Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 279 Do you like Jiang Nian?

Something was obviously wrong with the two people in the room.

Lin Jiangnian sat aside, his expression as usual. But Xu Lan, who was standing aside, had a blushing face and obvious shyness in her eyes. She lowered her head slightly and looked flustered. She clearly looked like... a good girl who had just been bullied and taken advantage of her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes changed obviously, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian suspiciously and questioningly.

This brat couldn't have just... bullied Xu Lan in the room, right?

She met Lin Jiangnian's gaze and saw Lin Jiangnian blinking at her innocently. Seeing his expression, Jiang Yuxiang immediately glared at him.

Looking at Xu Lan again, she saw that Xu Lan looked flustered and quickly waved her hands to deny and explain: "Aunt Xiang, no, it's nothing..."

But with her guilty look, how could she seem to be okay?

...This brat couldn't really have violated Xu Lan here just now, could he?

If you look closely at Xu Lan's panicked and helpless look, it looks more and more like him.

More importantly, Xu Lan actually spoke for this brat?

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes changed obviously, with a bit of anger and a bit of indescribable anger.

How long has it been since this brat didn’t even let Xiaolan go?

"Auntie, Xiaolan and I are chatting. What's wrong?"

Before Jiang Yuxiang could speak, Lin Jiangnian interrupted her casting.

Jiang Yuxiang held his breath in his chest, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down.

It shouldn't be!

This kid shouldn't be so brave, in broad daylight...

Looking at Xiaolan's clothes, there is nothing wrong with her. She must be overthinking.


There must be something wrong with these two!

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at the two of them suspiciously, and then said: "That's it."

"I heard that Xiaolan is here, so I came over to have a look..."

With that said, Jiang Yuxiang put away her emotions and looked at Xu Lan in front of her, with a happy smile on her face: "Xiao Lan, we haven't seen each other for several years, right?"

Xu Lan's face was slightly red, with a hint of shyness and joy in her eyes, and she nodded: "I haven't seen Aunt Xiang since she went back last time..."

Doing the math, it was indeed several years ago.

"Xiaolan, you were only a little bit old when I left last time, but you have grown into a big girl in the blink of an eye!"

Jiang Yuxiang looked Xu Lan up and down and couldn't help but sigh.

When she first met Xu Lan, Xu Lan was only as tall as her chest. She had a lively and unruly personality, and was also very cute.

When we met again, the already beautiful Slim was almost as tall as her, and her appearance was even more lifelike, green and agile.

"Aunt Xiang still hasn't changed."

Xu Lan spoke softly, Aunt Xiang's appearance was almost exactly the same as a few years ago, without any change.

"Where, when you grow up, I am already old!"

"No, Aunt Xiang is still very young."

"Xiaolan's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter!"

A few years ago, when Jiang Yuxiang was still in Prince Lin's Mansion, Xu Lan liked to admire Aunt Xiang. Now that we meet again a few years later, Xu Lan, apart from being a little shy and uneasy at the beginning, quickly adapted and started calling Aunt Xiang one by one. .

Xu Lan has an outgoing personality and is deeply loved by the elders in the family. The same is true for Jiang Yuxiang. She also likes the sweet-looking little girl in front of her, with a good personality and no bad intentions.

As the two chatted, Lin Jiangnian beside him seemed a little redundant.

So, Lin Jiangnian stood up and walked towards the door: "Auntie, you can chat, I won't disturb you!"

The two women were reminiscing about old times, so they naturally ignored Lin Jiangnian.

After Lin Jiangnian left the room, he soon saw two sneaky figures not far away in the courtyard talking together.

Lin Jiangnian approached slowly with light steps, and the voice gradually came over.

"Xiaozhu, tell me quickly, is it really comfortable with your Highness?"

"Sister Little Green..."

"Hey, why are you so shy? There is no one here. If you tell me quietly, I will definitely not tell anyone."


"Is your Highness great?"


"How powerful?"

Xiaozhu's face turned red, his head almost buried in his chest, and he said weakly: "Little Green Sister..."

Xiao Lu's eyes were shining, and he looked very interested: "Don't be shy, just tell me!"

He looked as excited as a flower-picking thief who was robbing someone on the road.

Xiaozhu was so shy that he didn't dare to raise his head. After a while, he said weakly: "No, it's very powerful."

"Describe it in detail?"


After a while, Xiao Lu opened her eyes in disbelief: "Your Highness...all night?"

Xiaozhu nodded, already too embarrassed to speak.

Xiao Lu was shocked for a long time before muttering to herself: "Then... won't my lady have to suffer in the future?"

"No, I am my young lady's maid. If the young lady fails by then, wouldn't I... no, no, absolutely not..."

Xiao Lu seemed to have thought of something, her face gradually turned red, and she denied it again and again. But there was a hint of excitement in those wide-open eyes.

