Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 286 It’s very windy tonight

Humans are all greedy animals.

At first, Lin Jiangnian just wanted to test whether Liu Nvxia's mouth was really that tough.

After trying it out, it was determined that Liu Nuxia’s mouth was very soft.

Very fragrant too.

Ever since, Lin Jiangnian began to wonder whether Liu Nuxia's body was soft again.

The cold wind whistled outside the door, and the room was as warm as spring.

As Lin Jiangnian brutally and domineeringly blocked Liu Nuxia's mouth again, Liu Su finally gave up and gradually sank after struggling to no avail.

Maybe it was expected, or maybe there was skin-to-skin contact between the two.

In comparison, there is not so much resistance.

The two people's breathing gradually became rapid, and their body temperatures gradually increased.

In the warm environment, there seems to be a slightly ambiguous atmosphere gradually heating up.

It's like an impulse that has been suppressed for a long time, with a bit of emotion about meeting again after a long separation, is ignited at this moment.

Lin Jiangnian's big hands surrounding Liu Nuxia began to look dishonest. Slowly move away from Liu Su's slender waist, gently caressing it, and slowly go up along the curve of her delicate body.

However, when he was about to touch the area he had touched before, he was suddenly held down by a hand.

"Let, let, don't..."

Liu Su's voice trembled slightly, and her rapid breathing was accompanied by an unconcealed feeling of shame and anger.

Her pretty face was already flushed, and she was as beautiful as a dragon. Her long eyelashes trembled, and she was too shy to raise her head.

Lin Jiangnian did not continue to attack, but stared down at Liu Su's face, and whispered in her ear: "Then you promise me not to be angry again?"

no answer.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian's hand attacked again without hesitation.

The delicate body in her arms was straightened, and she held Lin Jiangnian's hand tightly with her bare hands, refusing to let him succeed.

But at this moment, Liu Su's body was limp and her mind was already confused. How could she still have some strength to come up?

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Jiangnian's palm gradually came closer, and his already red eyes seemed to be filled with tears from anger.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian stopped again, hugged Liu Su again, and said softly: "Then I'll take it as your promise... don't be angry anymore, okay?"

Still no answer.

Liu Su lowered her head, letting her hair, which had not yet completely dried up, fall into a mess, covering most of her face, and no emotion could be seen.

She didn't move or speak, she just remained silent, her breathing quickened and her plump and round breasts rising and falling.

The breath he exhaled was vaguely hot.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

No answer is another form of acquiescence.

There was a brief silence in the room, and neither of them spoke again. It wasn't until a long time later that her rapid breathing gradually calmed down, and Liu Su seemed to calm down.

She slowly raised her head, revealing her beautiful face under her messy hair. His eyes were slightly red, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian with somewhat watery eyes, gritting his teeth bitterly: "Is it fun to bully me?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian's heart trembled, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed: "How could it be? How could I be willing to bully you?"

"You have it."

"Okay, okay, I did. It's all my fault. I admit my mistake...I will never do it again in the future, okay?"

Liu Su bit her lower lip, stared at him for a few times, and then looked away.

"let me go."

This time, Lin Jiangnian did not persist and let go.

Liu Su struggled to get up from his arms. Just as she struggled to stand up, her legs weakened and she almost fell down. Lin Jiangnian quickly supported her.

After she stood firm, she turned around and glared at Lin Jiangnian with shame and anger. Take a deep breath to calm down your mood, calm down your emotions, tidy up your messy clothes, slowly walk to the table next to you, and sit down.

Lin Jiangnian also stood up, walked to the table and sat down next to Liu Su, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked softly: "Where have you been in the past six months? Why are you in the capital again?"

Liu Su lowered her eyes and remained silent, saying nothing.

"Return to the Tianshen Sect's main altar?"

"Have you met your leader?"

"Are you leaving this time?"

Liu Su seemed to have a reaction, turned her head and looked up, staring at Lin Jiangnian for a while.

"You want me to go?"

She looked away again.

