Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 303 How come even a gentleman can guard against it?

Lin Jiangnian didn't know what Prime Minister Zhao had in mind. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't take it to heart for the time being.

King Xu, who was in the north of the Daning Dynasty, did have some grudges with Prince Lin's Mansion.

This is not surprising!

As the only two kings with different surnames in the world, King Xu has always had a lot of grievances and conflicts with Lin Hengzhong.

But none of these can make a big splash!

There is no other reason.

Too far!

The fiefdom of King Lin was located on the southern border of the Daning Dynasty, while King Xu was on the northern border. One in the south and one in the north, guarding the gate of the dynasty, they were jokingly called the king of the north and south by people all over the world.

Such a long distance meant that there would only be private testing and friction between King Xu and King Lin. They might be competing in secret, but they would never really break out.

Two kings with different surnames are thousands of miles apart. Even if they take 10,000 steps back and tell the truth, apart from scolding each other in the court, mocking and planning to attack their political opponents, it will not have much substantive effect on either side. s damage.

And this Zhao Xiang wanted to deal with two kings with different surnames, and it was unrealistic to balance the forces of all parties.

Whether King Lin or King Xu rebelled, it would be a huge blow to the court. As for wanting to use the hands of another vassal to eradicate the rebellious vassal, it is even less realistic.

Not to mention that the two sides were thousands of miles apart, the capital of the Daning Dynasty happened to be located in the center of the power of the two vassal kings. One side raises troops to rebel, and whether the other side is willing to send troops is one thing. Even if you are willing, by the time the other vassal king comes to the capital, the grass will grow on the emperor's grave.

More importantly, does the emperor dare to let the vassal king lead troops to Beijing?

The strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves may lead to wolves entering the house if you are not careful...

Then, the only possibility is that Prime Minister Zhao is preparing for the worst.

But what exactly it is, no one knows.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know what Prime Minister Zhao was thinking. After getting Prime Minister Zhao's acquiescence, he was satisfied and planned to leave.

However, when he left the small courtyard and came to the front hall of Zhao Mansion, Lin Jiangnian stopped again.

When I met with Mr. Zhao today, it was Miss Zhao who was the matchmaker. Speaking of which, it was all thanks to her help.

I don’t know... is she at the house?

Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment and then turned around.

He planned to go to Miss Zhao to express his gratitude in person!


Just to thank her for the matchmaking.

Outside the cold courtyard.

Lin Jiangnian drove to the outside of the courtyard. At the door, a maid who looked familiar to Lin Jiangnian saw Lin Jiangnian. She was slightly startled and blinked.

"Prince Lin...His Royal Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian recognized this maid and had met her several times. She was quite cute.

"I have met His Highness."

After Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, she quickly bowed respectfully and saluted.

As if a little shy, he lowered his head slightly.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and glanced at the yard behind her: "Is your lady here?"

Xiaoyue nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, Miss has been waiting for His Highness for a long time..."

"wait for me?"

Lin Jiangnian was confused.

Only then did Xiaoyue realize that she had made a mistake, her face turned red and her eyes were a little panicked.

"Your Highness, the lady has given instructions. You, you can go directly to see the lady... The lady is in the yard..."

Xiaoyue lowered her head and quickly looked for compensation.

Lin Jiangnian thought this maid was a bit strange, but he didn't take it to heart.

Since Miss Zhao is here, that's fine!

Nodding, Lin Jiangnian stepped into the small courtyard.

Xiaoyue stood outside the courtyard, quietly raising her head and looking at the back of Prince Lin, her face slightly red and her eyes slightly envious.

His Royal Highness, Prince Lin, is so handsome!

It's a pity that His Royal Highness Prince Lin is already engaged and is still the eldest princess of the current dynasty...

Xiaoyue sighed lightly, but soon seemed to think of something and blinked.


The eldest princess and her young lady are good sisters and have a very close relationship.

But why does the eldest princess's fiancé come to see his young lady so often during this time?

Satsuki blinked.

Could this be...

As if thinking of some possibility, Xiaoyue's eyes gradually widened in shock.

My young lady, is this your fiancé who wants to pry off your sisters?

Cold courtyard.

In the depth of winter, the weather is getting colder.

However, compared to the previous times, stepping into this familiar courtyard today felt less desolate than in the past.

The dead leaves scattered on the ground were cleaned up, and the surrounding furnishings were neatly placed. The late autumn chill when I first came here completely disappeared.

