In the room that was obviously filled with warm fragrance, Lin Jiangnian felt an inexplicable cold wind blowing in.

Just at this moment!

He lowered his head, and what he saw was still Zhiyuan's calm profile and these careless words.

Do you mind?

Angry too?

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face gradually disappeared, as if he understood something.

The movements of his hands paused for a moment, then returned to normal, and continued to wipe Zhiyuan's hair. The movements are very light and very serious.

After drying, Lin Jiangnian took a wooden comb from the dressing table and combed the slightly messy hair with the paper kite. The black hair was thick and smooth.

Then, he sat next to Zhiyuan.

Very close.

If you look sideways, you can smell the faint fragrance of the paper kite.

That face with delicate white outlines, extraordinarily beautiful, seemed to become more and more glamorous under the light of the lights.

Those bright and clear eyes just fell on Lin Jiangnian, watching him quietly without saying a word.

There was no emotion on his face.


Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's face and suddenly spoke softly.

The sudden apology seemed to make Zhiyuan startled, her eyes moved slightly and she stared at him.

"You are right. Putting aside my engagement with her is indeed the best choice at the moment. But..."

Young Lin Jiang sighed and grabbed Zhiyuan's little hand: "I've wronged you."

Not long ago, Lin Jiangnian vowed to Zhiyuan that he would break off his engagement to the eldest princess as soon as possible so that he could go back and marry Zhiyuan.

As a result, what he brought back now was the news that he and the eldest princess had postponed their marriage.

It would be strange if Zhiyuan didn't mind!

It is natural for her to be angry.

Zhiyuan looked away slightly and said calmly: "I'm not wronged."

"You have an engagement with her. Whether or not you break off the engagement has nothing to do with me."

There was never any emotion on her face, and even her tone was extremely calm.


When she said this, her hand that was originally held by Lin Jiangnian was trying to pull back.

Pretty hard!

Lin Jiangnian glanced down and said it didn't matter, but his body was quite honest?

If you really believe what she said, it doesn't matter, then there is something wrong!

Lin Jiangnian naturally did not let her break away. When Zhiyuan withdrew his hand forcefully, Lin Jiangnian moved to her side and the two of them got closer.

He took the hand that Zhi Yuan was trying to pull out and held it in his big hand again. He looked down at her eyes with a hint of anger flashing and chuckled: "Since it doesn't matter, why do you mind being angry?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and said coldly: "Can't you?"


Lin Jiang smiled young and placed his other hand on Zhiyuan's slender waist from behind, hugging her gently.

"Aren't I sincerely apologizing to you?"

Zhiyuan stiffened slightly and quickly reached out to try to slap Lin Jiangnian's hand off her waist. Seeing that Lin Jiangnian didn't respond, he tried to break it open again. At the same time, she glared at him coldly: "Is this your attitude towards apologizing?"

Seeing the embarrassed look on Zhiyuan's face, Lin Jiangnian blinked innocently: "Am I not sincere enough in my apology?"

"Take your hands away!"


Lin Jiangnian obediently withdrew his hand from Zhiyuan's thin waist, but his other hand still held the soft palm tightly.

Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered her eyes to see the hand held by Lin Jiangnian: "Let go!"

"You can't let this one go!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly, stared at Zhiyuan's slightly red face, and sighed: "You are angry now. I'm afraid what if you let go and you run away?"

Zhiyuan's expression was unnatural: "I want to run, you can't stop me!"

"So I can't let go."

Lin Jiangnian is confident.

"Aren't you afraid that I will be angry?" Zhiyuan stared at him with cold eyes.

"Don't be afraid!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan, who deliberately had a handsome face and a cold look in front of him, and chuckled: "I know you won't really be angry with me."

As soon as these words came out, one could clearly see the shame flashing through Zhiyuan's eyes, and she turned away her head in anger.

Don't talk to this guy anymore.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian moved closer to Zhiyuan, and the two of them got closer, leaning against each other through their clothes. The hand that had just been released skillfully followed the original direction and slowly landed on Zhiyuan's thin waist again. He gently used force to hug her closer.

Zhiyuan noticed it and struggled subconsciously. But that weak struggle quickly disappeared.

Being held in Lin Jiangnian's arms "overbearingly", Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes were shy and she glared at him: "I'm really angry!"

"I know."

Lin Jiangnian leaned close to the hanging black hair on the side of Zhiyuan's face and smelled the delicious aroma of her body.

"Aren't I coaxing you?"


Zhiyuan was ashamed and annoyed, her pretty fair face was already red. She just raised her other plain hand hidden under her sleeve, but was quickly caught by Lin Jiangnian and caught in his hand.

"What happened this time is indeed what I did wrong. Your Highness apologizes to you!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and stared at Zhiyuan's delicate and annoyed face, and said softly: "If you are really angry, why don't you beat me up to vent your anger?"

