Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 287 If you don’t refuse, you agree.

The cold wind blew in the courtyard all night and gradually subsided until dawn.

In the corner of the courtyard, the small tree that had been damaged all night was overwhelmed, the ground was in a mess, and fallen leaves were scattered.

It wasn't until after dawn that the maid who appeared in the courtyard discovered this scene.

"The wind was so strong last night!"

The little maid couldn't help but sigh when she looked at the pitiful and dying little tree in the courtyard that was bent by the cold wind.

This little tree is so pitiful!

After being blown by the strong wind all night last night, I was finally overwhelmed and defeated.

The little maid sighed and looked back at His Highness's room not far away.

The door is closed.

Your Highness, haven't you gotten up yet?

When the little maid was hesitating whether to wait outside His Highness's door, she suddenly heard someone calling her from outside the courtyard next to her. She turned around and saw Xiaozhu standing outside the courtyard, waving to her mysteriously.

"Sister, come here, I have something to ask you!"

At the same time, the room was still as warm as spring.

a mess!

The air is filled with warmth and heat, mixed with the indescribable smell of rest, lingering in the surrounding air.

Behind the screen, not far away from the bed, there were a lot of clothes scattered on the ground, making the scene quite ambiguous.

On the bed, after a long moment of silence, a figure quietly sat up and began to put on clothes.

Pick up the clothes scattered on the ground one by one and put them on one by one.

When I put on all my clothes, I felt like I was suddenly relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the bronze mirror not far away, which vaguely reflected a rosy and beautiful face. Those smart eyes were filled with complex emotions of shame and anger that were indescribable.

After being stunned for a moment, she slowly struggled to stand up. As soon as her bare feet touched the ground, she subconsciously reached out to support the edge of the bed, her beautiful face flushed slightly.

Feeling weak all over!

Right now, she was completely powerless and felt indescribably weak.

And all this is thanks to the guy on the bed.

Liu Su couldn't help but look back with shameful eyes. But on the bed, Lin Jiangnian was lying there quietly, seeming to be sleeping soundly.

Liu Su stared at this familiar and handsome face and was stunned for a while. Seeing that the doggy man on the bed was still motionless, Liu Su gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Are you going to continue to pretend to be asleep?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian, who had been 'motionless' on the bed, opened his eyes leisurely. His eyes were bright and not at all sleepy.

Apparently, he was awake the entire time.

Opening his eyes, he saw Liu Su standing by the bed, staring at him with complex eyes and a cold tone. Then he slowly sat up, coughed lightly, and said with a smile, "Isn't this because I'm afraid that you will see me embarrassed and angry?" .”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Su's face became even angrier, she clenched her teeth and glared at him: "You know I will be angry, but you still... bully me?!"

This bitch man, now he has the nerve to say it?

Afraid of her being angry?

Why weren't you afraid of him last night?

"Then I apologize?"

Lin Jiangnian tentatively said.


Liu Su sneered.

After putting on clothes, Liu Su regained her cool demeanor and completely lost the embarrassment she had when she begged for mercy in the middle of the night last night.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh secretly, women, it's really easy to turn against someone when you put on clothes.

He stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to hug her, but Liu Su had already taken two steps back, her eyes wary: "What are you doing?"

"Can't you even hug me?"


Liu Su's face was slightly red and she refused firmly: "Don't even think about taking advantage of me again."

Have you really fallen out?

He raised his eyes and saw that Liu Su's face was unnatural, and she glared at him with a red face, "Last night, last night...I accidentally fell into your trap. This, this is the last time...if you dare to bully me next time, , I will definitely kill you!"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while: "What if you bully me?"


Liu Su flatly denied it and glared at him fiercely: "I, it's absolutely impossible!"

"It's really impossible?"


"Oh well."


Liu Su blushed and glared at him fiercely before walking aside and fetching the shoes and socks that were hanging by the fire.

The shoes and socks that were soaked last night were completely dry after baking all night.

Liu Su sat on the soft couch next to her, picked up her shoes and socks and bent down to put them on. Put the plain white stockings on the snow-white small feet, wrap them tightly, and then insert them into the light red embroidered shoes.

As Liu Su bent her waist, her plump and round breasts came into close contact with her thighs, full of beauty.

On the bed, Lin Jiangnian quietly admired this scene. Looking from top to bottom, he looked at it with interest. Especially Liu Su's jade legs wrapped in stockings under the hem of her skirt.

Late last night, he had a bold idea.

