Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 315 Your Highness is so awesome

Linwangfu has been in troubled times over the years.

Eighteen years ago, Princess Lin gave birth to twins, but one of the children was missing. Very few people know about this, and no one knows what exactly happened back then.

Now, the wandering child was finally found and returned to Prince Lin's Mansion.

But the price was that the original Prince Lin died in the temple that night more than half a year ago. For Prince Lin’s Mansion, it was still a painful blow!

The death of Prince Lin is still a mystery to this day!

Who were the forces in the temple that assassinated Prince Linwang that night?

The paper kite is unknown!

But she knew very well that everything in Prince Lin's mansion seemed calm. But Prince Lin had already begun to act secretly.

Since Prince Lin was assassinated by the female assassin of the Tianshen Sect half a year ago, he took advantage of the purge of the Tianshen Sect and sent experts from Prince Lin's Mansion to secretly search the entire Linzhou area.

Not long ago, Zhiyuan received a piece of information from the north.

Zheng Zhiming went all the way north to Xuzhou!

That night outside the capital about a month ago, Zheng Zhiming, one of the four masters around Prince Lin, secretly escorted Prince Lin's son to the capital. He finally took action, but was defeated by Old Shen and was seriously injured.

As a second-grade master, Zheng Zhiming is already regarded as the top master in the world and has few opponents. He is now only in his thirties and has a bright future.

It's a pity that he met Mr. Shen who has been famous for many years!

It’s not unfair to lose!

After that night, Zheng Zhiming left alone and his whereabouts are unknown. When there was news about him again, he appeared in Xuzhou in the north. With one shot and one shot, he killed several masters of aristocratic sects in Xuzhou, causing quite a stir in Xuzhou.

The masters who died under Zheng Zhiming's gun all had common characteristics... and were inextricably related to Prince Xu's Mansion in Xuzhou.

What's even more strange is that Zheng Zhiming went on a killing spree in Xuzhou and killed so many people. But Prince Xu's Mansion in Xuzhou turned a deaf ear to this and showed no reaction at all, as if he was completely unaware of the matter.

This is very meaningful...

At this moment, the room was silent.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan, who was rarely so excited, and noticed her nervousness and fear, and couldn't help feeling heartbroken.

He quickly stepped forward, took Zhiyuan into his arms, and held her tightly.

Zhiyuan still wanted to continue struggling, but Lin Jiangnian hugged her tightly, very hard, as if he wanted to completely integrate her delicate body into his own body.

"I know……"

Lin Jiangnian leaned close to Zhiyuan and whispered softly into Zhiyuan's ear, his tone full of guilt: "I was negligent this time, and I will definitely not do it next time..."

Lin Jiangnian knew what Zhiyuan was worried about.

She was just worried that Lin Jiangnian would die inexplicably like his twin brother!

No one would have expected that Prince Tangtang Lin would die under the assassination of others on his own territory in Linjiang City? !

Zhiyuan didn't expect it, and no one in Linwangfu expected it either.

But, this is what happened!

It has only been half a year now, and Lin Jiangnian's return tonight in such a mess naturally reminds Zhiyuan of the painful lesson he learned half a year ago.

She was worried.

Scared too!

I am afraid that Lin Jiangnian will make the same mistakes as he did half a year ago!

If Lin Jiangnian really had an accident, she couldn't imagine it.

more importantly……

Today's Lin Jiangnian is different from the Prince Lin who died tragically six months ago.

Half a year ago, after learning that Prince Lin's Crown Prince had died, Zhiyuan felt a little sad, but more felt sorry for Prince Lin's Mansion and sympathized with Prince Lin.

Zhiyuan didn't have much emotion towards Prince Lin.

Perhaps due to the stiff relationship between master and servant, Zhiyuan felt almost no emotion at all. At that time, she didn't even have much sense of belonging to the entire Linwang Mansion.

She entered Prince Lin's Mansion just to repay Princess Lin's kindness in raising her.

But now, the situation is completely different!

The Lin Jiangnian in front of her was not only the Prince Lin, but also the man she had been with day and night, and had a mutual affection for each other. He not only entered her heart, but also entered her body!

She is the only one who cares about her in this world now!

So, she is afraid!

Afraid of losing him.

She had been so scared that she had been calm, but she had lost her mind tonight.

Until I was wrapped in Lin Jiangnian's hot embrace, felt the familiar hot breath, and Lin Jiangnian's soft, apologetic voice in my ears. The trace of fear that arose in her heart finally disappeared. The delicate body that was trembling slightly gradually calmed down.


for a long time!