Zhiyuan stared at him with wide eyes, and after a while, she turned her head away in anger.

Lin Jiangnian smiled.

He knew that Zhiyuan was not really angry, but felt a little uncomfortable after knowing about this incident.

This is normal.

"If you don't fight me, I will assume that you have forgiven Your Highness?!"

Lin Jiangnian leaned close to Zhiyuan's ear, exhaled softly and said, "Zhiyuan... oh..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain in his chest. Immediately afterwards, a majestic force pushed him out, and he staggered back several steps before he was able to stabilize his body.

Standing there, Lin Jiangnian rubbed his chest and gasped in pain: "Zhiyuan, are you planning to kill your master?!"

Zhiyuan glanced at him coldly and said expressionlessly: "You asked me to hit you."

I asked you to fight, but you really fought!

I was just being polite, but I didn't expect that she would actually do it.

Lin Jiangnian touched his chest and felt obvious pain. It's not serious, but it really hurts.

She really has a way with things!

"Now that you've been beaten, have you calmed down?"

Lin Jiangnian sat next to Zhiyuan again. Zhiyuan glanced at him and said nothing.

"Since you don't speak, you have calmed down. Are you not allowed to start sulking again?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke.

Zhiyuan looked away, expressionless, and didn't speak.

But her reaction clearly showed that she was no longer angry.

Maybe she wasn't that angry in the first place.

Lin Jiangnian felt relieved and was about to reach out to hug her when Zhiyuan realized and glared at him again.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't touch me."

Lin Jiangnian blinked and wondered: "Aren't you not angry anymore?"

"That's not allowed either."

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Okay, okay, if you’re angry, don’t be angry anymore!

But not allowed to hug?

Is that what you mean?

However, although Zhiyuan didn't allow him to hug him, it was obvious that Lin Jiangnian didn't take him seriously. The two of them had been sharing the same bed for so long, and Lin Jiangnian already knew all the details of Zhiyuan's body.

It's just her arrogant stubbornness that says she won't be hugged!

"Didn't you say you won't be angry? Are you still sulking?"


"Just a hug. Your Highness hasn't hugged you for a long time. I miss you so much..."


Lin Jiangnian took advantage of the situation and pushed further, but Zhiyuan still struggled. After some extreme pulling, Lin Jiangnian finally got what he wanted.

He held the delicate body of the girl in his arms with a proud look on his face.

The girl in her arms looked 'humiliated' and stubbornly turned her head away.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the girl for a few moments, then lowered his head and blocked the girl's mouth that looked hard but was actually soft.


Zhiyuan continued to struggle, but the intensity of the struggle gradually became weaker.

After a long time, Lin Jiangnian released his mouth. The delicate body of the girl in her arms was already soft, her face was red, her eyes were tightly closed, and her lips were pursed. Su's hands subconsciously tugged at the corner of Lin Jiangnian's clothes.

Zhiyuan opened her eyes slightly and looked into Lin Jiangnian's slightly hot gaze.

The hot gaze, the closeness, and the slightly rapid breathing hit her delicate and pretty face. As if she realized something, a trace of panic flashed in Zhiyuan's eyes.

She struggled in panic to get up from Lin Jiangnian's arms, took a few steps back, straightened her clothes, twisted away, and said in a cold tone: "Okay..."

"It's getting late, I need to go back!"

The voice was cold, as if giving an order to expel guests.

But her panicked look at the moment made her cold temperament disappear.

On the contrary, it makes people want to go further...

"Yeah, it's getting late!"

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and looked out the window. It was indeed late, most people in the house had already rested, and only the cold wind was howling outside the courtyard.

At this time, no one will bother me anymore.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and looked at the graceful figure in front of him, as well as the beautiful face that could not be concealed due to panic.

He stood up, walked slowly to her, and chuckled softly: "Shall we rest too?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhiyuan's face instantly turned red: "You, you go back!"

"It's too cold outside!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Shall I make do with you tonight?"


Just making do?

"No, no!"

Zhiyuan subconsciously refused.

Although the two of them had slept together many times before, but for some reason tonight, Zhiyuan always had a premonition.

If I keep him tonight, I'm afraid...

Not safe!

"Don't worry, Your Highness is just resting and sleeping here... He will definitely not do anything to you!"

Seeing Zhiyuan's shy look, Lin Jiangnian vowed to do it.

No, what not to do?

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian and saw that his expression was serious and did not look like he was lying.

Startled for a moment!

Really...nothing to do?

"What? You still can't trust His Highness?"

Seeing that Zhiyuan didn't say anything, Lin Jiangnian said with a straight face: "Think about it before... when did His Highness bully you?"

"Can you trust your Highness a little more?"


