Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 300 What did he do to Miss Zhao?


Lin Jiangnian felt somewhat guilty when he saw his aunt at the entrance of the courtyard.

Especially Jiang Yuxiang stood at the entrance of the courtyard with a straight face and questioning eyes, quite a bit like an elder holding someone accountable.

Lin Jiangnian, who had just done something bad, was naturally a little unsure.

Even Xiaozhu on the side was startled.

She was the one who knew what happened best, and she looked at His Highness with her big eyes worriedly.

Lin Jiangnian was calm and composed: "What happened just now? Auntie, I just got up early and went out to do something!"

"What's up?"

Jiang Yuxiang asked.

"It has something to do with Gao Wenyang's death... I can't explain it at the moment, but it also has something to do with the third prince."

Hearing Lin Jiangnian mention the third prince, Jiang Yuxiang's expression changed slightly. At this time, he no longer cared about doubting the truth or falsehood of what Lin Jiangnian said: "What does it have to do with the third prince?"

"Did you provoke him?"

"So be it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said, "But it's nothing, it's been taken care of, auntie, don't worry!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke calmly, his face not red and his heart not beating, without any pause or guilt.

Not even blinking.

Xiaozhu's eyes gradually opened wide!

Your Highness, he...

Are you too good at talking nonsense seriously?

What is he going to do?

It's obviously Sister Zhiyuan, okay? !

His Highness even lied to his own aunt, so, so... so bad!

Xiaozhu thought secretly in his heart, but did not dare to say anything.

But when Jiang Yuxiang heard that it was related to the third prince, his expression changed slightly.

She had been in the capital for a long time, so she naturally knew the reputation of the third prince in the capital. More importantly, Jiang Yuxiang had a close relationship with the empress of the dynasty, and these three princes were the empress's biological children.

Jiang Yuxiang's expression became solemn when he learned that Lin Jiangnian had conflicts with the third prince and knew some unknown inside stories.

She walked quickly into the courtyard, walked up to Lin Jiangnian under the eaves, and said, "What's the conflict between you and the third prince? Do you know that he..."

Jiang Yuxiang spoke anxiously, but Lin Jiangnian chuckled softly: "I know that the third prince has a lot of influence in the capital. If I offend him, I might not be able to survive in the capital in the future?"

Jiang Yuxiang was interrupted and glared at Lin Jiangnian: "It won't matter if he can't survive, but his personality is a bit extreme. If you have conflicts with him, I'm afraid you have to be careful in the future."

Jiang Yuxiang was worried.

Lin Jiangnian nodded and said: "I will be careful. Besides, in the capital, at least on the surface, he can't do anything to me easily."

Jiang Yuxiang was slightly relieved when she thought about Lin Jiangnian's identity. However, she still looked at Lin Jiangnian solemnly and warned: "But no matter what, if you can avoid it, try not to conflict with him. After all, he is He is the current prince and the Queen’s child… If you hurt him, I won’t be able to explain it to the Queen.”

"Don't worry, aunt, I will act in a measured manner."

"That's good……"

Jiang Yuxiang was about to nod when Leng Buding noticed something was wrong with his words.


Jiang Yuxiang raised her eyes and stared at him suspiciously: "Do you really want to attack him?"

"how come?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and said: "As long as he doesn't provoke me, I will definitely not attack him."

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian added in his heart: Unfortunately, the third prince has already provoked me!

Then, no wonder he is!

Jiang Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that you know. After all, this capital is not Linzhou. It's better to be careful in everything. When you enter the palace and meet His Majesty... By the way, what are you going to do about your engagement with the eldest princess? ?”

"It's not clear yet."

Lin Jiangqing shook his head lightly, "Your Majesty is still in seclusion, and I don't know when he will summon me!"

Jiang Yuxiang also frowned slightly: "Some time ago, your uncle had already visited His Majesty before entering the palace, but there was no news, and I don't know how long it will take..."

"That's no hurry."

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while, but still didn't tell his aunt about his relationship with the eldest princess.

If you say it, it will be another lecture.

Obviously the Jiang Yuxiang in front of him was not much older than him, but every time he was in front of Lin Jiangnian, Jiang Yuxiang would act like an elder educating the younger.

Very inconsistent!

It’s also very joyful.

It was difficult for Lin Jiangnian to associate the aunt in front of him with his elders!

Especially after what happened the last two times...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly and he quickly shook his head to get this thought out of his mind.

Don’t look at anything that’s inappropriate, don’t look at anything that’s inappropriate.

Guilty sin.

She is your aunt!

Jiang Yuxiang thought for a moment and sighed softly.

