Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 277 Xu Lan dressed as a woman

Outside the house.

"Master Gao, walk slowly!"

The servant at the door respectfully sent the middle-aged man out of the house. Gao Boyan walked through the quiet alley and came outside.

Not far outside the alley, there was a carriage parked. Outside the carriage, a young man stood, approaching quickly.

"Dad, how's it going?!"

The young man is none other than Gao Boyan's eldest son, Gao Hang.

He looked behind Gao Boyan and asked in a low voice, "What did the third prince say?"

Gao Boyan took a deep breath and nodded: "It's done!"

Hearing this, Gao Hang suddenly lit up with joy and clenched his fist: "Great!"

After saying that, he quickly asked: "Then the third prince...what did he promise to father?"

Gao Boyan's cloudy eyes were somewhat profound, and he said in a deep voice: "Among the six departments, there is still a vacancy for a doctor in the Ministry of War. The third prince will arrange for you to fill the position when the time comes."

Hearing this, Gao Hang's eyes widened in disbelief: "Liu Bu?"

"Dad, can I get into the sixth film?!"

Gao Hang could no longer hide the joy on his face. He had been in the Hanlin Academy for several years and had never been able to wait for the opportunity. Now I didn’t expect that I could directly enter the sixth part.

In this way, the father and son of the Gao family have a place in the six movies!

"The third prince really did not treat our Gao family badly!"

Gao Hang spoke excitedly.

However, there was not much joy on Gao Boyan's face, and he said coldly: "Don't forget, these are all paid for with the life of your third brother."

The smile on Gao Hang's face suddenly froze.

"Third brother..."

Gao Hang seemed to have thought of something and gritted his teeth in a low voice: "He can't think about it himself, stupid..."

"No matter what, he sacrificed his life for our Gao family!"

Gao Boyan took a deep breath, with a somewhat sad look in his eyes: "But this time he got into big trouble, and no one can save him!"

After the incident happened, Gao Boyan realized that something was wrong.

Over the years, the Gao family and the third prince have indeed had many interactions behind their backs. Gao Wenyang has always been in contact with the third prince. Gao Boyan knew this very well, but he did not stop him.

This time Gao Wenyang poisoned Zhou Huiguang. The evidence was conclusive and no one could save him. There are only two ways to go for the Gao family!

Either the fish is dead or the net is broken, struggling to the death!

Either destroy relatives for justice and win a path to glory and wealth for the Gao family.

Instead of waiting for Gao Wenyang to finally confess and implicating the entire Gao family, it would be better for the Gao family to strike first, kill their relatives out of righteousness, and use Gao Wenyang's life to show their attitude to the third prince.

In this way, I can exchange the third prince for the glory that the Gao family wants!

Once Gao Wenyang died, Zhou Huiguang's death no longer had anything to do with the third prince. This was the surrender of the Gao family to the third prince!

"Wen Yang's death this time has brought enough benefits to our Gao family..."

Gao Boyan narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "His sacrifice was not in vain!"

The smile on Gao Hang's face also faded: "Dad, will we completely stand by the third prince from now on?"

"Our Gao family has no choice!"

Gao Boyan narrowed his eyes: "On the surface this time, the third prince asked Hang'er to enter the Sixth Department and gave us huge benefits to the Gao family. But behind the scenes, it was not a kind of surveillance and warning? When the third prince mentioned your second brother, he It is a threat to our Gao family..."

"His Majesty has been in seclusion for a long time now. There are rumors in the capital that His Majesty is seriously ill and has passed away. In addition, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also suddenly seriously ill... If the third prince can finally seize the throne, our Gao family will naturally be a meritorious minister. If it fails..."

At this point, Gao Boyan's voice gradually became lower and colder: "We, the Gao family, still have to have a way out..."

"A way out?"

Gao Hang was stunned: "Dad, what other way out can our Gao family have?"

"Wenyang died because of the third prince. Who is the person in the capital who is least able to deal with the third prince now?"

Gao Hang thought for a moment, "The third prince in the capital cannot deal with... His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Except His Royal Highness?"

"Except His Royal Highness?"

Gao Hang thought for a moment and found that there seemed to be only a few people in Beijing who could not deal with the Third Prince and had the ability to compete with him.

Gao Boyan said coldly: "Why did the third prince use Wenyang to poison Zhou Huiguang this time?"

"Of course it's to put the blame on..."

Gao Hang subconsciously spoke, then suddenly realized something, his eyes suddenly widened: "Dad, you, you mean..."

"Prince Lin?!"