Zhiyuan felt ashamed and annoyed.


When has he not been bullied?

That is to say, there is nothing...that's all!

But he has no shortage of those who should be bullied and those who should take advantage!

"Okay, okay, it's getting late... let's go and have a rest."

Seeing that Zhiyuan still didn't speak, Lin Jiangnian walked up to her, picked her up by the waist.

"Put me down!"

Zhiyuan struggled in panic.

"Don't move."

Lin Jiangnian held the paper kite in his arms, walked through the screen, came to the bed, and carefully placed her on the bed.

Later, Lin Jiangnian knelt down and was about to untie Zhiyuan's shoes and socks when he saw Zhiyuan pull back her feet under her skirt in a panic.

"I, I will do it myself!"

Her face turned red.

Lin Jiangnian saw this and stood up again.

"Okay, then do it yourself."

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glared at him shyly. After hesitating for a moment, she sat on the edge of the bed, lowered her head and bent down to untie her shoes and socks. She took off her embroidered shoes and socks, revealing a pair of delicate feet as white as jade.

Before Lin Jiangnian had time to admire it, Zhiyuan quickly retracted her legs under her skirt and got into the quilt on the bed.

On the bed, after getting on the bed, Zhiyuan quickly wrapped herself in the thick quilt, and even buried her head in it, like a ball of rice dumplings.

Lin Jiangnian stood by the bed and took a look, then chuckled. Then he slowly took off his coat, shoes and socks, and got into bed.

As if he realized something, he turned his head and looked into the room again, flicking his fingers.

"call out!"

Several sharp voices sounded, and the lights in the room were instantly extinguished, plunging into darkness.

Zhiyuan is thin-skinned and can only get things done in the dark!

"Little Zhiyuan, your highness is here!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke in a young voice, and at the same time opened up the quilt wrapped into a rice dumpling and got in. Skillfully, he moved closer to the quilt and soon touched the tight yet soft girl's delicate body.

"Hey, why are you still wearing your coat when sleeping? Come on, Your Highness will help you take it off..."

"Uh... no, don't..."


There was a sparseness inside the bedding, and soon a woman's coat was thrown out.

Without the barrier of her coat, the girl's delicate body in her arms was hot and soft.

The cold wind howled outside the window and blew against the doors and windows, but the temperature in the room seemed to be gradually rising.

Lin Jiangnian hugged Zhiyuan from behind and stared down at the girl's delicate side face with slightly hot eyes.

The delicate body of the girl in her arms was tense, her face was red, and her eyes were filled with shame and anger: "Let go!"

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and leaned into the girl's ear: "I'll just leave it here and don't move!"

"No, no..."

"Then I moved?"


The girl's face turned red with anger and her breathing became rapid.

But the next second, her whole body became tense again.


This bastard really moved!

"You, didn't you just say nothing?!"

The girl turned back, her bright eyes filled with shy and angry questions.

"Did I say that?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her doubtfully and asked.

Zhiyuan's eyes widened in disbelief.


Before she could speak, Lin Jiangnian's mouth was blocked again unexpectedly.


Lin Jiangnian is cheating!


so what?

Hasn’t this already been deceived?

Moreover, he had already apologized just now!

Well, I'm sorry, little paper kite!

After Zhiyuan realized that she had been deceived, it was too late to resist. Under Lin Jiangnian's carefully prepared and long-planned offensive, she was quickly defeated.

Out of breath, defeated!

And Lin Jiangnian set up camp, attacking step by step, eating away at the little girl's remaining sanity.

Lin Jiangnian slowly stretched out his slightly trembling hand and landed on the girl's already messy clothes, just as he was about to take them off.

A small white hand suddenly stopped his movement.

Zhiyuan, who had always had her eyes closed and her face as red as blood, suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

The eyes were red with shame, as if they were falling into confusion, but they were still somewhat clear.

"do you like me?"

The voice was very soft and soft, a voice that Zhiyuan had never heard before, with a bit of uneasiness and uneasiness.

Lin Jiangnian, who was stopped at the critical moment, also had red eyes, breathing heavily, and blood was boiling all over his body.

However, when he heard this question, Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhiyuan's eyes and saw the trace of uneasiness in her eyes.

He nodded seriously: "I like it."

"Then, do you trust me?"

"The person I trust most in this world is you."

Lin Jiangnian didn't lie. If the only person in the world he could completely trust was the paper kite in front of him.

The two of them had experienced all kinds of life and death, and Lin Jiangnian had almost nothing to hide from her.

Hearing this answer, Zhiyuan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and her whole body suddenly became soft.

Close your eyes and open them again after a moment.

"So, can you answer me a question?"

"you say."

Zhiyuan stared into Lin Jiangnian's eyes and spoke word by word: "Who are you?!" (End of Chapter)

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