Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 314 Zhiyuan’s Question


It's evening.

On the street, rows of hurried figures passed through the street, causing people around the street to avoid them and talk a lot.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Where are the people from Mitiansi going? Why are they in such a hurry?"

"It seemed like someone was setting off fireworks on the west side of the city just now!"

"Why are you setting off fireworks? That's Mitiansi's signal for help. I'm afraid Mitiansi is in trouble!"

"Hiss... Mitiansi asks for help? Who dares to attack Mitiansi's people in the capital?"


The people in the city were talking and pointing.

A caring person just noticed the signal from the west side of the city and couldn't help but sigh.

In the capital, there is someone at the emperor's feet who can force Mitiansi to ask for help?

This is interesting!

On weekdays, Mi Tiansi is tyrannical in the capital, and the people have long been miserable. Now that they heard that something happened to Mi Tiansi, everyone is eager to find out something big!

Just as this row of Lemitiansi masters rode through the streets, heading towards the west of the city. At the end of the street, a figure sitting on a horse blocked everyone's way.

The people on horseback headed by Mi Tiansi took a look, their eyes suddenly froze, they reined in their horses and stopped, saying in a deep voice: "Chen Changqing, why are you here?!"

The person standing in front of them was none other than the leader of Mi Tiansi, Chen Changqing.

At this time, Chen Changqing raised his eyes and stared at the leader with an expressionless face.

The leader on horseback is named Liu Chuan, a deacon in Mitiansi and a close confidant around Chen Feiyang.

This person has a high status in Mitiansi. He forms a clique and relies on the favor of Protector Chen. On weekdays, even the leader Chen Changqing does not pay much attention to him.

Listening to Liu Chuan calling him by his first name, Chen Changqing showed no expression on his face: "Liu Chuan, what's going on? Where are all of you going? What happened?!"

Liu Chuan said calmly: "Mitiansi just received a request for help from the west side of the city. Something happened to the secret sentry arranged by Protector Chen to monitor the Jiang family there. I was ordered to go to support!"

"Ask for help?!"

Chen Changqing's eyes narrowed slightly: "In the middle of the capital, why do my people from Mitiansi suddenly ask for help?!"

"how could I know?"

Liu Chuan glanced at Chen Changqing: "Is there anything else, Mr. Chen? I was about to go to support, and you stopped us. If this delays things, and Protector Chen blames you later, it will be hard for Mr. Chen to explain!"

Chen Changqing ignored Liu Chuanlue's sinister and sarcastic tone, looked back at the distance to the west, narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned to scan the dozen or so figures in front of him, and said expressionlessly: "Since it is Mitiansi asking for help, I am the leader. Come with you."

"Since Chief Chen wants to go, naturally we don't dare to have any objections."

Liu Chuan sounded like he didn't dare, but in fact he sneered softly, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

He had never taken Chief Chen seriously. In the eyes of others, he was the leader of Mitiansi. But in Liu Chuan's eyes, he was just a dispensable puppet.

Moreover, he is still a puppet that Protector Chen does not like.

Sooner or later, the position of leader of the Mitian Division will belong to him, Liu Chuan.

Thinking of this, Liu Chuan snorted in his heart and rode his horse to lead the Mitiansi masters behind him to continue to the west for support.

The group left the city and passed through a quiet street.

In the silent night sky, a soft whistle suddenly sounded.

The crowd's previous spread made everyone feel numb instantly, and a sense of danger from the back of their heads suddenly hit their hearts.

"not good!"

The vigilant Liu Chuan immediately bent down to avoid the cold arrow that suddenly struck from the dark place not far away.

But although he escaped, the horse underneath him was not so lucky.

After the horse was hit by the arrow, it let out a sharp cry, raised its front hooves high, and then collapsed. Liu Chuan was thrown off his horse and fell heavily to the ground.

"Is there an ambush?!"

Liu Chuan quickly rolled off the ground, looking horrified and shocked.

At the same time, the cold screams that pierced the air continued to sound all around, and screams also followed. The cold arrows from the darkness were caught off guard, and many people were struck one after another.

When Liu Chuan saw this scene, his heart suddenly sank, he was shocked and angry.

He never expected that he would be ambushed and attacked halfway!

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Perhaps it was because they had lived a comfortable life for so long. This was the first time in their lives that they encountered such an ambush attack, especially since the other party had not shown up yet. This unintentionally put a heavy psychological pressure on everyone.

Liu Chuan was filled with panic.

What exactly is going on?