However, Liu Su resisted desperately and was unwilling to give in, so Lin Jiangnian's bold idea could only be temporarily frustrated.

Take it easy!

Liu Su, who had put on her shoes and socks, seemed to notice the hot gaze, turned her head, and saw Lin Jiangnian staring at him with burning eyes.

The look in his eyes is very wrong!

After being caught red-handed, Lin Jiangnian finally looked back and said, "You want to leave?"

"if not?"

Liu Su's face was expressionless.

"Don't plan to stay?"

Liu Su glanced at him and said coldly: "You said last night that you would not restrict my freedom."

"Yeah, so I'm not asking for your opinion... Do you want to stay?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.


Liu Su subconsciously wanted to refuse coldly.

She didn't know why she was doing this, but every time the words came to her lips, they seemed a little cold and heartless.

Perhaps she was using this cold temperament to maintain her little remaining self-esteem.

But this time, she was silent for a moment.

He stopped looking at Lin Jiangnian and looked away from the window. After a while, his voice suddenly became much softer: "The leader is in the capital."


Leader of the Celestial Cult?

Liu Su said calmly: "If I stay here, it will only bring you trouble, huge trouble!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "I'm not afraid."

He doesn't even take the Third Prince seriously, let alone the leader of a superstitious organization?

Liu Su looked back at Lin Jiangnian, her lips slightly opened, but in the end she said nothing.

She can't stay.

There are many reasons.

And the biggest reason is that if she stays now, it will only bring endless trouble to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian underestimated the Tianshen Sect and the leader.


Liu Su said nothing, lowering her eyes slightly.

Lin Jiangnian saw some hesitation and confusion in Liu Su's expression.

What is she hesitating about?

Is it related to the leader of Tianshen Sect?

Lin Jiangnian was about to ask something else, but Liu Su regained her mood and said calmly: "I'm leaving!"

After saying that, she turned and walked towards the screen.

Just as he walked outside the screen, he heard Lin Jiangnian's voice behind him again.

"Then when will you come back?"

Liu Su paused slightly.

If it had been last night, she would have answered without hesitation: Never again!

But at this moment, this sentence cannot be said no matter what.


Said he would come back?

It's not her character either.

After a moment of silence, she didn't look back.

"have no idea."


Lin Jiangnian didn't speak again, and just watched quietly as Liu Su walked to the door, opened the door and walked out, and disappeared from the door.

He didn't stop her, nor did he force her to stay.

After spending so much time with Liu Su, Lin Jiangnian knew her very well.

She is a very strong and self-respecting person. She is very similar to Zhiyuan, but they are fundamentally different. If Lin Jiangnian insisted on staying, she might indeed stay.

But that was not the result Lin Jiangnian wanted.

He hoped that this Liu Nvxia would be willing to stay one day.

This day won't be long!

And the sentence "I don't know" left by Liu Su before leaving was equivalent to Lin Jiangnian's eyes: I will be back!


When a woman who likes you has a crush on you but doesn't say no, it's already equivalent to a yes!

I lay on the bed with my eyes squinted for a while, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep. Although he had barely slept all night last night, Lin Jiangnian was very clear-headed at the moment.

Since he couldn't sleep, Lin Jiangnian didn't force himself to sleep anymore. He got up, put on his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

In the courtyard, it was quiet.

The maid in the courtyard had also disappeared. Lin Jiangnian glanced at it and called out: "Xiao Zhu?"

Not long after, a tightly wrapped figure trotted in from outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness, are you looking for me?!"

Xiaozhu trotted up to Lin Jiangnian, his rosy face was as round and round as an apple, and his breath was filled with heat, which was extremely cute.

Xiaozhu blinked at Lin Jiangnian, then quietly glanced into Lin Jiangnian's room: "Your Highness, is she, is she gone?"

"how do you know?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

"Of course they know!"

Xiaozhu pouted: "People also know that she stayed in His Highness's room all night last night..."

Before Xiaozhu finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian looked around warily, covered his mouth, took him back to the room, and closed the door.

"Who else knows?"

Lin Jiangnian ‘questioned’.

"No, no more..."

Xiaozhu blushed and defended in a low voice: "Xiaozhu, no, I didn't tell anyone... Just, only Xiaozhu knows..."

"Xiaozhu was afraid that someone would find out, so he called the other sisters away this morning..."

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then he realized why there were no other maids in the courtyard, why were all the maids taken away by Xiaozhu in advance?

Xiaozhu, is this too sensible?

"So that's it. Your Highness has misunderstood you!"

