Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 316 Zhao Xi’s shock

Lu Mansion.

In a dark room.

On the tea table, the tea is steaming.

Two figures sat opposite each other.

"Prince Lin enters the palace to meet His Highness the Crown Prince?!"

When Lv Fusheng, the official secretary of the imperial court, heard the news, his face was solemn: "Your Highness, is this news true?!"

Across the tea table, the third prince looked gloomy and said expressionlessly: "I have seen it with my own eyes. How can this be false?"

After confirming the news, Lu Fusheng was confused and shocked, muttering to himself: "Why did Prince Lin enter the palace to see His Highness the Crown Prince at this juncture? When did they meet?"

Lu Fusheng was puzzled. Since His Highness fell ill, he has been recuperating in the East Palace and rarely enters the palace. He also had very little contact with others. After Prince Lin entered the capital, he had no contact with His Highness the Crown Prince at all...

"Is it possible that His Highness the Crown Prince is secretly trying to win over Crown Prince Lin?!"

Lu Fusheng's face was solemn, and he spoke after thinking.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The third prince's face was solemn.

Nowadays, there is turmoil in the DPRK, and after His Royal Highness the Crown Prince falls seriously ill, rumors are spreading. News that he, the third prince, wanted to compete for the throne also spread like wildfire.

It is impossible for His Highness the Crown Prince to not notice it. In this case, it is also possible for Li Cunning to win over Prince Lin.


Lu Fusheng's expression changed slightly: "If Prince Lin turns to His Highness the Crown Prince's side, it will be extremely detrimental to you, Your Highness the Third Prince!"

The third prince wants to compete for the throne, and the biggest problem before him is His Royal Highness. Once His Highness the Crown Prince reaches some kind of agreement with the Prince Lin... the consequences will be disastrous.

With the support of a vassal prince's son who holds a lot of military power, the chances of the three princes competing for the throne will be very slim.

"So, the plan must be advanced!"

The third prince looked gloomily, slowly raised his head to look at Lu Fusheng in front of him, and said solemnly: "Lü Shangshu, I'm afraid your and my plans will be put on the agenda!"

Seeing the expression on the third prince's face, Lu Fusheng's expression was startled, and his heart suddenly sank: "Your Highness, but, Your Highness, he is still..."

"I don't have much time to wait anymore!"

The third prince had a sinister look on his face, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Keep dragging me on, and all my previous efforts will be wasted!"

"Then Your Highness, are you planning to..."

Lu Fusheng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he realized something in his heart.

The third prince glanced at him and said calmly: "Most of the commanders of the forbidden army in the palace have been bribed by me. Among the garrison in the capital, I have already placed close followers. Even most of the officials in the court have already paid me a favor. The king showed his kindness..."

"Besides the capital, I also have a private army that I support..."

The third prince tapped the table gently with one hand and spoke expressionlessly.

"How can he, Li Cunning, fight with me?!"

Lu Fusheng's heart changed slightly, and sure enough...

Your Highness, the Third Prince, are you planning to force your way into the palace? !

As for the purpose of forcibly entering the palace...

Lu Fusheng suppressed the shock in his heart and said: "Your Highness, you are planning to..."

The third prince glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "Lv Shangshu, why do you need to ask knowingly?"

"Then your Majesty's side..."

Lu Fusheng asked.

The third prince narrowed his eyes slightly: "My father is addicted to seclusion, pursuing the way to immortality, and neglecting the government. Since my father does not want to take care of this country, then I will take care of it for my father!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Fusheng instantly understood the third prince's purpose.

The third prince not only plans to attack His Highness the Crown Prince, but even His Majesty...

Lu Fusheng had experienced big storms, and he felt a chill on his back at this moment.

Although he supports the third prince, but... this is rebellion!

The third prince wants to kill his brother and his father...

This is absolutely crazy!

What will happen if it fails?

Lu Fusheng's face was slightly ugly, but he knew that he had no way out.

"Your Highness, are you sure?"

Lu Fusheng asked in a deep voice.

The third prince glanced at him and said calmly: "Lü Shangshu, don't worry. I have been running a powerful force in the capital for many years, so I am 90% sure."

Although he was not completely sure, the third prince was not too worried.

Now he is quite prestigious in the court, and there are many ministers who support him in the court. In addition, the third prince has been secretly cultivating and installing forces in Beijing over the years, and has gradually penetrated the palace.

Most of the commanders of the forbidden army in the palace have been bribed by him, and even the Prince's East Palace has many spies placed by him.

Every move of His Royal Highness is under his surveillance.

How could his imperial brother, who was weak and indecisive, defeat him? !

