Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 280 That means anytime is allowed

At this moment, Xu Lan's heart suddenly rose, her face changed slightly, and she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Aunt Xiang, what do you mean by this?

Why did she suddenly ask this?

Inexplicably asking about the change in that guy's behavior?

Could it be...that something was discovered?

Was that guy exposed? !

With this thought in his mind, Xu Lan couldn't sit still and panicked.

She was the one who knew Lin Jiangnian's identity best, and even... she was involved in this matter.

Today's Lin Jiangnian is indeed not the prince Lin Wang he used to be.

When she was at Prince Lin's Mansion, she pointed this out and wanted to use it to blackmail Lin Jiangnian, but unexpectedly she was threatened by Lin Jiangnian instead.

Now that more than half a year has passed, I thought this guy's identity had been perfectly concealed. In the end, clues were still discovered?

Thinking of this, Xu Lan's heart pounded.


No matter how well that guy pretends to be, he is not the real Prince Lin after all.

Character, behavior, and habits can be imitated, but they cannot be exactly the same. Especially in front of those closest to you, you may indeed be exposed.

Now, Aunt Xiang suddenly asked this, could it be...

Are you already aware of the suspicion of Lin Jiangnian's identity?

Xu Lan panicked for a while, but quickly calmed down: "No, no..."

Xu Lan pretended to think for a moment, and then said: "Why did Aunt Xiang suddenly ask this?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared into Xu Lan's eyes. When she asked, she could clearly detect the flash of panic and uneasiness in Xu Lan's eyes, as if some secret had been revealed.

Jiang Yuxiang confirmed his suspicion.

The Xiao Lan in front of me really knew something.

She had discovered something wrong with Lin Jiangnian's identity a long time ago?


Does she even know more secrets?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes narrowed slightly, but he still smiled and looked as usual: "Jiang Nian is my nephew after all. I haven't seen him for several years. When I saw him this time, I found that he has changed a lot. He is different from before. .Didn’t you grow up with him? Aunt Xiang just wanted to ask you if you feel this way."

Hearing Aunt Xiang's words, Xu Lan's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

Just realized that Lin Jiangnian has changed a lot?

Didn't you doubt that guy's identity?

Xu Lan was secretly relieved, and just whispered: "No, I don't feel it...people always change. We haven't seen each other for a few years. He has indeed changed a lot. I have changed a lot too, and so has Aunt Xiang." It has changed, it has become more beautiful..."

Xu Lan changed the subject without leaving any trace.

Jiang Yuxiang naturally noticed it, looked at her deeply, and did not ask any more questions, but chuckled: "Yes, Xiaolan has changed a lot. I said before, Xiaolan, you and that boy are childhood sweethearts. Maybe it will happen in the future... I didn’t expect that it will actually happen now!”

Xu Lan's face turned red again, and she spoke shyly with a stuttering tone: "No, it didn't work..."

As if thinking of something, Xu Lan whispered again: "He, he wants to marry the princess."

Jiang Yuxiang was startled for a moment. She had almost forgotten that the brat was still engaged to the eldest princess of the dynasty.

Although Lin Jiangnian said that he would terminate his engagement with the eldest princess, he still doesn't know what the situation will be. And even if the eldest princess is gone, there is still Paper Kite...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang took Xu Lan's little hand again, looked at her blushing and shy face, and said softly: "The Xu family and the Lin family are family friends, and you like that brat now. If you two Aunt Xiang is naturally very happy that people can succeed, but..."

Jiang Yuxiang paused and sighed softly: "Jiang Nian and the eldest princess have a marriage contract. This is a marriage granted by His Majesty, and there is no way to shirk it. What if..."

"What if Jiang Nian really marries the eldest princess in the future, then you..."

Jiang Yuxiang stared into her eyes and asked softly: "Are you willing to be Jiang Nian's concubine?"

Xu Lan's pretty face was already red, she was too embarrassed to raise her head, and couldn't say a word.

Such a straightforward inquiry made this heroine Xu completely lose her usual frankness, her whole body became stiff, and her head went blank with an inexplicable sense of shame.

Seeing that Xu Lan didn't speak, Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were complicated and he sighed softly: "It's normal that you don't want to accept it. It's okay. After all, you are the eldest daughter of the Xu family, and you are the only daughter in your family. No matter what, you can do it If you find a well-matched husband, there is no need to humiliate yourself and become a concubine for that brat..."

Hearing this, Xu Lan's heart suddenly tightened and she was inexplicably panicked. Just when he didn't know what to say, he heard Jiang Yuxiang's voice again.

