Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 276 Selling for profit

Chen Feiyang, who was about to turn around and leave, stopped when he heard this and looked back at Chen Changqing: "What did you say?"

The voice was calm, but there seemed to be a hint of coldness in it.

Chen Changqing had no expression on his face, his tone was low, and he repeated word for word: "Gao Wenyang was poisoned to death!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings were silent.

The police and jailers present all shut up and held their breath, and no one made a sound.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Changqing, and they were shocked.

Chen Kuishou... is he crazy?

How dare you question Protector Chen in public?

The smile on Chen Feiyang's face gradually disappeared. He half-squinted his eyes and stared at Chen Changqing: "What evidence do you have?"

Chen Changqing said expressionlessly: "Gao Wenyang is timid and afraid of death, and will never commit suicide easily!"

"When I caught him back yesterday, he didn't have anything on him... Where did this poison come from?"

"Someone definitely came to the cell last night and saw Gao Wenyang... and poisoned him!"

Chen Changqing turned around and stared at Gao Wenyang, whose face was purple and his face was ugly.

This was clearly a planned poisoning!

He should have expected that the matter involving the Third Prince would definitely not be that simple.

But Chen Changqing never expected that under his nose, they would sneak into Mitiansi Prison and silence Gao Wenyang!

As the leader of the Mitian Division, he knows nothing about it!

This was undoubtedly a hard slap on his face and a great humiliation for him!


Unexpectedly, after hearing what Chen Changqing said, Chen Feiyang sneered: "Is this what you call evidence?!"

"My Mitiansi prison is strictly guarded. How could anyone sneak in? These are just your random guesses. As for the poison..."

Chen Feiyang glanced at the prison with cold eyes and sneered: "Who knows where Gao Wenyang hid the poison?... He poisoned Zhou Huiguang. He knew he deserved death, and the matter was exposed and fell into the hands of our Mi Tiansi Hands, in fear of suffering physical pain, choose to commit suicide out of fear of crime... What's wrong?"

Chen Changqing sneered in his heart, and there was also a hint of inexplicable sadness!

What's wrong?

To put it lightly, would Gao Wenyang's death be defined as suicide?

Being so obviously poisoned, almost everyone present could see it, but everyone was silent...

Chen Changqing glanced at everyone present with his cold eyes. Most people did not dare to look at him and avoided him. Some of them lowered their heads in guilty conscience.

At this moment, Chen Changqing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. The inside of Mitiansi was darker than he imagined.

As the leader of the Mitian Division, he has never seen it through.

And all this...

Chen Changqing stared coldly at Chen Feiyang in front of him, I am afraid that all of this is inseparable from the protector in front of him.

"What? Does Chief Chen have any objection to what I said?"

Chen Feiyang stared at Chen Changqing with his sharp eyes and said in a cold voice: "Could it be that Chief Chen has a different opinion and questions this protector?"

Chen Changqing stood there, as if a ball of fire was burning in his heart, accumulating in his chest, as if it was about to explode at any time.

But in the end, there was no explosion.

Seemingly remembering what Prince Lin Wang had told him, Chen Changqing calmed down, slowly lowered his eyes, and said in a calm tone: "No."

"The protector is right, Gao Wenyang... may indeed have 'committed suicide out of fear of crime'!"

Hearing this, Chen Feiyang nodded with satisfaction, hummed softly, and glanced at him coldly: "It's good that you know that since Gao Wenyang committed suicide out of fear of crime, the case should be closed as soon as possible to give the Zhou family and His Majesty an explanation... But this case , you don’t need to take over. Recently, a group of refugees appeared outside the capital. Their origins are unknown. During this time, you can check the identities and origins of these refugees..."

To check the refugees, we only need the police officers below to do it. But Chen Feiyang asked Chen Changqing, the leader of Mitiansi, to handle it in person. It was obvious that this was aimed at Chen Changqing and to seize his power in disguise.

