Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 312 The first sword test

The night wind was strong.

At this moment, the sunset had completely set on the horizon, and the surrounding area gradually fell into darkness.

Chen Feiyang's heart also dropped sharply along with the surrounding temperature.

His face was pale, and he stared at the young man in brocade clothes at the entrance of the alley ahead.

Prince Lin kills someone, does he need a reason?


No need at all!

Rumor has it that Prince Lin is a complete dandy in Linzhou, killing entire families and raping wives and daughters...

The lives of those common people were as worthless in his eyes!

Even in Chen Feiyang's eyes, those common people were nothing more than ants. If he wants to kill, he doesn't need any reason at all.

Over the years, as the protector of Mitiansi, how many civilians has he killed? How many innocent people have you killed?


For him, there is no need for a reason to kill.

However, when these killed people turned into him, Chen Feiyang found it difficult to accept it!

"I am the Protector of Mitiansi and the Emperor's personal guard!!"

Chen Feiyang spoke in a low voice, his tone full of fear and warning and threats: "His Royal Highness does not need a reason to kill people, but... I am His Majesty's man!"

"If the Crown Prince kills me, he will be an enemy of the Emperor... Your Highness, the Crown Prince, are you planning to rebel?!"


Lin Jiangnian quietly looked at Chen Feiyang, whose face was pale and struggling in the alley, like a trapped animal, and chuckled: "My prince has never planned to rebel!"

"My prince's target is only you, Protector Chen!"

Chen Feiyang felt a chill in his heart.

Is this Prince Lin really here for him?


Chen Feiyang racked his brains and couldn't figure out why Prince Lin would attack him since he had no enmity with Prince Lin.


Chen Feiyang gritted his teeth and asked: "My subordinates and His Royal Highness have never had any grudges... Why would Prince Lin do this?!"

"Didn't I tell you already? I don't need a reason to kill someone...including you!"

Lin Jiangnian's answer was still calm, so calm that it completely chilled Chen Feiyang's heart.

His face was gloomy and ugly: "You, are you really going to fight me to the death?!"

"I am the Protector of Mitiansi. If you attack me... Your Majesty will definitely not spare you!!"

Faced with the threat of Chen Feiyang's end, Lin Jiangnian still chuckled: "How would your Majesty know that you are dead?"

Chen Feiyang's last thoughts were cut off!

Now that things have happened, he understands in his heart that Prince Lin really wants his life today!

There is only one way left for him now.

As long as you hold on for a little longer, Mitiansi reinforcements will arrive!

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang turned around without hesitation. He had to get out of here quickly!

But in the next second, the figure that he had just repelled had quietly landed on the wall behind him, blocking his way.

This was a young man who was about thirty years old, dressed in black robes, with a restrained aura, and looking at him expressionlessly.

With just one glance, Chen Feiyang could feel the strong aura of the other party.

Excellent martial arts!

"Lin Kong!"

Chen Feiyang recognized this person's identity. He was also one of the masters around Prince Lin. The opponent's martial arts is not weak, not much worse than Lin Qingqing's.

After a brief exchange just now, Chen Feiyang had a certain idea in his mind.

He is not afraid of this person's martial arts, but if he is entangled by the opponent, he will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang became more and more anxious. The retreat behind him was blocked, so the only way left...

Chen Feiyang suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Jiangnian, who was standing quietly at the entrance of the alley in front of him.

Just him? !

I wonder if Prince Lin is too conceited or too arrogant to appear there alone without any bodyguards around him? !

A flash of light flashed in Chen Feiyang's eyes, and a ferocious light flashed through.

If it were normal, Chen Feiyang might still be suspicious for a moment. But the situation was so urgent that he had no way to retreat and he had no time to think about it.

The only way to survive now is to take the 'arrogant' Prince Lin as a hostage and intimidate other princes and their troops not to dare to approach and act rashly. As long as the Mitiansi reinforcements arrive, he can be saved!

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang hardly hesitated at all. His body was slightly arched, and the muscles all over his body were tense. He suddenly took a step and stepped heavily on the ground in front of him.


The stepped bluestone made a crisp clicking sound, and with the help of his feet, Chen Feiyang suddenly rushed towards Lin Jiangnian like a cannonball.

The speed was so fast that it left an afterimage in the air.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Lin Kong, who was originally intercepting Chen Feiyang, suddenly realized the danger and raised his head suddenly, wanting to intercept him.

But, it's too late!

Chen Feiyang, who was under surprise, arrived in front of Lin Jiangnian in the blink of an eye. He mobilized almost all his strength, his aura was extremely strong, and his speed was so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

A look of ferocious pride appeared on his face!

