Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 273 Go back if nothing happens

"A white lie, of course, refers to... Hey, Zhiyuan, your hands are very beautiful?"

Lin Jiangnian grabbed Zhiyuan's bare hand, with green fingers, white and slender, crystal clear and extremely beautiful.

It feels soft to hold, but unlike Xiaozhu's fragrant softness, Zhiyuan's palm is slightly tight and slightly elastic. It is not like other martial arts practitioners' hands that are full of calluses. It feels excellent to the touch.

Lin Jiangnian opened his mouth with astonishment and praise, praising him again and again.

Zhiyuan's face on the side was slightly red and hot. She glanced at him and then looked away.

This guy took the opportunity to take advantage of her unscrupulously.

He praised her, but his hands didn't stop moving.


Also changed the subject.

I don't know what she was thinking of, but a trace of complexity flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes, as if she was thinking about something that her aunt mentioned before, and she was thoughtful. In the end, nothing was said.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Lin Jiangnian held Zhiyuan with one hand and felt the girl's slender waist that was faintly visible through the thick clothes. With the other hand, he stroked the girl's jade-like silky hand. He couldn't put it down and looked down again with a confused expression. Naturally, he moved away slightly shy and blushing, with a slightly aggrieved look on his cold and tight face.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's heart moved and he moved slightly closer. Just when he was about to kiss me, he was deceived several times. Zhiyuan, who had been on guard for a long time, immediately noticed: "What are you doing?"

His tone was slightly panicked and his expression was alert.

"Let His Highness give me a kiss."


"Just one bite?"



Zhiyuan was a little flustered and wanted to struggle to get up, but Lin Jiangnian pulled her into his arms. While Zhiyuan struggled to resist, he kissed her several times on her pretty snow-white face.

Zhiyuan's cold expression disappeared, and her beautiful eyes stared at him coldly, with shame and annoyance emerging. He struggled fiercely to break free, but Lin Jiangnian's quick eyes and quick hands held him tighter.

"Don't leave yet, we haven't talked about business yet."

Lin Jiangnian controlled Zhiyuan, who was getting angry and trying to run away, and then he said, "I promised that Miss Zhao today to help him get rid of Chen Zhao."

Upon hearing the news, Zhiyuan, who was still struggling, suddenly stopped and turned back to stare at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes suddenly becoming serious.

"However, I don't guarantee that I can help her get rid of Chen Zhao."

Seeing Zhiyuan's solemn eyes, Lin Jiangnian told her not to worry too much and said softly: "Whether she represents herself or has Prime Minister Zhao behind her, this is a good opportunity..."

"The death of an eunuch is not important, but the situation of the death of a powerful eunuch is completely different... Chen Zhao could have such power in the palace only because of the favor of the emperor. In other words …”

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment and said thoughtfully: "I doubt that everything Chen Zhao did in Beijing was secretly instructed by the emperor?"

"But what is the emperor's purpose?"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't understand.

Now that the DPRK is in such chaos, even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is suddenly seriously ill, and the situation is turbulent, why can the emperor remain in seclusion with such peace of mind?

Either everything that happened was controlled by him secretly, or...

Thinking of a certain possibility, Lin Jiangnian's expression suddenly froze, and he suddenly looked at the paper kite in his arms: "When was the last time the emperor appeared before going into seclusion?"

Zhiyuan was slightly startled and quickly realized the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words: "Do you suspect that the emperor has passed away?"

"It's possible!"

Zhiyuan pondered for a moment and said in a cold voice, "The last time the emperor went to court was half a year ago, almost the day when His Highness was about to enter the capital from Linjiang City..."

"It's been half a year!"

Lin Jiangnian thought: "I haven't shown up in half a year... If the emperor is really dead, the situation in the court now makes sense."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "You mean, Chen Zhao controlled the court and kept the emperor's death a secret?"

"It's not impossible, but..."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head softly: "It's all just speculation, but this possibility is not high. Even if Chen Zhao covers the sky with one hand, it is impossible that the emperor's death will not be spread for so long..."

"Thinking about it, there must be some hidden secret that we don't know about."

Lin Jiangnian doesn't know the specific truth. Maybe you can ask about the eldest princess next time you have a chance to see her?

She is a biological brother and sister to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, so she must know something hidden.

Zhiyuan pondered deeply and said nothing.

