Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 278 How could she like this guy!

"You, you just hit the evil one!"

The smile on Xu Lan's face froze slightly, and then she glared at him angrily.

"Didn't you hit evil?"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but look Xu Lan up and down, and asked strangely: "Why are you dressed like this today without Chuan Xie?"

"Any questions?"

Xu Lan gritted her teeth, put her hands on her hips, and her face turned slightly red with anger: "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"There is no problem, but..."

Lin Jiangnian noticed that Miss Xu was staring at him with wide eyes, looking menacing. After thinking for a while, he changed his mind and said, "Don't mention it yet, it's pretty good-looking!"


After hearing Lin Jiangnian's praise, Xu Lan snorted heavily and her expression softened.

She finally summoned up the courage to change her appearance today and put on a skirt that she had almost never worn before. She wanted to show off in front of this guy, but the first thing he said when they met, he asked her if she was evil. Already?

This made Xu Lan very angry!

However, Xu Lan felt a little better when she heard Lin Jiangnian compliment her on her beauty.

...At least this guy is not blind yet!

However, although she was a little happy in her heart, she still had a bit of arrogance on her face and glanced at her: "Do you even need to say this? I am a naturally beautiful girl. When did she not look good?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, not intending to irritate the girl.

After looking at her again, Xu Lan looked completely new after changing her style and clothes.

Lin Jiangnian was almost unrecognizable!

The girl in front of her, who was wearing a long skirt and had a gentle temperament, was completely different from the careless and resolute Miss Xu in the past.

Totally like two styles!

It does have a bit of a feminine temperament!

But the only regret is that after putting on women's clothing, Xu Lan's chest looked even smoother...

This is probably the only shortcoming of this eldest lady of the Xu family!

"Why do you want to dress up like this today?"

Lin Jiangnian looked away and asked.

"Hmph, I can wear whatever I want, is there any problem?"

"no problem."

Lin Jiangnian didn't argue with her.

But Xu Lan snorted and said: "You say that this girl doesn't look like a woman... Isn't there anything about this girl that doesn't look like her?"

"I just don't bother to fight on weekdays. With my appearance and temperament, I am definitely the number one beauty in the capital!"

Lin Jiangnian didn't talk to her, but she still boasted about it?

As expected of Miss Xu, she didn't even know how to write the word blush.

However, is this girl suddenly determined to change her appearance because of what he said before?

Not knowing what he was thinking of, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but look at Xu Lan a few more times, his eyes a little weird and complicated.

Xu Lan noticed it and immediately became alert: "What's that look in your eyes... Why are you looking at me like this?"

"The most beautiful woman in the capital?"

Lin Jiangnian looked away and sneered: "You have the nerve to brag?"

"Any questions?"

Although Xu Lan also felt guilty, she still spoke harshly.

She is indeed self-aware. Not to mention being the most beautiful woman in the capital, she is not the most beautiful woman in Linzhou...

Not to mention anything else, the paper kite in the palace is not inferior to her in terms of appearance and temperament.

But it's one thing to feel guilty and have no confidence, but Miss Xu never loses!

"no problem."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I think based on your conditions, Miss Xu, you can indeed be regarded as the most beautiful woman in our capital."

Xu Lan: "..."

Although this guy praised him, for some reason, Xu Lan could hear a strong sense of ridicule.

What words?

What did he say?

"What do you mean? Ridiculing me?!"

Xu Lan stared, put her hands on her waist, and spoke angrily.

She is anxious!

"Absolutely not!"

Lin Jiangnian denied it.


Xu Lan secretly gritted her teeth, her delicate and pretty face slightly rounded with anger.

After knowing this guy for so long, how could she not recognize him?

He was clearly mocking her!

But she couldn't find any evidence!

So angry!

"What are you doing?!"

Xu Lan took a few deep breaths. Her temper came and went quickly. Knowing that Lin Jiangnian did this on purpose, he wasn't really angry.

Noticing that Lin Jiangnian was still standing at the window, he came over again: "What are you doing?"

"Fix windows."

Lin Jiang never looked back.

Xu Lan looked at her with doubts, repairing the window?

Isn't this Zhiyuan's room?

Why is her window broken?

Even if it's broken, does it still need Lin Jiangnian to repair it himself?

