Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 307 The Enthusiastic Prince

In the early morning, the cold wind suddenly stopped.

The weather has been cloudy for several days, and the sun rarely came out today.

In the early morning, the Oriental fish spits white, and a warm light falls on the courtyard. The weather is still cold, but this ray of sunshine seems to have dispelled a lot of the chill.

The warm sunshine in winter is quiet and beautiful.

There was silence in the room.

The bed behind the screen, inside the gauze tent, was a little messy.

Lin Jiangnian was lying on the bed, with nothing around him. The fragrance of the beauty still lingered on the pillow and in the quilt.

And a little bit of the lingering atmosphere last night.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, Zhiyuan was no longer in the room. He slowly sat up and looked around.

The bed seemed to have been made, and it looked normal. Even Lin Jiangnian's scattered clothes from last night were neatly arranged beside the bed.

Obviously, it should be Zhiyuan's handwriting.

Lin Jiangnian gradually recalled what happened last night, clearly and vividly.

Zhiyuan's resistance was still fierce last night, but under Lin Jiangnian's step-by-step and methodical attack, he finally succeeded...

However, the fly in the ointment is that Xiao Zhiyuan is still very stubborn and will resist to the death.

I would rather die than obey!

Very bad attitude!

Very uncooperative!

Lin Jiangnian was already very satisfied with this result.

He believes that as long as he continues to work hard, one day he will be able to completely change Zhiyuan.

Make her become gentle, well-behaved and obedient!

Just as he was making plans in his mind, the sound of trotting footsteps suddenly came from outside the room door.

Immediately afterwards.

"Your Highness?"

Xiaozhu's voice came from outside the door.


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyes and looked out the door: "Come in."


The door was gently pushed open, and Xiaozhu, wearing a skirt, tiptoed in.

She walked very cautiously, with a little curious look on her pink and jade face, looking around furtively.


It’s pretty normal right now!


Xiaozhu glanced quietly behind the screen.

She soon saw His Highness sitting on the bed.

"Your Highness."

Xiaozhu approached cautiously like a thief. As soon as he passed the screen, he subconsciously touched his nose lightly, and a blush quickly appeared on his face.

Although I didn't smell anything, but...

Xiaozhu's heart is clear.

His Highness has just taken that step with Sister Zhiyuan... His Highness slept in Sister Zhiyuan's room last night. How could nothing happen?

How could His Highness let Sister Zhiyuan go when she just ate the taste?

Xiaozhu feels this deeply.

Wasn't that what His Highness was like when he was on his way to Beijing?

Several nights in a row...not even just one night.

Not necessarily in bed...

Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel his face getting hot when he thought of His Highness's ridiculous behavior at that time.

The older maids and sisters in Prince Lin's Mansion were indeed right. His Highness's reputation in Linjiang City... was indeed right.

Xiaozhu blushed and looked around carefully, trying to find any clues about what happened last night.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu's sneaky appearance. How could he not know what she was thinking?


Xiaozhu was startled and shook his head in a panic: "No, I didn't see anything."

"come over."

Lin Jiangnian sat on the bed and waved to her.

Xiaozhu lowered his head slightly and approached cautiously: "Your Highness, I...oh..."

Before Xiaozhu finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian pulled him into his arms and put one hand around the little maid's waist.

"You little maid is dishonest. What do you want to see your Highness doing secretly?" Lin Jiangnian asked with a sneer.

"No, no..."

Xiaozhu quibbled in a panic, his face flushed.

She, she didn't.

Just curious...

"Hey, why don't you tell me the truth? Looks like I need to teach you a lesson!"

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he directly carried Xiaozhu to bed.

Xiaozhu's eyes suddenly opened wide, panicked.


What does Your Highness want to do?

But, but, this is Sister Zhiyuan’s room, Sister Zhiyuan’s bed!

"Your Highness, wait a minute... I have something important to tell you..."

Xiaozhu hurriedly tried to stop his Highness from messing around.

"Let's talk about anything important later."

"Wait a minute... Your Highness, the girl from yesterday is here again... she is waiting for you at the house..."

The girl from yesterday?

Lin Jiangnian moved his hands.

Is it beautiful?

Coming so early?

Or is it that His Highness the Crown Prince is so impatient to see him?