"Of course not."

Lin Jiangnian said: "I hope you can stay with me."

"Stay by your side and be the canary you feed?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I won't restrict your personal freedom. It's up to you whether you want to leave or stay. I just hope that you won't be like this time, leaving for more than half a year without any news."

Liu Su was silent for a long time: "She won't want me to stay."


"Who else do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "Zhiyuan is not that kind of person."

Liu Su suddenly stared at him and said coldly: "I'm talking about the eldest princess."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"Zhiyuan's status in your mind is indeed extraordinary. You, the majestic Crown Prince, actually want to look at the expression of a maid like her?"

"...Is she really just a maid?"

Lin Jiangnian was speechless, but he didn't expect Liu Su to trick her. He sighed softly and shook his head: "I will not marry the eldest princess."

Hearing this, Liu Su's smile narrowed slightly and she stared at him: "What did you say?"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual: "I will not marry her."


"I have never met her, why should I marry her?"

"Do you want to resist the decree?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Why can't she resist the decree?"


Liu Su seemed to realize something: "She doesn't want to marry you?"

"How could you be willing?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "One is a direct disciple of swordsmanship, the best in the world in swordsmanship, and a royal goddess who is famous all over the capital. The other is a notorious dandy prince from a wild land. Who would he be willing to marry?"

"So these days, there is news from the Jiang Mansion that you are going to marry the eldest princess?"

“To advance is to retreat.”

Lin Jiangnian's explanation was concise and concise, but Liu Su quickly understood.

"You want to use this to force her to sit still and take the initiative to mention to the emperor that she will break off the engagement?"

"That's it. It depends on whether she is willing to take the bait."

Liu Su stared at him: "What if she doesn't want to?"

"Then I'll run."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Now the court is in chaos, the prince is seriously ill, and there are old eunuchs intervening in politics... Even the emperor who has been in seclusion for so long still doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. They have too much time to take care of themselves. How can they have the time to care about me? marriage?"

"Even if I regret my marriage and return to Linzhou, what can they do to me?"


Liu Su raised her eyes to look at him and said silently: "If you escape back to Linzhou, your situation will become extremely passive."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Are you concerned about me?"

Liu Su suddenly turned her head, expressionless: "Your life and death has nothing to do with me."

Lin Jiangnian smiled, stood up and sat next to Liu Su. She turned around suddenly and stared at him warily.

"Repenting of the marriage and fleeing back to Linzhou is naturally a foolish move, but if the time is right, it doesn't mean it's totally impossible."

Lin Jiangnian paused and said with a smile: "You should already know about the conflicts between me and the third prince, right?"

Liu Su said nothing.

There was an uproar in Beijing, and she had naturally heard about it.

"The third prince hates me very much now, but he can't do anything to me now. But once he has the opportunity to get his hands on the imperial chair in the capital, it will be completely different..."

"There is a current prince, he..."

Liu Su was about to say that there was a prince in the current dynasty, but suddenly he realized something.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell seriously ill. Is there any connection between this?

"you mean……"

Lin Jiangnian smiled at Liu Su: "The prince is seriously ill, and the third prince's opportunity has come. Isn't it just for this day that he has kept a low profile for so long?"

"The only opportunity in this life is right in front of him. It's impossible for him not to be tempted. Once he really takes action, there will definitely be chaos in the capital. By then, naturally no one will care about the marriage of my little Prince Lin."

Liu Su thought for a moment: "What if the third prince succeeds?"

"Will he let you go?"

"There's no way he's going to make it."

Liu Su understood instantly and her beautiful eyes narrowed: "Are you planning to intervene?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled at Liu Su: "As a prince, the third prince is restless and intends to murder His Highness the Crown Prince and gain access to the throne... As the prince of the dynasty, shouldn't I have the responsibility to prevent him from plotting rebellion?"

"Have you already planned this?"

"It just happened."

Liu Su fell silent and didn't speak again. Her face was slightly condensed, as if she was thinking about something.

When she came back to her senses, she noticed something and lowered her eyes.