Want to kill him?

This Prince Lin is not worthy!

The entrance to the alley.

A dragnet has been laid today, and Chen Feiyang has no way out.

The only chance left for him to survive was... Lin Jiangnian!

Lin Jiangnian stood at the entrance of the alley, without any guards around him. There was no one around him. This was Chen Feiyang's only best chance!

Not surprisingly, he took action.

The target is naturally Lin Jiangnian.

Faced with the sudden attack on Chen Feiyang, Lin Jiangnian behaved extremely calmly, without any fear or panic, and even a little...excited!

This is a very good opportunity!

Since entering Beijing, Lin Jiangnian has never neglected his martial arts. Study and practice hard every day. Whenever you have time, you will cultivate your internal strength and practice swordsmanship. By now, his martial arts has officially entered the ranks of masters. But when it comes to experience against the enemy, it is not rich.

There is no other reason.

The enemies that could appear next to Lin Jiangnian were either too weak and easily eliminated by the guards around him. Or it's just too powerful, so powerful that you can't resist at all.

Lin Jiangnian has very little experience in taking action.

And today is a good opportunity to test it!

Chen Feiyang's martial arts is not weak, but it is not top-notch either. This person's martial arts is around the fifth level, barely among the masters.

It's just right for Lin Jiangnian to practice his skills.

Take this opportunity to test his true strength now!

Therefore, facing Chen Feiyang's surprise attack, Lin Jiangnian did not panic at all. Instead, his eyes were excited and he was eager to try.

As if he sensed danger, the Xuanyang Mental Technique in Lin Jiangnian's body started to operate automatically, and a steady stream of internal energy poured into his body and limbs.

The hot breath poured in, and at this moment, Lin Jiangnian's eyesight was clear and his mind was calm. He narrowed his eyes slightly and faced Chen Feiyang's attack. He did not dodge or dodge, but slowly took a step back with his right foot, assuming a defensive posture.

In the palm under the robe, a raging aura instantly emerged and spread.

The moment Chen Feiyang approached, Lin Jiangnian suddenly raised his hand and took out his palm!

In an instant, the aura lingering around his body gathered in the palm of his hand, and poured out suddenly the next second.


The roaring sound, carrying a majestic momentum, spread throughout the world.

Chen Feiyang, who had just approached, suddenly sensed danger the next second.


Chen Feiyang exchanged palms with Lin Jiangnian firmly. The moment the palms collided, the explosive air flow burst out.

The bluestone slabs beneath their feet were shattered. There were crack-like marks on the wall of the alley beside him, as if it couldn't bear such a strong breath.

The huge internal energy surged and instantly knocked the two of them back.

Lin Jiangnian retreated continuously, flying seven or eight meters upside down before he could stabilize his body.

The heels that landed on the ground were slightly sunken into the dirt of the alley.

Lin Jiangnian looked slightly embarrassed, his brocade clothes were slightly torn by the strong wind, his face was rosy, and his breathing was slightly rapid.

The impact of this palm made his breath unstable. He felt that his internal organs were churning and his blood was surging.

feeling bad!

But Lin Jiangnian's eyes became brighter and more excited, and he finally met a comparable opponent!

On the other side, Chen Feiyang also flew upside down for more than ten meters before he could stabilize his pace.

His clothes were in tatters, his hair was disheveled, his face was red, blood was gushing, his face was extremely ugly, his eyes were wide open, staring ahead in disbelief.


"You, you actually..."

Chen Feiyang's voice trembled slightly, as if in disbelief.

This Prince Lin is actually a hidden master? !

This was a situation he didn't expect at all!

Although the information returned from Linjiang City mentioned that Prince Lin had shown signs of practicing martial arts. But Chen Feiyang never took it seriously. He knew the pain of practicing martial arts best.

How could this Prince Lin, who had lived in fine clothes since childhood, endure such hardship?

Even if he can eat it... How long has it been before Prince Lin's martial arts has become so powerful?

The slap that was just a head-on blow was a complete competition of internal strength!

Chen Feiyang has been practicing martial arts for many years, and it was not easy to achieve what he is today. But when he touched his palms just now, he could clearly feel that Prince Lin's inner strength was strong and not weaker than his own.


I'm afraid it's still above him.

How can this be?

How long has he been practicing martial arts?

But how could he have such strong inner strength for more than half a year?

...What kind of monster is he? !

At this moment, Chen Feiyang was frightened and uneasy. He must tell his father-in-law as soon as possible about this news!

Feeling the overwhelming aura surging in his body, Chen Feiyang's face turned ugly, and a fishy sweetness emerged in his throat.