Chen Changqing heard it, without any emotion on his face, and nodded silently: "Yes."

Chen Feiyang stared at the expression on Chen Changqing's face. After staring for a long time, he sneered, looked disdainfully, turned around and left with a roll of his sleeves.

Chen Changqing still stood there, staring at Chen Feiyang's back as he left arrogantly, without saying a word.

After a long time, other people in the prison gradually made some noise and began to deal with funeral arrangements. Several detectives who used to follow Chen Changqing and were considered half of his confidants stepped forward cautiously.

"Chief, we know you feel uncomfortable, but this matter is really beyond our control..."

"The protector is a popular person around Eunuch Chen. If you offend him, there will be no good consequences."

"We are all just begging for food, there is no need to offend those powerful people. Let us do whatever the superiors ask us to do, and don't risk our own future and lives..."

Chen Changqing still didn't speak, looked at them coldly, turned and left.

The remaining detectives shook their heads and sighed.

"The leader is good at everything, but he is too stubborn and upright!"

"If he acts like this, something big will happen sooner or later!"

"Dr. Chen has begun to distrust the leader. I am afraid that our Mi Tiansi will have to reshuffle the team soon..."



On the west side of the imperial city, there is a large and beautifully decorated mansion.


A crisp cracking sound came from the room.

The harsh sound made the beautiful maids around them tremble in shock. They lowered their heads and knelt on the ground, not daring to breathe, with a look of horror on their faces.

In the room, there were fragments of teacups left on the ground, torn apart and in a mess.

A handsome young man wearing a silver robe and brocade clothes had a gloomy look on his face at the moment, with teeth all over his face.

It seems to be venting some anger!

The sound spread outside the courtyard, so that the servants in the courtyard did not dare to speak a word.

What's going on?

Why did His Highness the Third Prince lose such a temper today?

"Get out, get out of here!"

The third prince's cold and angry voice came from the room, and he drove away all the maids in the room and outside the corridor.

After these maids left tremblingly, another figure slowly appeared at the door.

"Your Highness!"

Outside the door, a middle-aged man appeared, with an elegant face and wearing a skirt.

It was Situ Yan.

The most trusted advisor around the third prince.

Situ Yan held up his hands, saw the mess in the room, and saw the gloomy and livid face of the third prince, and sighed: "Why is the third prince so angry?"

"Can I not be angry?"

The third prince looked livid and gritted his teeth: "Do you know what rumors are circulating in the city today?"

"My subordinates have heard about it."

At the beginning of this morning, the news that the third prince poisoned Zhou Huiguang and framed the blame on the crown prince spread like wildfire and spread quickly in the city.

In the central area of ​​​​the capital, gossip spreads the fastest, especially since one is Prince Lin and the other is His Royal Highness the Third Prince. The invisible and secret grudges between these two people are naturally more likely to arouse heated discussions among the people.

Situ Yan stepped into the room, shook his head slightly and sighed: "Your Highness, if this matter can spread so widely, there must be someone behind it. I think it must be the handiwork of Prince Lin!"

"Lin Jiangnian!"

The third prince looked coldly, gritted his teeth, clenched his hands into fists, and the veins on his arms were looming.

The originally handsome face still had redness, swelling and bruises that had not completely subsided and were painful to the touch. The pain reminded him of the humiliation of being slapped in the face by Lin Jiangnian yesterday.

Old and new hatreds emerged in an instant.

"I want him to die!"

"The more this happens, the more your Highness needs to calm down!"

Situ Yan walked up to His Highness the Third Prince, shook his head, and said solemnly: "Prince Lin is deliberately taking revenge by doing this!"

"His Highness framed him to poison Zhou Huiguang, so he took the opportunity to drag His Highness into this whirlpool. Once His Highness is exposed to the people of the world, it will be extremely detrimental to His Highness."

"The situation between the DPRK and China is now at a critical moment. Your Highness must not mess up the situation at this time and ruin the plan!"

