Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 306 Little Paper Kite

In Lin Jiangnian's impression, Zhiyuan has always been a girl with an unhappy mood.

She is very good at hiding her emotions, and uses her cold appearance and cold temperament to keep others away.

She rarely showed her true emotions and never showed her likes and dislikes for anything.

Of course, that doesn't mean she has no emotions.

Compared to the cold, emotionless eldest princess, Zhiyuan is obviously much more normal.

She would also get angry when Lin Jiangnian annoyed her.

When Lin Jiangnian 'bullied' her, she would also show her dissatisfaction.

Lin Jiangnian would often think of her as the "outrageously powerful" and "frightened" little maid in Prince Lin's palace.

The methods are ruthless and murderous!

Obviously, she is not as weak as she appears. At such a young age, her strength is close to the third level, which makes her proud.

There are few rivals in the world!

But on the other hand, Lin Jiangnian will suddenly realize at a certain moment... the paper kite in front of him is still just a girl in her prime!

Just like this moment.

The girl in front of him, with her hair disheveled, revealing a slightly haggard white face, was sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs bent, staring at him.

Those usually cold eyes seemed to contain some kind of emotion. She looked a little aggrieved in her weakness, and seemed to be angry in her stubbornness, just staring at him.

Not a word was spoken.

But it is worth a thousand words.

At this moment, something soft in Lin Jiangnian's heart seemed to have been stabbed hard!

It was the first time in his life that Lin Jiangnian saw Zhiyuan with such an expression, and Lin Jiangnian felt heartbroken!

Guilt and a deep sense of self-blame came over me.

I just took away the most important thing from this girl last night, and then he disappeared for a day!

He deserves to die!

"It's all your Highness's fault. It was me who neglected Little Paper Kite. Your Highness was wrong. Can I admit my mistake to you?"

Zhiyuan said nothing, still staring at him stubbornly.

When Lin Jiangnian looked at her with eyes full of distress, concern and guilt, her long eyelashes trembled slightly and she looked away slightly, not looking at him.

With a cold face, he still said nothing.

This weak and pitiful look made Lin Jiangnian feel heartbroken.

"His Highness knows that he was wrong. He should not have ignored my little paper kite today. It is His Highness who deserves to die... Do you think I will come to you as soon as I come back..."

Lin Jiangnian sat by the bed, held the girl's little hand on the quilt, and moved closer: "If Zhiyuan You are angry, why don't you give His Highness a beating to vent your anger?"

"How about I promise not to resist?"

Lin Jiangnian comforted her in a soft voice. Zhiyuan, who was sitting on the bed, remained silent. She lowered her eyes slightly and fell on the hand held by Lin Jiangnian, subconsciously trying to pull it out.


She had a cold face and a cold voice.

"Then can you forgive His Highness?"

Zhiyuan didn't look at him, her eyes fell on her little hand, and she twitched hard, but it still didn't twitch.

Lin Jiangnian's little hand was grasped tightly and did not let go.


Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him.

Hearing Zhiyuan say it hurt, Lin Jiangnian cautiously let go.

Although she didn't believe that Zhiyuan was really in pain, in a certain way, Zhiyuan's martial arts skills were far superior to his. If she really wanted to break free from Lin Jiangnian's shackles, it would be easy.

She had been unable to break free every time in the past, so it was obviously not true that she couldn't break free.

And now she is crying out in pain...

Whether it was real pain or fake pain, Lin Jiangnian couldn't turn a blind eye.

With her hands free again, Zhiyuan gently rubbed her white wrists, raised her eyes and glanced at him expressionlessly, and saw Lin Jiangnian with a 'pleasant' look on his face.


With an inaudible hum, Zhiyuan looked away.

Lin Jiangnian was left with a delicate, cold, and somewhat arrogant profile.

Lin Jiangnian was sitting by the bed, looking at the cool and beautiful face of the arrogant girl on the bed, and softly... explained.

"I originally wanted to wait for my aunt to leave before coming to find you today, but I didn't expect that Prime Minister Zhao would suddenly send someone here. Prime Minister Zhao has a very high prestige in the court and has huge power, so he should not be underestimated. He sent people, so don't slack off... …”

"I originally planned to go see him and come back to you later. But I didn't expect that it would be late at night..."

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian looked at the girl in front of him guiltily.

