Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 321 Attending the Banquet

The cold wind blew all night long.

In the early morning, when Lin Jiangnian woke up, he felt inexplicably sore and weak all over his body, and he couldn't muster any strength.

He couldn't get used to this long-lost feeling of weakness.

I haven’t experienced it for a long time.

Ever since he started practicing martial arts more than half a year ago, especially after he learned the Xuanyang Heart Technique and officially entered the ranks of inner masters, Lin Jiangnian has rarely experienced this feeling of weakness.

Xuanyang's mental method tempered his body, allowing Lin Jiangnian to maintain full energy almost all the time.

Today, this is the first time I feel so dizzy and exhausted!

Lying on the bed, Lin Jiangnian's head was empty and his eyes were blank.

What's going on?

Last night... what happened?

He sat up with difficulty and looked around. It was quickly determined that the place he was in... was Zhiyuan's room.

Lin Jiangnian is very familiar with the cold, quiet, simple and slightly fresh boudoir. The air is still filled with the unique faint fragrance of the paper kite, mixed with an indescribable aura.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell to his side, and he saw that he was neatly dressed, and the beds and quilts around him were spread out cleanly and evenly.

But inexplicably, I always feel like something is strange!

At this moment, some familiar and profound memories from last night were suddenly poured into his mind in a very rough and savage manner.

Lin Jiangnian quickly recalled what happened last night...

He clearly remembered that last night, after returning from his aunt, he met Qingqing in the courtyard. After Lin Qingqing reported and left, Lin Jiangnian came to Zhiyuan's room to wait for her.

What about behind?

After Zhiyuan came back, she looked not right, so Lin Jiangnian forcibly carried her back to the room and put her on the bed...

What next?

Lin Jiangnian tried to think carefully and finally remembered what happened!

After carrying Zhiyuan to bed and coaxing her to take off her clothes, Lin Jiangnian was suddenly tapped on his acupoints by Zhiyuan and could not move.

And then... fell into a coma!

Yes, fainted!

All the memories after last night are gone!

What happened last night? !

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were dull. He vaguely remembered that before losing consciousness last night, he vaguely seemed to hear what Zhiyuan said... Want to give him a child?


He was knocked unconscious by Zhiyuan last night, and then Zhiyuan took advantage of him while he was unconscious to... occupy him? !

While he was in a coma, Zhiyuan did whatever he wanted with his young and strong body, and arbitrarily occupied it?

Lin Jiangnian's mood was very complicated, like that of a woman whose innocence had been forcibly taken over by a bully.

He quickly lifted the quilt off his body and looked down. The clothes on his body were neatly dressed and there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. But Lin Jiangnian soon discovered that the clothes had been tampered with.

And more importantly, after Lin Jiangnian carefully inspected it, he quickly found residual evidence... which proved that something must have happened last night.

Zhiyuan must have done something to his body.

That's right, Zhiyuan last night was obviously well prepared. During the long night, she had plenty of time to take revenge like Lin Jiangnian did when he 'bullied' her a few days ago...

After a while, Lin Jiangnian, who was sitting on the bed, sighed deeply!


The dignified prince was actually... sat down by his own maid!

If this spreads out, how can we behave as a human being? !

If you don't get back on your feet, how will you be able to establish authority in front of her in the future?

Doesn’t it mean that he will be ridden by her from now on?

Absolutely not!

After sitting on the bed and running his mind for two times. After the weakness subsided, Lin Jiangnian got up from the bed, put on his clothes, walked to the door, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as I opened the door, a cold wind rushed in from outside.

In the sight of the eyeliner, everything is white!

Only then did Lin Jiangnian realize that it was snowing heavily again!

At midnight last night, light snow began to fall from the sky, and in the second half of the night, the snow became heavier and heavier.

The eaves of the courtyard, the branches, and the ground were all covered with a thick layer of snow. The sky and the earth were covered in white. As the cold wind blew, snowflakes fell on the corridor.

Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered that it was already late winter!

I remember that when I first entered Beijing, winter had just begun, and now, the New Year is approaching! Lin Jiangnian stood under the eaves and looked at the heavy snowfall in the courtyard. It was freezing cold, but he couldn't feel the cold at all.

The courtyard was empty and deserted.

"Where's Xiaozhu?"

Lin Jiangnian looked around, but did not see Xiaozhu's figure. He stepped to the door of Xiaozhu's room.

Knock on the door!

No movement!


Lin Jiangnian watched as the door to the room was closed, but no sound came from it.

Aren't you here?

