Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 322 Everyone has their own agenda

Outside the hall, snowflakes fell in from the eaves.

The cold wind was fierce, making Chen Changqing's black robe rustle.

He slowly raised his eyes and looked ahead with a normal expression.


After a pause, Chen Changqing slowly spoke: "Yesterday evening, there was a call for help from the west side of the city. Protector Chen was in danger. Liu Chuan and Deacon Liu took the order to go to the rescue. We happened to meet him on the way. I went with Deacon Liu. Support from the west of the city, but unexpectedly encountered an ambush on the way..."

"The opponent came with a ferocious force. We were caught off guard and were attacked, resulting in heavy losses. I hurriedly withdrew to Mitiansi, and when I mobilized experts to go to support, I was a step too late. Deacon Liu was killed on the way back, and he died with his eyes open..."

After Chen Changqing finished explaining, the hall fell into deathly silence again, leaving the cold wind outside.


In the hall, there seemed to be an invisible pressure hanging over Chen Changqing, making him breathless.

He raised his eyes and stared ahead, beyond the hall.

Faintly, a figure can be seen.

This person is the great protector of Mitiansi!

He is also the most mysterious and most powerful protector in Mitiansi.

He rarely showed up, and even Chen Changqing only saw him twice. On weekdays, Mitiansi affairs have always been managed by Chen Feiyang. Until this time, Chen Feiyang's whereabouts were unknown after his assassination, and Mitiansi was in chaos. This great protector, who has rarely appeared in public, finally appears!

Even though he was separated by a door, Chen Changqing could still feel the oppressive aura brought by the figure behind the screen.

This great protector of Mitiansi has very high martial arts skills!

At this moment, Chen Changqing was acutely aware that the great protector seemed to doubt him.

The silence lasted for a long time before it was finally broken!

The cold voice came from the back of the hall again.

"Why were you able to escape?"

Chen Changqing's expression remained as usual and he said calmly: "Liu Chuan is not good at martial arts and is not as good as me."

The Great Protector asked coldly: "I heard that your relationship with Chen Feiyang is not very good?"

Chen Changqing understood in his heart that this was probably the real reason why the Great Protector suspected him.

Many people in Mitiansi knew that Protector Chen was becoming more and more dissatisfied with Chief Chen, and the relationship and conflicts between the two were clearly visible to the naked eye.

Especially not long ago, when Gao Wenyang died in the sky prison, many people still vividly remember the confrontation between Chen Changqing and Chen Feiyang.

Now, Chen Feiyang's sudden assassination is indeed a bit unusual.

Mi Tiansi has indeed offended too many people in Beijing for many years. But Mitiansi was known as the emperor's personal guard, and with the support of Eunuch Chen behind him, even if people in the capital hated him, few people dared to openly attack Mitiansi.

After all, this is rebellion!

It’s no wonder that the Great Dharma Protector is suspicious of Chen Changqing.

However, Chen Changqing had already expected this. He said calmly: "There are indeed some differences of opinion between Protector Chen and I, but Protector Chen and I are colleagues. We both work for His Majesty and Eunuch Chen, and we have absolutely no selfish motives... …The words of the Great Protector are you suspecting that I am seeking personal revenge?”

The voice behind the hall was silent for a moment, and then said coldly: "There is no best... Protector Chen is assassinated, no matter who the opponent is, this Protector will not let it go. This matter requires an explanation, Chief Chen, you understand this Protector Do you mean it?"

Chen Changqing lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Protector, I will catch the murderer as soon as possible and give an explanation to the Protector, Your Majesty, and Eunuch Chen!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Chen Changqing turned around and slowly stepped out of the hall.

Outside the hall, snowflakes were flying, and pieces of snowflakes fell on his shoulders, and the cold wind blew in his face. At this time, Chen Changqing realized that he was already breaking out in a cold sweat!

My back is almost soaked!

With this great protector around, the death of Chen Feiyang would not have a big impact. It is difficult for Chen Changqing to truly control Mitiansi!


Thinking of this, Chen Changqing's breath froze slightly.

He recalled what the Crown Prince had said lightly before. At that time, Chen Changqing only felt shocked, but he did not expect that Crown Prince Lin would act so quickly.

So, next...

It’s this great protector!

