To be able to become the protector of Mitiansi, in addition to being a close confidant of Eunuch Chen in the court, Chen Feiyang himself also has real abilities.

Chen Feiyang's real name is not Chen Feiyang. He changed his name to Chen after becoming a disciple of Mr. Chen. To be favored by Mr. Chen, in addition to being loyal and able to please Mr. Chen, Chen Feiyang's martial arts skills should not be underestimated.

Especially his sword skills are somewhat famous!

Countless masters died under his sword back then!

Chen Feiyang is good at swordsmanship, especially heavy swordsmanship. But after joining Mitiansi, in order to facilitate movement, it is naturally not suitable to carry a heavy knife with you. Ever since, Chen Feiyang changed the heavy sword into a light sword.

The long knife in his hand is a light and heavy knife made of special materials. The knife is narrow and long, somewhat like a Tang Dao, but much heavier than a Tang Dao.

The heavy sword lacks the power of splitting mountains and seas when opening and closing, but it has a bit more briskness, which makes him move the sword faster. Speed ​​is exchanged for strength, which makes up for the shortcomings of the heavy sword.

Now, when the heavy knife was blocked, Chen Feiyang was shocked, but without any hesitation, he took a step forward with his right foot, held the knife in both hands, and slashed horizontally towards Lin Jiangnian's neck.

This knife was so hard and fierce that if you weren't careful, half of your body would be cut off in an instant.

Lin Jiangnian had already anticipated this after blocking Chen Feiyang's heavy sword. Take two steps back quickly to avoid its sharp edge.

This Chen Feiyang's heavy sword is extremely cruel. If it were a head-on confrontation, Lin Jiangnian would not be able to take any advantage.

But Chen Feiyang did not give him any chance to breathe. After the horizontal slash failed, Chen Feiyang did not pause at all. He used the inertia of the long knife to strike. The center of gravity of his right foot suddenly sank. As the long knife rotated, the force of the knife was like a violent wind and rain. Approaching!

Lin Jiangnian had no idea that Chen Feiyang's offensive would be so fierce and continuous, giving him no chance to breathe.

He avoided Chen Feiyang's heavy sword, but he couldn't avoid the continuous whizzing of the sword.

The majestic breath swarmed in.

Is this Chen Feiyang trying to cut off his ability to fight back in one fell swoop? !

Caught off guard, Lin Jiangnian's eyes narrowed, and he used the Xuanyang Mental Technique to infuse the Qiu Shui Sword in his hand, using his internal strength to withstand the force of the sword.


A violent explosion sounded, stirring up dust all around.


Lin Jiangnian stepped back and came into close contact with the wall.


On the wall, several cracks appeared instantly.

This violent impact made Lin Jiangnian's face pale, his breathing became rapid, and his throat felt fishy and sweet, as if the smell of blood emerged.

The internal organs were turbulent, as if they were on fire.

"Your Highness?!"

Not far away, Lin Qingqing appeared next to Lin Jiangnian in an instant, her expression slightly nervous; "Your Highness, how are you?!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Your Highness..."

Lin Qingqing looked worried, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in her eyes: "How about we just let my subordinates..."

She can handle Chen Feiyang without His Highness taking action.

"It's okay, I just underestimated the enemy a little bit."

Young Lin Jiang shook his head lightly and spat out the sweet taste in his mouth.

Luck adjusted his breathing, calmed his chaotic breath, and raised his eyes to look ahead.


After all, I still looked down on Chen Feiyang just now.

There is indeed something about the opponent's sword skills!

"Then, please be careful, Your Highness."

Seeing that His Highness insisted on taking matters into his own hands, Lin Qingqing suppressed her worries.

She knew that His Highness wanted to fight the enemy personally.

If His Highness continues to live under the protection of these subordinates, it will be detrimental to His Highness's martial arts. Without truly experiencing the trials of life and death, His Highness will never be able to achieve great success.

Putting away her worries, Lin Qingqing stepped aside.

The smoke in the alley dissipated, and Chen Feiyang was standing not far ahead, with a pale face and shortness of breath.

fine? !

Didn't this hit him hard?

Chen Fei's face became increasingly ugly. His internal strength had been depleted by more than half, and the attacks he had just made in the sudden attack failed to cause much harm to the Prince Lin.

Then it will be difficult...

Why haven't Mitiansi's reinforcements arrived yet?

Logically speaking, it should be here by now, right?

what happened?

Chen Feiyang was so anxious that his mind gradually became confused.

But for now, he could only suppress his uneasiness and focus on staring at Lin Jiangnian. The sense of threat this Prince Lin brought to him was quite sufficient!

Leave him no time to be distracted!

"Next, it's my turn!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his sword and looked at him quietly.