The third prince's eyes were cold: "Right now, there are rumors outside that I murdered Zhou Huiguang, and he wants to drag me down. Once public opinion becomes popular, it will be extremely detrimental to me!"

"Your Highness, please be patient."

Situ Yan shook his head: "His Highness has never shown up and left no evidence regarding the poisoning of Zhou Huiguang. As long as Gao Wenyang does not speak, no matter how bad the rumors are, it will not have much impact on His Highness's plan. By then, All we need to do is ask the government to clarify the matter and the impact will be eliminated.”

Situ Yan already had a plan in mind before he came.

"Where's Gao Wenyang?"

The third prince finally remembered that this person had been arrested in Mitiansi yesterday, and his face turned cold: "Will he give me the account?!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Gao Wenyang can no longer speak!"

Situ Yan said calmly: "At midnight last night, Gao Wenyang committed suicide in prison out of fear of crime."

Upon hearing the news, the third prince's eyes turned slightly cold: "You did a great job!"

Gao Wenyang died in prison, and the evidence regarding the poisoning of Zhou Huiguang disappeared completely. No matter how bad the rumors are outside, it will not affect the third prince's reputation in the court.


The third prince still couldn't hide his anger at the thought of being so disgusted by Lin Jiangnian.

"But, Your Highness, there is one more thing..."

Situ Yan paused for a moment and said, "Gao Wenyang's death can be regarded as a choice made by the Gao family. Gao Boyan..."

When Situ Yan was about to say something, a servant's voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, Sir Gao Boyangao, the Minister of the Gao family's official department, is outside the door asking to see you!"

Hearing this name, the third prince narrowed his eyes.

Situ Yan on the side slowly said: "He came to His Highness to ask for this favor!"

The third prince understood immediately and snorted coldly: "Let him come in."



"Master Gao, His Highness wants to see you, please come with me."

Outside the door, a servant of the house led a middle-aged man outside the door into the house.

The middle-aged man wore a gray robe, his eyes were indifferent, his expression was calm, and he was not distracted. He followed the servant outside the courtyard and approached the door of the room.

"Master Gao, please come in!"

The servant stopped.

Gao Boyan nodded, stood behind the door and cupped his hands and said: "I pay homage to His Highness the Third Prince!"

Not long after, the third prince's calm voice came from the room.

"Master Gao, please come in!"

Gao Boyan walked into the room slowly.

In the cold room, the third prince in brocade clothes was sitting behind the screen. Outside the screen, Situ Yan stood there expressionless.

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince, Mr. Situ!"

Gao Boyan once again raised his hand and spoke.

Situ Yan nodded slightly, and from behind the screen, the third prince's calm voice came: "I wonder what important matter Mr. Gao comes to see me for?"

Gao Boyan raised his eyes and looked behind the screen, cupped his hands and said, "Xiaguan is here today because of Xiaguan's unfulfilled second son..."

"The dog son Gao Wenyang was pampered by his subordinates since he was a child, which led him to behave domineeringly and have an arrogant personality... This time he actually did something like poisoning and killing Zhou Huiguang, the young master of the Zhou family. This is such a beastly thing that is harmful to nature and outrageous to both humans and gods..."

Gao Boyan's voice was heavy and full of hatred: "Now that the matter has been exposed, the evidence is conclusive. Quanzi committed suicide in Mitiansi Prison out of fear of his crime. He deserves it..."

"I came here today because I want to apologize to His Highness the Third Prince for Quanzi. Now that Quanzi is dead, I hope that His Highness the Third Prince will ignore the past grudges and stop worrying about the past..."


After Gao Boyan finished speaking, the room fell into dead silence.

No one said anything.

Gao Boyan lowered his head slightly and stood in the center of the room without speaking again.

Situ Yan stood by the screen, staring at him with half-squinted eyes, his expression slightly solemn.

