Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 272 Will you lie to me?

In the room filled with warm fragrance, a few rays of light from the window fell on the soft carpet, and the surrounding area was slightly dim.

On the soft couch not far away, Zhao Xi's mind was blank at the moment. Her pretty face was red, her whole body was tense, and she was frozen in place.

She felt that a place of hers that had never been touched by anyone was being caressed unscrupulously by a pair of hot hands. Those big hands were hot and hot, as if they were going to melt her. Even though she was wearing a dress and stockings, she could still feel her body. Feeling the terrible aura wrapped around him, the trembling feeling that penetrated into his soul quickly spread throughout his body.

Zhao Xi was so ashamed and angry that his beautiful and delicate face was filled with blood-red blood, panic and embarrassment.

"You,, don't..."

Zhao Xi stiffened and tried to pull her legs back, but she didn't expect that Lin Jiangnian was holding him tightly, preventing her from having the slightest chance to break free and escape.

Pressing Zhao Xi's legs under her skirt onto her thighs, she unceremoniously put her hand on them and slowly moved around to caress them.

Since it was her kind invitation, Lin Jiangnian was naturally disrespectful.

She took the initiative to 'seduce', and Lin Jiangnian followed suit and fulfilled her wishes.

His big hands caressed those beautiful legs that he had coveted for a long time through the skirt, wandered for a moment, and slowly moved up the skirt...

"no, do not want……"

A woman's shy panic came from the side.

Lin Jiangnian turned a deaf ear and slowly lifted up the hem of his skirt that was hiding his view, revealing a pair of small feet wrapped in white silk stockings and white trousers under the hem of the skirt... Well, well, well, are you so careful about this gentleman like him? !

Obviously, the accidental bumping into her in the bathtub just now caused Miss Zhao, who usually wears bold clothes, to wrap herself up tightly and airtight this time. Even she, who had always liked to go barefoot in the past, put on a pair of trousers under her skirt.

However, for Lin Jiangnian, these are not problems.

He continued to reach out and slowly take off the stockings, and the delicate white and tender feet wrapped in the stockings were slowly exposed to view.

Under the delicate and smooth calves, which are as delicate and white as ivory and as warm as warm jade, are a pair of porcelain white and crisp jade feet. The ten crystal pink toes are curled up nervously due to stimulation. See the thin blood veins under the snow-white and delicate skin.

Close observation makes it more exquisite and shocking!

When they first met, Lin Jiangnian knew that this young lady from the Zhao family had beautiful legs. Her slender legs were slender and well-proportioned, plump and round, and her exposed feet were delicate and delicate, like handicrafts, pure and transparent.

Without the barriers of skirts and stockings, the palms of your hands can directly feel the beauty of Miss Zhao's fair and delicate legs, skin-to-skin.

Perhaps it was just washed off not long ago, and the fair skin is even more delicate. White, tender and silky, it's like stroking a piece of smooth jade, it feels soft and you can't put it down.

Zhao Xi was half lying on the soft couch, his beautiful eyes lost focus.

At this moment, she was completely confused.

Her face was hot and red, filled with embarrassment and anger, and her beautiful eyes were round. The unprecedented shame had already overwhelmed her, and she almost fainted.

He, he actually dared to touch...

How dare you take off her stockings and touch her? !

He, he is so brave!

Damn it!

He, he, he, why is he still touching... is it over? !

Without the obstruction of the stockings, the hot hands fell on her snow-white skin without restraint. The unparalleled hot feeling quickly enveloped her and spread to her whole body. A strange feeling that she had never experienced before surged up. heart.

From the toes to the instep, then to the heels, slowly go up the delicate and silky calves...

Zhao Xi was ashamed and angry, and his chest rose and fell with his rapid breathing. The blush on his pretty face spread all the way down his cheeks. Even his delicate neck seemed to be stained with a layer of red. He was extremely nervous and could not help but feel nervous. My heart suddenly lifted.

"It's getting late, that's it for today."

Just when Zhao Xi was in a state of blank mind and filled with shame and anger, Lin Jiangnian's voice suddenly came to his ears.

He didn't know when he had let go of Pinzu's hand, and helped Miss Zhao put on her socks again. He stood up and said, "Thank you Miss Zhao for your hospitality. I will go ahead and take my leave?"

After that, Lin Jiangnian was ready to leave.

"Stop, stop!"

A stern voice with a hint of trembling came from behind.

Lin Jiangnian paused: "Miss Zhao, is there anything else?"

At this moment, Zhao Xi's face was hot and blood red, and her beautiful eyes were full of embarrassment. She gritted her teeth: "You, you are planning to leave like this?!"

