Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 304: This gentleman is not a good person

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't think that Zhao Xi would be bold enough to strip naked and let him see clearly.

However, Lin Jiangnian's eyes were slightly moved when he heard that Miss Zhao, who had an extraordinarily beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, said such "large-scale" words in anger.

Not to mention, under the eyes, this Miss Zhao has a plump and graceful figure, a waist and hips, a round and plump breast, and a skin as white as snow.

What would it look like if I didn't wear any clothes?

In Lin Jiangnian's mind, he couldn't help but think of the snow-white body he had witnessed in the bath a few days ago.

Even though it’s just a glimpse!

But the memory is especially vivid!

...Having a good memory is really useful!

Even if a few days have passed, I still remember the details and key points clearly.

"what's on your mind?!"

A shy and annoyed voice came to his ears, pulling Lin Jiangnian's thoughts back. Looking down, he saw Zhao Xi on the swing staring at him, his eyes slightly wary.

She saw something perverse in Lin Jiangnian's eyes...

Is this guy imagining something? !

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi felt a little hot in his body inexplicably, and a strange feeling came to his heart.


Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze and saw that Miss Zhao was gnashing her teeth. He changed the subject without leaving a trace: "It's getting late. If there is nothing else, I will not disturb Miss Zhao's enjoyment. Take my leave! "

He came here because he wanted to express his gratitude to Zhao Xi in person. Now that she had finished thanking her, Miss Zhao wrapped herself up tightly again. It was boring, and Lin Jiangnian was ready to go back.

When Leng Buding heard that Lin Jiangnian was leaving, Zhao Xi spoke subconsciously.

"Are you leaving now?"

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly: "Miss Zhao, is there anything else?"

Seeing the calm look on his face, he looked calm and ready to leave. For some reason, Zhao Xi suddenly felt unhappy!

When I was taking a shower a few days ago, I accidentally let this guy take a look. I didn't know which tendon was wrong at the back, so I asked him to touch it...

Therefore, she wrapped herself up tightly today just to be wary of Lin Jiangnian.

This guy is not as serious as he appears on the surface.

He looks polite, but in fact he is sanctimonious. He is an out-and-out bold... pervert!

She dressed like this because she was worried that the guy would touch her again today.

But what Zhao Xi didn't expect was that she seemed to have 'misunderstood' the Prince Lin?

It seems that he simply came to express his 'thank you' to her?

After expressing his gratitude, he planned to leave.

This made Zhao Xi slightly relieved, but at the same time, he felt a little strange in his heart. Especially when he saw this guy leaving calmly without showing any signs of nostalgia, Zhao Xi felt an inexplicable feeling of dissatisfaction.

"Why, is Your Highness leaving in such a hurry?"

Zhao Xi stared at him and gritted his teeth: "Your Highness doesn't like me so much? Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

"of course not."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and sighed: "I am just worried about disturbing Miss Zhao's enjoyment."

"You've already interrupted!"

Zhao Xi said quietly: "You have to be responsible."


Lin Jiangnian looked into Zhao Xi's resentful eyes. Is she serious about taking responsibility?

Or does it mean something...

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained as usual and he said, "Since I have disturbed Miss Zhao's enjoyment, I would like to apologize to Miss Zhao."


"What else does Miss Zhao hope for this prince?"

"Not sincere at all."

Zhao Xi snorted softly, glanced at him, and seemed to have thought of something. His beautiful eyes turned and he said, "You disturbed my elegance. Can you at least show some sincerity in your apology?"

"What sincerity does Miss Zhao hope for from this prince?"

"come here!"

Zhao Xi hooked his hand towards him.

There was some hesitation on Lin Jiangnian's face: "Miss Zhao, isn't this... bad?"

Zhao Xi was confused, what's wrong? When he was stunned, he quickly saw something from the look on Lin Jiangnian's face...

"What are you thinking about?!"

Zhao Xi said angrily: "I asked you to come over and help me push the swing... You disturbed my enjoyment. Is this request of mine not excessive?"

Just push the swing?

Lin Jiangnian blinked.

"Miss Zhao is overthinking, but this prince is not overthinking."

"Then do you push it or not?"

Lin Jiangnian wanted to refuse, but he was standing in front of the crown prince and pushing a swing for a woman. How would it be considered appropriate to spread the word?

But just when he was about to refuse, Lin Jiangnian thought of something else, thought about it, and chuckled.

"Since it is Miss Zhao's request, I will naturally satisfy it."

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly to Zhao Xi's side. Zhao Xi leaned on the swing, raised his head slightly and looked at him sideways.

Just as Lin Jiangnian's hand touched the rope of the swing, Zhao Xi's voice came: "Be gentle..."

"Don't throw me out."