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at the soft-bodied, red-faced, shame-stricken little maid in his arms, and then half-squinted his eyes: "Then do you know you were wrong?"

"I know, I know..."

Xiaozhu spoke weakly.

Although she didn't know where she was wrong, if she said she didn't know, His Highness might really give her here...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhu was honest.

"It's okay to know you were wrong."

Of course Lin Jiangnian would not really do anything to Xiaozhu here, he would just scare her.

Bullying Xiaozhu in Zhiyuan's room and on Zhiyuan's bed sounds quite exciting. But if Zhi Yuan knew about it, the consequences would not be very good.

Based on his understanding of Zhiyuan, he would probably fall out with him. Even out of embarrassment, she ignored him for at least half a month.

However, the anger aroused by the little maid in front of him this early in the morning naturally did not disappear so quickly.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the rosy-cheeked little maid in front of him and half-squinted his eyes. He lowered his head to Xiaozhu's ear and spoke softly.

After hearing this, Xiaozhu's face turned red.

Those big, watery eyes seemed to be coated with a layer of blush, burning with shame. He bit his lip lightly, with a round face, and glanced at his Highness with a slightly resentful look.

Then he blushed and slowly squatted down.


A quarter of an hour later.

Lin Jiangnian opened the door and stood in the courtyard, feeling refreshed.

Jinxiu has arrived.

But what's interesting is that it was clearly His Highness the Crown Prince who wanted to see him, but it was Jinxiu who came to report yesterday, and it was Jinxiu who came to pick up Lin Jiangnian today.

What was the princess planning behind her back?

Lin Jiangnian did not go to look for her immediately. He went to his aunt's house first and said hello to her. As expected, he met Zhiyuan.

inside the room.

Zhiyuan was sitting aside obediently, whispering softly, while Jiang Yuxiang was quietly concerned.

Zhiyuan stayed in the room all day yesterday, and Jiang Yuxiang was also very worried, especially about her physical condition.

Zhiyuan's voice was very soft, explaining that she was fine. His cold and well-behaved appearance makes him look extremely pitiable.

Lin Jiangnian's arrival did not break this harmony.

However, Zhiyuan turned her head away and didn't look at him, seeming a little angry.

As for the reason for his anger, Lin Jiangnian knew it very well, and he did not dare to say anything even though he felt guilty.

"Going to see His Highness the Crown Prince?"

After Jiang Yuxiang heard about Lin Jiangnian's origins, he also paid great attention to it.

"Why does His Royal Highness want to see you all of a sudden?"

"Not sure." Lin Jiangnian shook his head. He guessed it had something to do with the eldest princess.

Of course, other reasons cannot be ruled out.

Jiang Yuxiang thought for a moment and looked at Lin Jiangnian: "No matter what, since His Highness the Crown Prince wants to see you, he must go. However, you must be careful not to get into trouble..."

Jiang Yuxiang reminded Lin Jiangnian: "That is His Highness the Crown Prince after all."

"Don't worry, aunt, I never cause trouble." Lin Jiangnian promised.

Jiang Yuxiang rolled his eyes.

Not causing trouble yet?

This brat has caused quite a lot of trouble since he entered Beijing.

"No matter what, you have to be careful. Be careful in your words and deeds..."

After Jiang Yuxiang gave some instructions, he added: "When you come back, remember to report to me... No matter what happens, you are not allowed to hide it from my aunt, do you understand?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded helplessly.

Only then did Jiang Yuxiang let Lin Jiangnian leave with satisfaction.

Before Lin Jiangnian turned around, he looked at Zhiyuan who was sitting there silently and blinked: "Zhiyuan, should I go first?"

Zhiyuan didn't move, as if he didn't hear anything.

No response.

Lin Jiangnian smiled, turned and left.

After Lin Jiangnian left, Jiang Yuxiang looked at Lin Jiangnian's leaving figure, then looked at Zhiyuan beside him, and asked doubtfully: "Zhiyuan, did you have a fight?"


"Really not?"

Jiang Yuxiang narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhiyuan, his expression becoming more and more suspicious.

She clearly felt that Zhiyuan was a little indifferent to Jiang Nian.

"Did that kid bully you again?"

Jiang Yuxiang approached Zhiyuan and said, "Don't worry, my aunt will definitely make the decision for you!"

