Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 293 Want to see brother-in-law

Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a long white dress, slowly approached. Her cold temperament made her whole person become more ethereal and cold.

She looked at Li Cunning standing outside the corridor, and then glanced at the maid and servant behind him.

"Why don't you go back to your room?"

The voice was cold, but there was a hint of unquestionable indifference in the question.

The maids and servants under the surrounding eaves felt a vague sense of a cold breath coming towards their faces, especially the indifferent tone of the eldest princess. Their hearts trembled violently, and their expressions became more flustered and respectful.

"Come out and get some air, I'm getting ready to go back to the room."

Li Cunning chuckled lightly and waved his hand: "Pianmiao, why are you here? It just so happens that I haven't seen you for a few days. Why don't you come in and chat with me?"

After that, Li Cunning returned to the room.

Li Miaomiao remained silent and followed closely.

The room with floor heating blocks the cold wind outside the door. Li Cunning walked to the side by the window and sat cross-legged on the futon.

There is a small charcoal grill in front of him, and a pot of hot water is boiling on the stove. The maid on the side brought hot water and made two cups of tea. The aroma of tea overflows and heat fills the room.

"Piaomiao, come over and have a cup of hot tea?"

Li Miaomiao approached coldly and sat down cross-legged on the futon opposite.

Then, he glanced at the tea on the table, then at him, and said in a cold voice, "How are you feeling?"

"I can't die for the time being."

Li Cunning's face was pale and slightly weak, but the smile on his face was always gentle.

When the eldest princess heard this, she lowered her eyes slightly and said nothing.

"Don't worry too much!"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at his biological sister in front of him and shook his head gently: "Isn't it okay now?"

"It's nothing serious!"

The eldest princess raised her eyes and stared at him. After staring for a long time, she said: "I will find a way."

"Thanks a lot."

Li Cunning sighed softly: "Since Gu fell ill, there has been no peace in this court. If you hadn't secretly helped Miao Miao, I don't know what kind of chaos it would have been."

The eldest princess was silent.

Li Cining seemed to remember something and sighed: "My father was keen on the way to immortality, so he closed himself up and ignored the government affairs, and ordered Gu to supervise the country. Now that the court is full of smoke, Gu has betrayed his father's trust."

The eldest princess said: "This is not your fault."

"As a prince alone, how can this not be Gu's fault?"

Li Cunning smiled, and the smile on his face gradually faded, his eyes gradually flashed with a sharp edge, and he said in a deep voice: "My father ordered Gu to supervise the country, but he doted on Chen Zhao, leaving Gu Zai in the court. What a big opponent.”

"Chen Zhao is favored by his father. He holds the Mi Tiansi and forms cliques in the court. He is so powerful that even Gu has to avoid his edge..."

At this point, Li Cunning paused, sighed deeply, and raised his eyes to look at Li Mianmiao: "Mianmiao, tell me, my father is trying to train Gu's ability..."

"Or do you mean you don't trust Gu?"

The eldest princess was silent for a long time, but stopped talking.

"If the father left Chen Zhao in order to train him, why did he let Chen Zhao grow up so much? This Chen Zhao has long been lawless in the court, confusing right and wrong, killing loyal people, and even the Minister of War and his family have not escaped his clutches..."

Li Cunning's eyes were slightly cold, then he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Or is my father worried that I will follow the example of the previous dynasty and do something treacherous?!"

There was silence in the warm room.

The eldest princess still didn't speak.

Li Cunning smiled bitterly and said with emotion: "Although Gu is the prince, my father doesn't seem to like Gu very much?"

The eldest princess glanced at him and said, "You are the eldest son, the first child of the father and mother. How could the father not like you?"

"But my father seems to favor my third brother more."

Li Cunning smiled bitterly: "My father has preferred his third brother since he was a child. Although he has not shown it, Gu can notice it... Father only made Gu the crown prince because of his status as the eldest son."

"As taught by our ancestors, the prince must leave the capital and go to the fief after he reaches adulthood. The third brother can still stay in the capital after he reaches adulthood. This is the tacit consent of the father..."

"The third brother is very ambitious and has been coveting the position of Gu for a long time."

Li Cunning sighed deeply: "You and I are brothers and sisters, but who would have expected that we would end up breaking up!"

The eldest princess was silent: "That is his own choice."

"Gu Huan and his third brother finally reached that point..."

Having said this, Li Cunning coughed twice more violently, covered his chest, took a few deep breaths, and his face seemed paler.

"If my third brother can really become a virtuous and benevolent emperor in the future, then..."

"He can't do it!"

Before Li Cunning finished speaking, Li Miaomiao interrupted him and said coldly: "He is narrow-minded, ruthless, and unscrupulous in doing things. If he becomes the emperor, the world will be in chaos."

Li Cunning was silent. How could he not know the temperament of his third disciple?

If he becomes emperor, with his temperament, how can he shock the two kings with different surnames in the north and south?

The eldest princess's cold eyes fell on Li Cunning: "You fell ill for no reason this time. Do you really have nothing to do with him?"

