Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 310: Cutting out the roots

"Your Highness lied."

Jinxiu rolled her eyes and muttered, "The Queen would never say that!"

"Why not?"

Lin Jiangnian said righteously: "That's what the Queen said, let you go home with me to warm the bed first."


Jinxiu naturally didn't believe it. Prince Lin was clearly teasing her on purpose.

"If I let the empress know that you are spreading rumors behind your highness's back, I will definitely not spare you."

Jinxiu snorted lightly.

Seeing that Jinxiu was not fooled, Lin Jiang young sighed. Obviously, the little girl was already wary of him after he deceived her last time.

"By the way, where is your princess?"

Lin Jiangnian looked around: "Why didn't I see her?"

Jinxiu blinked, half-smiling but not smiling: "My princess is not here."

"Not here?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Jinxiu, who was smiling, and naturally he didn't believe it.

As the maid of the eldest princess, Jinxiu appeared in the presence of His Highness the Crown Prince today. It was already very wrong.

The queen also appeared inexplicably...

Lin Jiangnian didn't believe that there was nothing to do with the eldest princess behind this.

However, since she didn't want to show up, Lin Jiangnian didn't force her.

"That's okay."

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at her again: "Is Miss Jinxiu planning to send my son out of the palace?"

"That's natural."

The beautiful eyebrows were curved and she smiled softly: "Since it was the slave family who brought His Highness into the palace, it is natural that the slave family should send His Highness back."

"Then let's go."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

Jinxiu smiled and led Lin Jiangnian out of the hall.

The palace is very large. Along the way, Jinxiu led Lin Jiangnian through the complicated palace route and returned to the way he came.

There was silence all around, and there was an inexplicable cold feeling.

Except for the maids and servants standing under the eaves, the inside and outside of the huge palace were quiet and deathly silent.

Lin Jiangnian walked slowly through the cold alleys, flanked by towering red palace walls and lush green trees that blocked out the sun.

After a while, the two returned to the avenue outside the palace.

The carriage that had brought Lin Jiangnian into the palace was parked there quietly. The groom next to him looked serious and stood aside. Judging from the aura of the other party, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary groom, but more like the imperial guard beside the Crown Prince.

"Your Highness, please."

Jinxiu stopped, turned around, and looked at Lin Jiangnian with a smile.

When Lin Jiangnian was about to get on the carriage, suddenly, there was movement not far away. He raised his eyes and saw a horse galloping in outside the palace gate on the plain not far away.

The carriage sped away from the palace gate. When it approached the outside of the main hall, the people on the horse got off and walked quickly towards the palace on the other side.

Lin Jiangnian stared at this figure and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Your Highness, what's wrong?"

Jinxiu's voice came from the side. Her eyes followed the hurried back not far away, and she immediately became suspicious: "Chen Feiyang?"

Lin Jiangnian looked away and glanced at Jinxiu: "Do you know Miss Jinxiu?"

"Dharma protector Mitiansi, I have met him several times."

Jinxiu nodded slightly, her smart eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian, and she seemed to realize something: "His Highness also knows him?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

Lin Jiangnian's expression remained normal, and he glanced at the horse parked outside the palace not far away: "It's not that no noise is allowed inside the palace gate, why can he ride a horse in the palace?"

"Who asked me to be Mi Tiansi's protector?"

Jinxiu sighed softly and said: "The Protector of Mitiansi is directly responsible to His Majesty. If there is urgent information, you can go directly to the palace to meet His Majesty. Protector Chen was in such a hurry just now, he must have important information to report, right?"

"Isn't His Majesty currently in retreat?" Lin Jiangnian asked.


Jinxiu nodded and sighed softly: "But before his retreat, His Majesty decreed that all information from Mitiansi should be sent to the Health Palace..."

"His Majesty is in seclusion, but there is Manager Chen beside him to deliver intelligence messages to his majesty."

"So, Chen Feiyang went to see Eunuch Chen?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Jinxiu nodded: "Exactly."

After His Majesty went into seclusion, he rarely saw people. On weekdays, the government affairs in the palace are handled by His Highness the Crown Prince. If His Highness the Crown Prince has difficulty in weighing and resolving the matter, he will consult Prime Minister Zhao.

Those memorials that even Prime Minister Zhao could not decide would be handed over to Eunuch Chen and handed over to His Majesty for His Majesty to make the decision.

Lin Jiangnian stared at Chen Feiyang's back in the direction of leaving, thoughtfully.

Your Majesty is in seclusion, and the actual controller behind Mitiansi is Chen Zhao. In this case, Chen Feiyang entered the palace in such a hurry, most likely to see Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao?

Lin Jiangnian was slightly moved when he heard this name.

He had only heard of this famous and powerful eunuch, but had not yet seen him.

I don’t know…

"Your Highness, are you interested in Protector Chen?"

Jinxiu seemed to have seen something. She looked at Lin Jiangnian and asked softly: "Your Highness, are you curious about him?"