At this time, Xiaozhu is not in his room. Where has he gone?

Lin Jiangnian was confused and was about to leave when a very soft voice came from the room.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Lin Jiangnian paused slightly: "Xiaozhu, are you in the room?"


"Then why don't you open the door?"

There was silence in the room for a moment, and then a slightly panicked voice came: "Your Highness, Your Highness...I, I haven't gotten up yet!"

Not getting up?

It shouldn’t be!

Xiaozhu has always been very diligent and wakes up very early every day. As a maid in Prince Lin's palace, she was not qualified to stay in bed.

On weekdays, every time Lin Jiangnian wanted her to sleep a little longer, Xiaozhu would still get up on time. What happened today?

"What’s wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay..."

Xiaozhu's voice was very soft and slightly hoarse, as if he was weak and a little shy: "Your Highness, I haven't gotten up yet, wait, wait a while, I'll come back to you later..."

When Lin Jiangnian heard this, he nodded, "Okay, come find me after you get up later!"



inside the room.

When he heard the footsteps of His Highness outside the door gradually disappearing, Xiaozhu, who was curled up in the quilt on the bed, felt relieved and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The childish face was full of blushing expression. The whole body was wrapped in the quilt, only a small head was exposed, lying on the bed, thinking about something, with a red face.

Thinking of what happened last night, Xiaozhu felt an indescribable sense of shame.

Especially when she thought about how Sister Zhiyuan had warned her sternly this morning that she must not tell anyone about what happened last night.

If His Highness had come in just now, he would have definitely discovered it.

His Highness is so smart that he will ask questions as soon as he asks. When the time comes, everything will be revealed!

As if remembering certain scenes, Xiaozhu's face turned red, and he quickly buried his head in the quilt, pretending to be an ostrich.

Last night, Sister Zhiyuan actually asked her and His Highness to be in Sister Zhiyuan's room...

In sister Zhiyuan's bed!


So exciting! …

On the other side, Lin Jiangnian, who knew nothing about it, returned to the small courtyard first, called the maid outside the courtyard, and asked about the whereabouts of the paper kite.

Last night, she knocked out His Highness without Lin Jiangnian's consent, and then had 'unfair intentions'...

Lin Jiangnian must teach this little maid a lesson.

However, Lin Jiangnian learned from the maid outside the hospital that Zhiyuan had gone to his aunt's house early in the morning and never came back!

Obviously, Zhiyuan seemed to have anticipated Lin Jiangnian's purpose. She knew that Lin Jiangnian would definitely settle the score with her when he woke up the next day, so he simply escaped first!

This is indeed a smart approach!

With his aunt here, Lin Jiangnian really didn't dare to be presumptuous. In particular, my aunt prefers Zhiyuan. Lin Jiangnian really can't take advantage of her.


"Hey, little paper kite, little paper kite, you can hide for a while, but can you hide forever?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

He didn't believe that Zhiyuan could always hide with his aunt.

When she comes back from her aunt, it will be time for Lin Jiangnian to take revenge. The 'humiliation' Lin Jiangnian suffered last night must be reckoned with her...

Just as Lin Jiangnian was thinking about it, a report from the servants of Jiang Mansion came from outside the door.

"Your Highness, someone from the Zhao family of the Zhao family is here, saying they want to see you?"

"Zhao Xi?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised. Before he went to find her, Zhao Xi couldn't wait to send someone.

It seemed that she had received wind of what happened yesterday and guessed that it was Lin Jiangnian who did it.

However, could she stop sitting still so soon?


Lin Jiangnian soon saw Xiaoyue coming after a long journey.


Lin Jiangnian looked at the little maid in front of him who was thickly dressed and stained with snowflakes. Every time I went to Zhao Mansion before, it was this little maid who guided Lin Jiangnian, which left a deep impression on her.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Xiaoyue saw Lin Jiangnian and bent down to salute.

"No gift!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and said, "Did your lady send you here?"

Xiaoyue's face turned slightly red, she lowered her head and nodded: "Exactly!"

"What did your lady send you to do?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

"My young lady asked this servant to come and ask His Highness when he will be free. My young lady wants to invite His Highness to go to the house for a gathering. The young lady said that she wants to meet His Highness..."

As Xiaoyue spoke, she blushed and quietly looked at Lin Jiangnian in front of her.

So beautiful!

This His Highness is really good-looking no matter how you look at it, and you will never get tired of it!

No wonder my young lady has always been obsessed with His Highness. She had just said she would not see him, and then suddenly said that she wanted to see him...