She knew that Lin Jiangnian was not weak in martial arts and was worried that he would throw her away with force.

"Don't worry, Miss Zhao. I will be gentle and will never hurt Miss Zhao."

Zhao Xi: "???"

Lin Jiangnian put his hand on the swing and gently exerted force. Zhao Xi, who was sitting on the swing, swayed back and forth.

As the arc of the swing became wider and wider, when Zhao Xi swayed on the swing, scattered black hair fluttered in the wind, and occasionally flapped on Lin Jiangnian's body. He smelled a very fragrant scent. The fragrance mixed with a bit of rouge and the original smell of the woman's body is refreshing.

Looking sideways, I occasionally caught a glimpse of a beautiful and delicate face with a slight smile, elegant and stunning.

The beauty is beyond compare.

I have to admit that regardless of appearance or temperament, the Miss Zhao in front of me has few rivals in the world.

However, despite her noble status as the daughter of the Prime Minister of Zhao Dynasty, she also has a somewhat charming temperament, and her movements are charming and attractive.

The leaves above the head made a "whispering" sound, mixed with the woman's silver bell-like laughter.

After an unknown amount of time, the swing gradually stopped. Zhao Xi on the swing looked slightly sideways, with a hint of red on his fair face.

"Is Miss Zhao satisfied?"


Zhao Xi seemed to be in a good mood and looked at him with a smile: "I am flattered to have the majestic prince push the swing for the little girl... Does this count as the little girl's luck?"

"Ms. Zhao's words are serious."


Zhao Xi looked him up and down and said with a half-smile, "Tell me, do you need my help with anything?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "Why does Miss Zhao think so?"

The corner of Zhao Xi's mouth raised slightly: "When have you ever suffered a loss? You look honest, but you are actually very smart..."

"I asked you to help me before, but you resisted. Today I asked you to help me push the swing, and you agreed so simply..."

"There's probably something wrong!"

Zhao Xi saw through him at a glance.

Lin Jiangnian was silent, and then sighed: "Miss Zhao is really smart..."

"Stop flattering!"

Zhao Xi glanced at him: "Let's talk about it."

"It's not a big deal."

Now that Zhao Xi had seen through it, Lin Jiangnian no longer kept his secrets. He did ask Zhao Xi for help.

"I hope Miss Zhao can help me check a few people."

"Check who?"

"Those four protectors of Mitiansi."

Lin Jiangnian looked at her and said, "Miss Zhao should be familiar with her, right?"

Zhao Xi was slightly startled and looked confused: "What do you want to check them for?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Miss Zhao wants me to assassinate Chen Zhao. Why don't I first find out who is around Chen Zhao?"

"These four protectors are Chen Zhao's confidants in Mitiansi, right?"

Zhao Xi hated Chen Zhao deeply. The four guardians of Mi Tiansi were Chen Zhao's cronies, so it was impossible for her to be unaware.

Asking her for help is the most efficient.

"That's true."

Zhao Xi nodded slightly, the four guardians in the Mitian Division were extremely powerful, even superior to the leader. They are all close associates of the eunuch Chen who controls Mi Tiansi in the palace. They can be regarded as out-and-out lackeys of the eunuch.


"What does your assassination of Chen Zhao have to do with the investigation of the four guardians?"

Zhao Xi looked suspiciously.

Obviously, she is not that easy to fool.

It is right to know yourself and the enemy, but if you want to assassinate Chen Zhao and enter the palace, what does it have to do with the four guardians outside the palace?

"Of course it matters."

Lin Jiangnian wanted to continue making up lies, but he saw Zhao Xi staring at him with a faint smile, clearly seeing through his thoughts.

So, Lin Jiangnian didn't bother to make it up: "Miss Zhao, just tell me whether you can help me or not?"

Zhao Xi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a smile in his eyes: "If Your Highness tells the truth, this little lady will naturally be willing to help."

"What if I don't tell you?"

Zhao Xi sighed quietly: "The little girl can only find out by herself."


Lin Jiangnian said nothing, while Zhao Xi turned to look outside the courtyard on the other side.

The next second, an afterimage flickered from outside the courtyard and quietly appeared in the corner of the courtyard, standing there respectfully.

"Go and get Mi Tiansi's information about the four guardians."


The afterimage in the corner disappeared quietly again.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhao Xi: "Thank you, Miss Zhao, for your help..."

"Stop it."

Before Lin Jiangnian could finish speaking, Zhao Xi interrupted him and said with a half-smile: "I'm not helping you for nothing... I helped you, and you have to help me too."

"That's natural." Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Lin Jiangnian should know that Zhao Xi would not help him for no reason. The purpose of all he did was to get Lin Jiangnian to help her kill Chen Zhao.