Chen Feiyang said nothing, his breath was heavy, he clenched the long knife in his hand, his whole body was tense, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

He could tell that although Prince Lin's martial arts skills were not weak and his internal strength was even stronger than his own, his actual combat experience was very poor and there were many flaws.

When he made a quick move just now, the Prince Lin was obviously inexperienced and full of flaws in his haste!

This is Chen Feiyang’s opportunity!

He was waiting, waiting for Prince Wang to take the initiative and reveal a flaw. That would be his only chance to win with one blow.

Lin Jiangnian also knew this very well. He had too little actual combat experience and could easily reveal flaws when making moves.

Therefore, he must be cautious.

Take a deep breath and clear your eyes. In his mind, the martial arts routines that he had practiced thousands of times and already knew by heart gradually reappeared.

The next second, Lin Jiangnian moved!

His speed was so fast that he disappeared from where he was in the blink of an eye.

The cold wind is blowing!

The strong wind swept up the dust and dead leaves in the alley, accompanied by a cold light. The Autumn Water Sword in Lin Jiangnian's hand streaked across the sky, spreading a line of green light, like splitting the cold wind between heaven and earth in half, which was particularly dazzling in the dark night.

In an instant, a majestic momentum enveloped the alley.

Chen Feiyang held his breath and stared straight ahead. His body was hunched, almost stretched into a line.

The moment Lin Jiangnian disappeared from the place, he also moved!

The speed was actually a few points faster than Lin Jiangnian!

Strike later!

The long knife wrapped around the force and approached in an instant.

The heavy knife strikes hard again!

A slash of the knife seemed to split the dark night open again.

When knives and swords meet in short combat, the long sword is undoubtedly more advantageous. What's more, Chen Feiyang is good at heavy swordsmanship, and now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


The clear and sweet voice sounded again.

This was the sound of swords clashing, accompanied by a series of fire lights.

At the same time, the majestic collision of internal forces caused explosions to sound all around. The rumbling sound almost sent the two of them flying out again.

The moment Chen Feiyang's heavy knife fell, he used his internal strength to resist. At the same time, he stepped forward quickly and struck Lin Jiangnian's head with the long knife again, fast and hard.

Lin Jiangnian refused to retreat, and he had no way to hide from this knife.

As soon as he retreats, Chen Feiyang will immediately follow without giving him any chance to breathe. Prince Lin's actual combat experience is very weak. As long as he is not given a chance to react, he will definitely lose!

"not good!"

Lin Qingqing, who was not far away, realized this, her face changed slightly, and she subconsciously took a step forward to take action.

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian in his sight did not retreat or stay where he was. When Chen Feiyang took a step forward and approached, he also took a step forward at the same time.

Don’t retreat but advance!

In an instant, he became closer to Chen Feiyang.

And this step also happened to avoid Chen Feiyang's approaching heavy knife.

Chen Feiyang's pupils shrank, as if he didn't expect that Prince Lin would have the same purpose as him.

But then, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes.

court death!

In a hand-to-hand encounter, he already has the advantage. And at such a close distance, didn't Prince Lin come to his door?

The light and heavy sword in his hand is more sensitive than the opponent's sword at close range.

The long knife in Chen Feiyang's hand spun around, then he held the knife in his backhand and suddenly dropped it. At such a close distance, there is absolutely no chance of dodge!

His sword is definitely not as fast as his own!

He wins for sure!

But before Chen Feiyang's knife fell, the next second he suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain in his waist.

Lowering his head, he saw a huge fist landing silently on his waist. The violent impact nearly shattered his kidneys. Chen Feiyang seemed to have been hit hard by something, and his whole body flew out like a shell.

He fell heavily into an alley a few meters away. His face was pale, his body was so stiff that he could hardly move, and he almost lost his breath.


Chen Feiyang raised his head with difficulty, his eyes were shocked and angry, and seemed to be questioning with a bit of disbelief.

It seems that I didn't expect that Prince Lin Wang would actually be... playing dirty tricks? !

"you lose."

Lin Jiangnian stood there, looking at Chen Feiyang on the ground, and shook his head gently: "You are too weak!"

This light and fluttering voice seemed to be a bit contemptuous, causing Chen Feiyang's blood to surge up instantly, and his blood rushed to his heart.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"But I still have to thank you."

A smile appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face: "Thank you for reminding me... It turns out that you don't have to use a sword."

In terms of head-to-head confrontation, Lin Jiangnian's experience is definitely not as good as Chen Feiyang's sword skills. In the fight, even Lin Jiangnian suffered even more.

But this is the charm of martial arts. Lin Jiangnian may not have as much swordsmanship experience as Chen Feiyang, but Lin Jiangnian's overall strength is stronger than him.

Xuanyang Mind Technique is the top mental technique of Zhigang Zhiyang. Lin Jiangnian, who has touched the threshold of the second level of Xuanyang Mind Technique, plus various medicinal baths on weekdays, as well as countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures in Linwang Mansion Under the accumulation, physical fitness has already reached a terrifying level.

