early morning.

To the west of the capital, through several windy alleys, there is an inn hidden in the corner of the alley.

The inn is cold, with a dark and old plaque, and in the empty alley outside the door, the cold wind rustles the horizontal strips under the eaves of the inn.

Maybe it was too early, or maybe the place was too remote and there was no one around. It wasn't until not long after that a beautiful figure appeared in sight, with a thin body, slowly walking along the alley to the door of the inn.

He walked very slowly and seemed to be struggling.

The cold wind blew the scattered black hair into a mess, revealing a beautiful face that was shy and angry under the hair.

Stopping outside the inn, he bit his lower lip, took a deep breath, and then returned to normal and stepped into the inn.

The inn was deserted, with no one else except a waiter who was dozing off.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, the waiter opened his eyes slightly, and when he caught a glimpse of the figure appearing at the door, his eyes narrowed.

Then, he quickly regained his composure and continued to doze off again.

Liu Su turned a blind eye to the waiter and walked straight towards the lobby and backyard. Come to the backyard, walk through the courtyard along the pavilion corridor, and come to the side courtyard behind the inn.

The entire backyard of the inn was deserted and lifeless.

But there was a vague air of chilling all around.

Liu Su walked into the side courtyard, and a surprised voice came.

"Saint, are you back?!"

Not far away, under the eaves, stood a young girl.

It's Ling'er.

She quickly walked into the courtyard and came to Liu Su's side: "Holy girl, where were you yesterday? You didn't come back all night. I'm so worried about what happened to you... Are you okay?"

Ling'er's face was full of worry and fear. Yesterday the saint left and said she had to solve some personal problems. Ling'er didn't know what the personal problem the saint was talking about was, but he thought it wouldn't be difficult to solve the problem with the saint's martial arts.

Unexpectedly, we spent a whole night there!

The saint stayed away all night.

What happened that night? Did the Saint resolve her personal issues?


Liu Su shook his head gently.

Ling'er was relieved to see the saint return safely.

Although she has confidence in the saint's martial arts, there are only a handful of people in the world who can hurt the saint. Even if he is defeated, with the saint's martial arts, it is not difficult to escape.

But even so, she was still worried.

It wasn't until he saw the saint girl back with his own eyes that Ling'er felt relieved. Then, I quickly realized something was wrong.

"Holy girl, the clothes you are wearing..."

Ling'er soon discovered that the clothes on the saint's body... were a little strange?

When the saint went out, didn't she wear a long red dress?

Although the saint does not always wear red, in most cases, the saint always appears in red.

The red dress can make the saint's temperament colder and her aura more powerful. It can intimidate the old guys within the Celestial Sect.

On the other hand, the saint seems to like the color red, as bright as blood. You don’t have to worry about getting ugly every time you kill someone.

Ling'er remembered clearly that the saint was wearing a red dress when she went out last night, and she personally helped the saint choose it.

But today the saint comes back, why is she dressed... a little cute?

Wearing a slightly tight underskirt, the saint's overall aura was a bit inconsistent.

Why did the saint go out and not come back all night, and even changed her clothes?

Do you need to change clothes to solve a personal problem?

Liu Su looked a little unnatural when Ling'er asked him suddenly.

Her clothes were soaked last night, so she changed them and left them at Lin Jiangnian's place. I was in a hurry to leave this morning and didn't take my clothes back.

Of course, it’s unclear whether he forgot it by accident or ‘deliberately’.

"Some accidents happened. It's a long story..."

Liu Su shook her head and didn't explain much. She glanced at Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, go and prepare hot water for me. I need to take a shower and change clothes."


Although Ling'er wanted to ask something else, after hearing the saint's words, she turned around and went to prepare hot water.

After a while, Ling'er had the hot water ready.

"Saint, the hot water is ready, you can take a bath."

In a steaming room.

"Ling'er, please go out first."


Ling'er exited the room, closed the door, and stood guard at the door.

inside the room.

Liu Su stood by the bathtub, feeling uncomfortable all over.

The clothes on my body are uncomfortable.

Too tight!

She was not used to the stranglehold, especially the position on her chest, which made her feel a little flustered.

Stifling and out of breath.

Of course, there are other reasons besides this.

After working hard for most of the night last night, I was already sweating profusely, soaked to the skin, and sticky. I was in a hurry to leave this morning and didn't even have time to wash myself. I hurriedly put on my clothes and ran away.

Now it dries and sticks to my body, which is very uncomfortable.

Liu Su untied her underskirt and took off her bellyband. As the string belt fell down, the place that had been tightly wrapped was instantly released.

Be free again.

The dull aura disappeared instantly.

The feeling of freedom!