Seeing that Lin Jiangnian agreed, Zhao Xi nodded with satisfaction.

"What's going on? Is there any news from Your Majesty?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Not yet."

Zhao Xi's pretty eyebrows furrowed slightly: "Why hasn't Your Majesty found you yet?"

If Lin Jiangnian did not enter the palace, his plan to assassinate Chen Zhao would be delayed for one more day.

For Zhao Xi, she does not want to see such a situation.

"Maybe His Majesty is busy with government affairs?" Lin Jiangnian said.

Zhao Xi glanced at this guy, busy with government affairs?

Who doesn't know that His Majesty has ignored government affairs for a long time, so why is he so busy with government affairs?

Zhao Xi thought for a moment and said: "It seems that we have to find another way."

"Any other way?"

"Since His Majesty has not summoned you for a long time, I will think of a way to send you to the palace in a few days, right?"

Lin Jiangnian hesitated: "Is this possible?"


"I am the son of the vassal prince. I am not summoned by His Majesty. Is there any way you can allow me to enter the palace in a legitimate manner without arousing anyone's suspicion?"

"Of course."

Zhao Xi thought for a while and gradually came up with a plan in his mind: "I will find a way for you to enter the palace legitimately, and you take the opportunity to get close to him, and then..."

Speaking of this, a rare sharp and murderous look flashed in Zhao Xi's eyes.

"I'll try my best."

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Since he agreed, he will naturally try his best. As for success, he couldn't guarantee it.


Zhao Xi didn't know what he thought of, his eyes softened a little, and he spoke softly.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Verbal thanks are unnecessary."

The tenderness rising in his heart was instantly interrupted by Lin Jiangnian's unfunny words, and Zhao Xi glared at him.

"Then how do you want to thank me?"

Lin Jiangnian said nothing, but his eyes on Zhao Xi moved downward slightly. Zhao Xi understood in an instant, and her pretty face immediately turned red: "You, you are dirty..."

Lin Jiangnian Xiaoxiong spread his hands and said innocently: "Miss Zhao, what do you mean by this? I didn't say anything."

Zhao Xi said angrily: "Your eyes have said it!"

"Unjustly accused!"


Zhao Xi sneered, feeling inexplicably angry when he saw Lin Jiangnian pretending to be innocent. But at the same time, a strange feeling emerged from my heart.

She stared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes for a few times, then gritted her teeth and said, "If you can really get rid of him, can I, I... let you touch him?"

"Just touching?"

Zhao Xi became angry: "What else do you want?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head: "Miss Zhao misunderstood, I don't want to do anything."

Zhao Xi: "Then tell me whether you can touch it or not?!"

"This prince is a gentleman..."

"Okay, if you don't want to touch it, forget it."

"What about that... Actually, I can be a gentleman sometimes."


The cold courtyard.

The cold wind blew gently, and the stream was running silently across the courtyard. Under the towering green trees, two figures looked at each other.

There was silence for a long time.

After a while.

"If Miao Miao knew that Prince Lin of yours was so sanctimonious and so obscene, she would have stabbed you to death with a sword!"

"The eldest princess is not that kind of person."

"Oh, you are wrong about this. She is just that kind of person...she can't tolerate any sand in her eyes. If you marry her in the future, I guarantee that all the confidante around you will suffer and be killed by her."


Seeing that Lin Jiangnian was silent, Zhao Xi seemed to be angry and had a triumphant smile on his face.

"Are you scared?"

"Afraid but not afraid."


"You don't need a reason to be afraid?"


Zhao Xi sneered softly: "She is better than you in terms of martial arts, and in terms of may not be able to compare with her, not to mention she has a bad temper, and she is the eldest princess of the dynasty, so her status is not lower than yours. If I marry you , why aren’t you afraid?”

Lin Jiangnian said: "Isn't it okay if I don't marry?"

Zhao Xi was slightly startled, stared at Lin Jiangnian, and asked suspiciously, "You don't plan to marry her?"

Lin Jiangnian did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you think I should marry her?"

"It shouldn't be."


"You're such a pervert, you're not worthy of Piaomiao!"

Zhao Xi seems to have identified Lin Jiangnian's character.

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

"You are slandering me."

"Why, am I right?" Zhao Xi glanced at him.

"Is this prince a gentleman if he acts upright and sits upright?"

"That was not the case the last time you touched my girl's legs."

"Isn't that what you asked Miss Zhao to touch?"

"Just touch it if I ask you to?"

"You gave in, why don't you touch me?"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and said with emotion: "My prince has always been so willing to help others."

Zhao Xi: "..."


After getting information about the four guardians of Mitiansi, Lin Jiangnian left the Zhao Mansion.

I left in a hurry and felt a little regretful.

This Miss Zhao's temper seems to be much stronger than before.