"I'll go and warn that brat later, tell him not to provoke you again, and teach him a lesson..."

"don't want……"

Xu Lan subconsciously raised her head and spoke in a panic.


Jiang Yuxiang looked at her.

"Don't... don't talk to him, he said... I, I... wish..."

Xu Lan's face was hot and red, and she slowly lowered her head. Her voice became smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible in the end.



Lin Jiangnian walked into the yard and came to the door of Zhiyuan's room. He could not find Zhiyuan. After walking around the yard, he saw a lonely blue figure in the backyard.

It was a rare sunny day, without the biting cold wind in winter, and the temperature had warmed up a lot. There is a row of sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted in the backyard, with green leaves and a pleasant scenery. There is a small lake not far away, crystal clear, with ripples on the surface as the breeze blows.

Zhiyuan, dressed in green clothes, was standing not far from the lake, quietly in a daze.

When Lin Jiangnian stepped closer, she just turned her head and glanced at him.

No words were spoken.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Jiangnian chuckled twice, approached slowly, hugged Zhiyuan's delicate body from behind, put his hands through the round waist, hugged the girl into his arms, and skillfully held the girl's cold lips. tiny hand.

"Why are your hands so cold?"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at the girl's crystal clear, snow-white jade hands, which were a little cold.

Zhiyuan looked away and did not answer his question.

Of course, there was not much resistance.

"Come, let His Highness help you warm your hands!"

Lin Jiangnian held the girl's cold hand with his big hand and used the body warmth of his palm to warm the girl in his arms.

The Xuanyang Mind Technique he practiced has almost reached the second level. Now Lin Jiangnian's energy and blood are strong, and his body is continuously providing heat. Even in the cold winter, the whole body is as hot as a furnace.

The stronger the Qi and blood, the stronger Lin Jiangnian's internal strength becomes.

This is the terrifying part of Xuanyang's mental method. With such strong energy and blood, Lin Jiangnian is almost in an invincible position when facing opponents of the same level.

Of course, in addition to this, this Xuanyang Mental Technique also has another greater function... to warm up the bodies of those lonely little girls who are afraid of the cold in winter.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly, looking at her little hand that was almost completely wrapped by Lin Jiangnian, feeling the warm breath coming from the skin, and remained silent.

In terms of martial arts and internal strength, her strength is far superior to Lin Jiangnian. But that didn't mean that she couldn't feel the cold.

It's just that compared to those ordinary women, it's not that scary and it's not that intense.

She could use her internal energy to resist the cold invasion, but the freezing cold wind still made her feel a little chilly.

After Lin Jiangnian wrapped her hands, the heat that was continuously transmitted from his body made her feel inexplicably comfortable.

Perhaps because she was used to it, she didn't resist much.

Unknowingly, I even felt a little at ease in my heart.

Can't tell.

Very strange!

She raised her eyes slightly and looked back at Lin Jiangnian behind her.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian looked into her clear and bright eyes and chuckled: "What do you want me to do?"

Zhiyuan stared at him for a while, shook her head slightly, said nothing, and prepared to look away.

However, Lin Jiangnian had sharp eyes and a quick mouth. He quickly moved closer and kissed the girl's soft and sweet mouth before she could turn her head.

Zhiyuan's eyes opened slightly, and a hint of shame and anger quickly emerged in her originally clear and bright eyes.

Her fair and pretty face quickly became a little red.

It seemed that he didn't expect this guy to make a sudden attack.

Caught off guard!


Lin Jiangnian, who was actively kissing, suddenly felt his lips being bitten, and subconsciously let go of the pain.

The girl in his arms took the opportunity to struggle away and took two quick steps to the side, away from him. Zhiyuan's face was rosy and her breathing was quick. She adjusted her clothes and glared at Lin Jiangnian shyly and angrily.

Lin Jiangnian licked his lips. Fortunately, they were not broken, but there was only a slight pain.

However, the teeth of this little paper kite are quite strong?

"Little Zhiyuan, what crime do you deserve for hurting your Highness?!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan, whose side face was slightly red, and stepped closer.

"No, don't come over!"

Zhiyuan blushed slightly and stared at him angrily.

That nervous look, that flustered expression, and that face that seemed cold and ferocious, but completely devoid of any threat.

Lin Jiangnian's smile became even brighter: "We are already an old couple, why are you so shy..."

"Who, who is old and married to you?!"

As if being stimulated, Zhiyuan opened her eyes slightly. Seeing Lin Jiangnian approaching again, she nervously took a few steps back and gritted her teeth, "If you come here again, I won't be polite!"