At that time, His Majesty did not know why and could not come out of seclusion. She also heard a little bit about the situation in the court, but she didn't care. It's just that Lin Jiangnian came to Beijing to marry the eldest princess. Whether he married or broke off the engagement, he had to meet the emperor.

But now that he couldn't see the emperor, Jiang Yuxiang felt a little uneasy.

From the perspective of Lin Jiangnian's elder, she naturally hoped to see Lin Jiangnian get married and start a family as soon as possible. Since her only child, her sister, had a family and started a business, she had an explanation for her sister.

She also knew something about the eldest princess. She was indeed very beautiful. She had no other shortcomings except that she was a bit cold-tempered and liked to play with swords. Regardless of his background or status, he is more than worthy of Lin Jiangnian.

It would indeed be a beautiful thing if the two of them could get married!

But unfortunately, Lin Jiangnian was unwilling to marry.

In addition, from Jiang Yuxiang's perspective, she also watched Zhiyuan grow up, and they were both mother and daughter, as well as sisters. What if Lin Jiangnian marries the eldest princess and neglects and wrongs Zhiyuan?

Jiang Yuxiang was troubled and sighed secretly, just when he was about to ask Lin Jiangnian what he thought.

But he suddenly smelled something. He slightly raised his nose and looked at Lin Jiangnian with a puzzled look on his face: "What's the smell?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Jiangnian was shocked.

My aunt's nose is so sensitive that she has smelled the scent of other women from him several times before.

She had just come back from hanging out all night with Zhiyuan, and before she had time to take a shower to get rid of the smell, she was caught by her aunt.

Seeing his aunt approaching him in confusion, Lin Jiangnian subconsciously took a step back: "I probably went out for a trip and accidentally got some dust on it. It doesn't matter... Auntie, you can just go around for a while while I go." Take a wash!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuxiang shook his head attentively: "No, the aura on your body seems to be..."

Jiang Yuxiang felt that the aura on Lin Jiangnian's body was very familiar, but he couldn't place it for a while. It also seems to be mixed with a faint fragrance, like...a woman's body fragrance?

The smell was not very clear, so Jiang Yuxiang took steps to get closer and smell it.

This shocked Lin Jiangnian!

How can this be sniffed randomly?

Auntie, calm down!

Lin Jiangnian's head was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to find an excuse to divert his aunt's attention.

Outside the hospital, there were sudden footsteps.

"Your Highness, the people from the Zhao Mansion are here and want to see you!"

Jiang Yuxiang paused slightly, and Lin Jiangnian took this opportunity to move quietly to the side, avoiding his aunt's approach, and looked at the maid who appeared at the door.

"Zhao Mansion?"

"Miss Zhao?"

Those who can be reported by servants are naturally not from small families. When Lin Jiangnian heard about the Zhao family, he naturally thought of the young lady from the Zhao family.

Then, I remembered Miss Zhao’s pair of snow-white jade, shapely, silky, soft and elastic legs hidden under the hem of her skirt...

I just touched it and was kicked out. Why did Miss Zhao send someone here again?

Could it be that he came to trouble him to settle accounts with his wife?

Jiang Yuxiang on the side suddenly forgot what happened when he heard the words Miss Zhao, and raised his eyes to look at Lin Jiangnian suspiciously.

She had always suspected the relationship between Lin Jiangnian and Miss Zhao... To be precise, she suspected that Miss Zhao had evil intentions towards Lin Jiangnian!

She would come to her house every now and then to look for him, and she would be attentive to him inexplicably, and she would even let Lin Jiangnian enter her boudoir casually... Is this normal?

This is not normal!

The maid outside the hospital had a slightly nervous voice and spoke cautiously.

"Yes, it's Prime Minister Zhao..."

Under the eaves, everyone who heard the word Zhao Xiang froze on the spot.

"Prime Minister Zhao?"

Jiang Yuxiang was shocked. There was only one person in the entire capital who could be called Prime Minister Zhao.

A veteran of three dynasties, with disciples all over the world, the highly respected Prime Minister Zhao, Mr. Zhao!

But why did Prime Minister Zhao suddenly want to see Lin Jiangnian?

Jiang Yuxiang couldn't help but turn around and look at Lin Jiangnian doubtfully, feeling increasingly worried.

Could it be that this kid bullied Miss Zhao, and Mr. Zhao sent someone to come to ask for an explanation?

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment, but his expression remained as usual, not surprised.

Unexpectedly, Miss Zhao really kept her promise and was so efficient?

It seems that I have to treat her better the next time we meet!

...I don’t know if she will let her legs be touched next time!

The courtyard next door.

After Lin Jiangnian left, the room fell into silence again.

There was no sound or movement.