At the mention of this, Li Cunning fell completely silent, and on that pale and handsome face, there appeared some emotions that seemed unwilling to think deeply.

"You are just too soft-hearted!"

The eldest princess stared at him coldly: "If you are too soft-hearted, you will be hurt sooner or later!"

"A soft-hearted emperor cannot control the court or the world."

Li Cunning was silent for a long time: "He is Gu's biological brother after all."

"In an imperial family, there is no family affection." The eldest princess said coldly.

Li Cunning shook his head lightly: "If the third brother can really pacify those two kings with different surnames, so that our Daning Dynasty's territory will be intact, the country will be peaceful and the people will be peaceful... Even if his temper is indeed a bit ruthless, it won't be a bad idea."

Speaking of this, Li Cunning paused and smiled at the eldest princess: "Isn't an emperor with more ruthless methods better than Gu?"

The eldest princess always had an expressionless face: "If he ascends the throne, the world will be in chaos!"

Li Cunning raised his head: "Why is Piaomiao so sure?"

The eldest princess glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "He has a feud with Lin Jiangnian that will never end!"

"Lin Jiangnian?"

Hearing this name, Li Cunning's eyes narrowed slightly: "Prince Lin?"

Then, he suddenly realized: "Are you talking about what happened in Beijing a few days ago?"

"more than!"

The eldest princess said: "When Lin Jiangnian came to Beijing, he almost died in his hands."

"With his character, he will never give up!"

"The day Li Yuan ascends the throne will definitely be the day when the Daning Dynasty splits!"

The eldest princess's decisive voice came.

Li Cunning was silent for a long time.

Of course he understands this.

If the emperor of the dynasty and the vassal king have an eternal hatred, it is self-evident what this means.

Lin Jiangnian was the only son of Prince Lin Hengzhong, and he must be the candidate to succeed the vassal king in the future.


"What's the current situation in Linzhou?"


The eldest princess said calmly: "Lin Hengzhong didn't take any action when Prince Lin entered the capital... But Linzhou is the territory of his Lin family, and no one can guarantee it behind the scenes."

These words were obviously a reminder to His Highness the Crown Prince.

After a long silence, Li Cunning seemed to have thought of something: "Pianmiao, if I remember correctly, Prince Lin is engaged to you, right?"

"He is coming to Beijing this time to propose marriage to his father and marry you?"

The eldest princess looked calm: "I will not marry him."

"This is a marriage granted by my father."

"so what?!"


Li Cunning was startled when he heard this, and then sighed.

He understands his sister's character. If she says she won't marry, then she really has no intention of getting married.

"Then what are you going to do?"

The eldest princess glanced at him and was silent for a while: "Let's wait until you get better."

Li Cunning smiled bitterly: "I don't know if this body can really heal..."

At this point, he paused and suddenly became curious: "Speaking of which, have you seen him?"

The eldest princess was noncommittal.

"I haven't met this future brother-in-law yet!"

A smile appeared on Li Cunning's face: "I don't know what he looks like. Is he worthy of you?"

The eldest princess looked away and said nothing.

"If there is a chance, I would like to meet him."

Li Cunning chuckled: "Look at Gu's future brother-in-law, look at this future Prince Lin..."

The eldest princess turned around, stared at Li Cunning for a long time, and nodded.



The carriage slowly stopped in the alley outside Jiang Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian pushed open the curtain and jumped out of the carriage. The cold wind was blowing in the alley. Lin Jiangnian was about to return home when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the other side of the alley.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

Lin Jiangnian looked sideways slightly, and there was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man in his sight, who was walking forward respectfully, bowing his head.

"Who are you?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at this person.

"The younger one is a servant of Gao Da's family, the Minister of Civil Affairs. I was ordered by my master to come here to deliver an invitation to His Royal Highness Prince Lin."

The middle-aged man was hunched over, with a respectful expression, and he respectfully handed over an invitation.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the invitation in his hand, but did not take it: "Secretary of the Ministry of Personnel, Gao Boyan?"

The middle-aged man said: "Exactly."

"Your master invites my son?"

Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised and looked at him strangely: "Are you sure?"

The middle-aged man said: "My third young master was young and ignorant, and was deceived by an adulterer, which almost caused His Highness the Crown Prince to be wronged. Now that the truth has been revealed, the Third Young Master brought it upon himself. My master regrets this very much, and expresses his gratitude to His Royal Highness Prince Lin. I am very ashamed. Therefore, I specially ordered my son to come here and invited His Highness to have a gathering in three days. My master wants to express his apology in person to His Royal Highness. I also ask Your Highness, Your Highness, not to remember the villain's fault and to give my master an apology and apology. Opportunity……"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing, his eyes fixed on this person for a long time.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian suddenly laughed. He took the invitation from the middle-aged man and said with a faint smile: "Since it is a banquet hosted by Mr. Gao, I should give you this honor!"

"Go back and tell your master that my son will definitely arrive in three days!"

