his beating of the third prince today, and there was no way that the third prince would spread the word about it.

Then the only possibility is...

There is a traitor around the third prince!

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Ms. Zhao is worthy of her hands and eyes, I admire her."


Zhao Xi rolled her eyes at him, ignored his teasing, and asked instead, "Why do you dare to hit him?"

"Why don't you dare?"

"He is the dignified third prince!"

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "The third prince can't be beaten?"

Zhao Xi thought about it, and it seemed that there was no reason why the Third Prince couldn't be beaten. This guy's status is not lower than that of the third prince. To others, beating the third prince is tantamount to treason. But if it were Prince Lin who came, would it seem reasonable?

"Aren't you afraid of his revenge?"

Lin Jiangnian chuckled: "If I don't hit him, will he have less revenge?"

Zhao Xi thought of the assassination outside the city not long ago. The guy in front of him also survived a narrow escape.

And the culprit behind this was, not surprisingly, the third prince.

In addition, the third prince was probably behind the murder of Zhou Huiguang.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi nodded: "That's right. This third prince is used to misbehaving in the capital. You hit him this time and really sharpened his spirit. It's very satisfying!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Xi glanced at him again, "But you have to be careful. The third prince is narrow-minded. I'm afraid he will use any means to retaliate against you..."

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew this, but the third prince wanted to take revenge on him, and why didn't he want to kill the third prince?

Naturally, Lin Jiangnian would not mention this to Miss Zhao in front of him.

"Thank you, Miss Zhao, for your concern."

"I don't care about you."

Zhao Xi pouted, "I'm just worried that if you accidentally get killed by his poisonous hands, no one will help me kill Chen Zhao."

As he spoke, he rolled up the map on the table and threw it to Lin Jiangnian: "Take this map and familiarize yourself with the terrain of the palace first."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the map in his hand and shook his head gently: "No need, I've already written it down."


Zhao Xi raised his eyes and stared at him suspiciously: "What did you say?"

"Did you write it down?"


"What's written down?"






"You don't have to pretend like this."

Zhao Xi looked at him expressionlessly and said angrily.

Write down?

Are you kidding me?

Her map contains a lot of information about the palace, and there are countless details. Did this guy just take a few glances and write them all down?

What kind of master is he pretending to be?

"believe or not."

Lin Jiangnian didn't explain much. When Zhao Xi analyzed and explained the plan just now, he had already roughly memorized the marked path on the map. It cannot be said that there are no omissions, but it is almost the same.

In his mind, he could almost completely picture the map.

Of course, the Miss Zhao in front of her didn't believe it, and Lin Jiangnian didn't intend to explain.

But his reaction actually aroused the rebellious spirit of this young lady from the Zhao family.

She stepped forward quickly, grabbed the map from Lin Jiangnian's hand, and stared at him: "Are you sure you have memorized everything?"

"Just pretend I didn't remember it."


Zhao Xi gritted his teeth and opened the map in his hand, "Then let me ask you, when will the guards in the palace change and how will the personnel be arranged?"

Lin Jiangnian said without hesitation: "The guard changes every two hours during the day and every hour at night. The Imperial Guards are in groups of three. In addition, there are many secret sentries placed at..."

"How many eunuchs and imperial guards are there in the Health Palace?"

"Seven eunuchs, including eighteen imperial guards..."



The more Zhao Xi asked, the more frightened he became. By the end, a look of shock appeared on his face.

All the questions she asked, Lin Jiangnian in front of him answered them fluently, almost word for word.

This left Zhao Xi stunned on the spot and doubting himself.

Her eyes stared at him as if she were seeing a ghost, and she said in disbelief: "How did you write it down?"

"I remembered it after reading it twice."

"Only watched it twice?"

"is it hard?"


Is this sentence difficult? Zhao Xi was completely silenced.

Not a word could come out.

Let him finish pretending!

While in shock, Zhao Xi suddenly realized that the Prince Lin in front of her seemed to be more... surprising than she had imagined?

This guy actually has a photographic memory? !

How many secrets are hidden in him?

That woman Li Piaomiao actually dislikes the Prince Lin?

What a waste of natural resources...

Not knowing what he was thinking, Zhao Xi's face suddenly turned red, and a blush flashed across his eyes.

No, Zhao Xi, what are you thinking about?

This guy is Prince Lin's eldest son and is engaged to that woman Li Pianmiao.

Even if there is no engagement, you can't...

Zhao Xi's face suddenly felt hot, and an inexplicable emotion surged into her heart. She felt ashamed for the thought that had just surfaced in her mind. She quickly looked away, took a deep breath, rolled up the map in her hand and threw it to Lin Jiangnian again.

"You have some skills, but you should also take this map... If nothing happens, you can go back first."

Zhao Xi waved his hand and started to chase people away.

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised when he saw that Miss Zhao's face suddenly turned red for no reason.

However, he didn't think much about it, picked up the map and was about to turn around and leave.


Zhao Xi suddenly stopped him again.

"Anything else?"

"What happened today..."