In the afternoon, it has been hazy for several days, and it is rare to be sunny.

The dark clouds in the sky have dispersed, the temperature has risen a lot, and the air in Beijing, which has been cold for many days, is much warmer.

Jiang Mansion.

A carriage quietly parked at the back door of Jiang Mansion, and two figures jumped out of the carriage furtively.

"Miss, be careful, don't fall!"

"Who are you looking down on? This girl's martial arts skills are incredible... Hurry up, don't let anyone see you!"

"Miss, why are you making us look like thieves... Hey, miss, wait for me!"

Xiaolu trotted all the way, panting to keep up with the pace of his young lady in front of him.

Xu Lan quickly stepped into the Jiang Mansion from the back door. After the last time she came to the Jiang Mansion, the servants outside the Jiang Mansion had learned that the unknown lady was a friend of his eldest son and let her go directly.

"Xiao Lu, you are too slow, go and play by yourself!"

Xu Lan waved her hands and walked toward the backyard with brisk steps.

She had been here last time, and she was familiar with it this time.

However, when she was about to arrive at Lin Jiangnian's courtyard with quick steps and excitement, she subconsciously slowed down.

There was a bit of inexplicable tension on his face!

But then, the tension dissipated.

"Why am I so nervous? Is it possible that this guy can eat me up?"

But thinking about it like this, Xu Lan still felt indescribably flustered. Thinking of the last time she came here, she lost to that guy and was forced to massage and beat his legs as a maid. Xu Lan felt ashamed and wanted to turn around and run away. feel.

But in the end, she forced herself to hold it back and took a deep breath.

"This girl just came to see if this guy is dead...yes, that's it!"

"If he dares to do anything to this girl this time, he will leave immediately..."

After comforting herself in this way, Xu Lan slowly walked into the yard with a slightly guilty step.

However, the courtyard was empty and deserted.

Where are people?

Xu Lan walked under the eaves and was about to go to Lin Jiangnian's room to find him when a petite figure appeared out of nowhere.

"Xu, Miss Xu?"

A slightly uncertain and doubtful voice came.

Xu Lan was startled and turned around, only to see Xiaozhu standing there timidly under the eaves not far away, looking at her with confusion and amazement.


Xiaozhu stood under the eaves, looking at the woman in front of him in surprise.

Is she Miss Xu?

What Miss Xu was wearing today made Xiao Zhu feel a little strange.

In the past, when she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, Miss Xu always looked heroic and dashing, with a bit of a heroine's temperament.

But Miss Xu’s outfit today...

Xiaozhu couldn't help showing a bit of surprise, and then said with envy: "Miss Xu, you are so beautiful today!"

Being praised like this by Xiaozhu, Xu Lan blushed and waved her hands in a panic: "No, it's nothing... isn't this the same as before?"

Not far away, Efficiency, who had finally followed the lady's pace and walked into the yard, couldn't help but curl his lips when he heard his lady's words.

Where is the same?

Before today's young lady came to Jiang Mansion, she had changed into many outfits. He even specially asked the maid in the house to put on exquisite makeup... Even Xiao Lu was dumbfounded.

When have you ever seen your own lady care so much about her image?

However, after dressing up so carefully, Xiaolu had to admit that after so many years, her young lady finally had the air of a lady.

Xiaozhu said in amazement: "Miss Xu is much more beautiful today than before... His Highness will definitely like it."

Hearing this, Xu Lan's unnatural face turned red immediately, and she said in a panic: "Who, who wants him to like...Only a ghost would like him!"

Xiaozhu blinked: "Does Miss Xu like my Highness?"


Xu Lan denied it, and then realized that she had just said the wrong thing, and quickly turned her head to change the subject: "You, where is your highness?"

"It's at Sister Zhiyuan's place next door!" Xiaozhu explained.

Hearing that Lin Jiangnian was at Zhiyuan's place, Xu Lan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"What is he doing at Zhiyuan's place?"

Xiaozhu thought for a while and explained: "It seems that I am helping Sister Zhiyuan repair the windows."

Xu Lan: "?"

Repair windows? !

What kind of window is that guy going to repair for Zhiyuan?

The crown prince is here to repair the windows of his maid?

Is this true?

Not quite right!

"I'll go take a look!"

Xu Lan said and strode towards the courtyard next door.

Xiaozhu originally wanted to follow her, but Xiaolu stood behind Xiaozhu at some point and grabbed her. He glanced at the lady in front of him and whispered: "Xiaozhu, come here, I have something to ask you..."


Xu Lan walked through the eaves with relaxed steps and quickly approached the courtyard next door. As he approached, he saw a figure standing in the yard not far away.