He really didn't realize this, and he also ignored that the girl in front of him last night was at her most vulnerable, confused and insecure moment after experiencing the transformation into a woman. What is needed most is companionship and care.

And Lin Jiangnian suddenly left and neglected her for a whole day. It was normal for Zhiyuan to feel aggrieved and angry.

It’s strange to be out of breath!

And all this was due to Lin Jiangnian's inexperience. Although Lin Jiangnian was already familiar with the affairs between men and women, he had little experience with women's thoughts.

After all, neither Liu Su nor Xiao Zhu were in the same situation as the paper kite in front of them.

With Liu Su, strictly speaking, it was an accident.

It’s also a deal!

There was not much deep emotional communication between the two at that time. There might have been affection, but it was certainly not as deep as the physical communication between the two.

Liu Su's original intention was to remove the love poison from Lin Jiangnian's body. The purpose was to detoxify him. Coupled with his somewhat forced mentality, naturally there was no tenderness at all.

As for Xiaozhu, her identity is Lin Jiangnian's personal maid. Even if Lin Jiangnian neglected her, she probably wouldn't complain too much.

But Zhiyuan was different. Although she used to be Lin Jiangnian's personal maid in name. But after all, she was the daughter of the former Yanzhou County Sheriff, and she was considered a down-and-out daughter of a wealthy family.

Even when she was in Prince Lin's palace, no one ever really thought of her as just a little maid. Even Lin Jiangnian had doubted whether she was Lin Hengzhong's illegitimate daughter...

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, sitting quietly on the bed with her legs bent, her legs wrapped in quilt, and her body wearing thin plain clothes, like a quiet girl.

Cool and a bit cute.

Lin Jiangnian quietly admired the girl's appearance and spoke in a soft voice: "I thought that Prime Minister Zhao would avoid suspicion. After all, everyone in the court was watching, but I didn't expect that he was not afraid and dared to see me openly."

"This Prime Minister Zhao cares about the people of the world and does not seem to be in favor of reducing the vassal..."

"In this way, if we really fall out with the court in the future, this Prime Minister Zhao may be able to help us in the future..."


Lin Jiang young and whispered to Zhi Yuan what happened today, his meeting with Prime Minister Zhao, the game and test, and his next plan. He told Zhi Yuan in a low voice.

Zhiyuan just listened quietly, pursed her lips lightly and said nothing.

"Tell me, what is the real purpose of Prime Minister Zhao's willingness to see me today?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly asked.

He lowered his head and looked at Zhiyuan. Zhiyuan was still silent, thinking about something in his eyes.

After a while, she said expressionlessly: "Testing."

A concise and concise answer.

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "That's right."

"He really wanted to test the attitude of our Prince Lin's Mansion today. To be precise, he seemed to be testing my attitude?"

Lin Jiangnian didn't know what he thought of, and he was thoughtful.

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him without saying a word.

"However, it can be seen that the court is indeed in chaos now. First, the minister of the Ministry of War was executed by the whole family, and the deaths of Zhou Huiguang and Gao Wenyang made the officials of the Sixth Ministry feel in danger. Especially..."

Having said this, a strange smile appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "In order to protect himself, Gao Boyan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, did not hesitate to kill his own son and demanded glory and wealth from the third prince... He was worse than a beast. "

"What's interesting is that he suddenly sent someone to invite me yesterday. This is interesting..."

Lin Jiangnian's eyes flickered with amusement. He lowered his head and saw that the girl next to him was still silent. He gently grabbed her little hand and said, "Tell me, should I go see him?"

"what ever."

Zhiyuan's tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

"And one more thing……"

Lin Jiangnian paused for a moment: "His Royal Highness also sent someone to find me, saying that he wanted to see me."

Hearing His Highness the Crown Prince, Zhiyuan raised his eyes slightly.

"I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince was seriously ill some time ago and has not recovered yet. Now the East Palace is in chaos. What is the purpose of His Highness the Crown Prince wanting to see me at this time?"

When Lin Jiangnian asked, he seemed to be talking to himself.

Zhiyuan listened quietly, her originally calm eyes slightly condensed.

"Speaking of which, His Highness the Crown Prince seems to be in favor of reducing the vassalage."

