Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 301 Discussion on reducing vassalage

Capital, Zhao Mansion.

This is not the first time Lin Jiangnian has been here, and he is already familiar with it. But coming here today is different from usual.

Usually, whether he was invited to visit or Lin Jiangnian took the initiative to visit, he always went to see Miss Zhao from the Zhao family.

But this time, Lin Jiangnian wanted to see Prime Minister Zhao.

That dynasty's three-dynasty veteran had assisted three generations of emperors of the Daning Dynasty, and was a very important and highly respected Prime Minister Zhao.

Before coming to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian had plans to visit Prime Minister Zhao.

This Zhao Xiang was very loyal to the imperial court and dedicated himself to the imperial court. He was regarded as a rare famous prime minister of his generation. What's more important is that at a time when voices in the DPRK and China are still high about reducing vassal status, Prime Minister Zhao has always maintained a neutral attitude.

No matter what attitude this Prime Minister Zhao holds, under the current situation, Lin Jiangnian will naturally want to meet him. If he can win over this Prime Minister Zhao, it will be of great help to Prince Lin's Mansion.

Even if you can't win over someone, try not to make enemies.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin!"

Outside the Zhao Mansion, there were people waiting for a long time.

A middle-aged man in gray robe stood quietly at the door. When Lin Jiangnian stepped out of the carriage, the middle-aged man bent slightly.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian stepped forward quickly, "No need to be polite, sir!"

The middle-aged man in front of him is the most trusted confidant beside Prime Minister Zhao.

Zhao Jing!

Not long ago, during the Lu family's wedding, Zhou Huiguang was killed, and Lin Jiangnian was slandered as the murderer. It was Mr. Zhao who came forward to help Lin Jiangnian resolve the crisis.

Of course, Lin Jiangnian knew that Zhao Xi was behind that incident.

However, Lin Jiangnian still remembered this friendship.

What's more, the old Mr. Zhao in front of him has a very high status. Prime Minister Zhao is busy with government affairs and is old. Many matters in Beijing are handled by Mr. Zhao on his behalf. To a certain extent, Mr. Zhao represents Prime Minister Zhao.

Zhao Jing showed a smile: "Your Highness, Prime Minister Zhao has specially ordered me to come here to greet His Highness. Please follow me into the mansion to see Prime Minister Zhao."

Lin Jiangnian raised his hand and said, "Thank you sir!"

"Your Highness, follow me."

Mr. Zhao nodded and led Lin Jiangnian into the Zhao Mansion.

Although he had been to the Zhao Mansion several times, Lin Jiangnian's familiarity with the Zhao Mansion was limited to the distance from the main gate of the Zhao Mansion to the inner courtyard of the Miss Zhao family.

Lin Jiangnian was very familiar with the route to Miss Zhao's boudoir and was very familiar with it. Apart from this, Lin Jiangnian was not familiar with other places in the Zhao Mansion.

Under the guidance of Mr. Zhao, Lin Jiangnian quickly arrived outside a hospital.

"Your Highness, please!"

Mr. Zhao said.

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and stepped into the courtyard.

"Your Highness, wait a moment, I will report to Prime Minister Zhao." Mr. Zhao said.

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, and Zhao Jing walked toward a back room under the eaves not far away.

Lin Jiangnian stood in the yard and looked around.

This is a quiet little courtyard that looks very simple. It does not match the status of Prime Minister Zhao, and it also seems slightly out of place with the entire Zhao Mansion.

Lin Jiangnian glanced around a few times, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

This looks like Prime Minister Zhao's private courtyard?

Today Lin Jiang came to visit Prime Minister Zhao, although it was not a formal meeting. But one is the prime minister of the current dynasty, and the other is the son of the vassal king. Logically speaking, the meeting between the two should be more solemn.

As Lin Jiangnian, the Prince of Lin, came to visit, the Zhao Mansion should also make grand preparations and welcome him along the way.

But now, we are in such a small private courtyard.

It seems a little shabby and crude.

However, this is what Lin Jiangnian hopes for.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that Prime Minister Zhao had thought of him together.

Back room.

Mr. Zhao came to the door of a room, knocked lightly, opened the door and walked in.