"That's not true."

When Lin Jiangnian looked away, he saw Jinxiu looking at him with a somewhat narrow look, shook his head and changed the subject: "I don't like this."

Jinxiu narrowed her eyes and smiled brightly: "Then why does His Highness look so interested?"

"Have it?"

Lin Jiangnian looked back at Jinxiu, who was smiling like a flower, and chuckled: "My prince is only interested in stunning beauties like Miss Jinxiu."

Jinxiu's face was slightly red, but she still chuckled: "His Highness is so sweet, but if His Highness praises the slave family so much, aren't you afraid that the little maids in the family will be jealous?"

"If they can't hear it, how can they be jealous?"

Jinxiu: "...Your Highness, you are still here!"

"My prince has always been so cautious."


Lin Jiangnian nodded and looked at Jinxiu with a chuckle: "Miss Jinxiu, you can rest assured that I will hide you well and prevent them from discovering your existence."


Why, inexplicably, did she feel like she was a concubine?

What a mess!

Not to mention the innocence between her and the Prince Lin in front of her.

Even in the future...

If the princess is really married, her princess will also be the head of the palace!

The princess is the empress of the palace, the concubine of the eighth concubine, and Jinxiu is the personal maid of the concubine. Does she need to hide?

Shouldn't it be the little maids around Prince Lin who are worried?

"Your Highness...don't talk nonsense."

Jinxiu blushed slightly and rolled her eyes: "The slave family is not the maids around His Highness."

Lin Jiangnian disagreed: "When your princess marries my son, won't you?"

"Then let's wait until my princess marries His Highness."

Jinxiu snorted and rolled her eyes at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness has not yet married my princess, so he is frivolous towards my family. If the Queen finds out, she will definitely be unhappy."


Lin Jiangnian nodded perfunctorily, glanced at the direction Chen Feiyang left for the last time, turned around, and got on the carriage.

"Let's go out of the palace!"



Outside the palace gate.

After crossing the Gonggong River, not far away is the most prosperous place in Beijing.

In the middle of the bustling street, there is a restaurant.

At this moment, the private room on the third floor of the restaurant is located by the window.

From this position, you can vaguely see the palace gate in the distance.

"Are you sure that Lin Jiangnian entered the palace today?!"

There are several figures in the private room.

There were several guards standing around the room, and the atmosphere was depressing.

A man in brocade clothes sat by the window, looking coldly through the window toward the palace gate not far away.

Turning back, he looked at the other people in the room.

Sitting next to the man in brocade is a young man of about sixteen or seventeen years old. He is also dressed in brocade and has a good temperament.

"Brother Three Emperors, it is absolutely true, I have seen it with my own eyes..."

Li Ping spoke excitedly, gritting his teeth and said firmly: "I had just slipped out of the palace and was about to go to Tianxiang Tower when I saw a carriage entering the palace. There was a young man inside who looked familiar... Although I have never seen Lin Jiang. Years, but Jiang Shaoan has seen it before!"

"He personally admitted that it was Lin Jiangnian... That boy is Lin Jiangnian's cousin. There is no mistake, unless he lied to me."

"If he dares to lie to me, I will skin him!"

Li Ping spoke fiercely.

The third prince did not speak, his eyes still fell coldly outside the palace door, his face was gloomy and his brows were furrowed tightly.

Lin Jiangnian, has entered the palace?

Why would he enter the palace at this time without being summoned by his father?

Who will allow him to enter the palace?

Instantly, an idea emerged from his mind.

"Li Cunning!"

Thinking of this, the third prince's eyes became even colder.

Apart from his father, the only one who can summon the prince's son into the palace uprightly is probably his eldest brother!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

But why did the prince suddenly summon Lin Jiangnian into the palace?

What was his idea?

Are you trying to express your attitude by being so aboveboard?

But the prince, haven’t you always insisted on reducing the vassal status?

Shouldn't he and the sons of these vassal kings be like fire and water?

Could it be that this is all just a cover-up? !

Thinking of this, the third prince's face changed slightly, and he broke into a cold sweat.

Could it be that the prince had some kind of deal with Lin Jiangnian secretly?

No, no, no...

The thoughts in the third prince's mind were confused, and his expression became increasingly ugly.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly entered the capital, catching the third prince off guard.

If Lin Jiangnian really had some kind of deal with the prince in private, it would definitely not be good news for him!

If the prince advocates reducing the vassal status, he will inevitably have an irreconcilable conflict with the son of the vassal king. But on the other hand, the prince may have realized the third prince's purpose.

At present, there is an irresolvable conflict between the third prince and Lin Jiangnian. So, will the prince take the opportunity to win over Prince Lin...

"Brother Imperial, Brother Imperial, come out!"

At this moment, Li Ping looked out the window and soon saw a carriage leaving the palace in the distance outside the palace gate. He spoke in surprise.