Zhiyuan seemed to have thought of something, her face turned red and a little unnatural: "Really, really not..."

"Really do not have?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked at Zhiyuan's strange expression and felt more and more that something was wrong.

Zhiyuan's appearance clearly doesn't seem like she's fine, right?

what happened?

"Zhiyuan, are you hiding something from your aunt?"

Jiang Yuxiang looked suspiciously.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes slightly and bit her lower lip, as if thinking of something, she stopped talking.

Jiang Yuxiang took a look and saw this reaction... There must be something wrong!

"What's going on? Tell your aunt quickly, she will help you make the decision...Did Jiang Nian really bully you?!"

Faced with her aunt's questioning, Zhiyuan's face became even more rosy.

The blush was flushed, and the head was lowered.

After a while, he said as weakly as a mosquito: "Yes."

"Is it true that I bullied you?"

When Jiang Yuxiang heard this, he was furious: "That brat is so courageous. I've warned him several times, but he still bullies you?! That's too much!"

Jiang Yuxiang said angrily: "Zhiyuan, tell me quickly, how did he bully you? Tell my aunt, and she will help you get revenge!"

"Why did he bully you? Auntie will help you pay it back tenfold!"

"I promise to help you take revenge!"

Zhiyuan: "..."


Just after leaving his aunt's place, Lin Jiangnian was preparing to meet Jinxiu.

After walking only a few steps, he encountered a sneaky figure.

"Jiang Shaoan?"

Lin Jiangnian quickly recognized this sneaky figure. Wasn't it the Young Master Jiang whom he hadn't seen for a while?

Speaking of which, as the young master of Jiang Mansion, this Young Master Jiang has quite no sense of existence during this period.

Lin Jiangnian hadn't seen him for several days.

"Lin, Lin Jiangnian?!"

When Jiang Shaoan saw Lin Jiangnian, a bit of fear immediately appeared in his eyes. He subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at him in surprise: "You, what do you want to do?!"

Seeing his reaction, Lin Jiangnian was happy: "Are you afraid of me?"

"Who, who is afraid of you?"

When Jiang Shaoan heard this, his expression suddenly turned fierce, and he plucked up the courage to snort: "Why should I be afraid, afraid of you?!"

Of course he is afraid!

Last time he learned that Lin Jiangnian had offended the third prince and became the murderer of Zhou Huiguang. When everyone in the capital shouted for beating, Jiang Shaoan was so happy!

Not long after the result, the truth came out, Lin Jiangnian was not only safe and sound. Jiang Shaoan also learned from his gang of bad friends in Beijing that the mastermind behind all this was Lin Jiangnian.

I heard that even Gao Wenyang's death was orchestrated by Lin Jiangnian.

When Jiang Shaoan heard the news, he was almost scared out of his mind!

He, he actually dared to kill the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs?

And nothing happened after killing him? !

This, this is too scary!

Jiang Shaoan was frightened by the sudden collision, but he still maintained a calm expression on his face.

Although he was scared in his heart, Jiang Shaoan still felt somewhat confident... He was related to him after all, so he couldn't kill him, right?

Thinking like this, Jiang Shaoan felt a little more at ease.

"As long as you're not afraid... I thought you were afraid of me hitting you, so you were avoiding me." Young Lin Jiang said with a smile.

Jiang Shaoan became angry when his scar was suddenly exposed: "You, don't bully others too much... I haven't settled the accounts with you yet for what happened before!"

"Today is different from the past. This young master is different from before!"


Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and said happily: "How is Young Master Jiang different from before?"

"Humph, you don't understand even if I tell you!"

Jiang Shaoan snorted coldly: "This young master can be considered a prominent figure in Beijing now."

Hearing what he said, Lin Jiangnian quickly realized something.

Could this kid have made some bad friends in Beijing again?

As expected, before Lin Jiangnian could ask, Young Master Jiang was already boasting: "I am in the capital now. Who can't call me Young Master Jiang when they see me? Even the Eighth Prince regards me as his confidant and treats me as his guest." …”

"So powerful?" Lin Jiangnian was happy. The Eighth Prince regarded him as a guest?

Is he worthy?

"That's not the case!"

Jiang Shaoan snorted proudly: "The Eighth Prince even invited me to the palace for a gathering. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Lin Jiangnian asked interestingly.