The muscles all over the body are extremely hard, and with the blessing of Xuanyang's mental method, they can even hold up the sky.

Night Royal...

He may not be as good as Chen Feiyang in head-to-head sword fighting, but that's not necessarily the case in head-to-head fighting with fists!

Obviously, Chen Feiyang suffered this loss!

When he was thinking about using a knife to hold Lin Jiangnian hostage, Lin Jiangnian punched him faster. This unexpected punch almost killed Chen Feiyang no matter how good his physical fitness was.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, breathless, and could not recover for a long time.

Chen Feiyang's head was spinning, his expression was miserable, and his face was ashen.

He realized that he lost!

You underestimated the enemy!

He knew that Prince Lin didn't have much experience in actual combat against enemies, so he wanted to take advantage of his weakness and kill him with a fatal blow.

But he never expected that Prince Lin had the same idea. When he caught Lin Jiangnian's flaw, the other party did the same.

After all, I was careless!

Chen Feiyang was lying on the ground, and he coughed violently, almost coughing out his lungs.

"Why, why..."

Chen Feiyang raised his head and stared at the young Prince Lin in front of him.

"I, I have no enmity or enmity with His Highness. Your Highness...why do you have to kill them all?!"

He doesn’t understand and doesn’t understand!

Night falls now.

So much time has passed, and the reinforcements from Mitiansi have not arrived yet. No matter how stupid Chen Feiyang was, he realized that something was wrong!

In this, I'm afraid something really happened.

His voice was trembling, and he slowly climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He raised his head and stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him: "Subordinate, how have you ever offended His Highness?!"

Lin Jiangnian walked closer slowly, stopped two meters in front of Chen Feiyang, and said calmly: "There is indeed no enmity between you and me, but there is someone who has enmity against you!"

Chen Feiyang stared at Lin Jiangnian with a embarrassed expression, and made a deep voice from his throat: "Who?"

Who exactly has a grudge against him?

How could he invite Prince Lin to take revenge in person? !

"Of course they are the people who were innocently killed by you!"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "You have framed Zhongliang and killed innocent people a lot in the past few years in Mitiansi, right?"

Chen Feiyang's pupils suddenly opened wide and he stared at Lin Jiangnian in disbelief. It seemed that he had no idea that Prince Lin was here to do justice for heaven? !

But, are you worthy? !

I'm afraid you, Prince Lin, have caused harm to fewer people in Linjiang City over the years than I have, right?

I am not a good person, but you, Prince Lin, are a good person again? !

Where do you get the face to do justice for heaven? !

Chen Feiyang's pupils were round and round. He was completely unconvinced by this excuse.

Lin Jiangnian seemed to notice his dissatisfaction and shook his head slightly: "Of course, your killing of Zhongliang has nothing to do with this prince. If you kill innocent people, this prince should not care about you, but..."

As he said that, Lin Jiangnian paused and suddenly chuckled, "If I remember correctly, not long ago, the family members of Xu Zheng, the Minister of War, were completely killed by your people outside the capital. Were they eradicated? "

Hearing the news, Chen Feiyang looked horrified: "You, how did you know?!"

Then he suddenly realized something: "You, you and Mr. Xu..."

"Of course my prince has nothing to do with Mr. Xu."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

He didn't know the Minister of War, and his life and death naturally had nothing to do with him.

"Then why do you, Your Highness..."

"Although I don't know Mr. Xu, I do know Mr. Xu..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Chen Feiyang and suddenly changed his tone: "She has a very good relationship with Mr. Xu, and she also saved Mr. Xu's family members. However, in the end, you silenced them all..."

"Even children of several years old are not spared. Protector Chen is really worse than a beast!"

Chen Feiyang's face turned pale and he gritted his teeth: "This subordinate is just following orders!"

"You know whether you are following orders and whose orders you are following."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "Originally, these have nothing to do with this prince, but..."

"Coincidentally, this prince needs a favor from that friend, so..."

Lin Jiangnian remembered that the last time he saw Miss Zhao, Zhao Xi's eyes turned red and she told how the Xu family had been wiped out. And Chen Feiyang in front of him is one of the culprits.

The Zhao family has a good relationship with the Xu family, and Zhao Xi also has close contacts with the Xu family. But who would have expected that Chen Feiyang would kill all the orphans left behind by the Xu family.

Every injustice has its owner, every debt has its owner!

With so much innocent blood on his hands, Chen Feiyang deserved to die. On the other hand, Lin Jiangnian was able to avenge Miss Zhao by the way.

This is a big favor!

I don’t know how Miss Zhao will thank him then...

Hearing this, Chen Feiyang seemed to realize something, his whole body felt numb, and his eyes widened in disbelief.


So, he became that favor? !


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