Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 294 Who says I don’t mind

It's getting dark.

In the small courtyard of Jiang Mansion, Zhiyuan sat under the eaves by the window. A strand of hair was blown away by the cold wind, sliding across her cold face. Her eyes inadvertently fell on the willow tree in the courtyard that was bent by the wind.

The cold wind last night was strong for most of the night, and the trees in the courtyard suffered a lot of damage and were in a mess. After the servants in the house cleaned up during the day, although most of them had recovered, the trees in the courtyard still seemed to be dead and listless.

Lin Qingqing was dressed in a green outfit, looking neat and tidy, with a bit of strange color in her brows. She was standing aside, lowering her head and saying something.

"When His Highness came back just now, he met Chen Changqing, the leader of Mitiansi, outside the door. I don't know whether this person is an enemy or a friend, but His Highness seems to value this person very much..."

"Chen Changqing?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes slightly, thinking about something.

"Have you checked this person?"

"His Royal Highness ordered his subordinates to investigate and found that this person is indeed a bit unusual..."

Lin Qingqing slowly told Chen Changqing's origin and identity.

After Zhiyuan listened, he was silent for a moment and nodded lightly: "I understand."

Lin Qingqing nodded and was about to leave when she thought of something again and hesitated: "Then, where is His Highness..."

She looked a little worried: "Your Majesty once told Prince Lin that the Palace will never interfere with the affairs of the imperial court in Beijing. Now that His Highness plans to interfere with the three princes' fight for the throne, will this put His Highness in a passive dilemma, which will be detrimental to His Highness and Prince Lin's Palace? ?”

Zhiyuan glanced at her: "Have you asked His Highness?"

"My subordinate raised objections, but His Highness didn't take it to heart. I am worried..."

Zhiyuan interrupted him lightly: "Since His Highness has decided, let him go."

Having said this, Zhiyuan paused again and said: "He is Prince Lin, and he is also your master. In the future, there is no need to report these matters to me. As for His Highness's choice and decision, you can just follow it."

When Lin Qingqing heard this, she raised her eyes and seemed to realize something, and was shocked: "Sister Zhiyuan, you, are you..."


Zhiyuan looked at her.

Lin Qingqing looked a little nervous, "Sister Zhiyuan, are you leaving again?"

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were complicated, and she was a little worried: "What you said is exactly the same as when you were planning to leave at Prince Lin's Mansion last time..."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and said: "You are the prince's personal army, an elite team carefully selected by the prince and prepared for His Highness. Now that His Highness has the ability to take charge of his own affairs, it is naturally time to hand you over to His Highness."

"What about you, Sister Zhiyuan?"

Lin Qingqing asked nervously. She was worried that Sister Zhiyuan would decide to leave like last time.

Although His Highness does have the ability to stand alone now, His Highness is too young. This capital is no better than Linzhou. The capital is extremely dangerous and the consequences of making a wrong step are disastrous. Since His Highness alone may not be able to fight against those old guys, His Highness still needs Sister Zhiyuan to assist him.


Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then shook his head gently: "Don't worry, I won't leave just yet."


"Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Zhiyuan said calmly: "You go down first."


Although Lin Qingqing still had doubts in her heart, she didn't ask any more questions, nodded, turned and left.

After Lin Qingqing left, the courtyard became deserted again.

The sky has darkened, and the sky in the distance is pitch black, with occasional stars shining. In the courtyard, the cold wind came again, making the trees in the courtyard rustle. The tree that had just experienced last night's devastation seemed to be overwhelmed and on the verge of collapse.

Zhiyuan stared for a while, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eye.

She turned her head and saw the side door not far away. Under her dim vision, a petite figure was walking in quietly, seeming to be holding something in her arms.


Xiaozhu, who had just approached the small courtyard, was suddenly startled when she heard someone calling her.

"Zhi, Sister Zhiyuan?!"

Xiaozhu looked up and saw Zhiyuan appearing under the eaves, looking at her quietly.

"Where were you just now?"

Zhiyuan saw Xiaozhu who looked "sneaky" and asked, "What are you holding in your arms?"

I saw Xiaozhu with a 'sneaky' look on his face, holding something in his arms, but it was getting late and he couldn't see clearly as he was held in Xiaozhu's arms.


A bit of panic flashed across Xiaozhu's face, and then he whispered: "I, I just went to the backyard to collect clothes and bedding..."

"Here, these are the clothes that my servant washed for His Highness today. I was just about to take them back and dry them for His Highness..."

As Xiaozhu spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and his tone became more and more guilty and panicked.

