Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 274 The thoughts of a coward and a girl

After being kicked out of the room by his aunt, Lin Jiangnian returned to the courtyard next door.

At this time, the night was dark, the cold winter wind was howling in the courtyard, and the dead trees were rustling.

It's not too late. When Lin Jiangnian returned to the courtyard, under the eaves, Lin Qingqing, dressed in smart clothes, had been waiting for a long time.

In a battle outside the capital, Lin Qingqing was seriously injured and stayed in Jiang Mansion to recuperate for a period of time. Now her injuries are almost healed.

Lin Qingqing was the first to capture Gao Wenyang today. After prying out the truth about Zhou Huiguang's poisoning from Gao Wenyang, Lin Jiangnian did not stay there anymore and left all the finishing matters to Lin Qingqing.

Along the way from Linjiang City to the capital, Lin Qingqing did her job wholeheartedly and made almost no mistakes. She was even more loyal to Prince Lin's Mansion and was a rare and outstanding subordinate.

After finishing today's matters, Lin Qingqing quickly came to Lin Jiangnian to report the situation.

"Come in and talk."

Lin Jiangnian pushed open the door under the eaves and walked into the room. Lin Qingqing said nothing, followed His Highness silently, and lit the lights in the room.

The lights flickered and illuminated the room.

"how's it going?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Qingqing stood in the room and spoke in a low voice, but there was a hint of excitement in her tone: "The Gao family, it's over!"

"Today Gao Wenyang personally admitted in public that he poisoned Zhou Huiguang. Although he later denied it, it was of no avail..."

"Not only Zhou Yao heard it with his own ears, but Chen Changqing, the leader of Mitiansi, and several respected elders from other families were also present. Even if he continues to quibble and deny, it will be of no avail..."

"Not long after His Highness left, Zhou Yao beat Gao Wenyang half to death and took him back to the Zhou family's mourning hall. In full view of everyone, he asked Gao Wenyang to kowtow to Zhou Huiguang for burial. Zhou Yao, who was so angry that he almost beat Gao Wenyang to death and buried him with him, was Someone stopped me..."

"However, the news that Gao Wenyang poisoned Zhou Huiguang spread quickly from everyone present today. After tonight's fermentation, I am afraid that starting tomorrow, this news will spread throughout the capital..."

Lin Qingqing couldn't restrain her excitement. His Highness had been slandered for so many days and was finally cleared of his grievances.

What a joyful day!

However, Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently: "It's not that simple. People don't believe it that easily."

Lin Qingqing looked up in confusion.

Lin Jiangnian sighed and explained: "Compared to Gao Wenyang blaming people for murder, everyone prefers to see the drama of me, Prince Lin, killing innocent people indiscriminately... Even if the truth is revealed, for the common people, this news is They’re not interested and don’t necessarily even want to believe it.”

Lin Qingqing was thoughtful.

I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand.

"Then, what should we do?"

Lin Qingqing couldn't help but ask.

"This is the real purpose of the third prince."

Lin Jiangnian said.

The third prince's real purpose in poisoning Zhou Huiguang was to stir up public opinion in the capital and completely nail Lin Jiangnian's reputation to the pillar of shame.

Not very harmful, but disgusting enough!

Of course, it will also have a considerable impact on the reputation of Linwangfu in Beijing.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and then mentioned another matter: "What happens next? Did Gao Wenyang confess?"

Mentioning this matter, Lin Qingqing's face turned slightly cold and she shook her head: "After the news that Gao Wenyang poisoned Zhou Huiguang came out, everyone was shocked. Those who originally wanted to speak for the Gao family chose to wait and see. The people of the Gao family They also came. They didn’t believe that Gao Wenyang would do such a thing. They had a conflict with the Zhou family and almost took action. Fortunately, people from Mitiansi arrived and took Gao Wenyang back..."

"Gao Wenyang still denies it flatly. He firmly refuses to admit that he poisoned Zhou Huiguang and did not reveal any information related to the third prince... However, I think he won't be able to hold on for long. How long will a playboy like him stay in Mitiansi for a long time? I'm afraid God will explain everything..."

At this point, Lin Qingqing's eyes narrowed: "Your Highness, do you want to prepare to take this opportunity to impeach the third prince?"

"The third prince's frame-up of His Highness this time is an excellent opportunity to fight back..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "Do you think Gao Wenyang will reveal the third prince?"

