Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 285 Liu Nuxia, who is not tough-tongued

Liu Nuxia has a cold temperament, with a shy brow and an angry look on her face. The bare hands under her sleeves hold a small sword tightly, and the cold moon is like snow, approaching slowly.

On the carpet, Lin Jiangnian could not move. He could only watch Liu Su approaching step by step. The small sword clenched in his hand was silently following Lin Jiangnian's eyes, approaching all the way towards the entwined legs. between.


Lin Jiangnian took a breath of air and felt chilled all over.

This, this is not fun!

This joke is not funny at all!

"Nvxia Liu, calm down!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyelids twitched: "Let's talk carefully if we have anything to say, don't mess around..."

Liu Su's face was as cold as frost, and she gritted her teeth and said coldly: "I have nothing to say to you, a heartless man, and I will castrate you today so that you will not be able to bully other women in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cold sword in his hand went down Lin Jiangnian's chest.

In the end, it stopped within an inch.

Only a thin line separates us!

The lust that arose in Lin Jiangnian due to Xuanyang's mental method had completely subsided at this moment.

Not a drop is left!

He raised his head and stared quietly at the familiar and beautiful angry face that was so close at hand. His beautiful eyes were filled with shame and anger, as if he was gnashing his teeth to cut him into pieces.

Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply: "You really misunderstood. Zhiyuan and I... will never have the same relationship as you."

"We are innocent!"

Liu Su stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and sneered: "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Even though she spoke like this, there was indeed a bit of suspicion in her eyes.

"how come?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "You are the smartest woman I have ever seen in the world. How could I deceive you... If you don't believe it, you can ask her yourself!"

"She and I definitely didn't have the kind of relationship you thought!"

Lin Jiangnian was steadfast in his vows and his words were conclusive.

The relationship between him and Zhiyuan has indeed not reached the final step... With such an excuse, there is naturally no problem.

In addition, based on Lin Jiangnian's understanding of Liu Su, there was no way she would actually go to Zhiyuan to confirm.


Lin Jiangnian is extremely confident!

And it was this confidence that made Liu Su silent.

She stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, trying to detect some guilty lies in his eyes.

but no!

All she could see was magnanimity, a clear conscience, and a sense of righteousness that made her feel a little aggrieved after being wronged...

This made Liu Su, who had originally believed that the two of them had fallen in love and committed adultery, become hesitant again.

He and Zhiyuan really didn't...

Could it be that she misunderstood?

Liu Su couldn't help but recall that when she learned that the bastard was still alive, she couldn't wait to find him, but what she saw that night...

Did she make a mistake?

Liu Su still stared at him with a sneer: "Zhiyuan is your maid, and she is as beautiful as a flower. How can you let her go?!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "You overestimate me and underestimate Zhiyuan...I think you haven't succeeded yet!"

He said it very frankly, which made Liu Su believe it even more.

This bastard really has thoughts about Zhiyuan.

But, you haven’t succeeded yet?

That's right. With Zhiyuan's arrogant and arrogant temperament and his dislike for Prince Lin, how could he possibly succeed?

How could she be fooled by this bastard so easily?

Thinking like this, Liu Su's originally angry heart gradually calmed down.

Looking down at the familiar and handsome face in front of her, Liu Su couldn't remember what she was thinking of. She gritted her teeth and sneered: "Okay, you finally admitted it. Do you have thoughts about Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

He sighed: "Zhiyuan is my personal maid. If I say that I have no idea about her, you won't believe it, right?"

Liu Su said nothing.

"Besides, it was you who suggested that I find a way to put Paper Kite to sleep...why are you unhappy now?"

Liu Su quickly remembered that she had indeed suggested that Lin Jiangnian sleep with Zhiyuan and make her her own. She even gave Lin Jiangnian medicine at that time...


That was that time, could it be the same as now?

no the same!

"Forget it, since you think I'm sorry for you, then go ahead and do it!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly closed his eyes and gave up resistance: "Anyway, my life has been yours for a long time. I should have died that night when we ruined the temple!"

"You go ahead and kill me now!"

Lin Jiangnian's sudden self-abasement made Liu Su stunned for a moment. She stared at Lin Jiangnian's face with his eyes closed and said coldly: "Are you afraid of death?"

"To die in your hands is considered as fulfilling my wish."

"You don't want to live anymore?"