"Not everyone can enter the palace at will. The palace is the royal place of the emperor. The eighth prince invited me to enter the palace. What does this mean? It means that the eighth prince and I have been together for a long time!"

"The Eighth Prince regards me as one of his own!"

Jiang Shaoan was very proud.

Being appreciated by the Eighth Prince means that he will become famous in the future and be proud in the capital... Let's see if his parents will tell him that he is not doing his job all day long!

Who said that Young Master Jiang can't make a difference in Beijing?

The eighth prince invited him to the palace?

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. If he remembered correctly, the eighth prince had a good relationship with the third prince...

"Is it difficult to enter the palace?"

Lin Jiangnian asked back.

"Isn't that right?!"

Jiang Shaoan seemed to have found something to attack Lin Jiangnian. He glanced at Lin Jiangnian arrogantly and said proudly: "A prince like you is not qualified to enter the palace without His Majesty's summons!"

"Just be envious!"

Jiang Shaoan was very proud.

"That makes sense."

Lin Jiangnian nodded. Naturally, the Eighth Prince would not call Jiang Shaoan brothers for no reason. There might be something he didn't know about.

Seeing the proud look on Jiang Shaoan's face, Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt itchy for some reason.

"Come on, come here!"

Lin Jiangnian waved to him.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Shao'an, who was still complacent at first, immediately became vigilant: "You, don't mess around... I'm telling you, I, I will file a complaint with my mother later... Oops..."

Sensing something was wrong, Jiang Shaoan turned around and wanted to run away, but was caught by Lin Jiangnian and kicked him accurately on the butt.

Jiang Shaoan screamed, covered his butt and ran away.

"My surname is Lin, I'm not done with you anymore... Just wait, I will definitely take revenge!"


In the cold front hall.

Jinxiu, dressed in a long dress, was standing in the front yard, pulling leaves from the branches out of boredom.

There seemed to be a bit of annoyance on her delicate and sweet face.

There were many torn and messy leaves scattered on the ground in front of her, obviously she had been waiting for a long time.

"Girl Jinxiu, do you have a grudge against the tree?"

A voice sounded from behind Jinxiu.

Jinxiu turned around subconsciously and saw Lin Jiangnian standing under the eaves at some point, looking at her with a half-smile.

There was a trace of resentment on Jinxiu's face, and she snorted: "Your Highness, you are so arrogant. You made me wait for you for so long?"

"Miss Jinxiu, are you impatient?"

Lin Jiang young approached with a smile.

"I wouldn't dare."

Jinxiu's eyes were dark, as if she didn't dare, but her emotions were almost written on her face.

"Miss Jinxiu came too early!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

"That's right. His Royal Highness is in your arms. It's normal to be unable to get up..."

Jinxiu spoke quietly, meaning something.

"Is Miss Jinxiu jealous?"

Lin Jiangnian suddenly approached her.

Jinxiu subconsciously backed away and said angrily: "Your Highness is overthinking, how could the slave family be jealous?"

I feel angry.

How could she be jealous?

This Your Highness... is so annoying!

"It's okay, it's okay to be jealous!"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and waved his hand: "I won't change it anyway."


"Your Highness, I am here to pick up Your Highness on your orders."

Jinxiu said with a straight face.

Hearing the change in her tone, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Are you really angry?"

"I don't dare, slave."

All my claims have been changed.

It seems that he is really emotional.

"You have personality, I like it."

Lin Jiangnian stared at the beautiful and delicate face, which was supposed to look sweet, but with such a serious face, it was not funny at all.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go."

Lin Jiangnian stopped teasing her and waved his hand.


Jinxiu turned her head, hummed slightly dissatisfied, and led the way outside.

Outside the Jiang Mansion, there was a carriage waiting for a long time.

Lin Jiangnian got on the carriage and saw Jinxiu still standing outside.

"Why don't you come up?"

"Slave can't."

"Why not?"

"How dare I, this slave, ride in the same carriage with His Highness!"

"I said you can do it, just do it... I'm bored on the road, so come up and chat with me!"


Jinxiu blushed slightly.

I don't know why, but I always feel like this carriage is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

She was a little afraid to go up.