Stepping on the cobblestone path, Lin Jiangnian stepped onto the arch bridge. Under the arch bridge, the stream flows slowly and silently, with willow branches and leaves hanging down on both sides.

After crossing the arch bridge, there is an additional figure in the line of sight ahead.

Not far away, in the corner of the courtyard, a large emerald green tree stood in the cold wind. It was green and in sharp contrast to the withered and yellow scenes around it.

An exquisite swing is hung under the tree, woven from straw ropes, and the ground is paved with lawn. On the swing, a graceful figure is sitting, rippling gently.

A simple and elegant long skirt wraps up the woman's figure, making her look ready to come out. The thick mink velvet covering the body blocked the cold wind in the courtyard, but it could not block the trembling sound of the swing swinging back and forth.

It’s instantly eye-catching!

Comb up half of the green silk hair and tie it up with a delicate white jade hairpin. The other half is casually scattered to the waist. As the cold wind blows gently, the long hair is flying and scattered all over the sky, making it look stunning!

The woman leaned lightly on the side of the swing, holding the grass ropes on both sides of the swing with her bare hands. Under her skirt, one foot lightly stepped on the grass, and the other foot was slightly suspended in the air, with her toes tapping the ground.

As the swing swayed back and forth, the skirt covering her legs slowly fluttered in the wind, and was lifted up from time to time, revealing the pair of... tightly wrapped feet under the skirt.


The package is tight.

The solid-color embroidered stockings tightly wrapped a pair of jade feet that Lin Jiangnian had just spied on a few days ago, and even held them in his hands, without exposing any skin.

She even wore thick trousers under her skirt, wrapping her slender, snow-white legs airtightly.

Not even a speck of it could be seen.

Who to guard against?

Lin Jiangnian was very angry!

What about trust between people?

Lin Jiangnian stood by the arch bridge and looked at the woman sitting on the swing not far away.

With stunning appearance and noble temperament, she seems to have a cold gaze that makes people unable to reach her.

This daughter of the current Zhao Prime Minister, who was favored by thousands of people, seemed to be born with an arrogant and cool temperament.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't have much thought to appreciate it.

He is indignant!

When I met this Miss Zhao before, she dressed boldly and never concealed herself in front of Lin Jiangnian. Even the three-inch golden lotus, which women could not easily show to others, was displayed generously in front of Lin Jiangnian.

He was even allowed to touch it!

Although he had deliberately seduced and exploited Lin Jiangnian the previous few times, it was enough to show that Miss Zhao was a person who did not stick to trivial matters.

...At least in front of him, Lin Jiangnian, he should be a casual and generous person.

But what about this time?

She wrapped herself up tightly, which was extremely inconsistent with her previous bold style.

Lin Jiangnian didn't feel comfortable with it.

Although it's cold outside, it doesn't hurt to wear more clothes.

But obviously, he could feel that Miss Zhao was guarding against villains.


"How can you guard against villains, even a gentleman like me?"


At the same time, Zhao Xi, who was bored on the swing, raised his eyes and happened to see Lin Jiangnian standing on the edge of the arch bridge in front of him.

The two looked at each other, and a hint of embarrassment quickly appeared in Zhao Xi's eyes. And dissipated quickly.

"Hey, isn't this His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

Zhao Xi raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Why do you have time to come to this little lady today?"

"Miss Zhao."

Lin Jiangnian didn't seem to hear the 'strange aura' in Miss Zhao's tone: "I was invited by Prime Minister Zhao to come to the Zhao Mansion today. I stopped by to visit Miss Zhao."

"By the way?"

Zhao Xi blinked, and a hint of resentment quickly emerged in his eyes: "So, in His Highness's eyes, the little girl is just someone His Highness thinks of in passing?"

"So, in His Highness' heart, the little girl is so worthless?"

Zhao Xi's eyes were dark, and his voice had a weak and aggrieved tone, as if he was angry with his wife. I felt pity for him.

Okay, okay, you've started acting too, right?

"how come!"

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained unchanged and he shook his head: "Miss Zhao is naturally important in my heart. I also made a special trip to see Miss Zhao today."

"Didn't you just say that by the way?"

"Have it?"

Lin Jiangnian's face was blank, and he said decisively: "Miss Zhao must have heard wrong just now. This prince is talking about a special trip. I came here today to find Miss Zhao."

Zhao Xi: "..."

