Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 275 Suicide out of fear of crime

late at night.

Mitiansi, prison!

The dim light illuminated the cold stone wall, and the surroundings were filled with a nauseating smell of blood that lingered for a long time.

Deep in the prison, in a sealed cell.

The ground was covered with damp straw, and there was a smell of mold mixed with an increasingly rich smell of blood. A embarrassed figure was lying curled up on the ground, motionless.

He was wearing expensive silk brocade clothes, but at the moment it was in tatters and stained with a lot of blood, making him look extremely miserable.

It seemed like an unknown amount of time had passed, but there was a burst of rapid footsteps not far outside the cell.

In the cell, the figure who heard the footsteps trembled and subconsciously shrank back.


The cell door was pushed open and a familiar voice came.

Gao Wenyang, who was lying on the ground, heard this voice, and his body seemed to be stimulated by something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the door.

Taking advantage of the dim light outside, I saw a familiar figure.


Gao Wenyang's voice was trembling, excited, and a bit crying.

"Dad, you, please save me quickly, save me quickly..."

Gao Wenyang spoke in a trembling voice, struggling to get up from the ground. That face that was red, swollen and covered in blood looked extremely hideous and miserable.

The person standing at the door was none other than Gao Boyan, the then Minister of Civil Service, Gao Wenyang's biological father.

When he saw his son being beaten so painfully, Gao Boyan's face suddenly sank.

"Old Zhou Yao, you are so cruel and bullying!"

Gao Boyan sounded angry.

"Dad, get me out quickly... I want revenge, I must take revenge!"

At this moment, seeing his biological father appear, the grievances and anger that had been accumulated all day finally came out at this moment.

He is a dignified son of the Gao family and is considered a prominent person in the capital. How could he have suffered such humiliation like today?

He was teased by Prince Lin, forced by Zhou Yao to kneel down in front of Zhou Huiguang's funeral hall to admit his mistake, and was humiliated in public.

How can he survive in the capital in the future? !

"I want to kill Zhou Yao, I want him to die with his son... and Lin Jiangnian, I want his life to be worse than death!"

Gao Wenyang's gloomy eyes were full of angry malice. He couldn't swallow this bad breath. If he didn't avenge this, he, Gao Wenyang, would never be human!

Gao Boyan looked at Gao Wenyang who looked so embarrassed and miserable in the cell, and he was filled with anger.

"Don't worry Wenyang, dad will not let them go... dad will definitely take care of them and avenge you!"

Having said this, Gao Boyan walked into the cell and came to Gao Wenyang: "Wenyang, dad has a few things to ask you."

As he spoke, Gao Boyan stared into Gao Wenyang's eyes: "Zhou Huiguang, was it you who killed him?"


Hearing this question, Gao Wenyang raised his head suddenly, but met Gao Boyan's serious gaze: "Don't hide it, Dad, tell the truth... was it you who killed him, or was it someone who instigated him?"

Gao Wenyang lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, yes, he is the third prince..."

He wanted to continue talking, but Gao Boyan tried to stop him, his eyes were cold: "Did the third prince instigate it?"

Gao Wenyang nodded, with a look of shame on his face: "Without the Third Prince's signal, how could I dare..."


Gao Boyan's eyes were disappointed and he said angrily: "How could you be so confused?"

"But dad, no, it's not you who asked me to be on good terms with the Third Prince on weekdays, and in the future..."

"I asked you to be friends with the Third Prince, not to be cannon fodder for the Third Prince!"

Gao Boyan's eyes were filled with disappointment, and he said, "Use your pig brain and think about it, why did you kill Zhou Huiguang?"

"I, I don't know either..."

Gao Wenyang's face turned pale and he cowardly explained: "The third prince said it was just a drug, but I didn't expect it to be poison..."

"But don't worry, dad, the third prince asked me to do this, and he will never ignore it! I helped him take such a big blame, he will definitely..."

"Shut up!"

Gao Boyan's eyes were extremely cold, and the look he looked at his son was full of anger, and he said coldly: "Do you think the third prince will save you?"

Hearing this, Gao Wenyang was suddenly startled, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart: "Dad, you, what do you mean by this?!"

"This time, even the third prince may not have time to take care of himself!"

Gao Boyan's face was livid and gloomy: "You didn't kill anyone else, but Zhou Yao's son. Zhou Yao is crazy now and wants to risk his life with our Gao family..."

Gao Wenyang's face turned ugly: "Third, how come the third prince doesn't care? I, our Gao family is on his side. I'm helping him this time, why won't he save me?"

"Save? How to save?"