Lin Jiangnian sighed: "Aren't you trying to kill me?"

Liu Su gritted his teeth: "I want to kill you, but you won't resist?"

"No resistance."


Lin Jiangnian opened his eyes again, stared at the pretty face close at hand, and sighed, "I owe you."

"I shouldn't have let you go when we were in Prince Lin's Mansion..."

Liu Su's delicate body trembled slightly, her beautiful eyes stared at him, and she said coldly: "I want to leave, but you can't stop me."

"Yes, it was because I was incompetent and couldn't keep you. That's why I let my woman leave alone to make a career in the world."

Liu Su took a breath, gritted her teeth and said coldly: "I am not your woman!"

Lin Jiangnian stared into her eyes, "In my mind, you have already been. Whether you admit it or not, you can't change this fact!"

Facing Lin Jiangnian's scorching eyes, for some reason, Liu Su suddenly felt panicked and wanted to avoid Lin Jiangnian's sight.

"Hmph, sweet talk!"

Liu Su looked away and gritted her teeth coldly: "I am not your woman... and I will never be deceived by you again!"

After a pause, she gritted her teeth: "You are lucky today, I won't kill you... Next time we see you, I will definitely not forgive you, such a heartless man!"

After the words fell, Liu Su took back the small sword in his hand and turned around to leave.

The moment she turned around, behind her, Lin Jiangnian, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground with his acupoints tapped, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Liu Su's plain hand under her sleeve, and pulled hard.


Sensing something strange behind her, Liu Su turned around subconsciously. Before she could react, Lin Jiangnian quickly tapped two acupuncture points on her body. Liu Su's delicate body quickly softened, and she stood unsteadily and was on the verge of falling. Lin Jiangnian pulled her gently and fell into his arms.


Liu Su's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, as if she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to break through the acupuncture point and resume action so quickly?

"Want to leave?"

"That can't happen!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged Liu Su in his arms and looked down at her with an unbelievable expression on her face. He was a little proud: "Do you think I am still the Prince Lin who let you bully me and leave whenever you want?" ?”

After being tapped on the acupoints by Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian has been trying to secretly use his internal energy to attack the acupoints.

Liu Su's martial arts was far superior to his. In the past, Lin Jiangnian would not have been able to do it that easily. But now, Lin Jiangnian's inner strength has reached the fifth level, and his aura is strong. In addition, he knew the Tai Gu mind method that Liu Su had learned very well, and he also had powerful and domineering mental methods such as the Xuanyang mind method at his side.

The time, place and people were favorable, so that even though Liu Su's martial arts was far superior to Lin Jiangnian's, he was still masterful.

As early as the two people were talking and talking, Lin Jiangnian had already secretly penetrated the acupuncture point. As for the surrender just now, it was naturally a move to retreat in order to advance.

Sure enough, Liu Su was reluctant to kill him in the end.

And when she was about to leave, Lin Jiangnian finally couldn't pretend anymore.

"You, you actually..."

At this moment, Liu Su's eyes widened, feeling ashamed and angry, and she suddenly realized something: "You, you have been lying to me?!"

"When did I lie to you?"

"You, you have broken through the acupuncture point a long time ago, so you just..."

Liu Su was furious.

He had already resumed action, so he was so confident just now?

"Everything I just said is true, and there is absolutely no lie."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at her, held Liu Su's bare hand, and touched the small sword filled with cold air.

"If you don't believe it, you can kill me now. I will never resist!"

Eye to eye.

There was a moment of silence.

"let me go!"

Liu Su turned his head away and gritted his teeth.

Her internal strength was much stronger than that of Lin Jiangnian. She had just been attacked by Lin Jiangnian and her whole body was temporarily in a state of weakness. At present, the internal force in the body has begun to impact the acupuncture points.

Lin Jiangnian's strength is far inferior to hers, so naturally he cannot restrain her for too long.

However, how could Lin Jiangnian let her get her wish?

Seeing Liu Su struggling, Lin Jiangnian hugged her tighter, wrapping his big hands around Liu Su's slender waist, forcing her to sit sideways in his arms.

Liu Su's pretty face turned red, whether from embarrassment or anger. He gritted his teeth and glared at Lin Jiangnian, struggling desperately.

"You, let me go!"

"Don't let go." Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Even if you kill me, you won't let me go."


Liu Suqi's delicate body trembled slightly.

