The sun sets in the west, and the sky is filled with sunset.

The cold wind poured into the courtyard from the front porch, whistling and rustling the corners of Chen Feiyang's jet black robe.

Everything was silent, and the sky was getting dark.

There is an inexplicable killing atmosphere between heaven and earth.

Chen Feiyang, who had just come out of the room and stepped into the courtyard, suddenly stopped.

The next second, he suddenly concentrated and raised his eyes to look outside the courtyard ahead.

Outside the courtyard, silence.


Except for the howling cold wind, there was no sound or movement in the surrounding heaven and earth.

But for some reason, Chen Feiyang suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

It’s hard to say, it’s an instinctive intuition!

Chen Feiyang's ability to get to where he is today is naturally not due to luck.

He was born into a poor family and entered the officialdom through martial arts. With the help of noble people, he gradually reached his current position.

It seems that he is lucky and has a meteoric rise. But his ability to reach this point is also due to his experience in life and death.

Chen Feiyang has an extremely sensitive sense of smell for danger and abnormalities.

At this moment, the surrounding courtyard was empty, but Chen Feiyang had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Dharma protector, what's wrong?"

A master from Mitiansi behind him saw this and asked.

Chen Feiyang stared at the courtyard gate not far away, and Lengfeng ordered: "Go out and take a look."

The Mitiansi immediately focused his eyes and realized something. He put his right hand on the handle of the knife at his waist and walked slowly towards the door of the courtyard.

Chen Feiyang stood there, expressionless and motionless, watching the Mitiansi master cautiously walk to the door of the courtyard and slowly open the door.

Outside the door, it was empty.

Everything is business as usual.

The Mitiansi master looked carefully and walked slowly out of the hospital, looking around.

"Dharma protector, there is nothing abnormal!"

The Mitiansi master at the door turned back and shook his head.

Outside the door, he didn't notice anything strange.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief and finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill behind him, as if a cold light was coming.

The pores all over the body of this Mitiansi master instantly stood up, and his eyes and pupils shrank suddenly.

In a hurry, he instinctively turned and dodged to the side.

But he still underestimated the severity of this cold light.

As soon as you hear the sound, you are almost there.


The sharp cold light fell instantly, and the master of Mitiansi screamed and fell to the ground. He rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment and fled quickly.

When he got up, there was already a bloody mess behind him. His eyes were horrified, and he looked up at the door.


This sudden scene caused the expressions of the other Mitiansi masters in the courtyard to change suddenly.

"Mitiansi is handling the case, who dares to mess around?!"

A sharp and low shout sounded in the courtyard, and the Mitiansi masters under the eaves drew out their long knives from their waists and stared at the door.

Chen Feiyang's expression also darkened at this moment.

The uneasy feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Something's wrong!

This is obviously aimed at their Mitiansi!

Who is he? !

Just as the cold light flickered at the door, at the same time, several screams could be heard quietly outside the hospital.

That's Mitiansi's secret sentinel outside the courtyard!

The next second, several figures quietly appeared from outside the courtyard wall, standing on the eaves. These figures were all dressed in black robes, with their faces and bodies covered, and their auras were sharp and contained murderous intent.

The fierce murderous intent made the hearts of these Mitiansi masters in the courtyard sink.

"not good!"

With just one glance, Chen Feiyang could tell that these people were not good-natured and had good martial arts skills.

When had there been such a force with extremely high martial arts skills in the capital?

Whose family raised the master?

Chen Feiyang didn't care to think so much. The first time he saw these people, he realized that these people were coming for their Mitiansi.

"Ask for help!"

Chen Feiyang said coldly, and a Mitiansi master next to him quickly took out a signal bomb from his arms and fired it into the sky.

"call out!"

A firework shot straight into the sky and made a sharp sound.

This is their Mitiansi's unique signal for help!


As soon as the signal was sent out, Chen Feiyang immediately issued a retreat order.

At present, there are only ten people stationed in their courtyard, even though they are all top-notch masters in Mitiansi. But the people outside the courtyard in front of them are not good people, and their martial arts are not weak.

The hospital is full of close confidants he has cultivated over the years. Before the Mitiansi reinforcements arrive, there will never be any advantage in a head-on confrontation, and the gain outweighs the loss!

Following Chen Feiyang's cold order, the other Mitiansi masters under the eaves did not hesitate, and all retreated into the room, preparing to retreat from the backyard.

However, when Chen Feiyang stepped into the backyard, his heart suddenly sank.

The sunset glow on the horizon gradually disappeared.

It's getting dark.

In the backyard, several black figures have been waiting for a long time.