Gao Boyan said coldly: "You personally admitted that you poisoned Zhou Huiguang, and Zhou Yao and Chief Chen of Mitiansi heard it with your own ears. How else can you argue?"

"This is a capital crime!"

"Not only is something wrong with you, it will even implicate our entire Gao family!"

Gao Wenyang's face completely lost all color and he collapsed on the ground, "No, it's impossible... I, I am helping the third prince kill people, how could he..."

"Help the third prince kill people?"

Gao Boyan stared at him coldly: "Where is the evidence?"

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was the third prince who ordered you to kill Zhou Huiguang?"

Gao Wenyang's hands and feet were cold and he was completely frozen in place. His lips were pale and trembling, and his face no longer had the calmness it once had.

"Then, what should we do..."

Gao Wenyang's voice trembled, and he was completely confused. At this moment, he finally realized that he had gotten into a big trouble.

Something big is going to happen!

Gao Boyan took a deep breath, stared at Gao Wenyang with a bit of sadness in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "There is only one way to solve this problem."

"What, what can I do?" Gao Wenyang seemed to have grasped the last straw.

"Wenyang, you have caused a big disaster this time. Not only can I not be able to save you, but it may even bring down the entire Gao family... Now that things have happened, there is only one way to go."

Having said this, Gao Boyan looked at Gao Wenyang in front of him and said in a low voice, "I can only feel wronged to you."

Gao Wenyang was startled and looked at his father's eyes blankly. From his father's eyes, he felt something was wrong.

"Dad, what do you mean by this?"

"You personally admitted that you poisoned Zhou Huiguang, and no one can save you..."

"Even if you confess the third prince, you still won't be able to clear away the fact that you murdered Zhou Huiguang. You may even offend the third prince, implicate our Gao family, and bring disaster to the Gao family!"

"Rather than this, it would be better...this time, let the third prince remember the kindness of our Gao family and owe our Gao family a huge favor."

There was a hint of sadness in Gao Boyan's eyes: "It's just that I have to wrong you, Gao Wenyang..."

Gao Wenyang froze on the spot, no matter how stupid he was, he realized something at this moment.

What his father said was to... give up on him? !

This this……

For a moment, Gao Wenyang felt cold all over and trembled: "Dad, dad, you... you can't do this..."

"Dad, dad, I don't want to, please help me..."

"don't want……"


early morning.

Frost hits the streets of the capital.

It was just dawn, and shops on the streets and alleys in the bustling areas of central Beijing were opening their doors one after another. The steaming bun shop, the noodle shop with its rich aroma, and the almost always-open teahouse gathered many people from all walks of life in the city early in the morning.

Everyone gathered together in twos and threes, eating breakfast and chatting about some gossip in the city.

What happened in the Zhou family yesterday had already reached the ears of many people after a whole night of news transmission.

"Have you heard? A big event happened in the Zhou family yesterday, it was so lively!"

"I've heard about it too... I heard that the real murderer who killed Mr. Zhou of the Zhou family was actually Gao Wenyang of the Gao family. It's really incredible!"

"Gao Wenyang and Zhou Huiguang have been good friends for many years. I didn't expect that they would do such a thing... I heard that Mr. Zhou forced Gao Wenyang to kowtow in front of the mourning hall yesterday to admit his mistake!"

"But how could Gao Wenyang kill Zhou Huiguang in such a good way? Isn't it possible that Prince Lin deliberately framed him?"

"I heard that Gao Wenyang is just a scapegoat. Someone is instigating him behind his back. The purpose is to put the blame on Prince Lin!"


In the tea house, someone took a breath of cold air and said in surprise: "There are still people who dare to kill people and frame the blame on the prince? Who is so brave?"

"Who else can there be? How many prominent people are there in our capital who have a grudge against Prince Lin?"

"Brother, please tell me in detail?"

In the teahouse, several people's eyes fell on an inconspicuous young man sitting by the window. The young man glanced at the people present, looked around mysteriously, and then whispered: "Who else could be there?" , Third Prince!"

As soon as these words came out, many people present took a breath.

They had also heard that the third prince had some conflicts with Prince Lin, but no one dared to speak out so openly.

It's okay for you to scold Prince Lin. After all, the power of Prince Lin's palace is in Linzhou and cannot control the capital. But you dare to say that the third prince... doesn't want to hang out in the capital!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

"I heard that the third prince was behind the Gao family. This time Gao Wenyang killed Zhou Huiguang, it was the third prince who had given the order and wanted to put the blame on Prince Lin..."

The young man by the window seemed to know a lot of inside information and shared it with everyone in a low voice.