How could anyone dare to attack Mitiansi in the capital?

Have you rebelled? !

But at this time, Liu Chuan could no longer control so much. In this encounter, five or six Mitiansi masters fell under the hidden arrows. The dense arrows flying around him made him fearful.

Liu Chuan didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran towards the houses on both sides of the street.

"Please help, please help quickly!"

"We don't have enough manpower, call on my Mitiansi masters for support, there's a powerful enemy attacking!"

"call out!"

In the panic, another firework signal from Mitiansi asking for help exploded in the air.

Liu Chuan hurriedly ducked into the alley next to him. Just as he was about to escape, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

His hair stood on end, and he rolled forward desperately to avoid it, but he still felt a heartbreaking pain in his back.


Liu Chuan took a breath and felt a chill behind him. When he subconsciously touched it, he saw red blood.


Liu Chuan reached out and pulled out the saber from his waist. He had just pulled out the saber halfway when he was kicked directly on the handle by another foot and kicked the saber back into the scabbard.

The next second, Liu Chuan suddenly felt a pain in his chest!

He looked down and saw an arrow inserted into his chest at some point!

A cold arrow pierced his heart and came out from behind.

Liu Chuan's eyes were dull, as if he hadn't realized what happened.

He fell to the ground and raised his head with difficulty to look ahead. In the darkness, one could only vaguely see a figure.

The night light slowly fell on this figure, and Liu Chuan's vision gradually blurred. His face gradually showed an expression of disbelief and shock.

"Chen, Chen Chang..."

"'s you?!"

Liu Chuan couldn't believe it. He never thought that the person who killed him would be...

Chen Changqing? !

"Liu Chuan, you have done many evil things, and today is the day you die!"

Chen Changqing stood in the alley, looking at him expressionlessly.

"You, you dare to kill me... Chen, Protector Chen will not let you go..."

Liu Chuan stared at him with a vicious look and unforgivable anger.

There was no expression on Chen Changqing's face: "If he is still alive tonight, let's talk about it."

The expression on Liu Chuan's face suddenly changed again, and he seemed to realize something.

"You, you are crazy... You, you even have Protector Chen..."

Liu Chuan's eyes were round and the color on his face disappeared little by little.

He knew that he was bound to die, and stared at Chen Changqing with a resentful expression: "You said that I have done many evil things, and you, you, are not much better, you, you..."

In the end, Liu Chuan was unable to open his mouth anymore. His whole body was in severe cold pain and he slowly stopped breathing.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Chen Changqing stood there, watching this scene expressionlessly.

He raised his head and glanced in the west direction. After a while, his face was expressionless and he murmured to himself.

"I have also done many evil things, and I do deserve to die..."

"However, I will let you stay with me before I die."


Jiang Mansion.

Still brightly lit.

In the small courtyard.

Lin Qingqing slowly helped Lin Jiangnian back to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Xiaozhu heard the footsteps behind him and turned around in surprise: "Your Highness, you... what's wrong with you?!"

When Xiaozhu saw His Highness, who was in a state of embarrassment, with a pale face and some blood stains on his robes, his little face turned pale with fear.

This was the first time she saw His Highness like this, and she was immediately frightened.

"I'm fine."

Lin Jiangnian saw Xiaozhu and shook his head gently: "Go and prepare hot water."

When Xiaozhu saw this, his face was full of worry, but he still suppressed it and went to prepare hot water for His Highness.

Lin Qingqing helped Lin Jiangnian back to the room and sat down.

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand: "Qingqing, you can go down first, I'm fine."

Lin Qingqing looked a little worried, but still nodded.

"Shall I go and deal with the funeral arrangements first?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly: "The people from Mitiansi will arrive soon. You should know what to do next, right?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I know what's going on."

Lin Qingqing nodded, assassinating Chen Feiyang in the street tonight, this matter absolutely cannot be concealed. Mi Tiansi was the emperor's personal guard, and it was a serious crime to assassinate the emperor's personal guard in the street.

Starting tomorrow, it is bound to cause great turmoil in Beijing.

"Go ahead."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hands, and after Lin Qingqing left, he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to exercise and adjust his breathing.

In today's battle, he was not seriously injured, but his internal strength was greatly depleted. In addition, he was too careless before, and his internal energy was dispersed by Chen Feiyang's blade, causing his body to feel a little uncomfortable.

Today's fight was indeed of great help to Lin Jiangnian. Only when you are actually facing the enemy can you notice the difference from when you are fighting against the guards on weekdays.