"How can a good window be broken?"

Xu Lan came closer, her eyes fell on the window, and saw that the window was still intact, but the window bolt was broken for some unknown reason.

"How did this break?" Xu Lan asked doubtfully.

"The wind was strong last night and it broke." Lin Jiangnian didn't even bother to explain.

"Was there such a strong wind last night?"

Xu Lan glanced at the yard in confusion. She remembered that the wind wasn't very strong last night. And even if the wind is strong, how can it be so strong that it can blow the window bolt directly?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like it was broken by someone using brute force?

But Xu Lan soon gave up this idea. This was Zhiyuan's room. How could someone break this thing for no reason.

Unless, someone tried to sneak into Zhiyuan's room last night?

But when I think about it, it’s even more impossible!

This is the Jiang Mansion, how could anyone dare to sneak into Zhiyuan's room for no reason?

Besides, Miss Zhiyuan's martial arts skills are very high. If anyone dares to sneak in, they may be captured before they even get close.


While Xu Lan was puzzled, Lin Jiangnian, the 'culprit' who had sneaked in, was working hard to deal with the aftermath.

I sneaked into Zhiyuan's room last night, intending to give Zhiyuan a real 'stick education', but the appearance of my aunt disrupted Lin Jiangnian's plan.

The plan failed. Early this morning, my aunt, who had just woken up, noticed that the window was damaged again, and immediately wondered whether Lin Jiangnian had been here last night.

Lin Jiangnian naturally denied it. Although Jiang Yuxiang found no evidence, he still suspected Lin Jiangnian and ordered him to repair the window.

Lin Jiangnian was quick with his hands and feet and repaired the window quickly. However, he left a way out.

Fixed, but not completely fixed!

It might come in handy!


After repairing the window, Lin Jiangnian clapped his hands, turned around, and found Xu Lan still standing aside, looking at him intently.

"Why are you still here?"

Xu Lan glared and suddenly became unhappy: "What? Do you want me to go back quickly?!"

"How could that happen?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "It's not too late to welcome you... If you are willing, you can stay here!"

Xu Lan didn't know what she was thinking of, her face turned slightly red, and she hummed: "You think so beautifully."

Lin Jiangnian: "?"

Did this girl misunderstand something?

Lin Jiangnian said nothing more and turned back to the room in the courtyard next door.

When I went back, I saw Xiaolu sitting under the eaves with Xiaozhu in the courtyard not far away, whispering secretly.

Xiaozhu's face turned red, it was obviously not serious content.

Xu Lan followed Lin Jiangnian into his room and looked around curiously.

"Is this your room?"

Xu Lan glanced around, as if trying to find some clues. Especially his eyes fell on the bed not far away, and he looked at it very carefully.

After confirming that there was nothing, Xu Lan felt relieved for some reason. But then, he realized something: "Why do you sleep on such a big bed alone?"

"Any questions?"

"Can you sleep here?"

Xu Lan looked at the big bed that could sleep almost five people at the same time and couldn't help but complain.

Although he knew that as Prince Lin's son, he could live a luxurious life. But sleeping alone in such a big bed still feels a bit... strange!

"Why can't you fall asleep?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at it and said, "When this prince marries a few more concubines, won't this bed be just right?"

"How many more houses can I marry?!"

Hearing this, Xu Lan suddenly opened his eyes wide in shock.

"has a problem?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and raised his eyebrows: "As the prince, it shouldn't be a problem to marry more than ten or twenty concubines, right?"

Xu Lan: "..."

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Xu Lan's pretty face turned red and she spat: "Dirty, shameless!"

This guy actually said he wanted to marry more than ten or twenty people?

Does he want to be shameless? !

Although he is the eldest son of Prince Lin, it is not a problem for him to marry as many as he wants, and it is even reasonable...

Prince Lin's residence is sparsely populated, and Prince Lin now only has one son, Lin Jiangnian. If this guy could marry dozens of people and flourish the palace, Prince Lin and his subordinates would be extremely happy.

But for some reason, Xu Lan felt a little uncomfortable, an indescribable feeling. She blushed, gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Can your body bear the burden of marrying so many people?"

"You're so tired!"

"You don't have to worry about that!"

