As soon as the words fell, Zhiyuan, who had just returned to normal, blushed again on her fair and delicate face, and her eyes evaded in panic.

He lowered his head, his delicate body stiffened slightly, and did not dare to meet her aunt's eyes.

Sitting there, like a girl who had made a mistake and was a little at a loss.

"Little, aunt..."

"No need to quibble, I was just planning to look for you, but I accidentally saw you in the backyard."

Jiang Yuxiang sighed. After sending Xu Lan away, she came over to look for Zhiyuan. She didn't see Zhiyuan in the room, so she looked around and accidentally saw a scene in the backyard that made her blush and heartbeat.

Under the broad view...

Today's young people are really shameless!

And that brat... actually bullied Zhi Yuan like this.

There are so many tricks!

Jiang Yuxiang thought angrily, then looked at Zhiyuan, who had her head lowered and was almost ashamed. He walked up and sat next to her, and said softly: "Okay, okay, it's okay. My aunt just pretends she didn't see it and won't tell anyone." of."

Zhiyuan lowered her head and remained silent.

The snow-white profile exposed under the hair was already blood red.

Stunning red!

The pink is astonishing!

Even his body was slightly stiff, as if he didn't know how to react.

"However, you should be more restrained at home in the future... After all, you are at home, and it won't be good if someone sees you. If you really can't hold it in anymore, you can go back to your room and talk about it..."

At this point, Jiang Yuxiang paused again, and then said with some hatred: "Don't be too spoiled by him, don't let him bully you so easily, you know?"

She could see clearly that it was the brat who forced Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan was such an independent child, but she didn't expect to be forced to do something she didn't want to do by that brat... That brat was too pushy.

I have to warn Zhiyuan carefully not to be eaten to death by that brat.

Zhiyuan still lowered his head, biting his lower lip, and nodded his head lightly like a junior who was receiving criticism and lessons.

I seem to agree with my aunt's statement.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

After instilling in Zhi Yuan the idea that girls should protect themselves, Jiang Yuxiang got down to business and said, "I just talked to Xiao Lan and made some inquiries quietly. Zhi Yuan, I'm afraid your guess is not correct." wrong……"

"Xiao Lan, you probably know some inside information about Jiang Nian's identity!"

Zhiyuan, who originally had his head lowered, was startled for a moment when he heard his aunt's words, and then slowly raised his eyes, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

Jiang Yuxiang's tone was slightly serious, and she said in a deep voice: "I tried to test Xiaolan a little bit, but I didn't expect that Xiaolan showed a panicked look... Although it was only for a moment, she concealed it very well, but there is indeed something wrong with her reaction, I'm afraid there is What are you hiding from me..."

"She probably knows some secrets about Jiang Nian's identity."

Now that Lin Jiangnian's identity has been confirmed, he is no longer the prince Lin Wang he was before. But Zhiyuan and Jiang Yuxiang knew nothing about Lin Jiangnian's past identity and what happened that year.

Not long ago, Zhiyuan mentioned that Xu Lan, a childhood sweetheart who spent time with Prince Lin, might know something. She was the most familiar with Prince Lin, and was the easiest to detect Lin Jiangnian's changes.

So, Jiang Yuxiang took advantage of today's meeting to test it secretly. Sure enough, Xu Lan already knew that there was something wrong with Lin Jiangnian's identity.

Judging from her reaction, it is very possible that she even knows some secret truth.

"I was afraid of alerting the enemy, so I didn't inquire further. However, it is already certain."

Jiang Yuxiang looked solemn and serious: "I just don't know. What does she know? Is she helping Jiang Nian hide his identity, or..."

"Know some deeper secret truth?!"

Zhiyuan remained silent, lowering his eyes and thinking about something.

It is certain that Xu Lan is indeed hiding something, but if Xu Lan is unwilling to tell, it will not help.

more importantly……

Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at Zhiyuan: "I wonder if Jiang Nian knows his identity now, and..."

"Why did he hide it and appear in Prince Lin's Mansion?"

"What's the purpose again?!"

To Jiang Yuxiang, these seem to be mysteries.

Lin Jiangnian was indeed her sister's child, this was absolutely true. But why did he appear in Prince Lin's Mansion by hiding his identity?

Then, what about the original Prince Lin?

Why will he die again?

Behind Jiang Nian, what force is controlling everything?

What's the purpose? !

After Zhiyuan thought for a long time, he slowly raised his eyes and shook his head gently: "He probably doesn't know."


Jiang Yuxiang looked at her: "Why?"


Zhiyuan spoke calmly, recalling in his mind every moment of their relationship with Lin Jiangnian when he came to the palace, starting from the day he realized something was wrong with Lin Jiangnian.