The middle-aged man's expression became more and more respectful: "The young man and the master will go back and wait for His Royal Highness to arrive."

After that, the middle-aged man stepped back, left the alley, and quickly disappeared.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, staring at the invitation in his hand, his eyes meaningful.

"Your Highness, are you really going to the banquet?"

Lin Qingqing's voice came from beside her, with a bit of vigilance: "Gao Boyan just died of his son, and he suddenly came to entertain His Highness. There is something wrong..."

Lin Qingqing's face was serious: "Gao Wenyang's death is inseparable from His Highness. His move seems to be giving you a banquet."

"Hongmen Banquet?"

Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly: "Does Gao Boyan have the courage?"

Lin Qingqing said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, you must be on guard... This Gao Boyan is so ruthless that he even killed his own son. He is simply worse than a beast."

"I think he probably wants to curry favor with me!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the invitation in his hand and chuckled.


Lin Qingqing was startled and looked a little suspicious.

"Gao Boyan used Gao Wenyang's death to vote for the third prince. Not only did he preserve the foundation of his Gao family, but he should also have received great benefits from the third prince."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes, "But in this way, it is equivalent to completely tying the Gao family to the third prince's camp. If the third prince successfully competes for the throne in the future and ascends the throne as emperor, the Gao family will naturally flourish. But if the third prince If he fails, his Gao family will be in catastrophe."

"In this case, Gao Boyan has to find a way out for himself."

Lin Qingqing thought about it carefully, and then suddenly realized something: "So, Gao Boyan sent someone to deliver the invitation to Your Highness today, is he secretly looking for a way out?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent: "The third prince and I are like fire and water. If the third prince fails, the only one who can save them is this prince!"


Lin Qingqing said in confusion: "Now that the Gao family has taken refuge with the third prince, if the third prince fails to compete for the throne in the future, how can the Gao family stay out of the matter?"

"Who knows?"

Lin Jiangnian looked relaxed, half-smiling but not smiling: "Who knows if the Gao family is bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden?"

"After all, Gao Wenyang's death is inseparable from the third prince..."

Lin Qingqing looked stunned, as if she understood something.

Lin Jiangnian stared down at the invitation in his hand and suddenly chuckled: "Tell me, what will happen if I send this invitation to the third prince now?"

"The third prince will definitely be furious and attack the Gao family in anger!"

Lin Qingqing raised her eyes: "Your Highness, do you want to attack the Gao family?"


Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "I want to see dogs bite dogs!"

"Dog eat dog?"

When Lin Qingqing was still confused, her eyes suddenly froze again, and she turned to look not far away from the alley.

In his sight, there was a black shadow, standing quietly under the wall of the alley.


Lin Qingqing shouted in a low voice, her eyes alert.

"Qingqing, please go back first."

Lin Jiang threw the invitation in his hand to Qingqing, turned around and walked out of the alley.

Lin Qingqing stood there with suspicious eyes.

His expression remained alert and motionless.

Lin Jiangnian walked towards the figure under the wall.

"Chief Chen, is something wrong?"

Under the wall, Chen Changqing's face turned slightly gloomy, and he seemed a little unhappy. He said in a deep voice: "Gao Wenyang committed suicide in the Mi Tiansi dungeon."

"I know." Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"His death is inseparable from Chen Feiyang."

Chen Changqing's eyes were cold.

"so what?"

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised and looked at him: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Changqing raised his head and glanced at Lin Jiangnian, then lowered his head.

"Chen Feiyang is in charge of Mitiansi and has affairs with many powerful officials in the capital... I suspect that he must have connections with the third prince behind his back."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him and suddenly said: "Chen Feiyang is the minion of Eunuch Chen in the palace?"

Chen Changqing's eyes were cold: "Yes."

"Why can he become Chen Zhao's minion?"

Chen Changqing hesitated slightly: "I don't know."

"If he can do it, why can't you?"

Chen Changqing was startled and looked up at Lin Jiangnian. Seeing Lin Jiangnian's eyes were indifferent, he chuckled.

"Tell me, if he dies, will your position of power within Mitiansi be further enhanced?"

Realizing something, Chen Changqing's expression changed slightly, and then he shook his head: "Mitiansi has four great protectors. Even if one Chen Feiyang dies, there will still be three others..."

"What if the other three are dead too?"

Before Chen Changqing could finish speaking, Lin Jiangnian interrupted him.

Chen Changqing was stunned.

All, all dead?

Those were the four great protectors of Mitiansi, the subordinates of Eunuch Chen in the palace, they were so powerful, how could they all die...

But when he thought of Lin Jiangnian's identity in front of him, Chen Changqing felt as if something in his heart jumped suddenly.

In Mitiansi, only the four protectors stood in front of him.

If all four of them die...

"you you……"

Chen Changqing's voice was a little hoarse: "Are you planning to kill them?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer his question, but just smiled softly: "The opportunity is right in front of you. Whether you can seize it or not depends on your own ability!"

Chen Changqing was silent. After a while, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"I will."


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