Lin Jiangnian said: "I, the Lin family, have no merits, except that they are in good health, strong and durable..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian paused again: "Huh? Why do you pay attention to this?"

As he said that, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Xu Lan: "Is it possible that you also want to marry me as my concubine?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Lan's face immediately turned red with embarrassment. She subconsciously looked away in panic and said in a flustered tone: "I, I didn't..."

"You, you think beautifully!"

Xu Lan's face turned red, she turned her head away, gritted her teeth and groaned: "Who, who cares... How can I be your concubine?"

"Don't even think about it!"

Xu Lan denied it.


Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down: "So, you don't like me?"

"Of course!"

Xu Lan blushed and glared at him; "You, you are so shameless... How could I, like..."

As if her deepest secret had been revealed, Xu Lan was so angry that she subconsciously wanted to deny it.

How could she like this guy?

What's so good about this guy?

He only bullies her day by day and never gives in to her, not even a little bit of tenderness and consideration...

Absolutely useless!

What a joke, how could I like such a guy?

But when Xu Lan wanted to deny it, she couldn't say it anyway.

Don't like it?

But, but, why do I always think of this bastard!

Why have you always wanted to find him?

In the six months since they separated from Linjiang City, she has been thinking about everything that happened between the two of them in that room at Prince Lin's Mansion almost all the time...

These memory scenes kept replaying in Xu Lan's mind, as if they were imprinted deep in his memory.

Every time she thought about it, she could remember how this guy bullied her, and the close contact between the two of them in that room... Every time she thought about this, she felt as hot as fire all over her body, and there was something strange that she couldn't describe. .

So at this moment, she opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.


Xu Lan looked away in a panic, her tone trembling and unspeakably nervous: "Anyway, there's, don't think too, no, nothing..."

Xu Lan denied it repeatedly, but subconsciously avoided Lin Jiangnian's question.

Lin Jiangnian said nothing. He looked at the pretty girl in front of him, whose face was red and her eyes were avoiding him, and she sighed secretly.

How could he still be unsure at this point?

The Miss Xu in front of me really coveted his body...

After Xu Lan left last time, Zhiyuan told Lin Jiangnian about it - Xu Lan liked him!

Zhiyuan said it very seriously and confidently.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not believe it at the time.

Xu Lan likes him?

Are you kidding me? !

If I remember correctly, he didn't have much interaction with Xu Lan. When they were in Prince Lin's Mansion, they were basically not 'friendly' every time they met.

When they met, they were either sarcastic or bickering with each other. Lin Jiangnian never regarded Miss Xu as a woman. And this Miss Xu has a carefree personality and is completely different from a normal woman!

Even Lin Jiangnian rarely showed any courtesy to Miss Xu, let alone a gentle gentleman. If someone can like her like this, does she have any masochistic tendencies?

More importantly, Lin Jiangnian regarded her as his brother, but she wanted to sleep with him? !

But today, with such a temptation at the moment, there is no need to test too much. From the reaction on Xu Lan's face, Lin Jiangnian could already see some clues.

This Miss Xu, I'm afraid she really wants to sleep with him...

Lin Jiangnian was silent!

I’m also confused!

...Does she really have any masochistic tendencies?

Special hobby?

Just when Lin Jiangnian wanted to say something to lighten the atmosphere, there were footsteps outside the door and a figure appeared outside.


Outside the door, Jiang Yuxiang appeared at the door wearing a mink velvet gown, mature, gentle and charming.


"Xiang, Aunt Xiang?!"

When Xu Lan heard the sound coming from outside the door, she was startled at first and felt inexplicably guilty. But then, she turned around with a face full of surprise. When she saw the figure standing outside the door, she was overjoyed: "Aunt Xiang, is it really you?!"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at the slim girl in front of him with a happy face. After not seeing each other for a few years, the eldest lady of the Xu family has grown up a lot, and she has quite a ladylike temperament.


Jiang Yuxiang was originally smiling, but when he saw Xu Lan's fair and delicate face, there was a layer of redness that had not faded away, and he froze slightly.

You're so good, why are you blushing?

Like... something indescribable happened?

She stared at Xu Lan, then looked away and fell on Lin Jiangnian aside, her eyes scrutinizing and questioning: "You..."

"What were you doing just now?!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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