At this time, she looked exactly like a little girl who was about to be 'violated' and was making her final struggle of resistance.

However, Lin Jiangnian still cooperated and stopped: "Okay, then I won't go through, okay!"

Zhiyuan didn't say anything, and glared at him with a cold face, but her expression softened a little. Look away and take a deep breath.

The two of them remained silent, and Lin Jiangnian quietly admired the panicked and shy look of the girl in front of him, as well as the graceful figure wrapped in green clothes.

Half of it has been unlocked, it’s time to unlock the remaining half, right?

As if aware of the increasingly unbridled and fiery gaze beside her, Zhiyuan suddenly turned her head and glared at him.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands innocently: "I didn't go there!"

Zhiyuan stared at him, with a hint of indescribable embarrassment in her cold eyes.

After a while, he said coldly: "From now on... no more!"


Zhiyuan gritted her teeth and said with a straight face, "You are not allowed to kiss in public in the future, kiss..."

She couldn't get the last word out.

But Lin Jiangnian understood and his eyes brightened slightly: "You mean, it's enough not to be in public?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were blank, and then he realized that her words were ambiguous, and said again: "Yeah, that's not possible either!"

Lin Jiangnian asked back: "When can it be done?"

Zhiyuan stared at him expressionlessly: "Not at any time."


Lin Jiang young laughed, stepped closer to her, and said with a smile: "Then...any time is fine?"


Zhiyuan's eyes were panicked. Seeing Lin Jiangnian approaching again, her delicate body tensed up in panic.

"No, no..."

Zhiyuan's pretty face turned red, she lost her usual calmness, and secretly gritted her teeth: "No, without my permission, no, you are not allowed to kiss casually, kiss..."


Unexpectedly, Lin Jiangnian nodded in agreement.

Staring at Zhiyuan's shy, angry and somewhat embarrassed eyes, Lin Jiang young smiled: "Then, do you allow it now?"

"Not allowed!"

"What about tonight?"

"It's not allowed either!"

"When will it be allowed?"

"No, no one is allowed!"


Lin Jiangnian nodded: "That means it is allowed anytime."

Zhiyuan's eyes widened immediately. When did she say that?

"What I said is not allowed...well..."

Before the girl could finish her words, Lin Jiangnian brutally and unreasonably blocked her voice.


There's no point in struggling!

It's getting dark.

Lin Jiangnian and Zhiyuan returned to the courtyard one after another.

Zhiyuan walked very quickly, completely ignoring Lin Jiangnian behind him, lowering his head. On that beautiful and delicate face, there was still a faint glimpse of the blush that had not completely subsided.

And... shame and anger!

Return to the room without saying a word and close the door!

Lin Jiangnian followed slowly, quietly admiring the girl's fleeing figure, and thinking about his plan for tonight.

Zhiyuan, who had just been bullied, was furious at the moment, so it was best not to offend him yet. Wait until she has calmed down a little, and then wait for everyone to go to bed later, and then go and apologize to her.

With such calculations in mind, Lin Jiangnian also returned to the room.

Both my aunt and Xu Lan are gone. I learned from Xiao Zhu in the courtyard that Xiao Lan has gone back.

"Where's my aunt?"

Xiaozhu explained: "After Miss Xu returned, Miss Jiang went to find Sister Zhiyuan."

"Looking for a paper kite?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned. Why didn't he see his aunt when he came back just now?

Where has my aunt gone?

At the same time, in the courtyard next door.

inside the room.

After returning to the room, Zhiyuan sat in front of the bronze mirror, staring at the blushing and delicate face in the bronze mirror, biting her lip gently, with a bit of shame and anger in her eyes.

Her breathing was slightly rapid, and her beautiful eyes looked both angry and ashamed.

With some indescribable complex emotions, he just stared at it for a long time.

I seem to be thinking about what that guy said not long ago, and I feel a little nervous for no reason.

At the same time, there seems to be something unspeakable...

Inexplicably looking forward to it?

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

Aunt's voice.

Zhiyuan, who was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, came back to her senses. After a brief moment of panic, she quickly recovered.

"Auntie, come in."

The door opened, Jiang Yuxiang walked into the room, closed the door, and came to Zhiyuan.

"Auntie, is something wrong?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at the slightly red cheeks of the girl in front of her. The girl Huaichun was beautiful and stunning.

I seem to recall the scene I happened to see in the backyard just now...

I don't know why, but there was a hint of envy in my heart.

He sighed softly and said quietly: "That guy, just kissed you again?"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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