Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 317 Give Jiang Nian a child

The cool breeze blows in at night.

Lin Jiangnian, who forcibly took Xiaozhu into the bathroom, took a quick shower and changed into clean and tidy clothes.

Walking out of Xiaozhu's room, he felt refreshed.

Under the eaves of the courtyard, there was a maid waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness, Miss Jiang asked your servant to call you over."


Lin Jiangnian was slightly suspicious, was his aunt looking for him at this time?

"Auntie, are you looking for me with something important?"

The maid under the eaves shook her head gently: "I don't know."

"Where's the kite?" Lin Jiangnian asked again.

The maid said: "Miss Zhiyuan is also at Miss Jiang's place!"

Lin Jiangnian understood something instantly. Could it be that Zhiyuan said something to her aunt?

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian hesitated. With my aunt's character, if she knew what happened tonight, I'm afraid she would have to lecture him again.

After thinking and hesitating on the spot, Lin Jiangnian finally decided to go there.

What is supposed to come will eventually come!

If I don't go, I'm sure my aunt will come over and kill her...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian walked to the small courtyard where his aunt lived, and came to the door with ease. Just as he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened.

Zhiyuan's cold figure appeared at the door. When she saw Lin Jiangnian, she glared at him and turned back to the room.

Lin Jiangnian followed closely and stepped into the room.

Just as he was about to talk to Zhiyuan, he suddenly heard a cold snort.

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously raised his eyes. In front of the screen in the room not far away, his aunt in an elegant dress was staring at him with a straight face.

There was a hint of sullenness on the face that should have been exquisite.

He has a rather majestic look, but also looks inexplicably beautiful.


Lin Jiang young spoke up and blinked: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"What do you think?"

Jiang Yuxiang stared at him with a cold face and said expressionlessly.

"Did someone bully my aunt?"

Lin Jiangnian said angrily: "Auntie, just tell me and I will teach you a lesson..."

"Stop giving me that playful smile!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's dishonest look, Jiang Yuxiang became even more angry!

He raised his bare hand and knocked on the table so hard that the table trembled slightly. With an angry expression on his face, he asked: "Such a big thing happened, why didn't you tell me first?!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian subconsciously turned around and looked at Zhiyuan not far away.

Zhiyuan moved her head away.

Don't look at him.

"Don't look at the paper kite, it has nothing to do with the paper kite!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian's expression, Jiang Yuxiang became even more angry.

This brat wants to bully Zhi Yuan again? !

"Such a big thing happened outside Jiang Mansion, do you really think you can hide it from my aunt?!"

Jiang Yuxiang spoke angrily.

Lin Jiangnian said quickly: "I can't hide it. My aunt is so smart, how could she hide it..."

"Shut up!"

Jiang Yuxiang sternly interrupted Lin Jiangnian's flattering compliments, her beautiful eyes widened with anger, her chest heaved up and down with anger, and she was excited.

She was so angry!

She still didn't know that this brat had done such a big thing without telling her? !

Not long ago, people from the Jiang Mansion came to report that a large number of secret arrests of Mitiansi suddenly appeared outside the Jiang Mansion. It was said that something big had happened.

After inquiring, Jiang Yuxiang soon learned that someone from Mitiansi was attacked and killed. He heard that the person who was attacked and killed was a protector of Mitiansi.

This news shocked Jiang Yuxiang. At the Emperor's feet, who dares to attack the Emperor's personal guards?

More importantly, why did it happen outside Jiang Mansion?

Jiang Yuxiang quickly realized that something was wrong, especially when he learned from the people in the house that just this morning, Lin Qingqing and Lin Kong, who were beside Lin Jiangnian, suddenly left Jiang's house with the prince's troops.

At that time, Jiang Yuxiang realized something was wrong and immediately went to Zhiyuan to ask.

This question revealed something big!

Although Zhiyuan didn't say it clearly, how could Jiang Yuxiang not understand Zhiyuan? From Zhiyuan's reaction, I realized the seriousness of the problem... Sure enough, it was related to Lin Jiangnian!

"Mitiansi is the emperor's personal guard in name only, and the protector of Mitiansi is His Majesty's servant. You, you are too presumptuous!"

Jiang Yuxiang was furious: "Do you know what the consequences will be if it is exposed?"

"Auntie, please calm down first and calm down..."

Seeing that his aunt's face was slightly red with anger and her beautiful face was tense, Lin Jiangnian quickly spoke to comfort her.

"Calm down? How can I calm down?"