Both mentality and aspects are almost completely different, and Lin Jiangnian has benefited a lot.

More importantly, Lin Jiangnian can be sure that he now has the strength of a fifth-grade master. When facing a master like Chen Feiyang, he has the strength to fight.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before becoming a top expert like Zhiyuan...

While Lin Jiangnian was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Lin Jiangnian thought that Xiaozhu had prepared hot water and came to inform him, but suddenly he felt a gust of cold wind pouring in from outside the door. He subconsciously raised his eyes and saw a cold figure outside the door.

"Paper Kite?!"

Only then did he see that the person standing at the door was Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan stood at the door with a cold expression, looking at him expressionlessly.

Lin Jiangnian's face was filled with joy: "Zhiyuan, why are you here?!"

Zhiyuan said nothing, walked into the room and walked towards Lin Jiangnian. When you walked a few steps in front of him, you stopped.

Still expressionless.

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize that something was wrong with Zhiyuan's mood: "Zhiyuan, what's wrong with you?!"

Zhiyuan stared at Lin Jiangnian with her clear cold eyes. After a while, she said coldly: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then he realized that he had not told Zhiyuan about today's plan to kill Chen Feiyang.

"Isn't this a trivial matter?"

Lin Jiangnian got up from the ground, walked to Zhiyuan, and chuckled: "I just killed Chen Feiyang casually. I can solve it, so I didn't tell you."

Lin Jiang young explained in a low voice and reached out to hug Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan took a step back, avoiding Lin Jiangnian's hand, and raised her eyes slightly to stare into his eyes. Faintly, she could see Zhiyuan's cold expression, which seemed to be a little excited.


"Then why are you hurt?!"

The cold face and cold tone were questioning.

Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at himself, only to realize that he was in a mess, and he did seem to be... seriously injured.

No wonder Zhiyuan was so excited.

With this tone, he was clearly worried about blaming Lin Jiangnian for acting without authorization and almost losing his life.

"I'm fine."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head and explained softly: "I did this accidentally. In fact, I didn't suffer any injuries..."

He quickly explained to Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan said nothing and stared at Lin Jiangnian with cold eyes for a long time. After confirming that Lin Jiangnian was indeed not seriously injured, the worry in his eyes gradually disappeared.

But her expression became colder and colder!

Lin Jiangnian reached out to hug her again, but Zhiyuan dodged him.

"Since Qingqing can take action, why do you do it yourself?!"

Zhiyuan stared at him and continued to question.

"Isn't this just to test my current strength?"

Lin Jiangyoun smiled and said: "It's not easy to meet a similar opponent, so I just want to try it in actual combat..."

"You may not believe it. Although Chen Feiyang hastily responded to the enemy and failed to exert his full strength, I am not weak. If we really fight, he will not be my opponent..."

Lin Jiangnian sounded excited and happily shared his experience with Zhiyuan. Just when he was about to elaborate, he saw Zhiyuan beside him staring at him expressionlessly.

Nor spoke.

This cold look made Lin Jiangnian swallow back all the words he had just spoken.

"What if something happens?"

Zhiyuan said coldly.

"Ahem, isn't this okay..."

Zhiyuan stared at him coldly: "What if Chen Feiyang hides his clumsiness? What if something unexpected happens..."

"You are Prince Lin's Crown Prince. How could you put yourself in such a dangerous situation? The future hope of Prince Lin's Palace rests on you... If something happens to you, do you know what the consequences will be?!"

Facing Zhiyuan's series of cold questions, Lin Jiangnian, who was still excited at first, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured down on him and he instantly calmed down.

Indeed, he was a little impulsive about what happened today.

He only thought about Chen Feiyang's low martial arts skills and his itchy hands wanting to fight, without thinking too much about it.

Logically speaking, you must at least take the paper kite with you to ensure safety.


At that time, only Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong were around him. If something unexpected happened, it would be a serious matter.

His behavior today was indeed a bit reckless.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian's tone softened a lot: "It's true that I was a little impulsive today. It's my fault. I won't do it next time!"

Zhiyuan stared at him quietly, and there seemed to be some rare excitement on her cold and beautiful face.

She took a deep breath, listened to Lin Jiangnian's apologetic soft words, lowered her eyes slightly, and after a while, she said silently: "You don't need to apologize to me, you are the prince's only child now..."

"I don't hope that you will end up like him..."

When he said this, Lin Jiangnian could clearly detect that there seemed to be an imperceptible tremor in Zhiyuan's cold words.

Like inexplicable nervousness and fear!

Is she scared? !

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