But seeing Prince Lin in front of him with an attitude of "I won't leave until you come up, I won't leave", Jinxiu felt a little embarrassed.

Gritting his teeth, he finally hummed and reluctantly got into the carriage.

Inside the carriage.

"Why do you look like I'm forcing you to be a common girl?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Jinxiu who was sitting in the carriage, looking reluctant, and said happily.

Jinxiu curled her lips and rolled her pretty eyes: "Isn't His Highness just 'robbing' civilian girls?"

"Have it?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said, "Did I force you to do anything?"

"Isn't His Highness forcing you?"


Lin Jiangnian blinked and suddenly moved closer meaningfully.

There was a little panic in Jinxiu's eyes, and she subconsciously looked back: "Your Highness, please respect yourself..."

Lin Jiangnian was very interesting: "What if I don't respect myself?"


"If Your Highness doesn't respect himself...there's nothing I can do about it."

Jinxiu's tone was faint, and she glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a look that seemed infinitely aggrieved: "After all, His Highness is the heir, even if you don't respect yourself, what can you do with a little maid?"


Lin Jiangnian was even happier: "You don't look like a little maid when you give me a slap in the face, do you?"

"How dare you, your servant, to show off to Your Highness?"

"Then why don't you give me a smile now?"


"Look, with your resentful eyes, aren't you trying to show me off?"


The two of them stared at each other. After a while, Lin Jiangnian finally stopped teasing her and sat back across from her: "Where is your princess?"

Jinxiu breathed a sigh of relief, sat upright, and replied: "The princess is naturally in the palace."

"Then why did you come to pick me up?"

"It's the princess' order."

"Your princess has such a good relationship with His Royal Highness?"

Lin Jiangnian had something to say.

Jinxiu said: "The princess and His Highness the Crown Prince are biological brothers and sisters, and they have been close since childhood."

"Isn't the third prince also a biological sibling to your princess? Why haven't I seen them on good terms?"


She pursed her lips and said nothing.

His Royal Highness asked knowingly.

"If one day the Third Prince and His Highness the Crown Prince compete for the heir apparent, whose side will your princess stand on?" Lin Jiangnian asked again.

"This slave doesn't know."

"I don't know if you don't want to tell me?"

Jinxiu was silent for a moment and sighed: "Your Highness, as the prince of the vassal, you should be careful in your words and deeds... If these words get out, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

Prince Lin's unreasonable talk about the dispute over the crown prince has fallen into the mouths of the civil servants in the court. I am afraid that Prince Lin is ambitious and has ulterior motives...

"Isn't it impossible to spread the word? This prince will only tell you this. Is it possible that Miss Jinxiu will betray me?" Lin Jiangnian winked at her.

Jinxiu's heart skipped a beat and she blushed and looked away: "Slave, of course I will not betray His Royal Highness."

"Isn't that what it is?"

Lin Jiangnian smiled and said, "I have great trust in Miss Jinxiu!"

Jinxiu looked at him slightly angrily, and sighed quietly: "His Royal Highness, you are really good at talking sweet words!"

"Miss Jinxiu was smitten by my prince's sweet words?"

"Of course not." Jinxiu denied.

"Then Miss Jinxiu, why are you blushing?"


"I feel hot!"

Jinxiu gritted her teeth, blushed, and moved her head away in embarrassment.

He must have done it on purpose.

Deliberately bullying him? !

You obviously know what's going on, but you have to tell me...

Why don't you know how to be funny?

Just as he was thinking angrily, he saw Lin Jiangnian lift the car curtain.

"Since it's hot, why don't you open the car curtain to let some air in?"


Lin Jiangnian's eyes followed the car curtain and fell outside the car. The next second, he was slightly startled.

"Isn't this the way to the East Palace?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the scene on the street outside the car curtain, then looked back at Jinxiu inside the car in confusion.

The East Palace is located to the east outside the palace. Although Lin Jiangnian has never been there, he knows the location. But the direction the carriage is going now doesn't seem to be the East Palace?

In the carriage, Jinxiu snorted softly, seeming a little proud: "That's right!"

"Who said that I want my slave to take His Highness to the East Palace?"


Seeing Lin Jiangnian's doubtful expression, Jinxiu finally gained the upper hand and was in a good mood.

He winked at Lin Jiangnian and said, "You don't have to go to the East Palace to see His Royal Highness?"