After taking off all the other clothes, Liu Su stepped into the bath. The moment you soak your body in the fragrant hot water covered with flower petals, it feels like all your fatigue is dissipating.

Liu Su closed her eyes comfortably and immersed herself in it.

The feeling of being wrapped in steaming hot water reminded her of Lin Jiangnian's familiar and warm embrace last night.

At a certain moment, Liu Su's pretty face, which had just calmed down, turned a little red. She slowly opened her eyes, sat in the bathtub, hugged her legs with her hands, and looked at the water with a slightly absent gaze.

The scenes that happened last night were recalled in her mind like a sightseeing tour. Liu Su's pretty face was slightly red, and her body, which had not yet fully recovered, felt an inexplicable numbness in her heart.

She bit her lower lip lightly, remembering Lin Jiangnian's question... Do you want to go back?

Perhaps, what he asked was more than simply going back.

And her answer?

have no idea?

Do you really not know, or...

But if she really didn't know, why did she leave the clothes there?

Are you subconsciously leaving a way out?

more importantly……

Why didn't she resist last night?

She could have resisted.

Her martial arts skills were far superior to Lin Jiangnian's. If she really didn't want to, Lin Jiangnian would never have the chance to succeed.


Why do you do that?

Liu Su's eyes became more and more confused!

She doesn't know either!

Are you really obsessed with that guy, or are you... unwilling to give in?

She was about to leave last night, why did she change her mind when she noticed Zhiyuan appearing outside the door?

Yes, not willing to give in?



Liu Su was stunned and silent for a long time.

Jiang Mansion.

The inner court.

After taking a shower, Lin Jiangnian changed into clean clothes and walked outside the door of Zhiyuan's room.

"Paper Kite?"

Lin Jiangnian knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Pushing the door gently, the door opened.

However, with the lessons learned from the previous times, Lin Jiangnian was very cautious this time and did not break in without permission...even if it was broad daylight.

I stood at the door and glanced around the room, but there was no one there.

Where are people?

"Your Highness, Miss Zhiyuan has gone to see Miss Jiang!"

The maid in the courtyard opened her mouth to explain.

Lin Jiangnian nodded and went to his aunt again. As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he saw two figures in the courtyard.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a light green dress, and her aunt, who was wrapped in a thick green gown, were talking there.

The height of the two is almost the same, and their body shapes are almost the same. Although the aunt is seven or eight years older than Zhiyuan, time has not left any trace on her face. She still looks like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Standing next to Zhiyuan, the two of them seemed like sisters.

Lin Jiangnian's arrival quickly attracted the attention of the two people. Zhiyuan tilted her head first, glanced at it, and then looked away.

A very calm look.

When the aunt saw Lin Jiangnian, she didn't know what she was thinking of, and subconsciously glared at him.

It seems that he is angry about something.

"Auntie, Zhiyuan."

Lin Jiangnian slowly approached and spoke with a smile.

Zhiyuan didn't speak or pay attention to him.

Jiang Yuxiang sneered: "You bullied Zhiyuan again, right?"

"Bullying Zhiyuan?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled and subconsciously looked at Zhiyuan, "No?"

When did he bully Zhiyuan?

last night?

…Didn’t this happen suddenly last night and there was no time?

"Still quibbling?"

When Jiang Yuxiang saw that Lin Jiangnian refused to admit it, Jiang Yuxiang stepped forward angrily and reached out to pinch Lin Jiangnian's ears: "Zhiyuan came to me early in the morning, looking unhappy...Zhiyuan is such a well-behaved child, except for you who bullied her. , who else dares?...You still hide?!"

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously took a step back and avoided his aunt's attack.


Zhiyuan is not happy?

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan, but could only see Zhiyuan's cold side face.


You do look a little unhappy?

But why is she unhappy?

Could it be...last night?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt guilty and almost broke into a cold sweat.

Seeing that his aunt was still glaring at him angrily, Lin Jiangnian said quickly: "Auntie, you misunderstood, I really didn't bully Zhi Yuan... Can you calm down first and let me have a good chat with Zhi Yuan?"

Jiang Yuxiang was very angry.

She knew that Zhiyuan was very tolerant of this brat and was easily wronged. I warned this brat not to bully Zhi Yuan.

As a result, early this morning, Zhiyuan suddenly ran over to find her.

Although he didn't say anything, why didn't Jiang Yuxiang not understand Zhiyuan? It was obvious from her expression and reaction that something was wrong. I immediately realized that it was definitely related to Lin Jiangnian.

Who else could make Zhiyuan unhappy besides this brat?

You are right to teach him a lesson!