Lin Jiangnian smiled: "It has long been known to everyone in the court that he advocated reducing the vassal state. Logically speaking, as the son of the vassal king, I should be incompatible with each other, but now he suddenly said that he wanted to see me..."

"Zhiyuan, tell me, what bad idea does he have?"

Zhiyuan's delicate face froze slightly, and after a while, she shook her head.

"Speaking of which, our situation in Prince Lin's Mansion isn't very good either."

Lin Jiangyoun sighed: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to reduce the vassal status, and I am incompatible with the third prince. Which one of them will become the emperor in the future will not be good for us!"

"Tell me, what should I do?"

Zhiyuan remained silent and did not answer.

"Then tell me, should I go see the Crown Prince tomorrow?"

Lin Jiangnian asked softly again, as if he was thinking of something, and said with a smile: "What if I go tomorrow, and His Highness the Crown Prince does not respect martial ethics and ambush five hundred swordsmen and axemen in the house. When I arrive at the East Palace, what will happen?" His Royal Highness the Prince threw a cup as a signal, and five hundred swordsmen jumped out and killed me..."

"what to do?"

Hearing this, Zhiyuan finally moved slightly. She raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jiangnian. After a while: "I'll go with you."

"Zhiyuan, can you beat the five-hundred-axe wielder?"


"Or do you plan to be buried with your Highness?"


Zhiyuan stared at him expressionlessly.

"just kidding……"

Lin Jiangyoun smiled: "Don't worry, His Highness the Crown Prince cannot do such stupid things. On the contrary, he may be the person in the world who wants me to live the most..."

Zhiyuan remained silent, without saying a word.

But there was always a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Then do you think I should go?" Lin Jiangnian asked again.

Zhiyuan glanced at him: "Have you already made a decision in your mind?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded, looked at her quietly, and chuckled: "But, I want to hear your opinion more."

Being stared at by Lin Jiangnian's scorching eyes, Zhiyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

"up to you."

His tone was still cold.

However, Lin Jiangnian already knew her answer.

He chuckled: "Then I'll listen to you."

Zhiyuan pursed her lips and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the little hand he was holding. Seeing that she didn't resist, he used the strength of his grasp on Zhiyuan's little hand to pull her into his arms.

As expected, Zhiyuan reacted quickly and struggled away.

"Are you still angry?"

Lin Jiangnian came close to the girl, stared at the girl's fair and slightly red face, and whispered softly: "You still refuse to forgive me?"

Zhiyuan's beautiful eyes were angry and she stared at him, pursed her lips and said nothing.

"I know you are definitely not angry with His Highness. My little paper kite is so cute, kind and well-behaved. How can I care about you like His Highness?"

Zhiyuan's eyes flashed with a hint of embarrassment, her cheeks were slightly red, and her ears were slightly hot.

How did he say such shameful and childish words?

"Come, let Your Highness see if my cute, cute, and the most beautiful little kite in the world is still alive..."

"Such a pretty, smart, gentle and generous little kite, I'm sure it won't give birth..."

"you shut up!"

Zhiyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him with a red face and annoyance.

A pair of shy watery eyes stared at him, "Don't say any more!"

She felt like goosebumps were rising all over her body, and her face was even hotter and ashamed...

How did he say such disgusting words?

Lin Jiangnian looked at her in surprise: "Then you forgive His Highness? Are you not angry anymore?"

"Great, Zhiyuan is finally not angry anymore!"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly spoke happily.

Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment. When did she stop being angry?


Before Zhiyuan could speak, Lin Jiangnian in front of her suddenly came over and took a sip on her pink face off guard.

"I know my little paper kite won't be angry with me, right?!"

Zhiyuan froze in place, her already blushing face getting even redder.

She opened her eyes slightly, and there was a hint of confusion in those clear eyes.

Did she really say she wasn't angry?

However, although……

She wasn't really angry.

I just feel a little uncomfortable!

She knew that Lin Jiangnian went to Zhao's house, and she also knew that he went to see Prime Minister Zhao for business.

She understood and didn't have many other emotions in her heart.

But for some reason, when Lin Jiangnian came back and appeared outside the room door, some emotions welled up in her heart.

Especially when she saw Lin Jiangnian admitting his mistake to her, the inexplicable feeling of grievance in Zhiyuan's heart became even stronger!

I don’t know why, but I just can’t help it.