Lin Jiangnian's helpless behavior made her anxious, ashamed and angry. Subconsciously he raised his hand, the cold sword looming under his sleeve.

But it still failed to fall.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian bitterly, something strange seemed to flash in her beautiful eyes. The next second, she suddenly flashed her silver teeth, opened her mouth, lowered her head and bit Lin Jiangnian's shoulder.

Very hard!


There was severe pain on his shoulder, and Lin Jiangnian took a deep breath.

However, he did not struggle to resist.

Through the clothes, Liu Su's silver teeth bit his shoulder with such force that you could even feel Liu Su's delicate body in her arms trembling slightly. You can imagine that she almost exhausted all her strength.

Lin Jiangnian remained motionless, quietly letting the woman in his arms vent.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Jiangnian's shoulders relaxed. Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at a beautiful face very close to him. Her eyes still held a bit of stubborn anger, and her eye sockets were slightly red. The silver teeth under her red lips were very bright, and she was staring at him 'ferociously'.

"let me go!"

"Don't let go."

Lin Jiangnian still shook his head.


Liu Su was furious. This bastard really didn't take her seriously now and started bullying her like this?

Just after being attacked by a sneak attack, his body went limp, but now his body had broken through the acupuncture points and regained some strength.

She had an angry look on her face: "If you don't let me go, I, I will... um..."

Lin Jiangnian quietly stared at Liu Su's fair but still stubborn face. When she was halfway through her words, he suddenly lowered his head and blocked her mouth.


Liu Su's remaining words were all blocked back.

Her delicate body trembled violently, and she froze in place for a moment.

His pupils were dilated and his head was blank.

Caught off guard, there was no expectation at all.

I didn't expect that this bastard would dare... to speak?

The moment her mouth was blocked, a familiar and strong breath came over her. The irritated Liu Su was stunned and allowed Lin Jiangnian to invade.

Lin Jiangnian knew how to pry open and drove straight in. At the same time, he grabbed Liu Su's little hand holding the cold sword. While she was tense and dazed, he took off the cold sword and threw it away quietly...

Lost very far.


The cold sword made contact with the ground in the distance, making a crisp sound.

It also made Liu Su finally come to his senses.

Her face instantly turned red, she was extremely embarrassed and struggled desperately.

", let go...let me go..."

Liu Sujiao struggled and twisted violently, but the familiar scent coming from Lin Jiangnian enveloped her, melting her like a furnace. Under the attack of such aura, her delicate body soon became soft and she couldn't even lift any strength.

Lin Jiangnian's powerful arms hugged her, holding her firmly in his arms, making it difficult to struggle away.

He, when did he become so strong? !

At this moment, Liu Su was in a state of confusion, breathing rapidly, and her mind was completely blank, occupied by inexplicable emotions.

Although she had already had skin-to-skin contact with Lin Jiangnian, she didn't have much experience with such close contact.

She instinctively struggled in shame and anger, but under Lin Jiangnian's constant offensive, her resistance became weaker and weaker. The originally shy and stubborn eyes gradually softened.

His breathing became faster and faster, his face became redder and redder, and his stiff body gradually softened...

After a long time.


When Lin Jiangnian let go of Liu Su in her arms, her face turned red and she breathed in the fresh air.

She was suffocating.

The luscious red lips seemed to be coated with a layer of gloss, making them particularly bright. Her blushing cheeks were as beautiful as peach blossoms in March.

The beauty is beyond compare!

"Let, let me go!"

Liu Su's voice still had a bit of stubbornness, but it seemed a bit strange.

Much softer.

She still wanted to struggle, with a bit of gritted teeth on her pretty red face, but she didn't dare to look at Lin Jiangnian.

His whole body was limp and he could hardly muster any strength. He put his hands on Lin Jiangnian's chest and felt weak.

"What, isn't it enough?"

Lin Jiangnian's voice came to his ears.

Liu Su subconsciously raised her head and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

The next second, she vaguely read something from Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

very familiar!

Although she didn't say anything, she understood.

Not good!

Liu Su's delicate body trembled, her beautiful eyes widened: "No..."

She quickly turned her head, trying to get up and escape.

But it was too late.

Lin Jiangnian hugged her back, held her head, and moved closer again, involuntarily blocking the Liu heroine's lustful red mouth again.


Liu Nuxia’s mouth is not harsh either!

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