Lin Qingqing thought for a while and said expressionlessly: "He has to do so even if he doesn't want to!"

As a guard of Prince Lin's Mansion, she had also personally interrogated prisoners. Naturally, she was very aware of the horrific nature of those punishments. Ordinary people could not bear them, let alone a pampered playboy like Gao Wenyang.

No matter how harsh his words were, he couldn't be tougher than those horrific instruments of torture.

Lin Jiangnian sighed softly and asked, "Even if Gao Wenyang confesses that the third prince was the culprit who poisoned Zhou Huiguang and put the blame on my son, what will happen?"

"Of course I took this opportunity to play..."

Lin Qingqing was about to speak, but she seemed to suddenly realize something. She raised her eyes to look at His Highness, her face was slightly ugly, and she hesitated to speak.

"The third prince will not admit it!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "He used Gao Wenyang's hand to kill Zhou Huiguang, and he would never leave any clue. Even if Gao Wenyang confesses, even if everyone knows it well. But... there is no evidence!"

"In this case, all the facts Gao Wenyang told us will become slander!"

Lin Qingqing was silent and looked a little ugly.

Apparently she had also thought of this. The third prince had never shown up, and there was no trace of him at all.

"So, there is only one way to go before Gao Wenyang."

Lin Jiangnian had already anticipated Gao Wenyang's fate: "If nothing else happens, Gao Wenyang will soon take all the charges and admit that he poisoned Zhou Huiguang. Then..."

"The 'suicide out of fear of crime' in Mitiansi Prison... This matter was completely covered up and brought to an end."

Lin Qingqing raised her head in disbelief: "How could he commit suicide?!"

"If he doesn't want to show decency, naturally someone will help him show decency."

Lin Jiangnian said: "Either he dies and the whole thing is over. Or, the entire Gao family dies with him."

Lin Qingqing was silent, gritting her teeth unwillingly: "Then the third prince, can you really get away without any trouble?"

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and shook his head gently.

"But, there is no evidence..."

"You don't know how to make it up without evidence?"

Lin Jiangnian sighed, this Lin Qingqing is good at everything, but her brain is not quick enough.

Lin Qingqing was stunned, "Your Highness, what you mean is..."

Lin Jiangnian sneered and said: "Everyone knows that the third prince did it, and everyone also knows that there is no evidence that cannot be found on the third prince, but that is compared to the officials and people from the aristocratic families in Beijing. For Beijing For the people in China, do they need any evidence?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "If there is no evidence, then we will make it up... His third prince can frame the blame, but this prince can't make up the evidence?"

Lin Qingqing hesitated: "Will they believe the fabricated evidence?"

"It doesn't matter whether people from official families believe it or not, the key is that the people believe it!"

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "Do you think they are willing to believe the story about my prince killing innocent people indiscriminately, or are they more willing to believe the story about the dignified third prince and Prince Lin having grudges, fighting overtly and secretly, and committing murder and framing the blame? "

Lin Qingqing finally realized His Highness's purpose: "Your Highness, do you want to..."

"Use his way and give back to him!"

Lin Jiangnian said slowly: "Then let's see which one is my son's reputation that gets bad first, or his..."

"The crime of murder and framing is placed on him. If he wants to compete for the throne again, I am afraid that the people in the capital will be the first to refuse..."

Lin Qingqing's eyes gradually lit up.

Yes, these three princes are still fighting for the throne. Once this charge is placed on him and the news of the third prince's misconduct comes out, it will be extremely difficult for him to gain the support of the people.

Who would be willing to support as emperor a man who could poison the son of a minister and frame the son of a vassal king?

In this way, this is undoubtedly a major blow to the third prince!

"Your Highness, I understand."

Lin Qingqing immediately spoke excitedly and was about to go to do something, but was stopped by Lin Jiangnian.

"Your Highness, do you have any more instructions?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "You can just leave this matter to Lin Kong later. I have a more important thing that you need to do."

"Your Highness, please speak."

Lin Jiangnian stood up and took out a ledger from under the bookshelf on the side of the room, "Qingqing, do you still remember this?"

Lin Qingqing took a closer look and quickly remembered. Isn't this the account book that she and His Highness dug out at the same time outside Xunyang City when they discovered the secret of the Wang family's private collection of armor and weapons?

"The debts of my prince's loyal soldiers who died outside the city must be recovered from him!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Qingqing and spoke slowly.