A fierce murderous aura filled the air.

Just in front of the crowd of black shadows, a green shadow stood quietly.

He looked at Chen Feiyang and others expressionlessly.

"Lin Qingqing?!"

Chen Feiyang recognized this person at a glance. Wasn't he the subordinate next to Prince Lin? !

Why is she here?

What do you want to do?

Chen Feiyang's heart sank.

"Lin Qingqing, what do you want to do?!"

Chen Feiyang stared at her, with a fierce look on his face, and asked coldly: "Are you people from Prince Lin's Mansion trying to attack Mi Tiansi?!"

Lin Qingqing looked at him expressionlessly and did not answer. She just said coldly: "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black shadow behind Lin Qingqing moved.

The cold light flashed as he drew his sword, and several black shadows quickly approached.

Upon seeing this, several experts from Mitiansi also drew their swords and came closer. In an instant, the swords collided and fire raged.

Chen Feiyang took a few steps back, shocked and angry, staring at Lin Qingqing: "Are you crazy?!"

"We, Mi Tiansi, are under the orders of the Emperor. You guys dare to attack us. This is treason!!"

Chen Feiyang asked angrily: "Are you coming to the palace to rebel?!"

He never expected that Prince Lin's people would dare to attack him!

They are Mitiansi!

Mitiansi, who is feared in the capital!

Take action against them?

Isn't this rebellion?


Really crazy!

Chen Feiyang was furious.

However, Lin Qingqing seemed not to have heard this. She stood there, staring at Chen Feiyang, and slowly pulled out the sword in her hand.

The edge of the sword is sharp and the sword's intention is powerful!

Chen Feiyang's heart sank.

His face changed slightly, and then he said ferociously: "You are really crazy... Don't think that I am really afraid of you. As soon as the Mitiansi reinforcements arrive, I will definitely inform Your Majesty of what happened today..."

What answered Chen Feiyang was the murderous intent of Jianfeng.

Coming soon!

When Chen Feiyang spoke coldly, he was also staring at the woman named Lin Qingqing in front of him with all his concentration.

He had investigated and found out that this person was one of the soldiers around Prince Lin, he was loyal to Prince Lin, and his martial arts was not weak.

Not to be underestimated!

The moment the sword edge arrived, Chen Feiyang suddenly flicked his sleeves, and a sharp cold wind formed like a vortex from his sleeves and blasted out.

He resisted Lin Qingqing's sword forcefully!

Lin Qingqing paused for a moment, and her slightly cold eyes gradually condensed.

After a brief exchange, she realized that the man in front of her was not weak in martial arts. To be able to become the protector of Mitiansi, you really have some abilities.

But Lin Qingqing had almost no thought or hesitation. After being blocked by a sword, she tiptoed to the ground and swung the sword in her hand to stab again.

Go straight to Chen Feiyang's throat!

Killing moves every step of the way!

She had to deal with this person before Mitiansi reinforcements arrived.

However, Lin Qingqing's sword had just been thrust out. Chen Feiyang, who was standing there to block Lin Qingqing's move, suddenly retreated.

Quickly take four or five steps back, then turn around, tap your toes on the ground, use your strength to jump up, and jump up to the eaves.

Then he turned around and fled from this place without looking back!



Chen Feiyang's running away made Lin Qingqing's eyes slightly cold, and then she spoke expressionlessly.

Under the wall next to him, several figures followed him up in an instant.

Lin Qingqing turned her head and looked into the courtyard.

Chen Feiyang ran away, and the remaining Mitiansi masters were not so lucky.

These people's martial arts are indeed not weak, and they can be regarded as first-class masters. But compared with the princes and soldiers under Lin Qingqing, they are still far behind. In addition, Chen Feiyang ran away and the guardians also ran away. The remaining people did not resist for long before they fell under the sword one after another.

"Take care of it!"

After Lin Qingqing gave the instructions with an expressionless face, she raised her sword and chased Chen Feiyang in the direction of his escape.

Above the eaves.

Chen Feiyang used Qinggong and used his light strength to climb over the roof and escape quickly.

To be able to live to this day and sneak into the position of Mi Tiansi Dharma Protector, there is no doubt about Chen Feiyang's strength.

His instinct for danger is extremely keen, which has allowed him to escape death several times.

As the talon of the imperial court, countless people died at the hands of Chen Feiyang. At the same time, Chen Feiyang was resented by countless people in the world, and assassinations continued one after another.

In addition to his keen sense of danger, Chen Feiyang's ability to escape is also first-rate.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be alive until now.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Chen Feiyang already realized something was wrong when he saw Lin Qingqing!

