Jinxiu exited the Yangxin Hall and followed the corridor under the palace eaves to a palace courtyard next door.

The palace courtyard here is not much different from the Yangxin Palace next door, but it is more deserted. The flowers and plants in the corners of the courtyard are slightly withered, and a few rays of warm sunshine are slowly falling, giving it a somewhat peaceful look.

In this cold courtyard, a pure white figure stood quietly under the eaves.

The lonely figure and icy temperament seemed to make the surrounding air a few degrees colder.

Jinxiu stepped forward, came to the princess's side, and lowered her head softly: "Your Highness, the servant has brought His Royal Highness Prince Lin to the Yangxin Palace..."

Like a lonely sculpture, Li Piaomiao stood there quietly, with a cold and unhappy face revealed under her black hair, and nodded lightly.

Jinxiu blinked and saw that Her Royal Highness, the Princess, was completely unfazed, and whispered: "Your Highness, why don't you go over and take a look?"

Li Piaomiao withdrew her gaze from the courtyard: "What are you looking at?"

What are you looking at?

Of course, I wanted to see how His Royal Highness the Crown Prince addressed His Royal Highness Prince Lin!

That one is called brother-in-law, which is very affectionate.

Even Jinxiu was stunned by the shout just now.

Although His Highness the Crown Prince is kind, it is rare for His Highness the Crown Prince to entertain others with such kindness and enthusiasm, not to mention that the other party is...

Jinxiu carefully looked at His Highness for a few times and blinked: "His Royal Highness saw His Royal Highness Lin Wang's Crown Prince being extremely enthusiastic. He stood up to greet His Royal Highness himself and called His Royal Highness..."


When Jinxiu said the word brother-in-law, it was obvious that the eldest princess looked slightly startled, and then she looked at her intently: "Did the prince really say that?"


Jinxiu nodded hurriedly, "My servant heard clearly. His Highness the Crown Prince called him brother-in-law when he saw His Highness the Crown Prince. He was very enthusiastic... His Highness the Crown Prince excused himself. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that it would be a matter of time. Anyway, Your Highness Princess, you will marry His Highness the Crown Prince sooner or later. Yes, we will all be a family from now on..."

After Jinxiu finished speaking, she saw that Her Royal Highness the Princess seemed to be deep in thought, and asked: "Princess, do you think you would like to go over... and stop His Highness the Crown Prince?"

The eldest princess was silent for a moment and then said: "No need!"

"Let him go."

Jinxiu blinked: "Then, what if His Royal Highness Prince Lin takes it seriously?"

The eldest princess was wearing a long white dress behind her hands. A bit of the warm winter sun fell on her skirt, shining a bit of golden light.

Her eyes remained calm: "It has nothing to do with me."

Doesn't it matter?

Jinxiu blinked, looking at the cold and beautiful temperament of Her Royal Highness, feeling a little envious and a little worried.

Li Piaomiao glanced at her and said, "Let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Go to the harem with me and meet your mother."

Li Piaomiao spoke calmly and walked towards the door.

A bit of confusion appeared on the beautiful and sweet face. Seeing the Queen?

Why did Her Royal Highness the Princess suddenly want to see the Queen today?

Although she didn't know the reason, Jinxiu followed quickly.


Inside the Yangxin Hall.

On the tea table, the tea is filled with steam.

There is a faint scent of sandalwood lingering around, which is quite fragrant. His Royal Highness, dressed in a brocade robe and python robe, sat quietly at the table. There was a stack of thick memorials placed on the tea table in front of him.

Looking around, there was an indescribable coldness in the cold palace.

It seems that this is where His Royal Highness the Crown Prince works and handles government affairs on weekdays.

At this time, His Royal Highness the Prince warmly invited Lin Jiangnian to sit with him and looked at him with a smile on his face: "I have long heard that my brother-in-law is handsome and charming. Today I finally got a glimpse of his true appearance..."

His Highness the Prince's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, looked at him carefully, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that he is more outstanding than the rumors. My brother-in-law has a majestic appearance, elegant and good temperament, I really envy him..."

Lin Jiangnian sat across from His Highness the Crown Prince, and the two of them looked at each other with their eyes. From the moment he saw His Highness the Crown Prince, Lin Jiangnian could only see surprise and emotion in his eyes.

And the menacing passion for his future brother-in-law!

The enthusiasm made Lin Jiangnian uncomfortable.

I'm afraid that all this is just the surface of His Highness the Crown Prince, but in fact, His Highness the Crown Prince has already arranged a swordsman outside the Yangxin Palace...

Lin Jiangnian went out of his way to observe the surroundings calmly, and only then felt relieved after making sure there was no one else.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is ridiculous. In terms of appearance, how can I compare to His Highness the Crown Prince?"

Faced with His Highness the Crown Prince's praise and emotion, Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "Your Highness the Crown Prince is the one who truly has a face as beautiful as a crown jade, a majestic spirit, both talent and beauty, and looks as good as Pan An..."