She never expected that the Prince Lin in front of her would be so shameless and talk nonsense in front of her.

No blush, no guilt...

Angry, Zhao Xi's plump chest trembled slightly, and after a while, he sneered angrily: "You are so hypocritical."

"Generally, I learn this from Miss Zhao."

Zhao Xi glared: "When did I teach you this?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Ms. Zhao looked so pitiful just now, like a spoiled little daughter-in-law. Wasn't she also acting with the same depth and hypocrisy?"


Zhao Xi was angry and her pretty face turned red: "You are the one who was ruined!"

"I just want to describe it..."

"you shut up!"

Zhao Xi's breathing was rapid, and his chest swayed even more dazzlingly.

She gritted her teeth, with a look of shame and annoyance on her delicate face, and stared at Lin Jiangnian, even stopping to swing on the swing.

This charming and unrivaled Miss Zhao was obviously very angry at the moment.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he stopped irritating her. He coughed lightly and said, "I just made a little joke with Miss Zhao... Actually, my prince came here today specifically to express his gratitude to Miss Zhao."


Zhao Xi raised his eyes and stared at him.

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said: "Thanks to Miss Zhao for your help, my prince can see Prime Minister Zhao today... so I came here to express my gratitude to Miss Zhao."


After listening to Lin Jiangnian's explanation, Zhao Xi was startled for a moment, and then looked at Lin Jiangnian unexpectedly.

Then, a mocking sneer appeared on his face.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin, is this how you express your gratitude?"

As he said that, Zhao Xi glanced at him with a smile on his face and said: "I just came to thank you with empty hands and no sincerity, but I actually said that the little girl is a spoiled little wife."

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin's way of expressing gratitude... is really unique and ingenious!"

How do you say that.

Don't offend a petty woman if you offend anyone!

Obviously, the Miss Zhao in front of her is here to cause trouble on purpose!

What a yin and yang!

And the reason why she was looking for trouble was probably not just because of what Lin Jiangnian said just now...

Or maybe it was the last time... that made you angry?

"Ahem...Miss Zhao misunderstood. Naturally, my prince will not come empty-handed to thank you. I have prepared a small gift and will deliver it to my house later..."

Zhao Xi glanced at him sideways: "Later? I'm afraid it won't be delivered until His Royal Highness returns to Jiang Mansion, right?"

Lin Jiangnian: "...Miss Zhao, you are really smart and unparalleled. Even this, I know I admire you."


Zhao Xi stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times, and suddenly said angrily: "You are also hypocritically honest."

"Is Miss Zhao praising my prince?"

"What do you think?"

"Just think that Miss Zhao is complimenting you."

Lin Jiang young smiled.


An honest person cannot survive in this capital.

Even though the young lady from the Zhao family in front of you looks harmless, isn't she actually just as hypocritical?

Big brother, stop laughing at your second brother!

Zhao Xi raised his eyes slightly and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

When he came to see Prime Minister Zhao today, Lin Jiangnian put on a rare white brocade robe to express his respect. Although it was not a formal robe, it was still luxurious. The robe is embroidered with brocade patterns, the belt is inlaid with gold embroidery, and she is wearing a jade pendant. The jade quality is priceless at a glance.

Lin Jiangnian was naturally beautiful, with a handsome face and slightly raised eyebrows, revealing an extraordinary temperament that seemed to be born with him. There was also a vague, unspeakable temperament that seemed to be fascinating.

Zhao Xi stared blankly. When he came to his senses, his face was slightly red and there was a hint of strange color in his eyes.

She sighed and said with a faint look: "When I first met His Highness, I knew that His Highness was not simple. But I didn't expect that His Highness could be so thick-skinned..."

"Just do this to Your Highness, and it will probably become a big deal in the future!"

"Thank you, Miss Zhao, for the compliment."


"That's all, I won't argue with you."

Zhao Xi rolled his beautiful eyes, tapped his toes on the ground, and the swing began to swing slowly again.

"How was your conversation with my dad?"

Zhao Xi asked suddenly while swinging lightly.

"It's okay." Lin Jiangnian said.

"My father promised to help you?"

Zhao Xi looked up at him with some surprise.

"That's not true."

"That's pretty much it."

Zhao Xi glanced at him again and said: "My father is the prime minister after all. With so many eyes staring at him from both the government and the public, it is naturally unlikely that he will help you, the son of a vassal... Your plan may come to nothing!" "

"That's hard to say." Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly.