However, what Zhiyuan heard was not true.

When I heard that the clothes were washed for Lin Jiangnian, I didn't have too much doubt. I just felt that Xiaozhu was a little strange, so I didn't take it to heart. He nodded slightly: "Go ahead."


Xiaozhu immediately breathed a deep sigh of relief. He lowered his head and quickly returned to the room holding the clothes in his arms.

After returning to the room, Xiaozhu carefully locked the door and walked to the side table with the package in his arms. Put it down and carefully open the package.

Soon, a bright red dress was revealed from the package. The red was bright.

Extremely dazzling.

Xiaozhu looked at the red dress in the package, with a little tangle on his face.

Not surprisingly, the owner of this long dress must be the woman who was taken back to the room by His Highness last night and bullied all night long.

This morning when she was helping His Highness clean up his room, she discovered this long dress. While helping His Highness to 'destroy the body and traces', she also washed the red dress.

Xiaozhu didn't take it to heart at first. After washing the bedding and red dress, they hung them in the backyard. It wasn't until another maid sister in the house suddenly asked about it not long ago that Xiaozhu felt that something was wrong and became vigilant.

This red dress is too dazzling, no one in the house wears it like this.

Although the servants of the Jiang Mansion do not have uniform clothing, no one wears such conspicuous clothes, and Sister Zhiyuan never wears red. Now, it’s so obvious!

If Sister Zhiyuan finds out and asks... wouldn't the secret be exposed?

Realizing this, Xiaozhu immediately hurried back to the backyard, quietly put away the red dress, and prepared to hide it in the room.

Unexpectedly, she was bumped into by Sister Zhiyuan and almost exposed her secret.

It would be a big deal if Sister Zhiyuan discovered this!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu showed a bit of fear on his face and patted his slightly bulging chest.

"It's too dangerous... Humph, Your Highness must thank me properly this time!"

Xiaozhu hummed softly, feeling a little proud.

He stood up, picked up the red dress, spread it out by the fireside, prepared to dry it, put it away, and sent it back to His Highness.

After spreading out her red skirt, Xiaozhu glanced at it for a few times, then blinked as if she thought of something.

He looked at the red dress, then looked down at himself.

After a while, blink again.

"This sister in red..."

Seems much older than her?

When Lin Jiangnian returned to Jiang Mansion, the sky was completely dark.

Father Jiang is busy with government affairs and has not returned yet. Lin Jiangnian was called over by Jiang's mother and expressed concern and greetings.

There have been so many things happening in Beijing recently, and Mother Jiang has heard about them and is worried. After hearing Lin Jiangnian's assurance that everything was fine, he felt relieved. He also told Lin Jiangnian to be careful in Beijing, and at the same time asked about the engagement with the eldest princess.

Lin Jiangnian did not tell Jiang's mother about his plan to break off the engagement. In addition, the Jiang family had been preparing betrothal gifts recently and planned to go to the palace to see His Majesty. Jiang's mother was very concerned about this. After Lin Jiangnian gave a brief explanation, he returned Small courtyard.

"Your Highness!"

Xiaozhu, who had been waiting for a long time in the courtyard, trotted forward with her little face raised and flushed, looking very happy.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian pinched Xiaozhu's delicate face and said with a smile, "Why are you so happy?"

"No, no!"

Xiaozhu blushed.

"I haven't seen you for a day. Do you miss His Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian asked with a smile.

Xiaozhu's face turned redder, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, saying in a very soft voice: "I want to..."

"How much do you think?"


Xiaozhu was silent. She couldn't describe how much she was thinking.

I hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to describe it.

"Okay, let's prepare hot water for His Highness!"

Lin Jiangnian did not embarrass Xiaozhu and touched her little head.

Xiaozhu lowered his head and muttered: "The hot water is ready!"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, then looked down at the cute and well-behaved Xiaozhu. He suddenly stepped forward, picked up Xiaozhu by the waist, and strode towards the bathroom: "The relationship is good. Let's go and rub His Highness's back today!"

Xiaozhu's head was a little blank at first, but when he came to his senses, his face turned red and he started to struggle.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, no, don't..."

"Yes, Sister Zhiyuan will find out..."


After bathing and changing his clothes, Lin Jiangnian felt refreshed and came to the small courtyard next door.

The courtyard next door was very deserted, and except for the only room with lights on under the eaves not far away, there was no movement.

Zhiyuan likes to be quiet and does not like excitement, and there is no maid around.