Seeing Lin Jiangnian still quibbling, Jiang Yuxiang was very angry. However, she calmed down, and it was useless to lecture this brat at this time.

"Hmph, I don't care how you bully Zhiyuan... If Zhiyuan is still wronged, you see how I will deal with you."

Jiang Yuxiang warned him 'viciously', walked up to Zhiyuan and said something in his ear, and then turned around and left the yard.

The young couple's affairs must be resolved by themselves.

After his aunt left, Lin Jiangnian walked to Zhiyuan, gently held her hand, and said with a chuckle: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak or look at him, with a cold face.

"Did I make you unhappy again?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her side face and chuckled: "Come here to complain to my aunt this early in the morning?"

Zhiyuan turned her head and gave him a cold look: "I didn't."

The tone is cold.

"Of course I know you haven't. Zhiyuan is not someone who likes to complain."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and reached out to pinch Zhiyuan's face. Zhiyuan subconsciously stepped back and tried to withdraw his hand.

"Then tell me, why did I make you unhappy?"

Lin Jiangnian did not let go, but squeezed tighter. He took a step forward and approached Zhiyuan, gently hugging her waist: "If you tell me, will your Highness apologize immediately?"

Zhiyuan had a small face, cold eyes, and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian stared at it for a moment, then whispered tentatively: "Zhiyuan, did you go to see His Highness last night?"

A trace of uneasiness seemed to flash in Zhiyuan's eyes, but she remained silent.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to realize something. He lowered his head to look at Zhiyuan's delicate and beautiful side face, blinked, and suddenly leaned into Zhiyuan's ear: "Little Zhiyuan is angry. His Highness didn't go to you last night... to bully you?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan's fair and delicate side face instantly turned red to the naked eye. Her eyes were panicked and her voice was urgent: "I, I didn't!"

"Really not?"


Zhiyuan bit her lip, blushed and said nothing, struggling.

Lin Jiangnian hugged her tighter, lowered his head slightly, rested his chin on Zhiyuan's thin shoulder, and breathed softly into her ear: "Then, can His Highness go find you tonight?"

"not good."

"Remember to leave the door open for me tonight?"


Zhiyuan looked embarrassed and struggled desperately.


The tone seemed a little angry.

Lin Jiangnian naturally did not let go. After disturbing Zhiyuan's mind, he suddenly said: "By the way, the servants came to report just now. The eldest princess sent someone!"

Zhiyuan was still struggling, but suddenly stopped.

"She sent someone to look for me. I'm afraid she can't sit still."

Lin Jiang young smiled and spoke.

These days, Jiang Mansion has been building momentum for a long time, creating signs from top to bottom that it will go to Beijing to meet His Majesty at any time to propose marriage.

Under such circumstances, the eldest princess naturally couldn't sit still.

She doesn't dare to gamble!

If Lin Jiangnian is serious, she will really have no way out.

In this round of confrontation, Lin Jiangnian won!

The bet was won!

"Tell me, should I go see her?"

Zhiyuan looked away and said coldly: "You can go if you want!"

The tone was slightly cold.

"Of course I want to ask your opinion!"

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan from behind and chuckled: "If you let me go, I will go. If you don't let me go, I won't go!"

Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "Why don't you speak?"

"I won't let you go, are you serious about not going?"

Zhiyuan suddenly looked back and stared at him.

"Absolutely not going."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and spoke seriously.

The kite was silent.

"Then I will ask my servants to drive away the people she sent."

As Lin Jiangnian spoke, he turned and looked outside the courtyard: "Here comes..."

Just when he was about to shout, he was suddenly grabbed by the paper kite in his arms.

"Go ahead."


Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and looked at Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan's expression remained as usual, her cold eyes calm: "You should go see her."

"Aren't you angry?"

Zhiyuan said calmly: "Why are you looking for her?"

"Of course, retreat..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stopped.

"Since the engagement is broken off, why should I be angry?" Zhiyuan turned slightly sideways and spoke calmly.

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then he suddenly realized it and smiled: "It makes sense!"

As he said that, he stared at Zhiyuan's pink and jade face without makeup, and suddenly leaned forward to take a sip.

Trembling and towering.

Very flexible.

"Then I'll go meet her. Zhiyuan, please wait for my good news!"

Being kissed unexpectedly, Zhiyuan's pretty face turned red and her mind was confused. When he came to his senses, Lin Jiangnian was no longer in the courtyard.

She stared blankly in the direction outside the hospital, subconsciously reaching out and touching her face. I don't know what I was thinking of, but my face turned red and my eyes were a little dazed.

The tightness that had accumulated in my chest last night seemed to disappear completely in an instant.

...(End of chapter)

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