The third prince's eyes fell on the carriage, which slowly drove out of the palace, passed through layers of forbidden troops, walked across the palace river, and headed towards the teahouse in the center of the capital.

The third prince kept his eyes fixed on the carriage. When he saw the carriage approaching, he suddenly stopped.

Not long after, a young man got off the carriage.

After just one glance, the third prince recognized his identity.

Lin Jiangnian!

Sure enough it was him.

Even if it turns into ashes, you will recognize it!

The third prince's eyes instantly became fierce, staring at the figure in front of the carriage.

Not long ago, the shame of those slaps was still vivid in my mind.

My face felt vaguely hot and painful!

"Is he Lin Jiangnian?"

The Eighth Prince on the side stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of the carriage and couldn't help but ask.

The third prince stared for a moment, then suddenly stood up and walked towards the door.

"Brother Sanhuang, where are you going?" Li Ping was stunned.

The third prince ignored it, walked to the door, and said coldly to the guard beside him: "Go to the Lu family."


Outside the palace gate, on the street.

"Just send Miss Jinxiu here. I have something important to do, so I'll take my leave first!"

After leaving the palace, Lin Jiangnian did not let Jinxiu send him back to Jiang Mansion.

Although Jinxiu was a little confused, she didn't say anything: "If that's the case, then this slave will return to the palace first?"

"Go ahead."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand.

Jinxiu smiled: "Your Highness, see you next time?"

Lin Jiangnian also smiled: "See you next time."

Lin Jiangnian stood there, smiling as he watched Jinxiu's carriage return and re-enter the palace.

Then he stopped smiling, turned around, and walked into the side street.

Within the streets.

"Your Highness."

When Lin Jiangnian walked into one of the alleys, a figure appeared quietly behind him.

It was Lin Qingqing who was dressed in a green outfit.

"How's it going?"

Lin Qingqing lowered her head and said: "In accordance with His Highness's instructions, my subordinates specially sent people to keep an eye on these four guardians of Mitiansi. Early this morning, after Chen Feiyang left Mitiansi, he entered the palace directly. He should have some information needs. Report..."

"My subordinates followed me all the way today and are squatting outside the palace."

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly.

When he returned to Jiang Mansion yesterday, he handed over the information he obtained from Miss Zhao to Qingqing, and then sent Qingqing to secretly investigate and track the four guardians of Mitiansi.

When he saw Chen Feiyang in the palace before, Lin Jiangnian realized that his people must be following him outside the palace. So after leaving the palace, I opened my brocade and came to join them.

"Except for Chen Feiyang, the four guardians of Mitiansi, the rest of the three guardians are quite strange and rarely show up. It may not be easy to take action. And the only one who is qualified to enter the palace directly is Chen Feiyang. , Your Highness, this Chen Feiyang is the key..."

Having said this, Lin Qingqing glanced at His Highness: "Your Highness, what should we do next?"

"Do you want to do it directly?"

Lin Jiangnian looked back at her and chuckled: "What do you think?"

Lin Qingqing was startled, and when she was about to say something, she saw that there was no emotion in His Highness's calm eyes.

At this moment, Lin Qingqing, who had been following His Highness for a long time, immediately realized something.

"My subordinate understands!"

Lin Jiangnian looked indifferent and spoke calmly.

“To cut the weeds, we need to get rid of the roots!”


In the afternoon.

Outside the palace gate, there was still a lot of traffic.

A horse galloped out of the palace gate. After leaving the palace, it galloped all the way westward outside the palace gate.

Halfway through, Chen Feiyang turned over on his horse, dismounted quietly, and fell into the crowded street nearby, disappearing without a trace.

Half an hour later.

The west side street is a few lanes away from the prosperous place.

Outside Jiang Mansion.

Chen Feiyang fell into a hidden alley with great skill and quickly walked to the door of the room.

"Dharma protector!"

The door opened, and several experts from Mitiansi were standing in the room, speaking respectfully.

Here is the secret sentry left by Mi Tiansi outside Jiang Mansion.

"Where is Prince Lin?"

Chen Feiyang glanced at a few people and asked.

"The Protector, Prince Lin, entered the palace early this morning!"

"Enter the palace?!"

Hearing the news, Chen Feiyang's pupils shrank slightly: "When will you enter the palace? Why wasn't this news reported to me earlier?"

"My subordinates will report the news to Mitiansi early in the morning, but you, the protector, also entered the palace early this morning..."

Chen Feiyang's eyes were solemn and his expression changed slightly.

Lin Jiangnian actually entered the palace?

How could he enter the palace without His Majesty's summons?

"Continue to keep an eye on the Jiang Mansion. Any move made by Crown Prince Lin must be reported to me immediately!"


Chen Feiyang nodded and walked towards the door with a serious look on his face.

He had to report the news of Lin Jiangnian's entry into the palace to his father-in-law as soon as possible.

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