Zhao Xi seemed to have thought of something. He looked ashamed and said angrily: "Since you agreed to help me kill Chen Zhao, I will naturally keep my promise... Let's let it go. But you'd better forget about it and put it aside." Forget everything you saw today!"

"Don't worry, Miss Zhao, I don't remember anything."

Zhao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and glared at him again: "It's best this way."

When she said this, Lin Jiangnian thought of something: "There is one more thing..."

"What's the matter?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on Zhao Xi's slightly red, fair and delicate face, and slowly followed his eyes downward: "Miss Zhao, do you still remember what you said yesterday?"


Zhao Xi's eyes were confused, as if he was thinking about what he said yesterday.

Lin Jiangnian reminded: "Yesterday Miss Zhao said that if this prince helps Miss Zhao kill Chen Zhao, Miss Zhao will... what is going on?"

He did not continue.

But Zhao Xi thought about it carefully and quickly remembered the scenes that happened yesterday.

Yesterday, it seemed that she was here as well. What did she say?

As long as Lin Jiangnian helps her kill Chen Zhao, she will let him... touch him enough? !

In an instant, Zhao Xi's already red face suddenly turned red, his almond-shaped eyes widened, his face flushed, and he was extremely embarrassed and angry: "You, you..."

"You bastard, you are vile..."

Lin Jiangnian was scolded inexplicably: "Isn't this what Miss Zhao promised yesterday? Why are you scolding me?!"

Zhao Xi: "..."

It seems right!

She took the initiative yesterday!

But, but...

Can yesterday be the same as today?

After being accidentally naked by the guy in front of him, Zhao Xi felt as if some kind of membrane in his heart had been pierced, and he began to feel inexplicably ashamed.

At this moment, recalling the memory of 'seduce' this guy yesterday, I suddenly felt goosebumps all over my body, and my face was even hotter.

Feeling a little embarrassed.

"Well, that happened didn't agree yesterday."

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth and stared at him with a red face: "Besides, the reason why you agreed to kill Chen Zhao today has nothing to do with yesterday..."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her cheeks that were flushed with embarrassment and found it a bit interesting to see this woman who had always seemed calm and calm suddenly start to panic.

"So, Miss Zhao regretted it?"

Zhao Xi's eyes widened. She clearly didn't agree, so how could she go back on her words?

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Lin Jiangnian's half-smiling look, and immediately understood something... Did this guy do this on purpose?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt angry, gritted his teeth, and immediately walked to the soft couch in the room and sat down sideways. A pair of beautiful legs under her skirt were placed on the soft couch, revealing her slender feet wrapped in white embroidered stockings. She was not angry. Said: "Okay, since you want to touch it, then come over and touch it if you have the ability!"


Lin Jiangnian fell silent.

He didn't expect that Miss Zhao could not bear the stimulation so much.

You really have to be strong in your life!

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes inadvertently fell on the jade feet under Zhao Xi's skirt. Although they were wrapped in stockings, they could still be seen to be somewhat slender and small. Hidden under the skirt, they had a bit more hazy and seductive beauty.

After a few glances, Lin Jiangnian looked away and turned to leave.

When Zhao Xi saw this scene, he felt a sense of pride in his heart.


I knew he didn't dare.

Still want to bully her?

He's just a guy with a thief's heart but no courage!

At most, he was just taking advantage. If he really dared to take advantage of it, wouldn't he be afraid that the eldest princess would find out? You know, she and the eldest princess are the best sisters, how could he dare...

Zhao Xizheng was thinking about it, and before the smug look on his face lasted long, he saw Lin Jiangnian, who had already walked to the door, suddenly stopped and turned back.

"Suddenly I remembered something... Miss Zhao kindly invited me to touch her. If I don't touch her, will it seem a little disrespectful to Miss Zhao?"

When Lin Jiangnian reappeared in front of her, Zhao Xi was obviously stunned, blinked, and was a little confused.


What the hell?

"In this case, if Miss Zhao takes the initiative to invite me, then this prince will be disrespectful."

Lin Jiangnian said, quickly stepped forward, sat down on the soft couch, skillfully grabbed Zhao Xi's beautiful legs placed on the soft couch and put them on his thighs.

One hand was fixed, and the other big hand covered the straight, slender, round and delicate feet through the skirt and stockings.

Feel the delicate and smooth touch!

Zhao Xi was confused!

Completely confused.

It seemed that she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to be so bold. When she came to her senses, Lin Jiangnian was already sitting next to her, with his legs on her thighs, and those 'sinful' hands were He touched her unscrupulously through her skirt.


When he felt the warmth of those big hands on his calf, Zhao Xi trembled violently, his whole body tensed up, as if he was being strongly stimulated, and he was so shy that his red cheeks almost overflowed with blood.

Shameful and angry.

My mind is blank.

He, he really, really dared to touch...

"No, don't... don't..., you, stop..."

"You, you... stop touching..."

Zhao Xi's face turned red, he bit his lower lip tightly, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were as charming as silk, and his voice was slightly trembling.

At the end, there was a faint hint of trembling pleading.

"..." (End of this chapter)

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