"Where to go?"



Inside the capital, outside the imperial city.

"Eighth Prince!"

A carriage slowly stopped not far outside the Imperial City. Jiang Shaoan got off the carriage and walked quickly outside the Imperial City.

Just outside the imperial city, several figures were gathering.

The leader among them was the eighth prince of the current dynasty.

Li Ping!

The eighth prince is underage and has not yet been granted the title. Logically speaking, he should have lived in the palace, but the eighth prince had a lively personality and often sneaked out of the palace.

Today, that's the case.

The Eighth Prince gathered a group of cliques from the capital, including children from major aristocratic families. Calling friends all day long, so happy.

Jiang Shaoan is one of them.

Jiang Shaoan walked up quickly, with a groveling look on his face.

The Eighth Prince Li Ping glanced at him and nodded lightly, neither cold nor indifferent.

"Your Highness the Eighth Prince, where are we going today?"

Jiang Shaoan was not annoyed at all, and had a cautious and flattering look on his face.

There was no sign of him calling the Eighth Prince a brother-in-law and a confidant like he had just boasted to Lin Jiangnian not long ago.

Instead, it looks like...a licking dog? !

"Tianxiang Tower!"

The Eighth Prince nodded lightly, and was about to get into the carriage and leave, surrounded by cheers from the front and back.

At this moment, another carriage slowly appeared outside the imperial city.


Jiang Shaoan originally planned to keep up with the pace of the Eighth Prince, but he saw the carriage from the corner of his eye and was slightly startled. It looked familiar.

"Why does this carriage look like the one outside my house?"

Jiang Shaoan quickly remembered that he had seen him outside his home not long ago this morning.

"Your home?"

The Eighth Prince, who was about to get on the carriage, seemed to remember something when he heard Jiang Shaoan's words, and glanced subconsciously.

The carriage was unremarkable.

But looking at the direction, it seems like... entering the palace?

"It should be my sister-in-law, right?"

Jiang Shaoan remembered that his sister often went to the palace to see the Queen, but he didn't think much about it. Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly saw a carriage stop outside the palace gate not far away, and then a figure appeared.

Jiang Shaoan just glanced at it and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Lin, Lin Jiangnian?!"

At the same time, those around him heard the name and looked around.

The eighth prince Li Ping suddenly raised his head and looked outside the palace gate not far away.

Sure enough, I saw a young figure appearing outside the palace gate, saying something to the imperial guards at the door.

Not long after, the carriage entered the palace smoothly.

"Is he Lin Jiangnian?"

The eighth prince turned to look at Jiang Shaoan.

"No, that's right!"

At this time, Jiang Shaoan's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Is it Lin Jiangnian?

He, why did he enter the palace?

How does he qualify to enter the palace?

No, something is wrong!

"Are you sure it's him?" The Eighth Prince asked again with a solemn expression.

"Absolutely, absolutely right, I, I just saw him this morning!"

Jiang Shaoan gritted his teeth.

He had just met Lin Jiangnian and was kicked. His butt still hurt. How could he remember it wrong? !

But, he was shocked!

Not long ago, he mocked Lin Jiangnian for not being qualified to enter the palace, so how could he now watch him enter the palace with his own eyes.

This, isn't this right? !

How could he enter the palace?

How does he deserve to be in the palace?

This, what's going on?

Jiang Shaoan felt that his face suddenly felt a little hot and painful!

It was obviously my butt that was kicked, but why is my face starting to hurt...

The Eighth Prince stared at the carriage slowly driving into the palace not far away and remained silent for a moment.

"I'm not going to Tianxiang Tower!"

The Eighth Prince waved his hand and got on the carriage: "Your Highness has something else to do, let's go!"

The eighth prince left in a hurry.

The rest of the people saw that the Eighth Prince didn't look right, so they dispersed. Jiang Shaoan was left standing there, ignored, staring outside the palace door, muttering to himself in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be..."


Inside the palace.

A carriage slowly entered the palace after layers of questioning and searches.

Inside the carriage.

Lin Jiangnian opened the curtain and looked outside the car.

As soon as you see it, you can see this strange but familiar imperial city.

The towering and majestic vermillion-yellow walls, the endless, majestic palace not far away, and the imperial guards patrolling the palace.