The slightly dark room has simple furnishings. Looking at the surrounding decoration, it looks like a study room. Sitting behind the table not far away was an old man with gray hair who looked very old.

He was looking down at the chopping board, frowning.

Zhao Jing stepped forward, bent slightly and whispered: "Master, His Royal Highness Prince Lin is here."

As Zhao Jing spoke, the old man at the table slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of slightly deep and slightly shining eyes.

It was none other than the current Prime Minister, Zhao Chuanan!

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

Zhao Xiangmo read the name again and nodded slightly: "Invite him to come in."


Zhao Jing nodded, and when he was about to leave, his eyes glanced at the things on the chopping board in front of Prime Minister Zhao, and he paused for a moment.


This confidant who had been with Prime Minister Zhao for many years did hesitate for a moment and said: "My meeting with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince today would have aroused speculation among other officials in the court. Now that I have to meet the Crown Prince in private, I will be exposed by someone who is interested." If you know, I'm afraid it will have a bad influence on you..."

Zhao Jing expressed his worries.

Zhao Xiang looked indifferently and said softly: "It doesn't matter. Those in the court can guess if they want."

"I have been in power for decades, am I still afraid of them?"

Zhao Jing was silent for a moment: "Yes."

Zhao Xiang still sat where he was, his eyes falling on the chopping board in front of him. After a moment, he spoke softly as if talking to himself.

"It's time for these mediocre people in the court to be given a hard beating."

Then, a trace of worry appeared in Xiang Zhao's eyes, and he sighed deeply.

"Your Majesty...what are you waiting for?"


In the courtyard.

"Your Highness, Prime Minister Zhao is waiting for you in the study."

Zhao Jing led Lin Jiangnian from the courtyard to the door of the inner room and said, "Your Highness, please come in!"

"Excuse me!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly, straightened his clothes, opened the door and walked in.

Under the slightly dim light, Lin Jiangnian just walked into the room and saw the figure behind the desk at a glance.

An old man about sixty or seventy years old.

His hair is white and he looks like an old man in his seventies!

It's Prime Minister Zhao!

But Lin Jiangnian also knew that Prime Minister Zhao was at this age. It's just that he has been worrying about the country and the people all year round, working hard for the Daning Dynasty, and was overworked, which led to premature aging. Lin Jiangnian felt awe in his heart. Even if his stance was different, it did not affect his respect for such a loyal veteran.

But on the other hand, when he saw Prime Minister Zhao, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but think of Miss Zhao who was in her prime.

That Miss Zhao is only in her twenties now, right?

For a moment, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but want to sigh... Prime Minister Zhao, you are really getting stronger with age!

the other side.

When Lin Jiangnian looked at Prime Minister Zhao in front of him, Prime Minister Zhao also looked up at him.

Zhao Xiang saw such a young man in green and white brocade clothes appearing in his sight. He was handsome and elegant. Between his brows and eyes, you can vaguely see a bit of the old man's appearance.

Vaguely, Zhao Xiang recalled the high-spirited King Lin and the unparalleled Princess Lin.

The Prince Lin in front of him has almost perfectly inherited the advantages of those two!

Prime Minister Zhao is different from other people in the capital. Others are unfamiliar with the Prince Lin, and there are even endless remarks in the capital about discrediting the Prince Lin. But Zhao knew better than anyone else that King Lin was not simple. He is talented and far-sighted, and his children will never be mediocre.

"Prince Lin's eldest son, Lin Jiangnian, has met Prime Minister Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian spoke first, breaking the brief silence, and his tone was a little more respectful.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be polite."

Prime Minister Zhao waved his hand: "His Royal Highness is here. I apologize for my inconvenience and cannot welcome you from afar."

"Xiang Zhao is the elder of the younger generation and has high morals and high respect. How dare the younger generation let the elders greet him."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Zhao Xiang looked at Lin Jiangnian for a few times and said, "Your Highness, please sit down as you please."

"Thank you, Prime Minister Zhao!"

Lin Jiangnian was not polite and sat down at the table nearby. Zhao Jing, who followed him in, poured Lin Jiangnian a cup of hot tea, exited the room and closed the door.