Lin Jiangyoun said with a smile: "Although Prime Minister Zhao and I have different positions, I and Prime Minister Zhao have a common ideal and goal."

"What is it?"

Zhao Xi looked suspiciously.

A common ideal goal?

Why didn't she know?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while, he spoke softly: "The world is at peace."

Zhao Xi: "..."

"Miss Zhao, don't believe it?"

Zhao Xi looked a little strange, stared at him for a few times, and then said quietly: "Do you think I should believe it?"

"You should...believe it, right?"

"But what His Highness does on a daily basis is really hard to convince this little girl..."

"It seems that Miss Zhao has a lot of misunderstandings about this prince!"

"Is it really a misunderstanding?"

Zhao Xi stared at him and asked.

There seemed to be a hint of shame and annoyance in his expression.

Seeing her reaction like this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but think of what happened two days ago, and subconsciously glanced down...

"What are you looking at?"

Zhao Xi immediately noticed that Lin Jiangnian was looking down.

For a moment, she felt that numb feeling welling up in her heart again. She subconsciously retracted her legs under her skirt and stared at him in embarrassment: "What are you looking at?!"

"Didn't see anything."

Lin Jiangnian looked away and curled his lips.

What a great response.

On the surface, this Miss Zhao looks calm and indifferent, but actually she cares a lot?

Zhao Xi gritted his teeth, what haven't you read yet?

This guy was obviously staring at her feet, but he ended up looking serious and hypocritical.


As if thinking of something, Zhao Xi's beautiful eyes turned and narrowed slightly, with a hint of amusement on his face: "Since His Highness dares to peek at the little girl, why don't you dare to admit it?"

"I don't have any."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head in denial.

"Your Highness has already touched it, so why are you still sneaking around like this and showing off to those gangsters on the street? Wouldn't it be detrimental to your demeanor as Prince Lin?"

"How can my prince be like a gangster?"

"Isn't that the way His Highness peeked at the little girl just now?"

"If you say that, Miss Zhao, this prince will have something to say... Speaking of which, this is all your fault, Miss Zhao!"

"Blame me?"

Zhao Xi was slightly surprised.

Blame her?

Why do you still blame her?


Lin Jiangnian looked at the girl swinging in front of him, glanced down again, sighed softly, and said: "Miss Zhao also said just now, indeed she touched everything... But why did Miss Zhao behave like this today? Dishonest?"

Zhao Xi's thoughts didn't come to his senses for a moment: "How can I not be sincere?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and said regretfully: "Isn't it dishonest for Miss Zhao to wrap herself up so tightly? Since she has already touched her, why should Miss Zhao keep covering it up? Isn't it unnecessary?"

"If Miss Zhao is open and honest today, why should my lord be secretive?"

"Miss Zhao's candid display, this prince will naturally appreciate it with candidness..."

"Miss Zhao is even on guard against a gentleman like me, which really makes me sad..."

"Tell me, is this your fault?"


Zhao Xi was confused!

He stood there stunned, his eyes dull.

Looks stunned!

Why does it sound like... it makes sense?

But soon, Zhao Xi reacted suddenly, his face immediately turned red, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Something's wrong!

I was almost fooled!

This guy is clearly trying to change the concept, confuse the public, and mess around!

What candid display?

He clearly wanted to take advantage of her?

A gentleman?


Zhao Xi stared at him with a blushing expression. If it hadn't happened a few days ago, maybe she would have really believed it.

The last few times she had deliberately seduced him, the Prince Lin stood still, and Zhao Xi almost thought he was really a gentleman.

But after being touched last time, Zhao Xi immediately gave up the idea!


Are there any decent men who casually touch women’s feet?

Although she was deliberately angry, but... did he really touch her?

He touched her so carefully and conscientiously, with skillful movements and techniques, that he almost touched was obvious that he had been touched a lot before!

I don’t know how many women have fallen into his clutches!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi blushed and glared at him: "According to what you say, is it really my fault?"

"Should I take off my shoes and socks now and raise my legs so you can see openly?"

Lin Jiangqing coughed: "It stands to reason... that's the case."

"In that case, do you want me to take off my clothes, bellyband and underpants again, so that you can see more clearly without any obstruction?"

Lin Jiangnian was pleasantly surprised: "Is it really possible?"

Zhao Xi's pretty face turned red and she gritted her teeth and sneered.

"In your dreams!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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