Lin Jiangnian heard this and took Xiaozhu into his arms: "Come, Your Highness, I apologize to you and let Your Highness give me a hug!"

Xiaozhu blushed and did not struggle, letting His Highness hold her in his arms. But soon, she subconsciously sniffed His Highness, and then her pretty face turned red as she realized something.

"Your Highness, smell like that sister."

After all, Xiaozhu was not inexperienced, so he naturally realized what was going on.

The woman in red stayed in His Highness's room last night. What happened last night... is self-evident.

His Highness also said yesterday that he was a friend... How could he be like a friend?

She is clearly the future concubine!


Lin Jiangnian also sniffed his body: "Is it obvious?"


Xiaozhu nodded seriously, "It's very heavy!"

After sniffing again, Xiaozhu blinked his eyes.

Why does the smell of that sister feel familiar?

Where have you smelled it?

Xiaozhu thought for a while and then pushed His Highness: "Your Highness, hurry up and wash up. I asked some sisters to prepare hot water for you...Sister Zhiyuan has already gotten up. If she is discovered by Sister Zhiyuan, , will be angry!”

Xiaozhu's words quickly reminded Lin Jiangnian. I don't know if Zhiyuan would be angry if he found out what happened last night, but he was certain that his previous plan would be ruined.

And last night...

Why did Zhiyuan come to him out of nowhere?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but patted Xiaozhu's buttocks in his arms and said with a smile: "Xiaozhu, you really understand His Highness better and better. Your Highness will reward you well in two days."

Xiaozhu's pretty face turned red immediately, and she quickly pushed His Highness out of the door: "Okay, Your Highness, go and wash up quickly, go quickly!"

Pushing His Highness out of the room, Xiaozhu closed the door again, looking around curiously, sniffing the air with his sensitive little nose, and soon smelled the smell that had not completely dispersed in the room.

Xiaozhu stepped behind the screen and walked to the bed. After a few glances, her face suddenly turned redder.

Looking at the messy scene on the bed, as well as the vaguely soaked sheets that have not yet completely dried.


Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide in surprise.

So intense?

so smart? !

Xiaozhu sneaked forward, looked at and studied it quietly, and came to the conclusion: "The sister in red last night must be very powerful!"

Is that what His Highness said... the special physique?

Blushing, Xiaozhu began to clean up the battlefield.

If these are discovered by other sisters, they will be spread to Sister Zhiyuan accidentally. Sister Zhiyuan likes His Highness. If she finds out that His Highness is sleeping with another woman, she will definitely be angry with His Highness.

Xiaozhu's heart is clear!

Xiaozhu had always felt that the way Sister Zhiyuan looked at her was not right. That cold gaze made Xiaozhu tremble and she was puzzled. Where did she offend Sister Zhiyuan?

It wasn't until that night when Sister Zhiyuan suddenly asked about her that Xiaozhu realized belatedly... Sister Zhiyuan must have liked His Highness.

So, when Sister Zhiyuan looks at her like that, she is actually...jealous?

Then, sister Zhiyuan must not know what happened last night. For the sake of harmony between His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu must work hard!

All the sheets on the bed were changed, rearranged, cleaned and tidied, and the doors and windows of the room were opened to ventilate the room.

After all this was done, Xiaozhu was relieved. He carried the changed sheets and carefully went out. After making sure that no one was around, he sneakily ran to the backyard to boil hot water to wash the sheets.

Help His Highness eliminate all ‘criminal evidence’!

In the cold winter wind, looking at the sheets and quilts that had been dried in the courtyard, Xiaozhu rolled up his sleeves and looked at his masterpiece, his eyebrows arched.

Your Highness will definitely praise her!

the other side.

Lin Jiangnian took a shower and changed clothes under the service of the maid. He washed away the smell on his body and the fatigue from last night's work, and changed into clean clothes again.

Feel refreshed!

Just when he was about to find Zhiyuan, he heard someone outside the courtyard coming to report.

"Your Highness, there is someone outside the door asking to see you."


Lin Jiangnian asked casually. There were many people in Beijing who wanted to see him, but most of them were blocked by the Jiang family.

Anyone who can be notified here probably has a high status.

But Lin Jiangnian didn't have time to pay attention at the moment, he was in a hurry to find Zhiyuan.

"She is a very beautiful girl. She said her name is Jinxiu and she has something important to do with His Highness."

Hearing this name, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped again.


A figure with a sweet smile appeared in Lin Jiangnian's mind, and he quickly realized something.

It seems that the eldest princess can't sit still? !

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