There were only two people left in the quiet study room.

"I heard from Xi'er that you want to see me?"

Zhao Xiang looked at Lin Jiangnian and suddenly spoke.


Lin Jiangnian nodded and said with a smile: "As early as when we were in Linjiang City, the younger generation has admired Prime Minister Zhao for a long time. I often heard about some of Prime Minister Zhao's deeds and admired him deeply. Before entering the capital, my father once told me to wait until the time comes. In the capital, you must come to visit Prime Minister Zhao and say hello to you on behalf of my father."

Zhao Xiang looked at Lin Jiangnian quietly, his deep eyes seemed to be thinking of something, and he sighed: "In total, I haven't seen your father in a few years. Is he okay?"

"Excuse me, Prime Minister Zhao. I'm sorry. Everything is fine."

Young Lin Jiang smiled and said: "It's a pity that my father is busy with business and can't get away. He also said that when he is free in the future, he will definitely come to Beijing to visit Prime Minister Zhao in person."

Zhao Xiangdao: "As a prince, Prince Lin guards the southern territory of our dynasty and is busy with government affairs. Naturally, it is understandable. Your father has made great contributions to our Daning Dynasty, and he is the biggest contributor to our dynasty!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyelids slightly, remained silent, and said with a chuckle: "Zhao Xiangmiao praised me. My father is just doing his duty as a minister and is not worth mentioning."

Prime Minister Zhao sighed: "If all the officials in the world can fulfill their duties as ministers like your father, why worry about our Daning Dynasty not having peace in the world and prosperity for all generations?"

Lin Jiangnian had a smile on his face. He always felt that there was something in the words of the bad old man in front of him.

Click him?


The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face became more sincere: "My father often said that what he hopes for most is peace in the world!"

"There were too many wars fought more than ten years ago, and now there is only a few years of peace. The people's lives have just passed, and they really can't stand the torment anymore!"

"He just hopes that there will be no more wars in this world!"

Zhao Xiang stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times and said: "Prince Lin is really kind and kind. Yes, the people in this world cannot stand the torment. If the world is peaceful, the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and the dynasty is stable..."

"In this way, I will be able to meet the late emperors in the future and have an explanation!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Yes."


As Lin Jiangnian finished speaking, the room suddenly fell into silence.

Zhao Xiang stared at Lin Jiangnian without saying a word. He didn't know what he was thinking about on his old face, but his eyes were deep.

Lin Jiangnian always smiled, picked up the hot tea on the table and took a sip.

Take your time.

"The old minister has something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not." Zhao Xiang suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Zhao, please speak!"

Zhao Xiang stared at Lin Jiangnian with stern eyes and suddenly said: "Your Highness, you must have known about the plan to reduce the vassalage in the imperial court, right?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing and nodded.

"What do you think, Your Highness?" Zhao Xiang asked again.

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and said, "Is Mr. Zhao asking what I think, or my father?"

"What do you think, Your Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and sighed softly: "I am still young. I don't know much about the affairs of the court, and I don't dare to discuss the affairs of the court."

Zhao Xiang shook his head gently: "Why do you have to pretend to be stupid, Your Highness? King Lin asked Your Highness to come to the capital not just to marry the eldest princess, right?"

"Prince Lin's Mansion has become more and more powerful in recent years, and has gradually escaped from the control of the imperial court. Almost all the states in the south of the dynasty are under your control. There are even some places that only know Prince Lin and don't know about the emperor's affairs... Your Highness, do you understand what I mean? ?”

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "Junior, I don't know, please ask Zhao Xiangming to explain."

"The reduction of vassal vassals is the general trend."

Prime Minister Zhao said in a deep voice: "Your Highness is here today, which shows that your father still misses the old friendship with me. For both emotional and rational reasons, I don't want the Lin family to break with the imperial court."

Lin Jiangnian listened quietly and shook his head gently: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, our Lin family does not want to break with the imperial court and become enemies."

"But what if the imperial court insists on reducing the vassal status?"

Lin Jiangnian was silent for a moment and chuckled: "Then... let the court cut it."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiang fell into silence for a long time.