Lin Qingqing.

Lin Qingqing, dressed in smart clothes, was standing in the courtyard, looking under the eaves in front of her, reporting something.

And at the window not far under the eaves, Lin Jiangnian was standing there, repairing the window?

"Your Highness, rumors have spread in the capital today, and the city is now discussing this matter. I heard that the third prince was furious in the house, and he was furious..."

"His Highness's guess was indeed correct. Early this morning, it was reported that Gao Wenyang had 'committed suicide out of fear of crime' in prison. After the news came out, it caused speculation among the people. This time the matter will not be settled so easily..."

"My subordinates also secretly discovered that Gao Wenyang's father, Gao Boyan, secretly went to the third prince's residence today, probably for Gao Wenyang's death..."

Under the eaves, listening to Lin Qingqing's report, Lin Jiangnian didn't have much surprise on his face.

He had expected all of this.

"This Gao Boyan is indeed more vicious than I thought!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh: "He can even kill his own son. This really worse than a beast!"

Lin Qingqing lowered her eyes, feeling slightly shocked.

Even though tiger poison does not eat its seeds, Gao Boyan was so decisive in order to protect the Zhou family. He even used the death of his son to surrender to the third prince in exchange for benefits.

"This kind of person is no longer a human being, he is simply a beast!"

Lin Qingqing's voice was cold and a bit angry. Naturally, she looked down on such people.

Lin Jiangnian was not as jealous as Lin Qingqing. From a rational point of view, this was indeed Gao Boyan's best solution.

Resolutely give up a son who cannot be saved and save the Gao family. Taking advantage of Gao Wenyang's silence, he sought the maximum benefit from the third prince.

Gao Boyan's choice is no problem. This move will not only preserve the Gao family, but also secure sufficient benefits for the Gao family.

If the third prince wants to appease the people below him, he will definitely not treat the Gao family badly. This is the smartest thing about Gao Boyan.

In order to hide the secret for your third prince, I even killed my son. If you don't give me enough benefits to the Gao family, won't it chill the hearts of those who follow your third prince?

Gao Boyan is very smart and can be regarded as a talent!

But on the other hand, he was so ruthless that he could even do it to his own son.

He is really not human!

"This Gao Boyan is nothing, but his methods are so fierce and ruthless, and he is definitely not simple."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment: "Send someone to keep an eye on this person. You have to guard against him."


When Lin Jiangnian was about to say something, he noticed something again. He turned his eyes and saw a sneaky figure at the entrance of the side courtyard not far away.


Lin Jiangnian felt that the figure looked familiar, but when he looked over, he saw the figure shrank back furtively.

"come out!"

Lin Qingqing also noticed this figure and wondered why a stranger broke in. She was about to give a stern warning when she was stunned again: "Xu, Miss Xu?!"

"Xu Lan?"

Hearing Miss Xu's voice, Lin Jiangnian quickly realized who was coming.

"Xu Lan, what are you doing sneakily?"

Lin Jiangnian frowned.

"Who's being sneaky?!"

An angry voice came, with a bit of embarrassment.

Then, Xu Lan's figure appeared in Lin Jiangnian's sight, striding over, and said angrily: "I came here with integrity...I never eavesdropped."

"When did I say that you eavesdropped? You are not asking for it...wait...what are you wearing?!"

Lin Jiangnian was about to speak when he saw Xu Lan appearing in his sight and was suddenly startled.

I once wondered if I was dazzled.

The girl in front of me... is Xu Lan? !

What appeared in front of Lin Jiangnian was an exquisite girl with a beautiful face and outstanding temperament.

Wearing a luxurious and exquisite silk dress, the dress wraps around the body, revealing the girl's figure. Although her chest was flat and slightly barren, it did not affect the ladylike temperament of the girl in front of her.

Her black hair was tied up and fixed with a delicate hairpin, revealing a smart and green girl's face under the hair. She seemed to have a layer of light makeup on her face, which was white and rosy, delicate, and a little childish. Very refined.

At first glance, she looks like a gentle lady from someone’s family!

At first glance, it looks familiar!

Xu Lan felt extremely proud when she saw the stunned, slightly stunning and incredible look in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

Let you say this girl looks like a man last time!

This girl will blind you today!

Who dares to say that this girl does not look like a woman?

Xu Lan was about to speak proudly, but suddenly she heard Lin Jiangnian's voice.

"Xu Lan, did you get into trouble today?"

The smile on Xu Lan's face suddenly froze in place.

...(End of chapter)

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