"Let go, let me go."

After an unknown amount of time, Zhiyuan's voice seemed hoarse as she seemed to be held too tightly.

Lin Jiangnian realized this and quickly let go slightly.

Zhiyuan breathed rapidly, lowered his head slightly, rested his head on Lin Jiangnian's shoulder, and his chest rose and fell with his breathing.

After a while, calm gradually returned.

She slowly raised her head and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes again. Such a close distance is enough to clearly see any emotional reaction on the other person's face.

Zhiyuan's eyes lost the indifference they had just now, and she just stared at Lin Jiangnian quietly for a long time without saying a word.

Then, she gently pushed Lin Jiangnian's shoulder, trying to struggle back.

No success.

There seemed to be a flash of emotion in her clear, beautiful eyes.

After a while, he looked away and landed on the man's chest. He was silent for a moment and said in a cold tone: "Next time, don't hide it from me again."

"no problem!"

Lin Jiangnian naturally agreed: "Next time something like this happens again, I will definitely take you with me as soon as possible. Only when you protect me will I feel at ease."

Listening to Lin Jiangnian's words, Zhiyuan said nothing, but looked slightly unnatural.

She was very smart and naturally knew Lin Jiangnian's purpose tonight. She also knew that she couldn't stop him, and it was simply unrealistic for Lin Jiangnian to give up such dangerous thoughts and ideas.

If Lin Jiangnian wants to progress and become a true master, he must not live under the protection of others. Only by truly experiencing life and death can one become a true master.

Which of the top masters in the world is not like this?

If Lin Jiangnian wants to take this path, he must go through this.


His identity is too special after all!

He is the only bloodline heir to Prince Lin's palace now, so if anything goes wrong. For Prince Lin's Mansion, it can be considered a devastating blow...


Zhiyuan didn't know what she thought of, but a blush suddenly appeared on her originally fair and pretty face. It seemed to spread from the neck and quickly climbed up.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian quickly noticed this.

Zhiyuan's face was a little hot, and she subconsciously wanted to struggle away.

However, Lin Jiangnian hugged her into his arms again and chuckled: "You're not angry anymore, are you?"

Zhiyuan's face turned red and she didn't answer.

Lin Jiangnian was relieved and held the girl's soft body in his arms. His big hands that originally rested on the girl's waist gradually began to feel restless.


Zhiyuan quickly realized the changes in Lin Jiangnian's breath and body, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly.

Naturally, she was no longer that inexperienced girl, especially after being bullied by Lin Jiangnian just last night, she was panicking at this moment.

He struggled in panic: "Let me go..."

Lin Jiangnian was tired of hearing these words, so naturally he couldn't let her go.

Now that Zhi Yuan is no longer angry, he plans to have a good intimacy with Zhi Yuan. Just as the two were pulling, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, hot water is ready...Eh?!!"

Xiaozhu, who was wearing a skirt, trotted into the room quickly and saw the scene in front of her.

inside the room.

His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were hugging each other. His Highness had a 'lewd smile' on his face and was touching Sister Zhiyuan. Sister Zhiyuan's pretty face was red, she was so ashamed and angry that she was 'resisting to the death'!


Xiaozhu opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Especially when he saw His Highness's familiar big hand trying to get through the gap in Sister Zhiyuan's clothes, Xiaozhu immediately turned red and his eyes were panicked.

"I-I didn't see anything!"

Xiaozhu turned around quickly and ran out of the room.

While running out, he shouted loudly: "Xiaozhu didn't see anything just now, didn't see anything~"


Xiaozhu's sudden intrusion startled both people in the room.

Zhiyuan's delicate body trembled suddenly, her face instantly turned red in panic, she struggled to break away from Lin Jiangnian, quickly stepped back, straightened her messy clothes, and glared at Lin Jiangnian with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Jiangnian knew that Zhiyuan was thin-skinned, so he was probably really angry when she was suddenly seen by someone, so he quickly approached her with a flattering smile on his face.

But Zhiyuan stared away coldly, and said warily and angrily: "Don't touch me!"

Her pretty face turned red, and after glaring at Lin Jiangnian again, she turned around and ran away.

Lin Jiangnian didn't pursue her either. Based on his knowledge of Zhiyuan, she would not be able to accept being seen being intimate with someone even though she was one of Xiaozhu's own, but she was so thin-skinned.

I guess I don’t have the face to see anyone now.