On the bed, Zhi Yuan wrapped his whole body under the quilt, and even his head was buried in the quilt, motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, she seemed to feel some difficulty breathing. Then she carefully stretched her head out from under the quilt, panting slightly and breathing in the fresh air.

The blush that has not dissipated still hangs on her fair face, and her eyes are full of energy, like a young girl's love for spring, and she carefully scans the room.


She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, his eyes were a little dazed again.

Staring upward, wondering what he was thinking, he was in a daze.

However, there are many more emotions on the face that used to be cold, and they are constantly emerging and changing.

The girl's originally clear eyes were filled with shame and confusion.

In the confusion, there was a rare flash of indescribable... sweetness.

After a while, Zhiyuan finally came to his senses and finally sat up.

The light-colored quilt slipped off, exposing the girl's snow-white and smooth fragrant shoulders to the air. A piece of green hair fell randomly on the smooth jade-like fragrant back, vaguely revealing the slim waist that was full of hand, and the squeeze that was squeezed when she sat up. And the round and straight buttocks.

A bird's eye view.

Zhiyuan stood up slowly, paused for a moment, frowned slightly, carefully found the clothes scattered around, and put them on gently and slowly.

After putting on her clothes, the girl regained her cool and pure temperament. Only the lingering blush on her face and the look between her eyebrows were a little less girlish and a little more feminine.

Zhiyuan stood up slowly, looked back at the messy bed behind him, bit his lip lightly, then thought of something again, carefully opened the quilt, and soon found a bright plum blossom on the light-colored bed sheet.

Seeing this scene, Zhiyuan's face instantly turned red. She looked around and carefully pulled off the bed sheets like a thief. Then, he gently tore off the small piece of fabric with the plum blossoms printed on it, folded it carefully, and put it away.

After doing all this, she breathed a deep sigh of relief, looked back at the messy bed, and carefully began to tidy it up.

Just like Xiaozhu yesterday, he changed the sheets and bedding, tidied and cleaned the room, and opened the windows slightly to let in some air.

After finishing all this and making sure that there was nothing strange in the room, Zhiyuan felt completely relieved.

At the same time, footsteps and Jiang Yuxiang's voice came from outside the door.

"Zhiyuan, are you awake? How are you?"

Zhiyuan took a deep breath, walked to the door, and opened it.

Outside the door, Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan in the room with some worry: "Zhiyuan, how are you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Jiang Yuxiang saw that Zhiyuan's face was slightly red and his breathing was a little unsteady. He subconsciously touched Zhiyuan's face and felt that it was slightly hot. Jiang Yuxiang immediately said nervously: "Why is your face so hot? Is it because you have a fever or cold?"

"I'll call the doctor for you!"

Zhiyuan quickly grabbed her, blushing and shaking her head: "Auntie, I, I'm fine..."

Jiang Yuxiang looked at her suspiciously: "It's okay, why is your face so hot?"

"Just, I was a little anxious when I was practicing just now! No, it's nothing serious..."

Zhiyuan's voice was very soft, and she looked away with a guilty conscience and lowered her head.

Zhiyuan, who rarely lies, lied in front of her aunt for the first time.

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he felt a little relieved, and then he looked worried and a little bit reproachful: "You can't be careful, why are girls practicing so hard... What if something happens to you?"

Zhiyuan lowered her head with a guilty conscience and listened to her aunt's lesson without saying a word.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuxiang couldn't bear to say anything anymore. He nodded her head and sighed: "Forget it, be careful in the future and don't worry my aunt."


"Then you should have a good rest."

Jiang Yuxiang explained a few more words, and seeing that Zhiyuan's face was still red, he asked her to rest first.

Zhiyuan nodded, and when he turned around, he wondered if the action was too intense. His pretty eyebrows frowned slightly, as if there was pain, and he staggered slightly.

Thinking of something, there was a hint of resentment in those beautiful eyes, and a look of shame and annoyance emerged.

"Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to notice something strange.

"No, it's okay..."

Zhiyuan sounded a little nervous, glanced at her aunt, and changed the subject: "Where is Your Highness?"

Speaking of Lin Jiangnian, Jiang Yuxiang's attention was quickly diverted.

"He has gone to the Zhao Mansion. I heard that Prime Minister Zhao wants to see him!"

Jiang Yuxiang had some doubts and uneasiness on his face: "That Prime Minister Zhao has no friendship with Prince Lin's Mansion. Why does Prime Minister Zhao suddenly want to see him? Could it be..."

"What did that kid really do to Miss Zhao?"

Next to her, Zhiyuan was startled when she heard her aunt talking to herself, and her beautiful eyes that were originally filled with a hint of resentment narrowed slightly.

"Auntie, you said he treated Miss Zhao..."

"What have you done?!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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