Jiang Yuxiang gritted his teeth and glared at him: "Do you know that you are plotting rebellion? Once you are exposed or fail... you are finished, do you know?!"

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing in advance?!"

"Do you still think of me as your aunt?!"

"Of course, my aunt will always be my aunt!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded hurriedly.

"Then why don't you listen to me?"

"Aren't you worried about this, auntie?"

"If you keep it from me, I won't worry anymore?!"

Jiang Yuxiang became even more angry. Does this brat still have any sense? !

The more she spoke, the more excited she became, and the more she spoke, the angrier she became. She was so angry that her hair was trembling, and her original elegant temperament was gone. Several times she almost came forward to grab Lin Jiangnian's ears and slap the boy.

Lin Jiangnian knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't argue, he just whispered comforting words. With the comfort of him and Zhi Yuan, Jiang Yuxiang was finally calmed down.

"you say!"

However, even though he calmed down, Jiang Yuxiang was still very angry. She stared at him with beautiful eyes and asked, "Why did you kill Mi Tiansi's protector!"

Lin Jiangnian replied: "He deserves to be killed!"

"You have a problem with him?"

"That's not true."

"Then why did you take such a big risk to kill His Majesty's personal guard?!"

Faced with Jiang Yuxiang's aggressive questioning, Lin Jiang young sighed: "Auntie, you don't know this Chen Feiyang, he is not a good person..."

"This Chen Feiyang has done so many evil deeds that it's hard to describe, and he deserves death..."

"Do you think he should be killed?"

After listening to Lin Jiangnian's explanation, the angry look on Jiang Yuxiang's face dissipated a lot.

Jiang Yuxiang was shocked and angry when he learned that Chen Feiyang was so evil, especially when he even spared children of several years old.

Such a heartless beast should indeed be killed!

But soon, she remembered something again: "Of course he deserves to die, but it should be handled by the government. Why do you..."


Lin Jiangnian sneered: "This Chen Feiyang is the protector of Mitiansi, a popular figure next to Eunuch Chen at that time... My aunt thinks, who in the government dares to take care of it?"

Jiang Yuxiang was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Indeed, the government does not dare to take care of such people at all.

"So, is this why you took the risk of being discovered as a treasonist and killed him?"

Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and stared at Lin Jiangnian and asked.

"Of course not."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "He has to die. If he doesn't die, sooner or later he will become an obstacle to me in the capital..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian changed his mind and said softly: "Auntie, you don't have to worry too much, I know it well... I already have a perfect plan to kill him tonight, and everything will be fine..."

Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at the handsome young man in front of him, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a face full of elegance and ease.

It made her feel very familiar, but also gave her a slightly vague feeling of closeness!

This is her sister's child!

Jiang Yuxiang didn't speak for a long time.

When she learned about this, she was indeed very angry and angry. But more than anything, she was angry that this guy didn't tell her beforehand!

How could he hide such a big thing from her? !

On the other hand, Jiang Yuxiang also knew very well that Jiang Nian must have his reasons for assassinating the protector of Mitiansi tonight.

She couldn't stop it, and she wouldn't stop it.

After a while, Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly, and said with a faint look: "That's all, you have grown up, your wings have become strong, and you no longer take your aunt in your eyes... Whatever you want to do, just go."

"Auntie, what are you talking about?"

When Lin Jiangnian saw this, he quickly said: "Auntie will always be auntie. How could I not take auntie seriously? I have always respected auntie very much and take auntie very seriously..."


Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking of, but there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.


How could he have any respect for her?

And last time...

Jiang Yuxiang felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about what happened the last two times.

She snorted coldly: "Stop lying to me with these words to coax a little girl, I don't believe it, and only a paper kite will do this!"

Zhiyuan, who was standing quietly by the side, was caught off guard when a melon fell on him. His cold eyes froze when he saw Lin Jiangnian looking at him. She also glared at him lightly and looked away.

She, she doesn’t eat it either!

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his gaze, looked at his aunt and chuckled, "What I said is all true. Every word is true and there is absolutely no falsehood."


Jiang Yuxiang snorted coldly. She naturally didn't believe Lin Jiangnian's rhetoric. But after hearing these words, I felt quite comfortable.

Although I don’t believe it, I am happy to listen!

Her expression softened a lot, and she looked at Lin Jiangnian again: "You're not hurt, are you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at Zhiyuan. The stubborn little maid still turned her head away, revealing only a delicate white side face.

An expression that has nothing to do with me.

"Don't worry, aunt, no."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

Jiang Yuxiang sighed quietly as he didn't know what he was thinking of.