Also inexplicably moody.

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh. He still liked the Miss Zhao when they first met. She spoke softly, and her attitude towards him was gentle and enthusiastic...

more importantly……

Wear less.

There are legs to see.

Look at Miss Zhao's attitude towards him now... Sure enough, the best time for people is when they first get to know each other.

Hypocritical and passionate, fresh and romantic.

However, although Miss Zhao's attitude was not very good, she was still very reliable in her work. Lin Jiangnian quickly obtained detailed information about the four guardians of Mitiansi.

As expected, everyone related to Chen Zhao was under the investigation and surveillance of Miss Zhao.

Looking down at the information in his hands, Lin Jiangnian pondered for a long time, his eyes indifferent.

It's time to take action.

the other side.

After Lin Jiangnian left, Zhao Xi was still sitting on the swing in the courtyard.

His face was slightly red and he looked slightly annoyed.

She looked down at her tightly wrapped legs under her skirt, wondering what she was thinking.

"Is it really that easy to touch?"

He seemed to be talking to himself, and after a while, a hint of shyness suddenly appeared on his face.

"I'm afraid he doesn't just want to touch me, right?"

Her beautiful eyes were filled with shame and annoyance, and she said angrily: "He is indeed a slut, a dirty playboy..."

But thinking like this, Zhao Xi's thoughts drifted elsewhere.

"Although he is a scumbag and a despicable person, he doesn't seem to intend to do that kind of behavior of 'forcing others to do something difficult' and 'the overlord is forcing his bow'..."

"I didn't let him touch it. He really didn't touch it..."


Zhao Xi's face turned red with embarrassment, but her apricot eyes became brighter and brighter, as if she was thinking about something, she gritted her teeth.

This guy is really interesting...

the other side.

Lin Jiangnian didn't know that he had now become a 'principled' dirty kid in the mind of Miss Zhao. If he knew, he would definitely find an opportunity to let this Miss Zhao know that he is actually not that principled...

After leaving the Zhao Mansion, Lin Jiangnian returned to the Jiang Mansion, found Lin Qingqing, and ordered some arrangements.

When he entered the capital from Linjiang City in the past, Lin Jiangnian was escorted by the 300th Prince's personal army. After the battle outside the city, there were many casualties and heavy losses. Now after renovations, there are still about 200 people.

These are all the people Lin Jiangnian can use in Beijing.

These people were scattered throughout the capital, secretly investigating and finding out the goings-on of various forces in the capital.

In addition, there are many forces in Beijing that Lin Hengzhong deployed in the early years, mainly responsible for providing intelligence clues.

Of course, there are also some officials and ministers installed by Lin Hengzhong in Beijing. However, due to the huge power in the imperial court and the fact that Lin Hengzhong had made too many enemies in Beijing, Lin Jiangnian was not in a hurry to meet these officials and ministers after entering Beijing.

As chess pieces, they were placed in the imperial court in Beijing by Lin Hengzhong, and they would always play a great role one day.

After giving orders to Qingqing, Lin Jiangnian turned around and prepared to go back to the inner courtyard to find Zhiyuan, but another servant came to report.

"Your Highness, the girl came to see you again yesterday."


Lin Jiangnian was stunned and quickly remembered who it was.

In the front hall, as soon as Lin Jiangnian walked into the front hall, he saw Jinxiu in a brocade dress standing under the eaves, waiting quietly.

She was obviously just a maid beside the eldest princess, but she stood there quietly, with the air of a lady like everyone else.

She doesn't look like a maid at all.

"Girl Fairview?"

Lin Jiangnian approached, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a half-smile, "I thought I would pick up Miss Jinxiu in two days, but I didn't expect that Miss Jinxiu can't wait to move in with me?"

When Jinxiu saw Lin Jiangnian, she immediately remembered what happened yesterday, her pretty face turned red, and she sighed softly: "Your Highness is talking nonsense, and you actually deceived your slave yesterday."


Lin Jiangnian smiled and said, "Where did my prince lie? Didn't your princess say that she would reward you to my prince?"

" princess also said that she would ask the slave for her opinion."

"What? Your princess agreed, why don't you still listen to your princess?"


Jinxiu's face was slightly shy and anxious, she naturally listened to the princess's words.


His Highness the Crown Prince is clearly changing his ideas and messing around.

Realizing this, Jinxiu rolled her eyes and glared at Lin Jiangnian angrily: "Humph, I can't stand up to His Highness, so I won't argue with His Highness..."

After saying that, Jinxiu took another deep breath and curled her lips: "I came to see His Highness today for something important."

"What's important?"

Jinxiu looked at Lin Jiangnian, hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "His Royal Highness, I would like to meet His Highness."

"..." (End of this chapter)

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