He just waited for him to mobilize private troops from outside the city to enter the capital, deal with Li Cunning, take over the imperial army, and control the entire palace. Then he went to the Palace of Health and forced his father, who had been in seclusion for a long time, to issue an edict to abdicate...

After receiving the edict of abdication, he announced it in the court and successfully ascended the throne. When the time comes, big things will happen...

Thinking of this, the third prince's eyes became slightly fiery, as if he had already thought of the scene that was about to happen.

He had been preparing for this day for a long time and had been waiting for it for a long time!

"Your Highness..."

Lu Fusheng's face turned slightly pale. It would be good if the rebellion succeeded. But if it failed, the nine tribes might not be safe.

As the official minister, Lu Fusheng naturally had many considerations.

"Don't worry, Lu Shangshu. If this king becomes a big event, he will definitely never forget Lu Shangshu's contribution!"

The third prince spoke slowly.

"I will definitely do my best to assist the third prince in achieving great things, but..."

At this point, Lu Fusheng paused and said worriedly: "However, if the Third Prince wants to achieve something big, I'm afraid he has to deal with one person first!"


"Prime Minister Zhao!"

Lu Fusheng said: "Xiang Zhao is a veteran of three dynasties in our Daning Dynasty. If His Highness wants to achieve something big, I'm afraid he has to win over him first... However, Prime Minister Zhao is a stubborn person. If he knew His Highness's purpose, I'm afraid he wouldn't..."

The third prince sneered: "If he doesn't want to, I will kill him."

"Absolutely not!"

Lu Fusheng quickly shook his head: "Your Highness, you cannot kill Prime Minister Zhao. Prime Minister Zhao has disciples all over the world and has a very high prestige. Killing him will cause dissatisfaction among the people and scholars in the world. At that time, Your Highness will probably be cast aside by the people in the world and be questioned for his improper position." , the gain outweighs the loss..."

The third prince's eyes narrowed slightly, Lu Fusheng was right.

This Zhao Xiang, he really can't kill indiscriminately!


"I have visited Prime Minister Zhao before, but Prime Minister Zhao is not willing to be associated with me."

The third prince's face was expressionless.

That old guy really doesn’t know what’s good and what’s good!

Lu Fusheng said: "Xiang Zhao is a veteran of the court, so he naturally does not want to get too close to other princes. However, since His Highness has made up his mind now, it is better to give it another try..."

"If you can get the support of Prime Minister Zhao, your highness's big things will be half done."


Night falls.

Lu Mansion, the lights are on in the room.

The third prince and the current official minister are secretly plotting a rebellion.

It was late at night and the cold wind was fierce.

The capital city shrouded in darkness remains deserted on the surface.

Secretly, there is an undercurrent surging.

Zhao Mansion.

Night gradually fell.

In the courtyard, the cold wind blew.

The trees not far away rustled in the cold wind, and the swing under the tree rippled gently in the cold wind.

Everything is extremely peaceful.

Under the eaves, the maid Xiaoyue was wrapped tightly, her head shrunk like a fat little girl, and she turned to look at the beautiful figure not far away.

"Miss, it's cold outside, do you want to go back inside?"

Not far from Xiaoyue, a beautiful figure stood boredly under the eaves, wearing a light green skirt, tightly wrapped, and a delicate and delicate face with a depressed expression.

"Boring, I don't want to go back!"

Zhao Xi sighed lightly.

Staying in the room all day in such cold weather was almost suffocating her.

There wasn't much else to do besides reading every day, and the books were becoming less and less interesting. Either some idle moaning, or love stories...

What does love love mean?

These days are so boring!

Zhao Xi, standing under the eaves, sighed repeatedly.

She doesn't like winter very much!

It's cold, I'm not used to it!

Xiaoyue on the side heard her young lady's complaint and asked tentatively: "Then, young lady, do you want to go out for a walk?"

"Where to go?"

Xiaoyue thought for a while: "Let's go and walk around the city. I heard that there are some new storytellers under the overpass in the east of the city. They are very good at telling stories."

"It's boring!"

"How about going boating in the southern suburbs? I heard that the lake there has thawed. A few days ago, many talented and beautiful people were boating there, reciting poems and writing poems."

"I don't want to go."



Xiaoyue made many suggestions in succession, but without exception, they were rejected by her own lady.

Xiaoyue tried her best!

My young lady really doesn’t want to go anywhere, but staying at home is boring.

"Then, does the young lady want to go and play with the eldest princess?"

Xiaoyue remembered that the eldest princess seemed to be one of the few friends of her young lady.

"That ice gourd of hers can't say a word for a long time, and it's even more boring. Why are you looking for her?"