Liu Su gritted his teeth.

Her hand hidden under her sleeve fell into Lin Jiangnian's hand at some point and was being held tightly by him.

Lin Jiangnian didn't let go, and tightened his grip. He raised his eyes to meet hers: "I need your help."

"No help." Liu Su glared at him.

"I haven't said what it is yet."

"No help."

"...Didn't you agree not to be angry?"

Liu Su turned his head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sat closer to her, very close to her.

Liu Su subconsciously stood up: "I'm leaving!"

Just as he was about to leave, Lin Jiangnian pulled him back and held him in his arms.


Another useless struggle.

Finally, Liu Su gave up.

She gritted her silver teeth and stared at Lin Jiangnian: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to hug you."

"Take your kite with you."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her for a moment and suddenly realized: "Are you jealous?"

"Oh, why should I be jealous of her?"

Tsk tsk, jealousy is almost overflowing.

Still talking hard.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help laughing, "What do you care about with her?"

"I don't care."

"You really don't care?"


Liu Su spoke, but she noticed Lin Jiangnian's eyes falling on her with evil intentions.

She immediately became alert and leaned back: "You, what are you doing?"

Just as Lin Jiangnian was about to speak, Liu Su, who was sitting in his arms, suddenly turned her head to look out the door, and her aura disappeared instantly.


Lin Jiangnian noticed her reaction and turned to look outside the door. Soon, he noticed movement outside the door.


There was a slight movement, as if someone appeared in the courtyard.

It's so late, why is there anyone here?

Is it Xiaozhu?

Or another maid?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Liu Su in his arms, only to see her face solemn, staring at the door for a moment, and then suddenly staring at him. He didn't say anything and stared at Lin Jiangnian, who was a little hairy.


Lin Jiangnian looked outside the door and asked.

no respond.

Outside the door, there was only the howling cold wind.

"I gonna go see."

Lin Jiangnian was about to put down Liu Su in his arms and go to open the door to check. Just as he made a move, Liu Su stopped him.

Lin Jiangnian was confused, but saw Liu Su staring at him with a straight face and making a silent mouth gesture.

"Don't go!"

Although he didn't make a sound, he seemed very decisive.

Not allowed to go?

Lin Jiangnian glanced outside the door, and the next second, his back felt cold.

Could it be that the person outside the door is...

As soon as the thought emerged, the atmosphere in the courtyard quietly disappeared, as if it had never existed before.


Lin Jiangnian was stunned. Is it an illusion?

Or...paper kite?

But Zhiyuan, why did she suddenly come to him at this time?

"left already."

A cold voice came: "Want to find her?"

Liu Suzheng stared at him coldly.

Young Lin Jiang coughed: "Just now, was it a paper kite?"

"how could I know."

Liu Su glanced outside the door: "Can you see for yourself and find out?"

Lin Jiangnian, who came back to his senses, looked at Liu Su's expressionless expression and was happy: "You said you're not jealous?"

"I don't."

Liu Su struggled to get up: "Go find her, I'm leaving."

Lin Jiangnian did not let go, holding her tightly in his arms and shaking his head: "I'm not going anywhere tonight."

Liu Su stared into his eyes and suddenly stopped struggling: "Is this what you said?"

"I said."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I will stay here with you tonight and I won't go anywhere."

The coldness in Liu Su's eyes softened slightly: "Aren't you afraid that she will be angry if you don't go to find her?"

"Wouldn't it make you even more angry if I went to find her?"

"So what if I'm angry? What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course."

Lin Jiangnian looked directly into her eyes and said seriously: "If you are angry, I will feel sorry for you."

At the same time, he added silently in his heart: "When Zhiyuan is angry, I will also feel sad."

Although he didn't know why Zhiyuan suddenly came to look for him, but now, it was indeed not the time to look for Zhiyuan.

I have to let Liu Su go tonight. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see her again next time.

This woman must be dealt with first.

As for Paper Kite...