"But I didn't expect that Gao Wenyang failed to live up to his expectations, and he accidentally let it slip, and it was overheard by Mr. Zhou and Chen Kuaishou of Mi Tiansi..."

"I heard that Prince Lin Wang was assassinated outside the city not long ago when he came to the capital. The person behind the scenes was also hired by the third prince..."

"The third prince wants to assassinate Prince Lin in order to sow discord between the imperial court and Prince Lin, so that he can take advantage of it..."


In the early morning, more and more people gathered in the teahouse, and these news quickly ignited the gossip among everyone present.

The third prince of the current dynasty committed a murder and put the blame on the crown prince. This news is shocking!

Eat melon!

Just as everyone was talking about it, the news became more and more serious. The initiator of the incident, the young man by the window, has quietly disappeared, hiding his fame and achievements.

At the same time, the same drama was playing out in many places in Beijing at almost the same time.

The cold wind still howled.

Chen Changqing, dressed in black robe, stepped into Mitiansi.

He was busy for most of the day yesterday and continued until midnight. He woke up early this morning and rushed to Mitiansi Office. He didn't sleep well, but he was in good spirits.

The murderer who poisoned Zhou Huiguang has been arrested. Now he only needs to interrogate Gao Wenyang to find out the real mastermind from Gao Wenyang.

"The mastermind behind the scenes..."

Chen Changqing already had a guess in his mind, but he didn't dare to make a conclusion.

He walked towards the back of Mitiansi Prison with an expressionless face. After taking only a few steps, someone came hurriedly.

"Chief Chen, something happened!"

A Qintiansi policeman stepped forward quickly.

"What's the matter?"

"Gao Wenyang committed suicide in prison out of fear of crime!"

Upon hearing the news, Chen Changqing suddenly raised his head: "What did you say?!"

His face suddenly darkened.

"When I went to the cell today to prepare for interrogation of Gao Wenyang, I discovered that Gao Wenyang had committed suicide by taking poison!"

Commit suicide by taking poison? !

Chen Changqing's expression suddenly changed. Where did the poison come from in the cell? !

Without waiting for his subordinates to continue reporting, he hurried towards the prison.

Inside the prison.


In the dim room, many police officers and jailers were already surrounding him.

When Chen Changqing arrived in a hurry, a path separated in the crowd.


Chen Changqing stepped into the cell with a gloomy expression. He saw a corpse lying on the floor of the cell at a glance. He looked ferocious, his face was livid, his eyes were round, and black blood was spilling from the corners of his mouth. The body was cold and had been dead for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Chen Changqing seemed to have some anger in his heart.



Suicide out of fear of crime?

How can it be!

This is clearly...destroying corpses and eradicating traces!

"what happened?!"

Chen Changqing suddenly turned his head and stared at everyone present: "Where did he get the poison from?!"

"Who was guarding the cell last night?"

"Has anyone come in?!"

Chen Changqing's cold questioning eyes swept across the faces of these people, but he saw that everyone was silent and said nothing.

"Why don't you speak?"

Chen Changqing stared at them coldly.

There was a police officer next to him who seemed to be hesitant to speak, but in the end he didn't speak.

"you say!"

Chen Changqing stared at one of the detectives and said coldly: "Who was on patrol last night? Who came in?!"

The detective's face turned pale with fright, and he shook his head repeatedly: "No, it's not me. Yesterday, last night was..."

"Chen Changqing!"

Before the detective could finish speaking, a voice came from the front. Chen Changqing suddenly raised his head, and behind the crowd, a figure in black walked slowly in.

Chen Feiyang!

One of the four great protectors of Mitiansi.

He is also Chen Changqing’s immediate boss.

Chen Feiyang walked in slowly, glanced at Chen Changqing, and then at Gao Wenyang's body behind him: "What's going on?"

"Gao Wenyang is dead!"

A jailer nearby explained in a low voice: "...committed suicide!"


Chen Feiyang's eyes were indifferent, as if he had expected this, "What a pity, it seems that this guy knew that he could not escape the death penalty, so as not to suffer the pain of his flesh and blood, he committed suicide out of fear of the crime!"

After a pause, Chen Feiyang waved his hand: "Since Gao Wenyang has committed suicide out of fear of crime, let's handle the case as soon as possible and tell the people!"


"Protector Chen!"

Chen Changqing suddenly stared at Chen Feiyang and said in a deep voice: "Gao Wenyang did not commit suicide out of fear of crime!"

Chen Changqing stared into his eyes and said word by word: "He was poisoned!"

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