The third prince behind the screen was silent for a long time.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao, Wenyang and I can be considered good friends. This time he went astray, and I am also responsible. Now that he committed suicide out of fear of crime, I cannot sit idly by and ignore it. As for the Zhou family, Sir Gao, there is no need to worry, I will explain it to you."

Hearing the voice coming from behind the screen, Gao Boyan seemed to be suddenly relieved: "Thank you, Your Highness, the Third Prince!"

"If I remember correctly, Master Gao's eldest son is still in the Hanlin Academy, right?" the third prince mentioned again.

Gao Boyan said: "Thanks to the third prince, I still remember that Gao Hang, the eldest son of the lower official, entered the Hanlin Academy after passing the imperial examination two years ago. He is still studying with Mr. Chen in the Hanlin Academy..."

"The eldest son of Mr. Gao is a scholar. He has proposed many strategies for governing the country in the Imperial Academy, and is highly favored by Mr. Chen... Some time ago, Mr. Wu, the military doctor in the Six Ministries, retired. This position has been vacant for some time. I intend to let him Mr. Gao’s eldest son went to Liubu Middle School to exercise, I wonder what Mr. Gao would like?”

Gao Boyan lowered his head and said, "It's all up to Your Highness!"

"Then let's do it."

Behind the screen, the third prince's voice was calm, and he said again: "Master Gao's second son is also an adult, right? I heard that he is not in Beijing, but in Chuzhou in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Gao Boyan said: "Chuzhou is Xiaguan's hometown. The second son has just grown up, and Xiaguan is going to let him inherit and take care of the family business!"

"I do have a fiefdom in Chuzhou, but I am away all year round, and the business in the fiefdom is usually unattended. I wonder if Mr. Gao is willing to help me take care of the fiefdom business..."

"It's all up to His Highness!"


After a while, the third prince was silent for a while, staring at Gao Boyan outside the screen: "I wonder if Mr. Gao is satisfied?"

Gao Boyan stood there with excited eyes and said in a deep voice: "The third prince has taken such good care of Xiaguan. On behalf of the entire Gao family, Xiagong is deeply grateful to His Highness the Third Prince. If His Highness the Third Prince is of use to Xiaguan in the future, I will certainly do it." It’s our responsibility!”


After Gao Boyan left.

There was silence in the room for a long time.

"What do you think?"

The deep voice of the third prince came from behind the screen.

Situ Yan said solemnly: "This person is not simple!"

"In order to protect the Gao family, he would not hesitate to kill his own son... Such means are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"This person can be used, but His Highness must guard against this person in the future!"

Behind the screen, the third prince looked indifferently: "Don't worry, he and the entire Gao family can't escape from my hands. As for his methods..."

The eyes of the third prince shone with sparkle and excitement: "The methods are ruthless and not sloppy at all. I like such talents. Keep him, he will be of great use to me."

Situ Yan hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

He believed that His Highness knew what was going on.

"By the way, Your Highness has one more thing to do!"

"What's the matter?"

"Do you still remember the Wang family in Xunyang, Yanzhou?"

Situ Yan suddenly mentioned.

The third prince looked coldly: "Wang Changjin?"

"Wang Shiquan, the prefect of Xunyang, wanted to rebel and was captured by the governor of Yanzhou. Then the entire Wang family was wiped out and no one survived..."

Situ Yan said in a deep voice: "The Wang family has had contact with us before, and I am worried that the Wang family may leave some clues. When I sent people to investigate some time ago, I found that the Wang family had a grudge conflict with Prince Lin. …”

"My subordinates are worried..."

Hearing this, the third prince also stared: "Have you found anything?"

"That's not true."

Situ Yan shook his head, "It's hard to say for now, but at the critical moment, you have to be careful!"

"To avoid long nights and too many dreams, we have to speed up... I'm afraid the plan will be advanced!"

The third prince's face was expressionless.


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