Could it be that my young lady has taken a liking to His Royal Highness?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiaoyue's face turned even redder...

"Meet your lady?"

Lin Jiangnian knew clearly and guessed Zhao Xi's purpose, but he chuckled and said, "Didn't we just meet the day before yesterday? Does your young lady have anything to do with me?"

"This slave doesn't know either."

Xiaoyue shook her head. She didn't know what the young lady wanted to do with Prince Lin. She explained: "The young lady only asked the servant to come over and inform His Highness, but she did not tell the reason..."

Lin Jiangnian smiled and asked: "Since it is your young lady who wants to see me, shouldn't it be your young lady who takes the initiative to visit me? Why do you want me to come to see her in person?"

Xiaoyue blinked blankly, as if...that makes sense?

Given the status of His Royal Highness, the young lady’s behavior does seem a bit...unjustifiable?

"Then, slave, please go back and tell the lady?"

"That's not necessary..."

Lin Jiangnian quickly waved his hand and said casually that if Miss Zhao really came to visit, something serious would happen.

Lin Jiangnian, who had an instinct for predicting danger, naturally did not want Miss Zhao to actually come to visit, so he waved his hand and said: "Go back and tell your lady that when I have free time in the past two days, my son will naturally come to visit you and let you know." Miss Jia, get ready."

be prepared?

Xiaoyue was at a loss, what preparations should the young lady make?

It's strange, His Royal Highness Prince Lin is talking to his own lady very strangely!

However, Xiaoyue still nodded: "Then I will go back and report first!"

After Xiaoyue left, Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes slightly.

He naturally knew that Miss Zhao's purpose of sending Xiaoyue here today was to test and inquire.

The news of the assassination of Mi Tiansi Dharma Protector Chen Feiyang has spread in the capital after yesterday's fermentation. Zhao Xi will definitely suspect Lin Jiangnian when he receives the news.

After all, Lin Jiangnian had just received information about the four guardians of Mi Tiansi from her the day before. Chen Feiyang was assassinated the next day, which was obviously not right.

Zhao Xi's purpose today is nothing more than to confirm this matter. On the other hand, it is naturally because of... Chen Feiyang!

The Zhao family had a relationship with the Xu family, the minister of the Ministry of War who was wiped out. The remaining bloodline of the Xu family was rescued by Zhao Xi, but was eradicated by Chen Feiyang.

This hatred is huge!

This is a big favor!

Lin Jiangnian asked Zhao Xi to prepare, naturally for this reason... How should Miss Zhao repay such a big favor?

When Lin Jiangnian was thinking about it, Lin Qingqing's figure appeared outside the door and whispered: "Your Highness, the Gao family is here!"

"Gao family?"

Lin Jiangnian then remembered something: "Who did the Gao family send?"

"It's a steward from the Gao family, here to pick up His Highness!"

Lin Qingqing opened her mouth and hesitated: "Your Highness, do you really want to go?"

"Go, why not go?"

"Is it possible that he still dares to give me a Hongmen Banquet?"

Lin Jiangyoun laughed and said, "Let's go and see what this tall man, who is no better than a beast, wants to do."


Inside Mitiansi.

There was the sound of something being thrown.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

"It's been one night, and the murderer disappeared without a trace before your eyes, and you still haven't found Protector Chen? What kind of trash are you doing?"

A cold voice came from behind Mitiansi.

In the front hall, several figures stood in it, not daring to breathe.

Chen Changqing, dressed in black robe, stood in the center of the crowd, his head lowered and silent.

That calm face looked extraordinarily indifferent!

The cold voice is still coming: "Check, keep checking for me!"

"We must find out the murderer and find Chen Feiyang!"

"If anything happens to Protector Chen, I can't spare you!"

A cold voice enveloped everyone's hearts.

Just yesterday evening, Mitiansi was attacked. Dozens of Mitiansi masters were killed in the attack. Even Protector Chen's whereabouts are unknown.

Most of them have met with misfortune...

Mi Tiansi dispatched almost all available manpower to search across the capital, but could not find any clues.

How is this not shocking and outrageous?

Even the other three guardians, who rarely showed up on weekdays, had to show up to take charge of the situation.

Wait until the rest of the people in the hall leave and continue looking for clues. In the same place, Chen Changqing was left with an indifferent look and was about to turn around and leave.


Chen Changqing stopped and looked up.

A deep voice came from the back of the hall.

"Chief Chen, I heard... you were at the scene of the attack last night?!"


There was a power outage and water outage, so I struggled to write this chapter. I am not in a good state, sorry!

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