Lin Qingqing quickly realized something. Is His Highness going to attack the third prince?

"But Your Highness, what does this ledger have to do with the Third Prince?"

"Of course."

Just this account book alone really doesn't tell much. But in addition to these, Lin Jiangnian also had some "evidence" that Wang Changjin gave to Lin Jiangnian when he was trying to save Wang Qin.

Those pieces of evidence were what cost the Third Prince's life the most.

"The third prince stayed in the capital for the sake of becoming the crown prince. He has secretly had affairs with many families over the years. Most of them have already raised private soldiers and secretly recruited troops..."

Lin Qingqing gradually realized His Highness's purpose: "Your Highness, do you mean that we can find a way to secretly sabotage the third prince's plan and make him fail?"


Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said resolutely: "We must help him... let him rebel as soon as possible!"


After Lin Qingqing left, the night was getting late.

After finishing the business instructions, Lin Jiangnian yawned and felt a little sleepy!

It's time to rest!

He stood up slowly, stepped out of the room, and walked towards the courtyard next door.

Lin Jiangnian made up his mind to teach Zhi Yuan a lesson tonight, so Lin Jiangnian naturally kept his word.

It's time for Zhiyuan to have a taste of the education from His Highness's stick, lest she keep a cold face all day long and ignore His Highness.

At this time, my aunt should have gone back, right?

Lin Jiangnian walked quietly and quietly outside Zhiyuan's room.

The lights in the room have long been turned off, has Zhi Yuan fallen asleep?

Lin Jiangyoun pushed the door lightly and locked it.

Hey, is it locked up?

Who to guard against?

The door is locked, it must be Zhiyuan's handiwork. In this case, the aunt must have gone back, otherwise there would be no need for Zhiyuan to bother.

However, how could this stop Lin Jiangnian?

It was difficult to open the door, so Lin Jiangnian turned around and walked to the window next to him, put his hand on the window, stretched out his hand gently, and used his internal energy.


There was a crisp sound of wood cracking, and the blind bolt of the window broke instantly, and the window was easily pushed open.

Vigorously miracle!

In the face of absolute power, there are no obstacles.

Pushing open the window, Lin Jiangnian climbed into the room with agility and walked toward the bed behind the screen.

"Zhiyuan, here I come!"

Zhiyuan's martial arts skills were far superior to Lin Jiangnian's, so it was impossible for her not to hear such a big noise like breaking the window. Therefore, Lin Jiangnian neither deliberately concealed his aura nor strode behind the screen.

But until Lin Jiangnian walked to the bed, there was still no movement on the bed.


Pretending to sleep, right?

Lin Jiangnian approached the bed and was about to take action, but he remembered something. He made a movement with his hands and slowly opened the quilt.

The room was dark, and through the faint ray of light outside the window, I could clearly see the outline of a beautiful face lying on the bed.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Lin Jiangnian recognized it at a glance.

"Little, aunt?!"

Lin Jiangnian's hands trembled, and he subconsciously took a few steps back, his eyes widening.

My heart is pounding!

Damn it!

Why is it my aunt again? !

Why is she sleeping here again? !

Lin Jiangnian was shocked and thankful. Fortunately, he had learned from the past and was more cautious tonight. The experience and lessons from last night were still vivid in his mind. When he saw his aunt lying on the bed again, he was so shocked that he almost died.

When he calmed down, he noticed that Jiang Yuxiang was lying there quietly on the bed, with his eyes closed and his breathing slow, as if he was asleep?

Not awake?

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian finally let go of his worries.

Just don’t wake up!

Go first.

Lin Jiangnian, who was about to leave, thought of something else.

Auntie sleeps here?

What about the paper kite?

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the bed from the corner of his eye, and soon discovered that there seemed to be someone else under the thick quilt on the bed.

Looking carefully, he saw a pair of eyes with a faint gaze staring at him.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Who else could it be but Paper Kite?

In the darkness, Zhiyuan under the quilt suddenly sat up slowly and looked at him quietly without saying a word.

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything. He made eye contact with Zhiyuan and asked her why her aunt was here.

Seeing the look on Lin Jiangnian's face that was frightened and disappointed, Zhiyuan's eyes flashed and she said calmly: "My aunt guessed that you were coming tonight and stayed here on purpose."

Hearing Zhiyuan speak, Lin Jiangnian quickly shushed her.