"Okay, let's not talk about these heavy topics at night. The more chaos there is in Beijing, it will be a good thing for us!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan. The big hand that originally hugged Zhiyuan's waist gradually began to move up and down slowly. He chuckled: "It doesn't matter to us who will be the emperor, as long as he is not the third prince!"

Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red, and she quickly grabbed Lin Jiangnian's mischievous hand on her waist, and glared at him with cold eyes, seeming to be a bit ashamed and angry.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and looked more honest.

Zhiyuan's face was expressionless, she was silent again, and looked at him: "What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Third Prince."

Zhiyuan turned to look at him.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "Keeping him is always a hidden danger!"

We have completely broken up with the third prince, and the third prince will definitely retaliate. How can he swallow this bad breath?

Lin Jiangnian is naturally the same.

The third prince is still alive, but he is not living a stable life.

"kill him?"

Zhiyuan looked at him expressionlessly, with a hint of murderous intent flashing through her bright eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment: "You can give it a try."

"That's just not sure."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head, "He is protected by experts. It is difficult to kill him directly. The gain outweighs the loss."

Zhiyuan said silently: "The man who blocked the road today has very high martial arts skills."

"How high?"

"The aura is stronger than mine, and the strength is ominous."

You can hear a hint of solemnity in Zhiyuan's tone.

It's right to think about it. The third prince stayed in the capital because he wanted to compete for the throne. How could there be no masters around him?

"In that case, we have to think of another way."

Lin Jiangnian was thinking.

"Do you have any idea?" Zhiyuan looked up at him.

Lin Jiangnian smiled mysteriously, "Sometimes, killing someone doesn't necessarily require high martial arts skills."

"for example?"

"Don't the third prince want to compete for the heir apparent?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke slowly: "Maybe we can try another method..."


"Kill with a borrowed knife!"


Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, still thinking about the feasibility of killing someone with a borrowed knife as mentioned by Lin Jiangnian. When she came back to her senses, Leng Buding noticed that the hand that had been placed on her waist had started to act mischievously again.

It seemed that the clothes were too thick, so he slowly inserted his big hand along Zhiyuan's coat, following the girl's delicate touch all the way north...

When Zhiyuan came back to her senses, she immediately slapped his offending hand away, her cold eyes angry: "You..."

She was about to turn her head and glare at Lin Jiangnian, warning him not to mess around. Just when she raised her head, her slightly opened bright red lips were blocked by Lin Jiangnian's lowered head.

The remaining words of warning were all blocked again, leaving only the muffled sound of 'Uh-huh'.

The girl's body was slightly stiff, as if she wanted to struggle, but Lin Jiangnian hugged her into his arms, held the back of her head, and kissed her seriously.

All the way in.

The girl's mind went blank, and her tight body quickly softened, leaving only her hands subconsciously holding on to the corners of Lin Jiangnian's clothes, squeezing tighter and tighter nervously.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until Zhiyuan's breathing was rapid, her face was flushed, and her eyes were as charming as silk. The original cold expression was no longer replaced by an unconcealable shyness. She lowered her head and buried it in Lin Jiangnian's chest, not daring to look up.

like a statue.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the girl in his arms, his heart ready to move. He lowered his head to the girl's ear and whispered softly: "It's getting late, let's take a rest early?"

Hearing this, it was obvious that the soft body of the girl in his arms was slightly stiff again.

He seemed to be struggling, but Lin Jiangnian stopped him and picked him up without any explanation. Zhiyuan seemed to have come to her senses now, and a trace of panic appeared on her pretty red face.

"No, no..."

Her voice was a little panicked: "Wait, my aunt will come later..."

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian moved his hands and looked at her suspiciously: "Did you lie to me?"

Just as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Zhiyuan? Are you asleep?"

It was Jiang Yuxiang's voice.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Hearing the voice of her aunt outside the door, Zhiyuan immediately struggled up from Lin Jiangnian's arms in panic, hurriedly arranged her clothes, and took a deep breath, but the red rhyme on her fair and pretty face faded no matter what. If you don't remove it, the ruddy color will become even brighter, watery, and mouth-wateringly bright.

Sitting aside, he tried to take a few deep breaths to calm down, but seeing Lin Jiangnian still sitting there, he quickly glared at him and whispered: "You, please leave quickly!"

"Walk for what?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the busy-looking paper kite in front of him, which was quite cute. He clearly had the feeling of being in a panic when a lady and her lover were having a secret meeting in the middle of the night and their family members blocked the door.