However, when Lin Jiangnian carefully coaxed her just now, those little emotions in her heart had slowly disappeared.

However, the girl's reserve made it difficult for her to express her true feelings. more importantly……

She still didn't know how to really face Lin Jiangnian.

Therefore, I can only keep a cold face and use indifference to cover up my panic and confusion.


How could this guy take it upon himself to say that she wasn't angry anymore?

"Paper Kite..."

Lin Jiangnian happily held her little hand and stared at her lovingly.

Such a scorching gaze gave Zhiyuan goosebumps all over his body.



Can't adapt.

Totally unable to adapt.

Zhiyuan looked away and gritted his teeth: "You, please be normal!"

"Am I normal?"

"Take your disgusting look away and don't look at me like that."


Lin Jiangnian then put away his "affectionate" gaze and moved closer to Zhiyuan: "You're not angry with me anymore, are you?"


Zhiyuan turned his head away and snorted slightly.

Lin Jiangnian saw this and took her into his arms. Zhiyuan didn't even put up a symbolic struggle this time. Even if she didn't admit it, she was indeed no longer angry.

As for struggling... there seems to be no point in struggling!

Lin Jiangnian hugged the girl in his arms and touched the girl's soft and delicate body through the thin clothes. The light fragrance lingering in his nose felt the hard-won tenderness of the girl.

"I heard from the maid that you haven't gone out today?"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the girl in his arms.


Zhiyuan's voice was very soft, her head resting slightly on Lin Jiangnian's chest, and her expression could not be clearly seen.

"are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"Auntie... did you find anything today?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin Jiangnian felt a pain in the soft flesh of his waist.

Lowering his head, he saw Zhiyuan staring at him with a red face, obviously remembering something from this morning.

"Ahem, I'm just asking..."

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the bed, and he was surprised to find: "Hey, you have even changed the bed quilt?... Hey, don't pinch me gently... OK, OK, I won't say anything..."

Lin Jiangnian took a breath of cold air.

The angry girl is really cruel!


The girl in his arms turned red and looked at him threateningly.

Lin Jiangnian wisely chose to shut up. This little maid was too cruel!

It hurts so much!

Could it be that he was taking revenge for last night?

Lin Jiangnian rubbed his waist, then lowered his head and asked, "By the way, aren't you going to tell your aunt about our matter?"

Zhiyuan in her arms was startled for a moment, and when she mentioned her aunt, she felt a little at a loss: "No, I don't know..."

Logically speaking, it should be said.

My aunt watched her grow up, she was both sister and mother. Such a big thing happened, she should tell her aunt.

But, she...

Lin Jiangnian noticed her hesitation and said, "Shall I tell my aunt?"

"No, no..."

Zhiyuan blushed and shook her head.

He bit his lip lightly, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "Well, I'd better go."

"Okay, then go ahead and say it."

Lin Jiangnian nodded and did not argue with her. He smiled and said, "My aunt found out about it one day. She might be angry and say that we hid it from her."

Just after I finished speaking, my waist hurt again.

"Stop talking."

"Okay, okay, then I won't say anything!"

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the mischievous girl in his arms. His eyes fell on the girl's delicate and delicious face, and following his gaze, he could vaguely see the spring light on the collar of the girl's thin clothes...

Zhiyuan, who was originally held in his arms, suddenly felt the temperature of the person next to him rising. He subconsciously raised his head and met Lin Jiangnian's gaze.

His slightly hot eyes were somewhat meaningful: "Zhiyuan, look it's getting late... Let's go to bed early?"

Immediately, shame appeared in Zhiyuan's eyes. How could she not hear the implication in these words?


Who is sleeping?

"No, no!"

Zhiyuan's face turned red with embarrassment, her tone was panicked and a little frightened, and she was obviously frightened: "You, you go back tonight, go back..."

She reached out and pushed Lin Jiangnian, but how could she push him?

Even though he was here, Lin Jiangnian had no intention of going back tonight.

"Be good, it's okay... We are already husband and wife, so naturally we should sleep together."

"Who, who is already married to you?"

"We're already physically married, so we can be considered a quasi-couple, right?"

"You, you are shameless... uh uh..."



"Hey, little Zhiyuan, I have an even more shameless trick, I'll let you see it later..."


ps: Double the price on the last day, please vote brothers! ! !

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