An air of solemnity enveloped it.

"This imperial city is so strict!"

Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but sigh.

All the way into the palace, under layers of searches and interrogations, if it had been anyone else, not even a fly would be able to fly in.

Even if there is a handwriting from His Highness the Crown Prince, it will still be of no avail.

"That's not the case!"

Jinxiu sat across from you and blinked: "You are Prince Lin's Crown Prince. Naturally, if you want to enter the palace, you need to be more rigorously interrogated."

"How can I enter the palace without His Majesty's will?" Lin Jiangnian looked at her.

"Of course, now that the Crown Prince oversees the country, His Highness the Crown Prince can summon you even without His Majesty's oral instructions." Jinxiu nodded.

"Then why does His Highness the Crown Prince want to see me in the palace?"

Lin Jiangnian asked.

I originally thought I was going to the East Palace to see His Highness the Crown Prince, but I didn't expect to enter the palace.

Why bother? that His Highness the Crown Prince planning to give him a showdown?

Use the majesty of this palace to intimidate the son of a small vassal king who came from a barbaric land?

"This slave doesn't know."

Jinxiu shook her head, she didn't know.

When I came yesterday, I did say that I would take His Royal Highness to the East Palace.

But when she went back to resume her duties yesterday, Her Royal Highness the Princess suddenly said that she wanted to take Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince into the palace...

Jinxiu doesn't know exactly what happened.

However, I heard that Her Royal Highness the Princess went out for a trip. Who did she meet?

Unable to find out any information from Jinxiu, Lin Jiangnian didn't ask any more questions and continued to look at the scene outside through the car curtain.

This ancient and majestic imperial city has a dull atmosphere.

There seemed to be an indescribable aura suppressed in his chest.

It has to be said that this is different from the imperial city that Lin Jiangnian knew.

The imperial city in front of me was even colder, the atmosphere was heavy, and there was an inexplicable sense of majesty and oppression.


The imperial guards patrolling everywhere also made the palace airtight.

Under such strict guard, I wonder what kind of master is needed to break into this place?

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking wildly, the carriage slowly stopped.

"Your Highness, it's time to get out of the car!"

Jinxiu got off the carriage first, opened the curtain, and said, "The carriage cannot move forward. Your Highness needs to get off the carriage and walk forward."

Lin Jiangnian jumped off the carriage, looked up and nodded, "Let's go."

He went to see what kind of medicine the prince was selling in his gourd.

royal palace.

The Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Smoke curls filled the air.


In front of the desk, His Highness the Crown Prince, who was dressed in a brocade robe, sighed softly, "Why do you want His Highness the Crown Prince, the lone general, to be invited into the palace?"

"What does this mean?"

Not far away, under the eaves of the doorway, Li Miaomiao, dressed in white, stood quietly there.

She glanced outside the door and shook her head lightly: "I don't know."


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was puzzled: "Then you..."

"So be it."

Li Piaomiao spoke dullly without explaining much.

Upon hearing this, His Royal Highness just smiled bitterly: "Okay, okay, it's all up to you. I know you are not a reckless person... You must have a deep meaning in doing this, right?"

"A deep meaning?"

Li Piaomiao lowered her eyes slightly, wondering what she was thinking.


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince coughed lightly, and his face seemed to become more haggard.

"Gu is somewhat looking forward to meeting the legendary Prince Lin."

A few smiles appeared on his face, and his eyes softened: "If he is really worthy of you Miao Miao, that's not the case..."

As he was speaking, something suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Li Cunning looked up and saw that the figure in white at the door had long since disappeared.

Come without a trace, go without a trace.

It never seems to happen.


When His Highness the Crown Prince saw this, he could only sigh helplessly.

His sister has always had such a cold personality.

Just as he was sighing, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

Then, a voice with a drake voice sounded.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Lin Wang has arrived outside the door."


His Highness the Crown Prince raised his eyes, looking a little brighter.

He stood up slowly and waved his sleeves: "Let's go and see Gu's soon-to-be brother-in-law, haha..."


"His Royal Highness, we are here!"

Jinxiu led Lin Jiangnian through the Imperial City Palace to the Yangxin Hall.

"This is where His Royal Highness the Crown Prince oversees the country."

Jinxiu introduced.