Lin Qingqing is the son of Prince Lin. Doesn't her sudden appearance here mean...

Prince Lin is going to take action against Mi Tiansi? !

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Feiyang was shocked and angry.

Although he was ordered to watch outside the Jiang Mansion and watch every move of Prince Lin, he had not taken any action yet.

Without the father-in-law's order, even if he had ten thousand courages, he would not dare to attack Prince Lin!

Prince Ke Lin, why is this?

Attack him suddenly?

Is it possible that he really wants to rebel?

Chen Feiyang was so angry and frightened that he couldn't think too much. He was surrounded by masters both inside and outside the hospital. Not surprisingly, those men in black were probably the soldiers around Prince Lin.

It is rumored that Lin Hengzhong secretly trained a group of loyal soldiers for Prince Lin many years ago. All of these soldiers were excellent in martial arts and extremely talented.

When he saw those men in black, Chen Feiyang didn't have any thoughts of fighting in his heart. Especially in the brief fight with Lin Qingqing, he realized that Lin Qingqing's martial arts was not weak and could not be worse than him!

Once entangled, he may not even wait for Mitiansi's reinforcements to arrive, and he has to explain where he is!

For some reason, Chen Feiyang felt that the other party was targeting him.

Ever since, Chen Feiyang chose to run away!

Where there is life, there is hope!

He wanted to go back quickly, enter the palace and tell his father-in-law the news.

Prince Lin attacks Mitiansi, which is a capital crime!

Mi Tiansi is the emperor's personal guard, and Prince Lin attacks the emperor's personal guard. This time, even if he doesn't die, he must at least lose a layer of his skin!

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang ran faster!

He keenly leaped over the eaves, using his lightness skills to be as light as a swallow. Behind him is a man in black chasing after him.

However, Chen Feiyang didn't take it to heart!

These people can't catch up with him yet.

He raised his eyes and could vaguely see the reinforcements coming here in the distance, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

When reinforcements arrive, he will be saved!

Chen Feiyang was overjoyed, but at this very second, a figure silently stopped in front of him.

It seemed to appear out of thin air, blocking his way.

Chen Feiyang's hair stood on end, and all the pores on his body seemed to tighten at this moment.

"Get away!"

His expression suddenly changed, he suddenly flicked his sleeves and slapped forward with a fierce palm.


At the same time, the figure blocking Chen Feiyang also raised his palm to take a shot.

There was a muffled collision, and the breath in Chen Feiyang's body was instantly shaken. His body was unstable, and he took several steps back. He was unsteady and almost fell off the eaves.

But before he could stand firm, he saw the figure in front of him approaching again.

Approaching again with a fierce momentum.

Chen Feiyang's pupils shrank, he gritted his teeth, circulated the breath in his body, and struck out with one palm again!

This palm shot out like an overwhelming force.

Chen Feiyang's robes were flying all over his body, his hair was messy, his eyes were red, and his aura was like a rainbow!

The approaching figure seemed to sense the danger and immediately dodged.


There was an explosion and a cloud of smoke ahead.

Chen Feiyang didn't hesitate at all. After taking this palm, his body was instantly empty. He turned around and continued running.

The eaves in front were blocking the way. Chen Feiyang immediately turned around and jumped off the eaves, falling into an alley on the other side.

But just as he turned around, he heard a chuckle coming from the front.

"Protector Chen, do you want to continue running?"

This sound?

Chen Feiyang was suddenly startled, turned his head, and saw a figure standing quietly at the entrance of the alley ahead, looking at him with a smile.

"Prince Lin?!"

Chen Feiyang's heart suddenly sank.

Although he had long realized that Prince Lin was going to attack him, seeing it with his own eyes still felt completely different.

Lin Jiangnian, dressed in a brocade robe, stood quietly at the entrance of the alley, looking at him with a smile.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin, you, what do you want to do?!"

Chen Feiyang gritted his teeth and asked in a cold voice.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a smile: "Kill you!"

With such an understatement, Chen Feiyang's heart dropped completely.


Chen Feiyang's face was ugly: "Prince Lin, I, Mi Tiansi, have no enmity with you, why do you want to kill me?!"

"No injustice or enmity?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Since there is no grievance or enmity, why does Protector Chen monitor my son outside the Jiang Mansion?"

Chen Feiyang's expression changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This is not my original intention... But I, Mi Tiansi, have no grudges against Prince Lin, and have never offended His Royal Highness, Prince Lin. Why do you want to kill them all?!"

"My prince kills people, do you need a reason?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him, still smiling.

But this smile fell in Chen Feiyang's heart, but it made him shiver all over.

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