"It's getting late..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the sky outside the window, then looked back at Zhao Xi on the soft couch: "Miss Zhao, could it be that you want to keep this prince overnight?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xi's delicate body trembled, and he raised his eyes to look into Lin Jiangnian's eyes that looked like a smile but not a smile. With her heart in chaos and her thoughts in confusion, she felt an inexplicable tremor that seemed to come from her soul.

Keep him overnight?

This bitch is so brave. He dares to touch him. If he is allowed to stay overnight, wouldn't it be...

Luring the wolf into the house? !

"roll roll roll!"

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth, his face flushed, and his beautiful eyes glared at him fiercely: "Get out of here quickly...before this young lady turns her back, get out as far away as possible, and don't show up again!"

Lin Jiangnian pouted, this Miss Zhao is really good and fun-loving.

She is the one who wants to play, and she is the one who can't afford to fall out!

However, Lin Jiangnian stopped as soon as he felt good, and did not continue to anger Miss Zhao, who was on the verge of an explosion. He politely handed over his hand: "Then I, the prince, will leave?"

"roll roll roll!"

Lin Jiangnian turned and left.


As the door to the room was closed, the room fell into complete silence.

On the soft couch, Zhao Xi was still lying there quietly. My whole body was paralyzed, and even after a long time, I still couldn't muster any strength. His eyes were blank, blank and filled with some strange emotion.

As if she had experienced some kind of intense exercise, her fair and delicate skin was flushed, and there seemed to be a layer of sweat overflowing. Her face was hot and red, and it did not subside for a long time.

Biting her lower lip tightly, her delicate and beautiful face showed a bit of resentment and anger like a little girl at some point. Her beautiful eyes stared at the closed door without saying a word.

It wasn't until a long time later that she seemed to have regained some strength, and she slowly sat up with difficulty. Her eyes fell on the pair of feet under her skirt that had been put on stockings again.

The slight shame that had just subsided resurfaced again. As if recalling the familiar hot touch not long ago, she felt an inexplicable shiver all over her body again.

She gritted her teeth in hatred, she didn't expect him to dare to attack this piece of shit...

After touching her, he helped her put on her socks, and she was very attentive... Bah, bah, bah, Zhao Xi, what are you thinking about? !

This bitch is so audacious, damn it!

He should be castrated and sent to the palace as a eunuch!

Zhao Xi curled up on the soft couch, with his legs bent and his hands clasping his knees. He didn't know what he was thinking in his mind. His eyes were still shy and angry, but there was a vague look on his face.

It wasn't until the sky outside the window gradually darkened that she finally regained her composure and slowly stood up, only to find that the hem of her skirt was wet from nowhere.

Was it because you were too nervous just now that you sweated?

Seeing this scene, Zhao Xi's face turned red again and he gritted his silver teeth.

Well, that must be the case...

After leaving Zhao Mansion, he got on the carriage back to Jiang Mansion.

In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian also had some trance-like aftertaste.

What happened today was somewhat beyond his expectation. Lin Jiangnian did not expect that things would develop to this point. If he hadn't left in time, it would have been out of control.

However, Lin Jiangnian was not worried.

This young lady from the Zhao family had impure intentions, and she took the initiative to let Lin Jiangnian touch her, so it was no wonder that Lin Jiangnian was touched.

Lin Jiangnian has no psychological pressure at all!

As for what happened today, will this Miss Zhao spread?

Lin Jiangnian was no longer worried.

Compared to Prince Lin, who has a "bad reputation" in the capital, Zhao Xi, the daughter of Prime Minister Zhao, probably cares more about his own reputation.

Even if she spread the word, probably no one would believe it.

Who would believe that the dignified daughter of Prime Minister Zhao would invite Prince Lin into her boudoir and let Lin Jiangnian touch her legs?

If this gets out, it’s hard to say who has problems...

However, the only thing I have to worry about is my relationship with this Miss Zhao...

This Miss Zhao is both good and fun-loving, and she can't even afford to play.

After today, I don't know what the relationship between the two will be like, and whether it will affect Lin Jiangnian's next meeting with Prime Minister Zhao.

This is something to worry about.

The carriage returned to the Jiang Mansion, and with the lessons learned from the previous two times, Lin Jiangnian was very cautious this time. He hid himself first, avoiding the maids and servants in the manor and returning to the room. He changed his clothes to get rid of the rouge scent on his body.

Today, I had "skin-to-skin contact" with the Miss Zhao family, and it was inevitable that my body would be smeared with the rouge aroma from the Miss Zhao family. Lin Jiangnian waited until the smell dissipated, then he felt relieved and opened the door to leave. Room.

"Your Highness? When did you come back?!"

