Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 305 The wronged paper kite

"Your Highness the Crown Prince?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed slightly, "His Royal Highness, do you want to see me?"


Jinxiu nodded, chuckled and said, "I was ordered to come here today to report this matter. I wonder if His Highness, the Crown Prince, would have time to talk to the East Palace?"

Lin Jiangnian was slightly startled. Your Highness, do you want to see him?

He had never had anything to do with His Highness the Crown Prince. Why did he suddenly want to see him?


Why is it that the person who came to report was the maid next to the eldest princess?

Lin Jiangnian looked at the smiling Jinxiu in front of him, and gradually seemed to understand something.

"Since His Highness the Crown Prince wants to see me, why is it you who are here today?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

Jinxiu blinked, as if she could read Lin Jiangnian's thoughts, and smiled at him: "Of course it was my princess who asked me to come."

"Your princess?"

"My princess and His Highness the Crown Prince are brothers and sisters, and they are very close... Yesterday my princess went to the East Palace. I think it was my princess who mentioned you, Your Highness, in front of His Highness the Crown Prince, so she ordered me to come today. Invite His Highness the Crown Prince..."

Jinxiu spoke softly.

She was quite familiar with the Prince Lin in front of her, so she spoke without any concealment.

That's indeed what it sounds like.


Lin Jiangnian asked again: "What important matter does His Highness the Prince come to see me for?"

Jinxiu shook her head gently: "I don't know this. I'll find out when Your Highness comes tomorrow."

Lin Jiangnian asked, "What if I don't go?"

Jinxiu blinked her smart eyes: "Naturally, the slave will go back and report everything!"


Lin Jiangnian thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Since His Highness the Crown Prince invites me, I must give you this face."

Although he didn't know why the Crown Prince wanted to see him for no reason, Lin Jiangnian decided to go and meet him.

Meet the crown prince of the Daning Dynasty, the future emperor, and Lin Jiangnian’s nominal... future uncle!

Hearing this, a sweet smile appeared on Jinxiu's face: "I will go back and report first, and I will send someone to greet His Highness tomorrow."

"Don't worry yet!"

After finishing the business, Lin Jiangnian glanced at Jinxiu in front of him and waved his hand: "It's rare for Miss Jinxiu to come here, so I'm not in a hurry to go back. It's still early, so why not sit down and have a cup of tea first to get familiar with this place, so as not to feel unfamiliar in the future?" …”

How could Jinxiu not understand the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words? A blush immediately appeared on his face, "That's unnecessary... I'm still in a hurry to go back and report."

"There's no rush. It doesn't hurt to go back later."

"If you go back late, the princess will punish you."

Jinxiu bit her lip and glared angrily at the Prince Lin in front of her.

What about sitting down and having a cup of tea?

If she really sat down, it would probably be more than just drinking tea.

Why should she be familiar with this place? It’s really...

Thinking of this, Jinxiu felt ashamed and annoyed, and snorted: "If there is nothing else, I will go back first..."

"Is this prince going to send you off?"

"No, no, no, I will leave on my own..."

"It's okay, I will give it to you."

"There's really no need... Oh, Your Highness, please respect yourself..."


Lin Jiangnian stood under the eaves, looking at Jinxiu's fleeing figure in front of him, with a somewhat proud smile on his face.

"Your Highness is bullying Sister Jinxiu again!"

At this time, a faint voice came from beside him.

Lin Jiangnian turned his head and saw Xiaozhu standing under the eaves at some point, blinking his big eyes and looking at this scene, his little mouth pouting slightly, looking angry.


Lin Jiangnian waved to her, and Xiaozhu approached obediently. Lin Jiangnian hugged her into his arms, rubbed the little maid's weak and delicate body, and said with a chuckle: "When has your highness ever bullied anyone?" ?”

"There is..."

Xiaozhugu puffed up his round little face and said, "Did Your Highness just scare Sister Jinxiu on purpose?"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "Why do you think so?"

"of course."

Xiaozhu raised his head slightly proudly: "Your Highness is really bullying other women in the house. If Sister Zhiyuan finds out, she will definitely be angry!"

"That's why Your Highness doesn't dare!"

Xiaozhu analyzed proudly, she knew best how far the relationship between His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan had developed.

If His Highness dares to flirt with women in the house today, Sister Zhiyuan will definitely not be able to spare him!

Even if he is flirting with women, he must be out there, and he will never be easily discovered by Sister Zhiyuan.


His Highness must have deliberately frightened Sister Jinxiu just now.