"His Royal Highness, even his temperament is unique and outstanding. I believe that His Highness has the potential of a real dragon in his body, and his imperial qualities are fully revealed..."

His Royal Highness: "..."

The two suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, Li Cunning sighed softly: "Brother-in-law, do you know that if these words get out, it will be terrible..."

Real dragon?

The appearance of an emperor?

If this kind of description is placed on the prince, once word spreads, it will immediately be reported that His Highness the prince has the intention of treason.

"I believe that His Highness the Crown Prince will not spread the news."

Lin Jiangnian looked at His Highness the Crown Prince in front of him with a smile.


Li Cunning sighed: "However, if my father or the ministers in the court hear this, I am afraid that I will be impeached again."

He looked like he had a headache.

Lin Jiangnian didn't speak.

Li Cunning looked at Lin Jiangnian again and chuckled: "Although it's the first time for you and me to meet, but for some reason, I feel particularly close to you?"

Lin Jiangnian also smiled and said: "I feel the same way, and I am inexplicably close to His Royal Highness."

"Ha ha!"

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince laughed twice: "It seems that Gu and your brother-in-law are really destined to become a family."

As he said that, Li Cunning picked up the teacup on the table again: "I wanted to have a drink with my brother-in-law, but unfortunately I'm not in good health recently, so I can only drink tea instead of wine. I'd like to give you a drink, brother-in-law!"

Lin Jiangnian also picked up the teacup and said, "Your Highness, you should pay more attention to your health. You are the crown prince of the dynasty, so you can't make any mistakes."

Li Cunning picked up the teacup, took a sip, put down the teacup, and then sighed softly: "It is difficult to talk about being alone as a prince!"

Just as he was speaking, His Royal Highness suddenly coughed twice violently, and his face became pale and weak.

Lin Jiangnian looked at it and his eyes narrowed.

His Highness the Crown Prince's body... seems a little weak?

Seriously ill?

You won't die here, right?

If he died here, Lin Jiangnian would probably have to carry the blame until his death!

With the experience of taking the blame last time, Lin Jiangnian was very cautious this time.

"His Royal Highness, you..."

Lin Jiangnian tentatively said, "Are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter!"

His Highness the Crown Prince waved his hands, took a deep breath, and calmed down his breathing: "It's nothing serious, it's just that his body is a little weak and he hasn't recovered yet."

"That's good. Your Highness the Crown Prince should take care of yourself."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, feeling increasingly wary.

When I first arrived in Zhongzhou, I heard that the Crown Prince in front of me was seriously ill. Now, after all this time, he still has not recovered, which shows that the Crown Prince's condition is not simple!

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care. He only cared about whether the Crown Prince would die today.

Even if you die, don't die in front of him.

"I don't know, what important matter does His Highness the Crown Prince have to meet with me today?"

Lin Jiangnian casually asked about business.

A smile appeared on the pale face of His Royal Highness: "Brother-in-law is suspicious. Is there any other purpose for coming to you today?"

Lin Jiangnian said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ordered to supervise the country. He is busy with government affairs on weekdays. I am afraid that it will delay His Highness's official business."

Li Cunning shook his head gently: "Brother-in-law's matters are of course business matters."

"After my brother-in-law and Miao Miao get married, you and I will be as close as one family. Having a brother-in-law in charge of the southern border of our Daning Dynasty will make our Daning Dynasty forever strong. This is the top priority!"

His Royal Highness...is there something in his words?

Lin Jiangnian remained calm and said with a chuckle: "That's natural. The Lin family is favored by His Majesty and guards Linzhou for Your Majesty. They should relieve the emperor's worries."

"Your Majesty is willing to marry the eldest princess to me. I can say that I am deeply grateful for this royal favor..."


Telling lies with open eyes is Lin Jiangnian's specialty.

It was unclear what the Crown Prince's purpose was in looking for him today, but Lin Jiangnian had already prepared a countermeasure.

However, when he heard Lin Jiangnian's words, His Royal Highness the Prince in front of him suddenly fell silent.

After a while, he sighed quietly: "Gu and my brother-in-law will be a family in the future. Why should my brother-in-law say some high-sounding and beautiful words to offend Gu?"

Lin Jiangnian blinked: "What does His Highness mean by these words?"

"Everything I just said is true!"

"I do want to trust my brother-in-law, but..."

Li Cunning glanced at Lin Jiangnian and sighed quietly: "What my brother-in-law said is exactly the same as those officials in the court who try to deceive me..."

"It's really hard to believe it!"

Lin Jiangnian: "..."

Are there so many traitorous officials in the court?

Did you even lie to His Highness the Crown Prince?

Did you cheat the prince out of your experience?

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is worrying too much. I am different from those people."

"What's the difference?"

"Every statement I make is true, and my true feelings are revealed."

"But, did the ministers in the court also tell Gu?"


The atmosphere gradually became silent.

His Highness the Crown Prince looked at Lin Jiangnian, and suddenly chuckled and waved his hands: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I have no other intentions. Today I just want to see my brother-in-law... Today I am not a prince, and you are not the prince, you and I are. How about just... friends?"