I can only feel sorry for her for the time being, and then I can comfort Zhiyuan after Liu Su is dealt with.

When Liu Su heard Lin Jiangnian's words, her delicate body trembled slightly, she was silent for a moment, and turned her head: "No need."

The voice was very soft, and seemed to contain the last trace of stubbornness and unyielding.

Lin Jiangnian smiled, said nothing, and suddenly stretched out a hand under Liu Su's legs and picked her up.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Liu Su was shocked.

"It's okay to just sit here. It's getting late, let's go to bed and rest?"

Liu Su immediately widened his eyes.

Go to bed and rest?

What was his idea? !

"I, I don't want... let me go, put me down!"

When Liu Su came back to her senses, Lin Jiangnian had already carried her through the screen, came to the bed in the room, and placed her on the big bed that could sleep five or six people.

Liu Su struggled to sit up, but was pushed down by Lin Jiangnian again. Holding her with one hand, he grabbed the quilt with the other hand and quickly covered the two of them.

Sharing a bed!

Under the quilt, Liu Su's pretty face was red, and the shame and anger she had suppressed for a while resurfaced again. Her whole body was stiff and tight, and she struggled hard.

"You, let me go... let me get up..."

Lin Jiangnian hugged her from behind, leaned into her ear and whispered softly: "Don't move... Don't worry, I'll just hold you for a while... Chat with you, I have nothing else on my mind..."

Liu Su's delicate body trembled, her ears quickly turned red, her pretty face flushed, she remained motionless, and her whole body curled up.

I don't know if it's because I'm nervous or shy, or because of something else.

But under Lin Jiangnian's comfort, Liu Su did not seem to resist anymore.

However, his body was still tensed and tense.

It seems to be even stiffer than the original paper kite.

after awhile.

"Turn around, don't turn your back to me, let me take a good look at you..."


After a while.

"You smell so good, let me smell it. What kind of fragrance did you use?"


"Your mouth seems a little dry? Are you thirsty? Let me help you..."


"One mouthful, a hundred million mouthfuls..."


"Just wear clothes, just for a moment..."


"This dress is uncomfortable. Come on, let me take it off for you..."




It's quiet at night.

The lights in the room went out without knowing when, and it fell into darkness.

On the bed, under Lin Jiangnian's subtle and aggressive offensive, Liu Nuxia retreated step by step and was defeated. The atmosphere was heightened to the extreme.

Liu Su suddenly opened her eyes, her face was rosy, her eyes were watery and curved, it was obvious that she was deeply in love, and she was so beautiful.

But she suddenly stared at Lin Jiangnian, her voice was very soft, slightly trembling, and a bit questioning: "You, you and her..."

"Really do not have?"

"Really do not have."

Liu Su stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, seemingly seeing the answer she wanted, and finally closed her eyes with relief.

Completely gave up resistance.

This night, the cold wind howled all night long.

The sharp cold wind was like a rainbow, constantly beating the trees in the front yard. The cold wind penetrated through the gaps in the leaves of the locust tree and penetrated back and forth mercilessly, rubbing against the delicate green leaves, making a rustling sound.

The tree, which was still green and not yet fully grown, seemed unable to withstand the harsh ravages of the cold wind. It was bent over and struggled to support itself, resisting the cold wind.

After experiencing the cold wind all night long, as dawn approached, the trees in the courtyard finally became overwhelmed and collapsed, completely succumbing to the cold winter wind.

This night.

The courtyard next door.

In the room, Zhiyuan sat at the table, staring at the dying candle on the table, and then looked up at the door.

It was late at night, and there was no movement except the sharp cold wind outside the door.

Zhiyuan was silent.

My heart, which had been hanging, finally slowly let go.

But then, an inexplicable feeling of loss came over me.

At the same time, there is also a bit of uneasiness and doubt.

Some inexplicable anxiety.

She glanced outside the door again, but there was still no movement.

Finally, she slowly stood up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to push the door open and walk out, the movements of his hands stopped again.

I hesitated for a long time.

In the end, she still didn't open the door.

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