When she was in Prince Lin's Mansion, she was Lin Jiangnian's personal maid. But in the Jiang Mansion, Jiang's mother treated her as her own daughter. Zhiyuan's treatment in the Jiang Mansion was no less than that of the Prince Lin.

Lin Jiangnian came to the door of Zhiyuan's room and knocked on the door: "Zhiyuan, are you there?"

Although he confirmed that Zhiyuan was in the room from the maid outside the hospital, Lin Jiangnian still played it safe and knocked on the door first.

The first two lessons are still vivid in my mind.

I don’t dare to do it a third time.

The first two times can be explained by unintentional, but if it comes a third time, even if it is unintentional, I am afraid it will not be explained clearly.

"Come in."

Zhi Yuan's cold voice came from the room.

Lin Jiangnian was relieved, opened the door and walked in.

Cold wind poured into the room, causing the lights to flicker.

Zhiyuan, who was wearing a loose light blue dress, was sitting at the table, lowering her head and reading a book. He was wrapped in a thick coat and wrapped tightly.

Wrapped in the clothes, only half of the pink and white neck, as well as the delicate and small chin, and a beautiful and delicate face can be seen.

The air was filled with a light floral scent, mixed with incense and the unique smell of the paper kite. Mixed together, it smelled very good.

It seems that it has just been bathed not long ago and has not completely dissipated.

When Lin Jiangnian got closer, he could still see Zhiyuan's hair that was not completely dry.

"It's so cold, why didn't you dry your hair?"

Lin Jiangnian walked to Zhiyuan and said, "Be careful of catching a cold."


Zhiyuan shook her head.

"How can it be okay? Let me help you!"

Lin Jiangnian said, picked up the towel from the side and gently wiped Zhiyuan's hair.

The movement was very gentle, and the soft towel slid down the girl's silky hair. Between the fingers and the breath, there is the fragrance of the girl's body.

Zhiyuan's expression seemed a little unnatural, and she turned slightly red under the light, but she did not stop it.

She lowered her eyes for a moment and suddenly said: "Why are you so attentive to me all of a sudden?"

"Have it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at her and chuckled: "Does this count as being attentive?"

Zhiyuan looked back at him: "Did you do something wrong?"

"What harm can I do?"

Zhiyuan turned his head and said nothing.

But as a result, Lin Jiangnian, who was originally magnanimous, began to feel guilty.

What was her reaction?

Could it be that you know something?

What Lin Jiangnian subconsciously remembered was what happened last night...

What happened last night when he had an affair with the devil saint and fought for 300 rounds... wasn't it exposed?

However, the only person who knows what happened last night is Xiaozhu, and Xiaozhu should not rebel.

With this thought in his mind, Lin Jiangnian quickly calmed down.

should not!

If Zhiyuan had known what happened last night, I'm afraid he wouldn't have reacted like this.

I'm afraid they won't let Lin Jiangnian into the room tonight.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief.

He lowered his head to see Zhiyuan without saying a word, chuckled lightly, continued to gently wipe her hair, and said, "I met the eldest princess today!"

"She was really anxious and wanted to force me to give in..."

"She saved me that time outside the capital. I promised to repay her in the future. She used this to force me to give in!"

"However, I rejected it!"


While Lin Jiangnian was helping Zhi Yuan wipe her hair, he softly talked about what happened when he met the eldest princess today.

Of course, the news that the eldest princess had discovered Lin Jiangnian's fake identity was hidden in it.

"She wants to take a step back from me, put the engagement on hold for the time being, and discuss it after His Highness the Crown Prince recovers from illness... I suspect that she wants to pick up some ulterior secrets..."

After Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, Zhiyuan remained silent.

"Why don't you speak?"

Lin Jiang asked in a young voice, seeming to realize something. He lowered his head and stared at Zhiyuan's delicate profile, and asked tentatively: "Are you angry?"

Zhiyuan then raised her eyes and said calmly: "You did the right thing!"

"The situation in Beijing is complicated now, and many people are watching you behind your back. Breaking off the engagement may not be a good thing for you or her."

Zhiyuan obviously saw things thoroughly.

Postponing the engagement is indeed the best choice.

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as you're not angry!"

Then, he smiled and said: "I thought you would mind..."

"Who says I don't mind?"

Zhiyuan suddenly spoke.

Lin Jiangnian was startled, then looked down at Zhiyuan's delicate and cold face, with a slight smile on his face: "Zhiyuan, you..."

"What you did was indeed right!"

Zhiyuan spoke calmly, without any expression on his face: "But I do mind it!"

"Very angry too!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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