"You are the only bloodline of the Lin family, and your father is the only child like you... No matter what happens in the future, you must put safety first, and remember not to act recklessly, do you understand?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "Remember my aunt's teachings, I will definitely be careful in the future."


Jiang Yuxiang sighed softly and waved his hand: "You should go back first. I still have something to say to Zhiyuan."

"Then I won't disturb auntie!"

Seeing that his aunt was no longer angry and pursuing her, Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief and left the room.

After Lin Jiangnian left, Jiang Yuxiang and Zhiyuan stood quietly beside him in the room.

"Zhiyuan, come and sit."

Jiang Yuxiang raised his eyes and looked at Zhiyuan, his tone softened a lot.

Zhiyuan said nothing, but obediently approached and sat down next to Jiang Yuxiang. Jiang Yuxiang took advantage of the situation and took Zhiyuan's little hand, held it in his palm, and looked at her with some pity: "Zhiyuan, I have wronged you."

Zhiyuan was slightly startled and raised her eyes to look at her aunt, somewhat confused.

Still, she shook her head.

Jiang Yuxiang didn't know what he was remembering, and his eyes were a little strange. After a while, he sighed deeply and asked, "How did it happen last time?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, naturally knowing what her aunt was asking.

After hesitating for a moment, she nodded slightly: "Well..."


After Jiang Yuxiang finished listening, his pretty brows furrowed.

"You's not clear yet?"

"This kid, even he himself doesn't know his origins?!"

"How can this be?!"


Jiang Yuxiang murmured to himself, frowning. Zhiyuan sat quietly aside, looking at her aunt without speaking.

It wasn't until a long time later that Jiang Yuxiang sighed deeply.

"It seems that this matter is far more complicated than we thought!"

Even Jiang Nian himself didn't know the origin of his identity, which shows that some ulterior secret must have happened back then.


"Fortunately, at least for now, it is certain that Jiang Nian's return to Prince Lin's Mansion was an expected accident..."

Jiang Yuxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, she had always suspected that someone was controlling Lin Jiangnian behind the scenes and had an ulterior motive for Prince Lin's Mansion!

Looking at it now, there may be ulterior motives, but Lin Jiangnian is not being manipulated by anyone at the moment.

This is already the best result!

"Now that Jiang Nian is back, no matter what the purpose of those behind him is, it is absolutely impossible for them to succeed!"

Jiang Yuxiang's eyes were solemn and his expression was serious.

My sister, a child who has been living abroad, has finally come back. No matter what, there must be no more accidents!

He is not only the only bloodline of the Lin family now, but also the only heir to Prince Lin's palace in the future.

Jiang Yuxiang had an obligation and responsibility to take good care of Lin Jiangnian for her sister.


Zhiyuan didn't say anything more, just hummed softly.

She didn't know what to say, but her aunt's thoughts were also what she meant.

No one can hurt him...

"However, Jiang Nian was too impulsive today!"

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to have thought of something, and there was a trace of worry on his face: "He is the only bloodline of the Lin family now. What if something happens to him today?"

Jiang Yuxiang was worried.

In the final analysis, the current lineage of the Lin family is too thin!

Princess Lin gave birth to twins, but now only Lin Jiangnian is the only son left. If something happens to Lin Jiangnian again, the Lin family may be cut off...

It is urgent to spread the branches of the Lin family and continue the plan for future generations!

If Lin Jiangnian could get married early and give birth to several children, people wouldn't be so worried.

Logically speaking, Lin Jiangnian has already reached the age where he should get married and have children, but the marriage contract between him and the eldest princess has not been finalized yet.

What's more, this boy also said that he wanted to break off the engagement with the eldest princess!

As a result, the plan to produce offspring for the Lin family may have to be delayed for a long time.

I'm afraid there's no hope for the eldest princess for the time being!

Nowadays, Lin Jiangnian is the only one left in the Lin family. If something unexpected happens...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuxiang felt very sad. When she raised her eyes, she saw Zhiyuan looking at her quietly, with a cute and indifferent expression.

With a delicate face, clear eyes, and a calm and cool temperament, the little girl she watched grow up has now become a tall girl.

More importantly, she and Jiang Nian...

Jiang Yuxiang seemed to think of something, his heart moved, and he suddenly said: "Zhiyuan?"


Zhiyuan was slightly confused and looked at her aunt.

Jiang Yuxiang thought about it for a while, then suddenly took her little hand and asked tentatively: "How about you give Jiang Nian a child?"



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