She was thinking so proudly in her heart, but unexpectedly she didn't hear His Highness's voice. Xiaozhu subconsciously raised her head and saw His Highness looking at her with slightly narrowed eyes.

Xiaozhu immediately became vigilant: "Your, why do you look at slave Xiaozhu like this?"

"Xiaozhu's analysis is very good."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "So His Highness decided to reward you."

"What's the reward?" Xiaozhu subconsciously asked, but unexpectedly saw His Highness's 'unkind' gaze.

"Of course it's a reward for His Highness bullying you tonight... The little girl is so cowardly that she doesn't even look down on Your Highness anymore. Let's see how His Highness teaches you a lesson..."

"Oh, Your Highness, please don't... This servant is wrong, Your Highness, wuwu... I know my mistake, oh, please, please... I will be discovered..."


It's getting dark.

After giving Xiaozhu a lesson and making her realize the serious consequences of talking nonsense, Lin Jiangnian went to the next courtyard to look for Zhiyuan.

Last night, I finally had a frank meeting with Zhiyuan. The two of them revealed their identities to each other and showed sincerity to each other until everything came together and they successfully took the last step.

Super Plus enjoy!

After struggling for half the night last night, not a single scrap of the paper kite was left alive. I used another way to spread all the anger I suffered when I was in Prince Lin's Mansion on the paper kite...

Isn't this a kind of 'revenge'? !

When I woke up this morning, I wanted to have some tenderness with Zhiyuan again, talk about love, and try to score twice, but my aunt suddenly came to the door, interrupting their tender thoughts.

Then immediately after his aunt left, Lin Jiangnian was kicked out of bed mercilessly by the angry Zhiyuan!

So shameless!

The majestic prince was kicked out of bed by his maid. Shouldn't he be laughed at to death if word spread about this?

Fortunately no one saw it!

He originally wanted to wait for Zhiyuan's anger to subside before looking for her, but someone from the Zhao family suddenly came. Lin Jiangnian had no choice but to send Xiaozhu to inform Zhiyuan, and then went to the Zhao family.

It wasn't until it was getting late that I finally had time to see the kite.

From the mouth of the maid outside the hospital, I learned that Zhiyuan was ill today and had almost never left the room and stayed in the room.

Feeling sick?

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew what was going on. Is it possible that Zhiyuan was worried about being noticed by others and stayed away all day?

Yes, last night was the first time after all, so it was quite a struggle.

Even if Zhiyuan's body is different from ordinary people, there will still be something strange. If someone discovers...

Zhiyuan didn't dare to let her aunt know, and naturally she didn't want to be discovered by others.

Lin Jiangnian came outside Zhiyuan's room. The lights were dimly lit, and he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Paper Kite?"

he called softly.

There was no sound or movement in the room.

Lin Jiangnian persevered and knocked on the door.

"Zhiyuan, it's me, your highness is back!"

"Open the door!"

"I know you are in the room. Please open the door quickly. I have something important to tell you..."


As if annoyed by Lin Jiangnian's continuous knocking on the door, a cold sound finally came from the room, even mixed with a hint of anger.

"Is something wrong?"

A cold tone can put people away thousands of miles away.

Hey, have you installed it again?

After last night, Zhiyuan's cold expression and attitude were no longer scary in Lin Jiangnian's eyes.

On the contrary, it even feels more inexplicable...interesting?

Quite exciting!

Lin Jiangnian continued to knock on the door: "It's cold outside, please open the door first, and I'll go in and talk to you."

"If anything happens, let's talk outside the door."

The cold tone didn't give him any sympathy.

But Lin Jiangnian could hear a bit of anger in this voice.

Obviously, most of them are still angry with this morning.

"It's hard to tell outside for a while, so you open the door first and I'll tell you slowly..."


"You won't bear to let your highness suffer the cold wind outside, right?"


"If you don't open the door, I will go in by myself!"


No matter how Lin Jiangnian shouted outside the door, the paper kite in the room would not open the door.

Obviously, he had made up his mind not to let Lin Jiangnian in today.

However, can this be difficult for Lin Jiangnian?

Since Zhiyuan wouldn't open the door, he would find a way on his own.

Lin Jiangnian took two steps back and looked up and down at the door. It's not a good idea to force your way in. It will destroy the door and it will be hard to explain when my aunt asks her tomorrow.


Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the window sill not far away.



In a cold room.

On the bed behind the screen, Zhiyuan, dressed in a plain white dress, was sitting on the bed, with her legs bent and her body covered with a quilt. She was holding a book with her head down and reading.