Zhao Xi pouted.

Ice gourd?

Xiaoyue blinked, only her own lady dared to comment on the eldest princess like this.

Although the eldest princess looks a little cold, she is still a very nice person...

However, the young lady is unwilling to even talk to the eldest princess, so what else can we do?

Xiaoyue rolled her eyes and quickly thought of another person.

"Then, miss, do you want to meet...His Royal Highness Prince Lin?"

Xiaoyue remembered that during this period, His Royal Highness Prince Lin seemed to come to see his young lady often?

This is very strange!

When have you ever seen your young lady alone with another man?

Not to mention calling him into his boudoir, this Prince Lin is the only one in the world.

more importantly……

His Royal Highness Prince Lin is very good-looking!

Xiaoyue's face turned slightly red. His Royal Highness Prince Lin was really good-looking!

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome appearance and a talent, he is much prettier than those effeminate and fair-skinned scholars and talents in the capital.

My young lady, haven’t I always admired good-looking people...? !

Zhao Xi, who was originally bored, was slightly startled when he heard his maid suddenly mention Lin Jiangnian.


Zhao Xi couldn't help but think of that delicate and handsome face. Not to mention, every time he saw this guy, his mood would get better.

Maybe it has something to do with his good looks?

But soon, some strange experiences came to Zhao Xi's mind. He gritted his teeth and snorted: "Why did you see him?"

"Not interested in."

Xiaoyue blinked, not interested?

His Royal Highness, Prince Na Lin, didn’t just come yesterday...

When Xiaoyue was about to complain, there was sudden movement outside the door.


Xiaoyue turned her head and didn't see anyone in the courtyard. When she turned back to look at her young lady, she discovered that there was a figure quietly appearing beside her.

A woman in black clothes was standing under the eaves with her head bowed respectfully.

"Miss, this evening, a big event happened in the city... Chen Feiyang, the protector of Mitiansi, was attacked by assassins. All the masters of Mitiansi around him died tragically. The masters supported by Mitiansi were also ambushed halfway, and none of them survived... …”

Upon hearing the news, Zhao Xi was startled and his eyes suddenly raised: "Assault?"

"Chen Feiyang, was attacked?!"

"That's right."

Zhao Xi was stunned: "Who is he? Dare to attack and kill the Protector of Mitiansi in the imperial city?"

"It's not clear yet..."

The well-dressed woman whispered: "When the Mitiansi reinforcements arrived in the west of the city, only corpses were left on the ground, and the murderer was nowhere to be seen. As for Chen Feiyang, his whereabouts are unknown..."

"Whereabouts unknown?!"

Zhao Xi's eyes narrowed: "He's not dead?"

"Not sure."

Zhao Xi's breathing was slightly rapid, but he quickly suppressed the shock in his heart.

How dare you attack and kill the emperor's personal guards in public?

Who did it? !

Chen Feiyang, as the protector of Mitiansi, does many evil things on weekdays, and I don't know how many people hate him.

But there are not many people in the world who have the courage and ability to assassinate him.

not to mention……

While Zhao Xi was thinking, he suddenly realized something and his expression condensed slightly. He turned to stare at the well-dressed woman in the courtyard: "Wait a minute, where did you say this happened?"


"Where to the west of the city?"

"Outside the Jiang family, Jiang Ningkang, the Minister of Household Affairs."

The well-dressed woman said: "I heard that it is in a house not far away from the Jiang family. It is a private residence of Mi Tiansi. It seems to be used to monitor... the Jiang family."

"Surveillance on the Jiang family..."

Zhao Xi was lost in thought, and after a moment, a trace of the original look suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"I see……"

She murmured to herself and raised her eyes.

There seemed to be light emerging from those bright eyes.

She probably knows who did this...

She just came to her yesterday to ask for information on the four guardians of Mitiansi, and something happened to Chen Feiyang today... This is a bit too coincidental!

What's more important is that in this imperial city, at the feet of the emperor, there is no one who dares to do this... He is definitely one of them.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xi couldn't help but feel slightly moved. After thinking for a moment, she turned around suddenly.


"Huh? Miss, what's wrong?"

"You can go to Jiang's house later, forget it...just go tomorrow."

Zhao Xi thought for a while and shook his head.

"Going to Jiang's house?"

Xiaoyue wondered: "Why go to Jiang's house?"

"What do you think?"

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Xi's face and he narrowed his eyes: "Go to see Prince Lin and tell him to come to me when he has time to discuss important matters!"


Xiaoyue blinked and froze in place.


Miss, didn’t you just say you were gone?

Aren't you not interested?

Why all of a sudden...

Did you even take the initiative to meet me?

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