"Your Highness, it is what it is, right?"

Lin Jiangnian naturally didn't believe it.

The prince who oversees the country has nothing to do and just wants to see him?

Who would believe this?

However, His Royal Highness the Prince did not point it out, so Lin Jiangnian naturally did not criticize it either.

The two of them seemed to have just met, but had known each other for a long time. They had a great time chatting over tea.

As for their identities, they both had a tacit understanding and never mentioned them again.

On the other side, the harem.

In the cool back garden.

"What? Prince Lin Wang is here?"

In the courtyard, a beautiful woman stood up and was a little surprised: "Why is he here?"

In the courtyard, Li Miaomiao, who was wearing a long white dress, looked calmly: "The prince called here."

"Why did Cining call him to enter the palace?"

There was a look of confusion on the beautiful woman's face: "He is the son of the feudal lord. If he enters the palace at will without your father's order..."

"The prince knows what's going on."

The beautiful woman quickly realized something: "That's right. Your father ordered Cining to supervise the country, and Cining will not act recklessly."

After muttering a few words to herself, the beautiful woman's eyes lit up slightly: "It's rare. Now that Prince Lin has entered the palace, I would like to take a look..."

"I've heard Yuxiang mention it a lot during this period, and I'm curious and want to take a look..."

After saying that, the beautiful woman glanced at Li Miaomiao next to her: "Let's see how my future son-in-law is doing."


The Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Lin Jiangnian and His Highness the Prince had tea instead of wine, and they had a great time chatting.

After noon, His Highness the Prince even stayed with Lin Jiangnian to have dinner with him. After dinner, Lin Jiangnian saw that it was getting late and finally said goodbye to His Royal Highness.

Although His Highness the Crown Prince was reluctant to leave, he was indeed busy with government affairs, so he did not try to persuade him to stay. He made an appointment with Lin Jiangnian to meet at the East Palace next time he was free.

When Lin Jiangnian stood up and was about to leave, the voice of a palace maid came from outside the health palace.

"The Queen has arrived!"

"The queen is here?"

His Royal Highness was a little surprised.

Lin Jiangnian did not expect the Queen to appear suddenly and looked back outside the palace.

In the sight ahead, a group of people soon appeared.

The leader was a beautiful woman.

She has an exquisite appearance, is gentle and noble, and the years have not left many traces on her face. She is dressed in a luxurious robe, and her whole body exudes a graceful, maternal temperament.

Surrounded by the maids beside him, he slowly approached.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on this beautiful woman, and he quickly saw a cold temperament similar to that of Li Miaomiao.

Sure enough, they are mother and daughter!

Logically speaking, the Queen should be nearly forty years old. But judging from the appearance of this queen, she looks like a mature woman under thirty.

The young ones are a bit too much.


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince quickly stood up and went out to greet him.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Li Cunning walked out of the hall and spoke in surprise.

"Come here and see you, Ci Ning, how are you feeling?"

The queen looked at the prince with a look of doting and concern.

"Thank you for your concern, Queen Mother. Everything is fine with Ci Ning." His Royal Highness the Crown Prince replied.

"That's good. You are the crown prince, but you have to take good care of yourself and don't overwork yourself."

"Your Majesty, please remember this!" His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said respectfully.

The Empress nodded slightly, her eyes followed the prince, and fell behind him. She seemed to mention it casually: "I heard that Pian Miao said that Prince Lin is here? Is he here? Let me have a look?"

His Highness the Crown Prince was slightly stunned. Did the Queen Mother come today to meet her brother-in-law?

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian walked out of the palace and looked at the empress in front of him, who had a beautiful and dignified face and a noble temperament.

Lin Jiangnian cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Prince Lin Jiangnian, pays homage to the Queen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the queen's eyes were falling on him, and she kept looking at him.

After a while, the queen's voice came. Her voice was cold, somewhat ethereal, and had an unspeakable temperament: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite."

"Thank you, Queen."

Lin Jiangnian just slowly raised his head and looked into the eyes of the Queen.

I saw this empress with deep beautiful eyes and noble temperament. She was dressed in brocade clothes and carved and embroidered shoes. Her hair was twisted into seven strands and tied on a jade hairpin, exuding an aura of dignity.

With a slight smile on her face, she looked at Lin Jiangnian calmly and elegantly, and praised: "The prince is really talented, gentle and elegant, and he is worthy of being the son of Prince Lin. When I saw him today, my eyes really lit up."

"Thank you, Queen, for the compliment."

Just as Lin Jiangnian spoke, he heard a sudden change in the tone of the empress in front of him: "So, the prince suddenly entered the palace today to marry Miao Miao?"

"Your Majesty, are you ready to marry Miao Miao?"


Lin Jiangnian raised his head and looked into the eyes of the empress. He saw that her eyebrows were as beautiful as green feathers, and there seemed to be some depth in her eyes.

And inexplicably feeling a little... menacing?


The Queen's tone is... urging the marriage?

...(End of chapter)

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