Looking back now, although Lin Jiangnian's disguise was very good at that time, it did have many flaws.

He deliberately pretended to be Prince Lin in front of everyone, and he probably didn't know his own identity.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no need to hide anything!

Lin Jiangnian, who was so powerless at the time, would never have been able to do this, almost replacing the fake Prince Lin with the real one. There must be someone secretly helping behind him.

Why was he so aware of Prince Lin's habits?

Also, who is the instigator?

A strange yet familiar figure appeared in Zhiyuan's mind for no apparent reason.

The figure of a woman in a fiery red dress gradually became clear in her mind.

Zhiyuan was slightly in a trance.

"Paper Kite?"

Jiang Yuxiang's voice pulled Zhiyuan out of her trance, "What's wrong with you?"


Zhiyuan hesitated and shook his head slightly.

Jiang Yuxiang glanced at her and sighed: "Zhiyuan, it seems I can only rely on you now."


Zhiyuan raised his eyes slightly blankly.

Jiang Yuxiang looked at her seriously and said, "Since Jiang Nian still doesn't know his identity, it's not appropriate for us to alert the snake..."

"Currently we don't know what force behind it was that instigated Jiang Nian to sneak into Prince Lin's Mansion, but their purpose must be for Prince Lin's Mansion..."

"What exactly happened to my sister back then, why her child is missing, and whether Lin Hengzhong noticed anything, we are not sure about this..."

"If I tell Jiang Nian the truth directly now, and alert the people who control Jiang Nian behind the scenes, I'm afraid the gain will outweigh the loss. So, I can only rely on you..."

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan and said, "Zhiyuan, you currently have the best relationship with Jiang Nian, and you are also the person he trusts and is the closest to. She trusts you the most and will not put up a defense against you..."

Zhiyuan was silent, she understood the meaning of her aunt's words.

It is also clear that she is indeed the most suitable candidate at the moment.


Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and then said: "He may not trust me."

"how come?"

Jiang Yuxiang was confused: "He likes you so much, how can he not trust you?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Does the guy like her?


She could indeed feel from Lin Jiangnian that the guy was special to her... he probably liked her.

Just, do you trust...

Zhiyuan was silent.

She wasn't sure.

Liking is one thing, but trusting is another.

Even the closest couple may not dare to say trust, let alone the two of them?

Since Lin Jiangnian appeared in Prince Lin's Mansion pretending to be Prince Lin's son, he would definitely be wary of anyone, even if he seems to have a good relationship with her now...

But once the most important secrets are involved, even the people around you won't be able to reveal them easily.

What's more, until now, Zhiyuan has not completely seen through Lin Jiangnian.

There are too many secrets in him.

It is this kind of thought that makes Zhiyuan feel unsure.

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan and quickly realized what she was thinking. He sighed lightly, grabbed her little hand, held it tightly, and comforted: "Since that guy likes you, how can he not trust you?"

"After being together for so long, you should be able to feel that Jiang Nian is not a bad person, right?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Since he is not a bad person, it proves that he is not bad in nature. If you expose his identity directly, he may be wary of you and distrust you at first, but he will never hurt you..."

"And you are also the person most likely to make him let down his guard!"

"No matter what, he is my sister's child. He is the real Prince Lin... and he will also be your future husband, Zhiyuan."

"He may have been deceived and manipulated into a puppet who sneaked into Prince Lin's Mansion. But as long as you are here, I believe that you can make him find his way back..."

Zhiyuan listened quietly and nodded slightly.

"If it really doesn't work, you can also..."

As if thinking of something, Jiang Yuxiang leaned into Zhiyuan's ear again and whispered something.

The next second, Zhiyuan's eyes froze, and her pretty face turned red again, with shame emerging.

"Little, aunt, I, I..."

"Isn't that guy always lusting after your body? I don't believe he can really hold it back..."

"Auntie doesn't believe it either. This guy is really willing to let you go and choose someone else!"

Jiang Yuxiang sneered again and again, with a firm tone.


Night falls.

In the courtyard.

Xiaozhu walked out of the room and put a coat from behind on Lin Jiangnian in the courtyard.

"Your Highness, it's cold at night, be careful of catching a cold!"

Lin Jiangnian turned around and saw Xiaozhu's face flushed, and a pair of smart eyes flickering in the dim courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian saw this and took Xiaozhu into his arms.

"Your Highness is not cold, Xiaozhu should be quite cold, right?"

Being held in His Highness's arms, she felt the powerful and hot breath coming from His Highness's chest and arms, wrapping her petite body. The familiar warmth and smell made the little maid a little addicted.

She buried her obedient head in His Highness's arms, took a few deep breaths, and said softly, "Yes."