Behind the two of them, Lin Jiangnian, who was approaching with gentle steps, happened to hear their conversation.

The maid named Xiaolu next to Xu Lan is quite good at making up scenes?

Lin Jiangnian didn't say anything, and quietly listened to the conversation between the two with great interest. Just as he was about to continue listening to the two little maids discussing and praising him, Xiaozhu, who was blushing with shame, raised his eyes and saw Lin Jiangnian.

"Ah, Your Highness?!"

Xiao Lu, who was in high spirits, turned around subconsciously and saw Lin Jiangnian standing not far behind the two of them.

His originally excited expression suddenly turned into panic, and he stood up in a panic, feeling at a loss what to do.

"Shizi Palace, Your Highness?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the two of them with a smile: "What are you talking about? Go on, just pretend I don't exist!"

Xiaozhu's pretty face turned red and she didn't dare to speak. Xiao Lu on the side also turned red, and her heart was pounding.

Did His Highness hear their whisper just now?

What did you hear?

"No, we didn't say anything..."

Xiaolu blushed and waved her hands in a panic to explain.

"It's okay, you can say whatever you want, I didn't hear you anyway."

Lin Jiangnian said with a smile.

did not hear it?

Xiaolu blinked and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just don’t hear it.

"Okay, you go ahead."

Now that he was discovered, Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, got up and walked towards the yard next door.

When he walked to Xiao Lu, he paused for a moment, and his eyes scanned her meaningfully, stopping at a certain point with a hint: "If you want to be a maid, you have to work hard!"

After saying that, before Xiao Lu could react, Lin Jiangnian had already left.

Xiaolu froze on the spot, his eyes blank.

Your Highness, have you heard it?

In an instant, shame spread throughout his body. Xiao Lu soon realized that His Royal Highness Prince Lin's gaze just now seemed to be staring at her...

Xiaolu lowered his head and glanced, startled, and was silent for a moment.

"Sister Little Green, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaozhu on the side stepped forward and asked worriedly.

Xiao Lu came back to her senses, her eyes fell on Xiao Zhu's chest, and then she breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, yours isn't big either!"

Xiaozhu: "?"


inside the room.

After Lin Jiangnian left, Jiang Yuxiang took Xu Lan to sit aside and asked about his family's current situation.

Xu Lan explained everything in detail.

"I was bored staying in Linjiang City, so I told my father that I wanted to come to the capital to have a look. My father agreed and asked me to come to the capital to accompany my grandpa for a while..."

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to have thought of something: "How is your father in Linjiang City?"

"It's pretty good, but I can't see anyone all day long and I don't know what I'm busy with."

Xu Lan curled her lips. Everyone in her family, whether it was her grandfather, father, or several brothers, were all very busy people, and the dragons kept coming and going all day long.

Jiang Yuxiang nodded slightly and said with a smile: "It's rare to get together in the capital, so I'll spend more time with Aunt Xiang from now on. If you have time, come over more often!"


This move played right into Xu Lan's wish, and she nodded her head excitedly.

But then he thought of something, and his eyes dimmed slightly: "But, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Jiang Yuxiang was confused: "Why?"

"My father doesn't let me go out at will..."

Xu Lan glanced at Aunt Xiang and hesitated to speak.

Her father didn't let her go out, he just didn't let her come to Lin Jiangnian.

As for the reason...

She knew it.

Jiang Yuxiang was a little confused: "Your father has asked you to come to the capital, so why won't you be allowed to go out?"

"The devil knows."

Xu Lan blushed slightly, snorted slightly, and looked away slightly, feeling a little complicated.

I don’t know what to think about.

Jiang Yuxiang stared at the girl in front of him, was silent for a moment, and then smiled and said: "That's okay. If Aunt Xiang is free, she will also come to see you. Counting the time, it has indeed been a long time since I visited Mr. Xu!"


Xu Lan's eyes lit up slightly, and then she curled her lips: "My grandfather is good at everything, but he is a bit old-fashioned. I don't want to talk to him..."

Jiang Yuxiang chuckled: "That's your grandfather after all, so don't be disrespectful to your elders."

"Not at all."

Xu Lan was naturally not disrespectful to her grandfather, but secretly expressed some of her dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yuxiang grabbed Xu Lan's hand, looked her up and down, and smiled: "If I remember correctly, Xiao Lan is seventeen years old this year, right?"


Xu Lan nodded.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed: "It turns out that Xiaolan has reached the age to get married!"

When this was mentioned unexpectedly, Xu Lan's face immediately turned red: "No, no... it's still very early."


Jiang Yuxiang smiled brightly: "So, does Xiaolan have a sweetheart?"

Xu Lan's face turned redder, and she lowered her head in a little panic: "Xiang, Aunt Xiang, you, why did you ask about this?"