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked at the towering and majestic palace in front of him. He couldn't help but feel that it was indeed much more majestic than Prince Lin's Mansion.

Of course, this was also Lin Hengzhong’s deliberate move.

Prince Lin's Mansion is equally large and imposing, but is deliberately weaker than the Imperial Palace in Beijing. This is also to block the silence of the courtiers in the palace.

"A few days ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly fell ill and has been recuperating in the East Palace. He only recently returned to the palace..."

"When His Majesty is in retreat, His Majesty is busy with government affairs, and sometimes he doesn't sleep for several days..."

As Jinxiu spoke, he led Lin Jiangnian into the Heart Cultivation Hall.

The palace was very quiet, except for some palace maids and eunuchs who could be seen occasionally, there were no other figures. Jinxiu led Lin Jiangnian to the backyard, a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

Not far away, there is a pavilion and a front hall. There was a tea table, and a figure was sitting in front of the table.

Seems to be waiting.

Behind the figure was an old slave-like eunuch.

Close your eyes and rest your mind.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on this figure.

The man in brocade robes and python robes is about thirty years old, with sharp eyes, extraordinary aura, and outstanding temperament, especially those eyes that are full of energy.

However, it can be seen that the other party's body seems to be a little weak and his face is slightly pale.

With such a description of characteristics, it is obvious that the person in front of him is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

Li Cunning!

Just as Lin Jiangnian was sizing up the young man, the other man also happened to fall on Lin Jiangnian.

The two looked at each other.

"Brother-in-law, hello!"

The young man sitting behind the tea table suddenly spoke softly.

The face is full of warm smile, like spring.

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment by the sound of 'brother-in-law'.

Caught off guard.

Totally unexpected.

Looking at the smile on the face of the young man in front of me, I quickly realized what was happening.

"I have met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Lin Jiangnian cupped his hands and said.

"Brother-in-law, there is no need to be polite!"

Li Cunning stood up, walked quickly towards Lin Jiangnian, grabbed Lin Jiangnian's shoulders enthusiastically, and sounded slightly excited.

"I have long wanted to see you, my brother-in-law. I have been thinking about it for a long time, but it is a pity that I have no chance. Today I finally met... my brother-in-law is really a talented person and has extraordinary bearing!"

Li Cunning spoke enthusiastically.

Lin Jiangnian froze on the spot.

Wait, something's wrong...

Is His Royal Highness a little too enthusiastic?

There seems to be about the enthusiasm?

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Lin Jiangnian said: "I haven't married Her Royal Highness the eldest princess yet, so it doesn't count just yet..."

"Isn't that a matter of time?"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince interrupted Lin Jiangnian with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you have a handsome appearance that perfectly matches Miao Miao, a talented man and a beautiful woman. They are a perfect match. In addition, the two of you are married by the emperor, so it is a God-given marriage." It's a matter of time, won't you and I be a family sooner or later?"

"You call me brother-in-law, right?"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Not to mention, it was indeed correct.

But why does it always feel so awkward?

Lin Jiangnian had anticipated many situations.

The prince and his highness met like old friends at first sight, and they drank and talked happily.

There are also cases where two people have different political opinions and draw swords against each other.

Even Lin Jiangnian had predicted the plot of The Five Hundred Ax Hands...

I just didn't expect that when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince met and said "brother-in-law", he immediately shouted at Lin Jiangnian that he was confused!

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

...The person who came here is not a good person!

On the side, even Jinxiu was stunned.

I didn't expect that His Highness the Crown Prince would be so...enthusiastic?


Is this a shout-out? !

Jinxiu opened her eyes wide in surprise. When she saw the slightly confused expression on Lin Jiangnian's face, she seemed to think of something again and blinked.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Jinxiu said from the side: "My servant has brought His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Excuse me, Miss Jinxiu."

Li Cunning looked at Jinxiu and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work!"

"This is a slave's duty."

Jinxiu nodded and glanced at Lin Jiangnian again: "Then, slave, will you go back to your Highness the Princess first?"

"Go ahead."

His Highness the Prince waved his hands, his eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian again, and he pulled him inside excitedly.

"Come, brother-in-law, it's our first time meeting you. Come sit inside!"

"Come on, serve tea!"

"I want to have a good chat with my brother-in-law today!"


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