Let the court cut it?

Is it really being cut by the imperial court?

Or... let the court come over?

Zhao Xiang stared at the young Prince Lin in front of him. At this moment, he was calm and calm, and his calm and calm posture made his outstanding temperament even more obvious.

Zhao Xiang's heart sank.

To be able to say such words, I am afraid that Prince Lin's Mansion has already made preparations for that day.

That day really comes...

"Prime Minister Zhao, there is actually no need to worry too much."

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke.

When he came here to see Prime Minister Zhao today, he knew that the issue of reducing the vassal state would definitely be mentioned.

I just didn't expect that Mr. Zhao would be so straightforward.

This is the biggest conflict between the imperial court and the feudal lord. And this was Lin Jiangnian's biggest purpose in meeting Prime Minister Zhao.

"Actually, it's not that there is no solution at all."

Zhao Xiang looked at him, his eyes slightly focused: "What can you do?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "As long as the imperial court does not cut down the vassalage, it will be fine?"

Prime Minister Zhao said in a deep voice: "The reduction of vassalage is the general trend. More than half of the officials in the court support it. Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also advocates the reduction of vassalage! If it were you, how would you choose?"

Lin Jiangnian thought for a while and sighed: "If it were me, I would definitely cut it!"

If it were him, Lin Jiangnian would definitely not be able to sleep with such a vassal king holding military power in the south.

But, is this vassal king his father?

That’s okay!


"It's good for Your Highness to know."

"Then why did Prime Minister Zhao not support the reduction of vassal status in court?" Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

Prime Minister Zhao was silent for a while and sighed: "I don't want another war in the world!"

Once the world falls into civil war, the people will inevitably be displaced and the people will be in dire straits. This is not the result that Prime Minister Zhao wants to see. Over the years, he has been seeking a peaceful solution to this matter.

However, to no avail.

The conflict between the feudal prince and the court was almost impossible to adjust.

"My father also doesn't want another war in the world!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "In this regard, the purpose of Prince Lin's Palace and Prime Minister Zhao's appeal are the same. This is also the real purpose of this junior's visit to Beijing!"

"Between the imperial court and the vassal prince, there may not necessarily be a fight to the death. Perhaps, there will be a peaceful solution!"

"For the common people of the world, and for the peace of the world..."


Zhao Xiang was silent for a long time. Perhaps Lin Jiangnian's words touched him. He stared at Lin Jiangnian: "Then, Your Highness, how do you think this should be resolved peacefully?"

"Although it is difficult, it is not completely impossible. However, I am afraid that I need the help of Prime Minister Zhao..."

Zhao Xiang narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "Are you trying to win over me with this?"

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and did not deny it.

The smile on Zhao Xiang's face slowly disappeared, he was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "As the Prime Minister of the Daning Dynasty, I will never support any vassal king, and I will never get too close to any vassal king. This is a taboo !”

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "This junior does not want the support of Prime Minister Zhao. As a citizen of Daning, I, the Lin family, have never had any thoughts of rebellion. It is a pity that the court does not believe it and regards my Lin family as enemies. I am coming to Beijing this time. , there are many dangers on the road, and now in Beijing, it is even more difficult to walk on thin ice..."

"The junior came here today not to win over Prime Minister Zhao and to divide and dismantle the power of the court. Rather, he wanted to sit down and discuss with Prime Minister Zhao and work together to seek opportunities for peaceful coexistence..."

What Lin Jiangnian needs is not Prime Minister Zhao's defection support, which is unrealistic.

Prince Lin's Mansion and Prime Minister Zhao have the same purpose, and they don't want Prince Lin's Mansion to really break up with the court. In this case, what Lin Jiangnian needs is to have a good relationship with Zhao, or to provide crucial help at some point!

Even if there is no help, as long as the famous Prime Minister Zhao remains neutral in the court, it will be a good thing for Prince Lin's Mansion!

Zhao Xiang stared at Lin Jiangnian for a long time, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: "The king of Lin is a man of great talent and strategy, and he can be regarded as a tycoon of his generation. I hope that Your Highness will not disappoint him!"

"Don't let me down either!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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