"Isn't this because you care about Xiaolan? Seeing that Xiaolan is getting more and more beautiful, ask, if Xiaolan has a sweetheart, I can help you check it out!"

Jiang Yuxiang smiled and spoke, looking at Xu Lan's shy girlish look, she narrowed her eyes slightly: "Have you got a sweetheart?"

Xu Lan lowered his head and intertwined his fingers under his sleeves. He was silent for a while and then let out a soft hum.

No denying it!

She is not a good liar, nor can she hide her thoughts.

The girl's instinctive shyness made her a little embarrassed to speak out. But in the end, he somehow nodded.

Seeing Xu Lan nodding, Jiang Yuxiang's smile condensed slightly.

"I wonder, which young master does Xiao Lan like?"

Xu Lan felt that her face was as red as hot, her body was slightly stiff, and she lowered her head without saying a word.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuxiang sighed secretly, with complicated eyes: "Is he that brat Jiang Nian?"

At this moment, Xu Lan felt so intensely ashamed that she had the urge to run away. The Aunt Xiang in front of her was not only Aunt Xiang, she was also Lin Jiangnian's nominal aunt and Lin Jiangnian's elder.

To a certain extent, he can be regarded as her elder!

But now, the elder she had always respected and loved was asking this question that made her extremely shy, giving her the illusion of meeting her parents.

There was an indescribable feeling of panic, and I was at a loss.

She held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands, her head almost buried in her chest...if anything.

The heroine Xu, who was fearless in the past, was now as nervous and shy as an ostrich.

"Xiang, Aunt Xiang..."

Seeing Xu Lan's reaction, why didn't Jiang Yuxiang realize it?

This little girl really likes that brat? !

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang looked at Xu Lan with complicated eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

This brat can do it!

It didn't take long for him to unknowingly take down the paper kite, while also making the eldest lady of the Xu family fall in love with him. At the same time, he was not shy or impatient with the maid named Xiaozhu next to him...

Can he bear it?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's face couldn't help but turn a little red, and she secretly spat out in annoyance. Then she looked at Xu Lan, who was extremely shy at the moment and didn't dare to look up, and sighed secretly.

She gently squeezed Xu Lan's hand and comforted softly: "Even if you didn't say it, Aunt Xiang could tell... You like that brat, right?"

"There's no need to be embarrassed. You and he have known each other for so long, so we can be considered childhood sweethearts..."

Jiang Yuxiang paused for a moment: "This boy is not bad looking. It is normal for you to like him. Don't worry, my aunt will not stop you."

"Xiang, Aunt Xiang..."

Xu Lan still lowered her head, her tone was trembling and nervous, she was shy, and her face was hot and red.

But for some reason, the tension in my heart seemed to suddenly relax.

Aunt Xiang, don’t you object?

Then, wouldn't that be...

Xu Lan's unsatisfied heart beat violently again.

"Does Jiang Nian know about this?"

Jiang Yuxiang continued to ask.

Xu Lan lowered her head, blushing and shaking her head.

She, she wouldn't tell him.

If he found out, Ken would definitely laugh at her...

Thinking of this, Xu Lan secretly gritted her teeth.

Jiang Yuxiang gently touched Xu Lan's hair and chuckled: "Then when did you start to like Jiang Nian?"

Hearing this question, Xu Lan was startled.


She didn't seem to remember clearly.

"No, I don't know..."

After a while, Xu Lan finally choked out these few words.

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were still gentle. He looked at Xu Lan and said softly: "If you think about it, you and Jiang Nian have known each other for many years, right? You were childhood sweethearts. At that time, I had a hunch that you would definitely like each other in the future."

Xu Lan's face was still red, and she stammered in panic: "No, no..."

She, how could she be a childhood sweetheart with Lin Jiangnian? She was clearly...

"By the way, Xiaolan."

Jiang Yuxiang's tone suddenly changed: "Have you noticed anything different about Jiang Nian during this time?"

"no the same?"

Xu Lan was startled, raised her head blankly, and looked into Aunt Xiang's soft eyes: "You grew up with him, so you must know him very well, right? Have you noticed any changes in him?"

"Change, change?"

Xu Lan's head has not yet reacted: "What change is Aunt Xiang referring to?"

"It's just behavioral habits and life atmosphere..."

Jiang Yuxiang smiled softly, but kept staring at her eyes, and said softly: "I haven't seen this kid for a few years. The first time we met, I almost felt like he was a different person. He has changed a lot... You are the most familiar with him, have you noticed this?"

Xu Lan's heart skipped a beat.

Aunt Xiang, she, she noticed...

Is that guy fake? !

The plot of climbing through the window is approaching, and we need to sort out the outline. The protagonist's life experience clues will also be explained clearly in this volume. The title of this volume revolves around life experience. In the end, the book friend's "paper crane mark" is magical Brother Rui was waiting for the reader's reward. He didn't pay much attention to the backstage and almost missed it.

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