A stray black hair fell down, covering half of her beautiful and delicate face. When she raised her forehead slightly, it could be seen that this beautiful and cold face was filled with some indescribable annoyance.

Mixed with some complicated emotions.

His eyes were fixed and he said nothing.

She has been in bed all day today!

Don't want to get up!

I don’t want to go out either.

As for the reason...

it goes without saying.

What happened last night was like a dream, nothing felt real.


The dream-like images kept emerging clearly and profoundly, making her realize that it was not a dream.

So much so that today she felt guilty, hiding in her room and unwilling to go out.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the door outside the screen.

That guy disappeared for a day today.

Although she knew that he had something important to do, Zhiyuan still felt some inexplicable emotions in her heart.

I can’t tell, but I’m not very happy anyway!

I feel a little angry for no reason!

This has never happened before, so Zhiyuan himself is a little confused at this moment.

She, what's wrong?

After what happened last night, Zhiyuan was a little scared now.

Can't tell why.

I just don't dare to see him.

I don't know how to face him, and I don't know...


So, she chose to escape.

Plan to drive this annoying guy away!

She decided to calm down first.

However, when Zhiyuan made up her mind, the knock on the door stopped, but there was movement from the window on the other side.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes, and she quickly saw through the screen that not far away, the window that Lin Jiang had broken in from last time was quietly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a vigorous figure climbed over and climbed in from the window.

Familiar with the road!

The movements are skillful, as if they have done it many times.

Zhiyuan: "..."

Lin Jiangnian easily climbed into the room through the window and had to praise his wit. I saved some money when I repaired the windows last time, and it really came in handy tonight.

Lin Jiangnian turned around and scanned the room. There was a faint light on in the room. Behind the screen not far away, there was a figure on the bed.

"Paper Kite?!"

After Lin Jiangnian stepped into the screen, he saw Zhiyuan sitting lightly on the edge of the bed, raising her eyes and staring at him expressionlessly.

The dim light fell on her face, and her face, which was not painted with makeup, looked a little pale, and it was stunningly white.

Coupled with her disheveled hair, she looked a little weak at the moment.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern: "Are you feeling unwell? Let me take a look."

Zhiyuan saw Lin Jiangnian suddenly reaching out and patted his hand down with a cold face: "I'm fine."

The tone was cold and a bit stiff.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Jiangnian took a closer look and found that Zhiyuan had a cold face, as if he was unhappy.

Lin Jiangnian blinked, licked his face and moved closer, "Are you still angry?"

Naturally, he remembered what happened in the morning and annoyed Zhiyuan.

Do you still hold grudges?

Zhiyuan glared at him coldly and said nothing.

"It was my fault this morning, and I apologize to you."

Lin Jiangnian apologized very well. It was true that he went too far this morning. He was a little complacent and overreached. Zhiyuan was angry and reasonable.

"Don't be angry, okay? I haven't seen you for a day. Come let His Highness give you a hug."

With that said, Lin Jiangnian stepped forward, intending to take the angry Zhiyuan into his arms.

Zhiyuan did not let him get what he wanted. When Lin Jiangnian approached, he stretched out a plain hand and pressed it against Lin Jiangnian's chest to stop him from approaching.

"Don't move your hands or feet!"

Zhiyuan stared at him expressionlessly.

"No, how could you do anything?"

Lin Jiangnian repeatedly shouted that he was wronged: "I just want to hug you."

"No way!"

Zhiyuan refused.

"Just a hug?"


Zhiyuan's clear eyes stared at him without saying a word.

Do you really think she will be fooled?

Just a hug?

This guy knows how to push the envelope even further. If you really let him hug you, how can you only give him a real hug?

He had obviously promised it last night, but in the end it was not...


Thinking of this, Zhiyuan's face turned slightly red, and she looked even more beautiful under the dim light.

The cold temperament was diluted a lot, but those eyes were still staring at Lin Jiangnian.

There is an inexplicable cold temperament.

But this temperament gave Lin Jiangnian an evil thought...

Who can withstand this?


"Don't be angry. I haven't seen you for a day. Can you let His Highness give you a hug..."

Lin Jiangnian coaxed softly like a little girl.

Unexpectedly, when Zhiyuan heard this, he seemed to suddenly have some emotion.

"You also know that we haven't seen each other for a day?"

The voice was dull and mixed with a bit of indescribable anger.

Looking at her cold eyes again, there seemed to be a touch of grievance in her cold eyes for some reason.

Just stared at him stubbornly.


There will be another chapter later

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