When he just escaped, he had already consumed a lot. Right now, I exchanged palms with Prince Lin, and I felt soreness and exhaustion all over my body.

If you continue to entangle, I’m afraid I’ll have to explain it here today!

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang didn't hesitate at all, turned around and jumped up, wanting to escape from here again.

But he had just jumped up and had not yet crossed the wall. Lin Kong blocked his way again.

Chen Feiyang's pupils shrank and he turned around to escape to the other side. But at the same time, a figure in green clothes appeared in his sight again.

It was Lin Qingqing who came here!

It’s over!

At this moment, Chen Feiyang's face was ashen.


Can't run away!

"You can't leave!"

Lin Jiangnian's voice came from behind.

Lin Jiangnian, who had regained his breath a little, walked forward slowly and looked at him quietly: "Now I'll give you a chance to live... Go all out to defeat this prince, and I'll spare your life, how about that?!"

Chen Feiyang gritted his teeth and looked surprised. With Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong around, there was no way he could escape easily.

As for Prince Lin...if he defeats him, will he spare his life?

Chen Feiyang naturally didn't believe it.

However, this is his only chance to survive right now.

As long as he delays a little longer, he can survive until Mitiansi reinforcements arrive.

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang gritted his teeth and stared at him: "I didn't expect Prince Lin to be so secretive. I underestimated you!"

"Can the words of His Highness the Crown Prince be counted?"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "It's natural to count."

"Then I won't be polite!"

Chen Feiyang said, slowly pulling out the long knife from his waist, staring at the figure in front of him with cold and focused eyes.

Regardless of whether he could win or not, he had to stall for time.

When he realized that Prince Lin's martial arts skills were excellent and his internal strength was even greater than his own, Chen Feiyang had to concentrate.


Seeing Chen Feiyang draw his sword, Lin Jiangnian turned his head and called out softly.

Not far away on the wall, Lin Qingqing threw a sword wrapped behind her back to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian took the sword, lowered his head and stroked it gently, then took off the sword cloth, revealing a three-foot light sword.

The end of the sword hilt is inlaid with a cyan orb, and the scabbard is engraved with intricate and delicate patterns.

Autumn Water Sword!

This sword, presented by Senior Li of Ruyi Building and always by Lin Jiangnian's side, was finally put to use in Lin Jiangnian's hands for the first time.

The long sword is unsheathed, and the cold light shines freely.

The blade of the sword was exposed to the air, and a chilling air spread instantly, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

Chen Feiyang stared at the sword, his heart skipped a beat, and his eyes focused.

He could tell at a glance that the sword in Prince Lin's hand was absolutely extraordinary, and the chilling sound from the sword's blade when it was unsheathed showed that the sword had great origins.

In the hands of a master, this sword will definitely be even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Chen Feiyang immediately lost his breath, clenched the long knife in his hands with both hands, and took a step.

He raised his knife and suddenly launched an attack.

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

The long knife flashed a sharp light in the dark alley, like splitting the night.

This knife is cruel and spicy!

Lin Qingqing, who was standing on the wall next to her, was slightly bent, her eyes focused, ready to take action at any time.

Lin Jiangnian held the Qiu Shui Sword and was not afraid at all when faced with Chen Feiyang's sudden attack of sword light.

In his mind, the sword skills he had learned in the past six months suddenly came to mind!

I have deduced the sword moves countless times in my mind, and practiced the sword techniques countless times in my daily life, and it feels like I am coming alive at this moment. Turn into little people and follow your heart's thoughts.

At this moment, Lin Jiangnian's aura suddenly changed, and his eyes were sharp and cold. He took a step forward and stabbed forward with the Qiu Shui Sword in his hand, instantly turning countless sword flowers into the air.

Densely packed, the sword energy enveloped the world.

Chen Feiyang was approaching with a sword. The moment he noticed that Lin Jiangnian had drawn his sword, a fierce aura and pressure hit his face.

Lin Jiangnian stood there, surrounded by dense sword energy, which was false and false, true and false!

Chen Feiyang was shocked, angry, and horrified, but he suppressed his fear.

"Break it for me!"

Chen Feiyang shouted angrily in his heart, clenched his long knife and slashed hard!

He wants to break this sword flower with his long sword!


A crisp sound sounded, which was the sparks caused by the collision between the long knife and the hard sword.

When the long knife fell, Chen Feiyang felt as if he had hit an immovable boulder. The violent impact made his arms holding the knife numb.

He was horrified!

The martial arts strength of Prince Lin was far beyond his expectation.

But he was not allowed to hesitate at all, and his sword was blocked. Chen Feiyang suddenly took another step and approached with the knife again.

"Break it for me!!"


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