I sneaked in sneakily in the middle of the night. If I woke up my aunt and got caught by her...

Does he still want to lose face when he is the prince?

Lin Jiangnian lowered his voice and asked, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't ask."

"Why didn't you remind me when I came in just now?"

"I locked the door."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Facing Zhiyuan's calm eyes, Lin Jiangnian was speechless.

Indeed, the door has been locked.


"You can remind me when I come in!" Lin Jiangnian was a little annoyed.

"What are you doing here at night?"

"Let's chat with you."

"Just chatting?" Zhi Yuan said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Of course!"

Lin Jiangnian almost patted his chest and vowed, but he didn't dare to speak loudly because he thought it would wake his aunt.

Zhiyuan glanced at him and suddenly said: "Then come up and talk."

"Come up?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned.


Just as he was wondering, he saw Zhiyuan move in, freeing up a small area next to him, right between Zhiyuan and his aunt.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and looked at him without saying a word, but her meaning was already obvious.

Come and talk in bed!

The place has been made available for him.

Lin Jiangnian: "???"

If his aunt was not here tonight, he would naturally chat with Zhiyuan until dawn without any hesitation.

But now my aunt is here. If Lin Jiangnian dares to climb up, he may not see the sun tomorrow.

This is impossible!

Zhiyuan clearly calculated this point, on purpose?

In the darkness, Zhiyuan looked calm and without any emotion, just looking at him, as if waiting for him to come up.

The temptation is great!

Lin Jiangnian admitted that at a certain moment he was indeed tempted.

But in just a second, he quickly returned to his senses.

Can't move!

If you move, big things will happen!

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his voice and said angrily: "You knew your aunt was here, so you did this on purpose, right?"

"Forget it if you don't come."

Zhiyuan's expression remained calm and she spoke calmly.

"I am sleepy."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Why doesn't he want to come?

Why don't you want to teach this little kite a good lesson?

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of my aunt's sleeping face on the bed, and she immediately woke up again.

"Just wait and see how I will deal with you tomorrow night!"

After Lin Jiangnian put down his cruel words, he felt unwilling and left the room with a bit of regret.

Not tonight.

She's waiting tomorrow night!

inside the room.

Zhiyuan was still sitting on the bed, with her legs bent, her eyes quietly fixed on the window not far away, wondering what she was thinking, and she was in a daze.

His eyes were calm and devoid of any emotion.

After a while, she gradually came back to her senses and curled her lips inadvertently.


The voice was very soft, but there was a hint of inexplicable joy in it.

Seems to be in a good mood.

She withdrew her gaze and fell on her aunt who was sleeping beside her. She stared at it quietly, her pretty eyebrows slightly furrowed.

But after a while, they slowly dispersed.

Probably, she is overthinking it?

after all……

It's his aunt!

Thinking of this, she seemed to feel a lot better. As if remembering something, his face felt inexplicably hot.

She slowly lay down and wrapped herself in the quilt again, wrapping it tightly.

After a while, the girl seemed to remember something, stretched out a hand from under the quilt, and slowly tapped Jiang Yuxiang's chest beside her.

The next second, Jiang Yuxiang, who was still 'sleeping', suddenly made a faint sound that sounded like pain, but also had a pleasant smell.

"Um...I, what's wrong with me?"

In the darkness, Jiang Yuxiang spoke in a daze, his starry eyes half-open.

"No, it's okay..."

Zhiyuan's voice was very soft, with a hint of guilt.


Jiang Yuxiang's mind was still confused, so he turned over, closed his eyes again, and continued to sleep.

Zhiyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and raised her eyes to see her aunt facing her sideways, very close at hand.

A beautiful face that is quiet and elegant, with a hint of mature temperament, which cannot hide her natural beauty and stunning beauty.

Zhiyuan stared quietly, dazed. At some point, his eyes fell on my aunt's slightly opened quilt, and she caught a glimpse of her plump and swollen breasts under her thin clothes. It was very spectacular.

Zhiyuan blinked slightly, remembering something, and lowered his head subconsciously... It seemed that there was a gap?

Just as she was thinking blankly, the girl's head suddenly jumped, and she suddenly realized something. Her pretty face turned red and hot in an instant.

The girl was ashamed of the sudden thoughts, ashamed, and buried her head in the quilt in panic.

Pretending to be an ostrich.

Play dead.


...(End of chapter)

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