"That's good, let His Highness help you warm up."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the little maid in his arms, and the big hands he held began to restlessly roam around the little maid's body.

"Your Highness, Your Highness... don't... no, don't..."

The little maid's delicate body stiffened slightly, her pretty face instantly turned red, and she cried out shyly for mercy.

However, it was of no use.

After a while, the little maid went limp and fell into His Highness's arms. Her little face was red and hot, and she was very shy. Her little cherry mouth was slightly opened, and she lost a trace of strength, letting Lin Jiangnian do whatever he wanted.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the lustful little maid in his arms, feeling a little excited in his heart.

He lowered his head slightly, kissed the little maid's pink and jade face, and then reached out and slapped the little maid's slightly sizable buttocks: "Okay, go help His Highness prepare hot water for bathing and changing clothes!"

The little maid gradually came back to her senses, her eyes were lively and shy, she bit her lower lip tightly, lowered her head and did not dare to raise it, and after humming, she turned around and ran away.

Trot all the way.

But no matter how you look at it, your trotting posture seems a little weak.

Lin Jiangnian watched quietly and sighed.

There are more important things to do tonight, little maid...

See you tomorrow night!

In the bathroom.

The mist curled up.

Lin Jiangnian took off his clothes and soaked in the pool, feeling the hot water covering his whole body, which was extremely comfortable.

The hot breath dredges the meridians all over the body. Sitting in the water, the hot water in the bath seems to flow slowly along with the meridians as the body's inner thoughts move.

There is a mysterious illusion!

I wanted to take advantage of the hot bath to let my mind empty out and think about the next plan.

But for some reason, Lin Jiangnian's mind suddenly flashed back to the scene where he accidentally broke into the Zhao family's lady while she was bathing in the Zhao Mansion.

In the same room filled with warm water and mist, in the bathtub, the naked snow-white figure caught a glimpse.

Keep emerging!

The graceful and graceful figure soaked in the snow-white water of the pool could not be dissipated for a long time.

Lin Jiangnian's breathing was a little rapid, and the Xuanyang mind method in his body seemed to be running uncontrollably.

After taking a few deep breaths, Lin Jiangnian sat cross-legged in the bathtub, using his internal energy to circulate throughout his body, and then gradually calmed down.


At this moment, the sound of the door being pushed came from behind.

The sound of the door opening was very soft, so soft that it was almost unnoticeable, but Lin Jiangnian, who was working on his mind at the moment, had extremely sharp facial features and listened attentively.

who is it?



Zhiyuan, who came quietly last time but ran away in shame and refused to admit it?

Lin Jiangnian did not look back and continued to sit cross-legged in the bathtub to calm the chaotic atmosphere in his body.

There were no footsteps in the room.


Eerily even a little quiet.

However, Lin Jiangnian vaguely noticed that there seemed to be another figure in the room, slowly approaching him.

The steps were very light, so light that they were almost imperceptible, as if they were deliberately concealed.

There can be people with such strength in the entire palace.

Only paper kites!

Lin Jiangnian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and slowly stopped his efforts. Still sitting in the bathtub, motionless.

The figure quietly appeared behind Lin Jiangnian, stopped and remained motionless.

After what seemed like a moment of silence, a slender hand slowly stretched out towards Lin Jiangnian.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian, who had his back turned and seemed to be immersed in the hot bath without realizing it, grabbed the newly stretched out jade hand behind him with lightning speed.

Small, silky and a bit cold.

Woman's hands.

Something familiar.

It is undoubtedly a paper kite!

The next second, Lin Jiangnian pulled hard.

The figure behind him seemed not to have expected Lin Jiangnian to suddenly rise up, and he was caught off guard by the sudden force and was unsteady on his feet. He stumbled and fell into the bathtub.

Her beautiful eyes widened, and in panic, she quickly tried to hold the edge of the bath with her other hand, but she didn't have time to do anything.

The other big hand skillfully grasped her slender waist and carried her into the bathtub.


"Haha, since you're here, why don't you take a mandarin duck bath with His Highness?!"

The plan succeeded, and the delicate body in his arms was instantly wrapped in hot water. Lin Jiangnian looked down triumphantly: "Little Kite, you still want to sneak up on me... eh?!"

Through the thick steaming fog, Lin Jiangnian saw the figure struggling in the bathtub.

When it enters the eyes, it is blood red.

Stunning red!

No, it’s a red dress.

Something looks familiar.

Under the red skirt, after being soaked and wrapped in hot water, her graceful and plump body was revealed, looming.

The face was absolutely beautiful, a little embarrassed, a little panicked, and a little angry, staring at Lin Jiangnian fiercely.

"Liu, Liu Su?!"

"???" (End of chapter)

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