Now she needs to calm down and not disturb her for the time being.

After she calms down, you can comfort her later and she will be fine.

In this regard, Lin Jiangnian has gradually gained experience.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian was in a good mood and walked out of the room humming a tune.

The cold wind whistled outside the door, and the kite was no longer in the courtyard. At this time, Xiaozhu poked his head out from a corner and blinked: "Your Highness..."

Lin Jiangnian turned his head, saw Xiaozhu, and suddenly said angrily: "Is it ruining your highness's good deeds?"

"Xiaozhu didn't mean it..."

Xiaozhu narrowed his eyes into crescents and smiled.

Although His Highness looked fierce, she knew that His Highness was definitely not angry.

As he said that, Xiaozhu walked lightly and carefully looked around. After confirming that there was no figure of Sister Zhiyuan, he breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest, raised his little head and looked at His Highness: "Your Highness, you are so amazing. !”

"How to say?"

"How dare you bully Sister Zhiyuan!"

Xiaozhu exclaimed.

Although I knew that His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were already married, seeing it with my own eyes was another matter.

Seeing that Sister Zhiyuan, who was usually strong and cold, was being bullied by her Highness, her face turned red, and she was so ashamed and angry that Xiaozhu exclaimed: "It's strange!"

On weekdays, she was both happy and afraid of Sister Zhiyuan. The cold temperament of Sister Zhiyuan made her envious and frightened. She always felt that Sister Zhiyuan was very strong. But the scene he saw just now overturned Xiaozhu's impression of Sister Zhiyuan.

It turns out that Sister Zhiyuan, who is so cold and strong, will be bullied by His Highness...does she look like a weak woman?

No wonder I heard Sister Zhiyuan begging for mercy in the middle of the night last night...


Lin Jiangnian looked at Xiaozhu in surprise and said with a smile, "How do you know it's Sister Zhiyuan who is bullying you?"

"Isn't it?"

Xiaozhu's big eyes shone with a certain liveliness and excitement: "Your Highness, didn't you just..."

"If your sister Zhiyuan hears it, I won't be able to spare you."

Xiaozhu quickly covered his mouth in fear and looked around nervously.

Seeing her like this, Lin Jiangnian smiled even brighter: "However, you are not wrong. Your Highness is indeed very powerful, right?"

"That's right!"

Xiaozhu nodded his head and was about to continue talking when Lin Jiangnian in front of him suddenly stepped forward, bent down and picked up Xiaozhu.


Xiaozhu was caught off guard and subconsciously hugged His Highness's neck: "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

"What do you think? Of course I want you to experience for yourself how powerful your Highness is!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Come on, rub your Highness's back!"

Hearing the back rub, Xiaozhu's face immediately turned red and he shook his head quickly: "No, no, Xiaozhu doesn't want..."

Xiaozhu struggled and squirmed in panic, his face turned red, but Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but hug Xiaozhu and strode towards the bathroom.

Night is falling!

There was an uproar on the streets of the capital.

Rows of figures with a chilling aura walked through the streets, and countless black shadows were shrouded in the night.

The guards of the capital city in armor and the masters of Mitiansi in black robes appeared on the street.

The streets were filled with the smell of blood.

"All, dead?!"

A shocked voice spoke, and on the street in front of him, there were dozens of corpses, none of them alive.

"Deacon Liu is dead too!!"

A voice of exclamation came, and in a side alley, they found Liu Chuan whose body was already cold and unwilling to rest in peace.

"All the people who were supporting us are dead. What's going on over there in the west of the city? Quick, go and have a look!"

Outside Jiang Mansion, on the street.

When Mi Tiansi broke down the door, countless black figures burst into the courtyard holding torches. Seeing the scene in front of them, they gasped!

The front and back yards were in a mess, with corpses all over the ground, covered in blood. Under the light of the fire, the air was filled with a fishy smell.

"what happened?"

"Why are my masters from Mitiansi attacked and killed?"

"Where is Protector Chen? Where is Protector Chen?!"

"Under the Imperial City, at the Emperor's feet, someone dares to assassinate the Emperor's personal guard. This is treason, it is treason!!"

"Where is Protector Chen? Have you found Protector Chen?!"

"No, Protector Chen's whereabouts are unknown... But in a small alley over there, traces of a fight were found. I'm afraid Protector Chen met a master and they fought for a long time."

"Look for it, find it for me!"

“Even if we have to dig three feet into the ground, we must find out the murderer who assassinated my Mi Tiansi!!!”


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