Not far from the yard, Xiaozhu saw Lin Jiangnian coming out of the room, his eyes widened in surprise.

She has been waiting for His Highness to come back. Why did His Highness come out of the room?

"Just came back for a while!"

Lin Jiangnian said casually, walked to Xiaozhu and hugged the little maid into his arms.

Xiaozhu was easy to fool. She believed whatever Lin Jiangnian said. She thought that she was in a daze just now and didn't notice that His Highness had returned. She habitually curled up in His Highness's arms obediently, but then she thought of something again and looked a little confused. A little nervous: "Your Highness, you are still outside..."

"What are you afraid of? Your Highness is just giving you a hug."

Lin Jiangnian hugged the soft and boneless little maid in his arms, looked at the little maid's head buried in his chest, and asked softly: "Xiao Zhu, do you smell His Highness's body?"


Xiaozhu sniffed it with her small nose and asked doubtfully: "What does it smell like?"

"What does your Highness smell like?"

Xiaozhu smelled it again, his eyes became more and more confused: "It's just the smell of His Highness, what else could it be?"

"That's okay!"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian was completely relieved and rubbed Xiaozhu's head: "I'm going to see your sister Zhiyuan."


Xiaozhu nodded obediently.

"It's cold. Go back to your room quickly and don't freeze."

After Lin Jiangnian gave some instructions, he walked to the yard next door.

It was getting dark, and the courtyard next door was already dark, with the lights remaining on in the rooms not far away.

Lin Jiangnian walked closer slowly. Having learned the lessons from the previous times, Lin Jiangnian stood at the door and chose to knock on the door: "Kite?"

After a while, a cold voice came from the room: "Come in."

After confirming that the sound was from Zhiyuan, Lin Jiangnian felt relieved and opened the door and walked in.

In the room with warm light, Zhiyuan had already changed out of today's black dress and put on a loose light cyan dress. She was also wearing a goose feather coat. She was sitting at the table, looking down at a book. .

When Lin Jiangnian walked into the room, Zhiyuan put down the book in his hand and looked up at him without saying a word.

Being stared at by Zhiyuan's clear and bright eyes, Lin Jiangnian felt inexplicably guilty.


Young Lin Jiang coughed, walked slowly to Zhiyuan and sat down, grabbing her little hand.

"Hey, why are your hands so cold?"

Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan's hand and helped her warm her cold hands. His eyes fell on the books on her desk: "What are you reading?"

"just looking around."

Zhiyuan spoke, her eyes still falling on Lin Jiangnian, unblinking: "Where have you been?"

"I went out to do something." Lin Jiangnian explained.

"What's up?"

Looking into Zhiyuan's eyes, Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and said, "I went to the Zhao family."

"That young lady from the Zhao family helped me today. I went to the Zhao family to thank her."


After hearing this answer, Zhiyuan didn't react much, nodded lightly, and looked away.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he seemed to realize something. He stretched out his hand to hug Zhiyuan into his arms, looked at her and chuckled, "Are you jealous?"


Zhiyuan's fair and cold expression was a bit unnatural.

"Really not?"

Lin Jiangnian half-squinted his eyes. Although he also felt guilty, he was naturally the first to get the upper hand, and the villain was the first to complain: "Then why did you question me as soon as you came back?"

"What if it's not jealousy?"

Zhiyuan was silent.

"Why don't you speak?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then glanced at him and said lightly: "I just want to take a look!"

"have a look?"

Lin Jiangnian asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

Zhiyuan looked away, her eyes fell on the book on the table, and she said lightly: "Let's see if you can lie to me."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian had an inexplicable urge to really die.

"how come!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged her and said firmly: "How could I lie to you?"

"Even if His Highness lies to someone, he will never lie to you!"

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said nothing.

He didn't say anything, but it seemed like he said everything.

"Little Zhiyuan, what's your look like? Are you questioning His Highness?"

"Your Highness understands."

"If you don't understand, just say so."

Zhiyuan thought for a while, then raised her eyes to look at him: "Your Highness, you really have nothing to do with lying to me?"

Lin Jiangnian felt guilty.

Especially Zhiyuan's eyes seemed to have seen through something already.

Have you ever deceived Paper Kite?

Lin Jiangnian was not sure.

He was ready to lie when he opened his mouth. How could he remember whether he had lied before?

Lin Jiangnian coughed again: "How do you put this...sometimes, white lies can't be considered you understand what I mean?"

Zhiyuan still looked at him: "So, His Highness did lie to me?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"That's absolutely not the case!"

"Then, what does the white lie His Highness mean?"

Facing Zhiyuan's eyes, which were close at hand, clear and bright, but seemed to have a bit of burning questioning.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly realized that he seemed to have got himself involved?

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