Lin Jiangnian smiled half-heartedly: "We didn't do anything, what will my aunt do if she finds out?"

When Zhiyuan heard this, her eyes were filled with shame and anger, but when she heard her aunt's voice coming from outside the door again, she didn't care anymore.

"Auntie, I, I' come in."

After receiving permission, the door opened and Jiang Yuxiang walked into the room.

"Why did it take so long to open the door? You..."

As Jiang Yuxiang spoke, he glanced around and saw the two people in front of the table. When he saw Lin Jiangnian was also in the room, looking at her with a smile, Jiang Yuxiang was stunned, and the smile on his face immediately changed. receive.

"How will you be here?"


Lin Jiangnian explained: "I just came back and wanted to tell Zhiyuan something..."

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes fell on the two of them suspiciously, and he quickly noticed Zhiyuan's evasive eyes, and the blush that had not yet dissipated on her fair and pretty face... I'm afraid she wasn't just saying something, right?

What are these two people doing in the room?

Seeing Lin Jiangnian, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but think of what happened last night, and all kinds of weird feelings of shame suddenly emerged in his body.

Seeing the sneaky appearance of these two people in the room, I felt an inexplicable anger in my heart, and immediately my face turned cold: "Is the matter over?"

Seeing his aunt's sudden change of expression, Lin Jiangnian also remembered the 'misunderstanding' last night. He coughed lightly and did not dare to talk back: "I think it's over."

"Aren't you going back after you finish talking?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian heard it. Was he driving him away on purpose?

Lin Jiangnian was helpless and did not dare to talk back at the moment. He looked back at Zhiyuan and gave her a look that said, 'I'll come back to you later'.

However, Zhiyuan blushed slightly, gritted her teeth and looked away, pretending not to notice.

Hey, the maid is going to rebel!

The maid is going to kill the master!

Lin Jiangnian decided to wait until his aunt returned later, and then come over to deal with the disobedient little maid, and let her have a taste of His Highness's stick skills.

Calculating the time, it is indeed time to let Zhiyuan know how powerful his stick skills are!

"Then auntie, I'll go back first."

Lin Jiangnian didn't look at his aunt's cold eyes, and left the room after saying hello.

Jiang Yuxiang watched Lin Jiangnian leave, feeling inexplicably annoyed.

This brat, such a big thing happened today, but she still didn't tell him...even though she deliberately said she couldn't see him.

But is he really missing?

Are you still taking her aunt in your eyes?

The more Jiang Yuxiang thought about it, the angrier he became. Looking at Zhiyuan, who had a reddish face and lowered her eyes, sitting there with a guilty look, she felt an indescribable weird feeling.

She gathered her emotions, went up and sat next to Zhiyuan, looked at Zhiyuan's pink and red cheeks, and sighed inwardly: "That brat, did you bully you again just now?"

Zhiyuan did not dare to look into her aunt's eyes and shook her head slightly.

"You can still fool my aunt?"

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "If I hadn't come just now, this kid would probably have to strip you naked and carry you to bed and eat you clean tonight, right?!"

Thinking of what she saw when she entered the room just now, if she hadn't come, Zhiyuan probably wouldn't have been able to escape the clutches of that brat tonight.

Hearing this, Zhiyuan's delicate body tensed up and her tone was shy: "No..."

Jiang Yuxiang quietly looked at the girly Zhiyuan in front of her. The nervous and shy look in her lowered eyes was very much like the shyness of spring when she met her sweetheart. She sighed secretly and said in a faint tone: "It seems that my aunt is here. This is not the time. I have become a bad person and ruined your good deeds..."

"No, no..."

Zhiyuan's tone became more nervous and shy, her head lowered, and where was the cold temperament from before?

Her pretty face was red and she didn't dare to look at her aunt.

When Jiang Yuxiang saw the paper kite that looked like this in front of him, he felt inexplicably emotional. The paper kite that he had watched grow up was now tall and graceful, had a sweetheart, and had a good home...

But for some reason, what happened last night suddenly came to mind.

I didn’t want to think about it, but I couldn’t help it.

Thinking of this, he felt a little irritated for no reason, and immediately said angrily: "It's better if it's bad, so as not to let that kid bully you... Does that kid want to wait for me to leave before coming to you? My aunt won't let him. If you succeed, my aunt will sleep with you tonight!"

Zhiyuan: "..."

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