Thinking of this, Chen Changqing's heart sank slightly. This Great Protector's martial arts skills are outstanding, and he must find a way to inform His Highness the Crown Prince as soon as possible.


Outside the streets of the eastern suburbs, a few streets away from the bustling places in the capital, there is a quiet manor.

The manor is not very big, but in a place like Beijing, where land is at a premium, having such a large manor is enough to show how powerful the owner is.

On a cold winter day, everywhere in the capital was barren and yellow. Here, you can see lush green plants, small bridges and flowing water in the manor, and the scenery is pleasant.

Covered by a heavy snow, the sky and the earth were completely white.

Outside the gate of the manor, there were several figures waiting for a long time.

In front of the crowd was Gao Boyan, the then Minister of Civil Service. Next to him, there was a young man, Gao Boyan's eldest son, Gao Hang!

At this moment, Gao Hang looked up at the empty streets in the distance. It was freezing cold and he couldn't help but say: "Dad, do we have to greet him at the door? He has such a big name as Lin Jiangnian?"

"Shut up!"

Before Gao Hang finished speaking, Gao Boyan had already glared at him coldly: "Do you know who he is?"

"Isn't he just a Prince Lin..."

Gao Hang was a little unconvinced and whispered: "If he were in Linzhou, he might still have some strength, but this is the capital, do we need to be so flattering..."

"What do you know?!"

Gao Boyan gave him a cold look: "Do you really think that the Lin family's power is only in Linzhou?"

"Isn't it?" Gao Hang said subconsciously.

He was no stranger to Lin Jiangnian. After all, he was often mentioned in Beijing, but Gao Hang had never thought how powerful the Lin family could be.

He's just the son of a king with a different surname!

Although there were not many kings with different surnames in the Daning Dynasty, it was not without them. Isn't there still one in the north?

Most of the information Gao Hang knew about the Lin family came from rumors. Although he had heard a lot about the brilliant achievements of the Lin family, Gao Hang always disagreed.

No matter how powerful that king with a different surname is, isn't he still a minister of the Daning Dynasty? No matter how powerful Prince Lin is, he can only play around in Linzhou, so what can he do when he gets to the capital?

Especially since the rumors of the imperial court cutting down vassals have been circulating for several years, the Lin family has not even let go, which even made Gao Hang look down upon the Lin family.

Now that the Gao family has hooked up with the third prince, if the third prince successfully competes for the throne and ascends to the throne, the Gao family will be able to follow the dragon. When the time comes, why should they still pay attention to the Lin family?

Today, his father hosted a banquet for Prince Lin, but he dragged him to the door to greet him. It would have been fine if the other party was Prince Lin. Unexpectedly, it was just Prince Lin, but his father still had to go out to greet him in person. This was undoubtedly disappointing. Gao Hang felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, his father was also a minister of the Sixth Department of the Imperial Court. In terms of seniority, he could be regarded as the elder of Lin Jiangnian. Why did he need to be so groveling?


Hearing the words of his eldest son, Gao Boyan showed a look of hatred for steel and scolded him angrily: "The Lin family is entrenched in the south of the dynasty and has hundreds of thousands of troops. In your eyes, it is nothing more than this?"

"How many forces in the capital have you got, and how many ministers in the court are pawns planted by Prince Lin? Do you really think that the power of the Lin family is only in Linzhou?"

Hearing this, Gao Hang was slightly startled, and then he realized that the matter was indeed serious. However, he couldn't help but said harshly: "So what if there are hundreds of thousands of heavy troops? They are still soldiers of the imperial court, not private soldiers of his Lin family..."

Gao Boyan's eyes were cold: "How do you know it's not the case?"

Hearing his father's words and seeing his cold gaze, Gao Hang was suddenly startled and his face changed: "Dad, what do you mean..."


Just when Gao Boyan was about to hit Gao Hang again and tell him not to underestimate the Lin family, he suddenly heard the voice of a servant. He looked up and saw a carriage slowly approaching in front of him and stopped outside the manor.

"His Royal Highness, we are here!"

Outside the door, Gao Boyan straightened his clothes, walked forward slowly, bent down and held his hands in his hands: "Your Majesty, Gao Boyan, I would like to welcome His Royal Highness to you!"

The servants and guards at the door also fell to their knees.

Then, the curtain of the carriage was opened, and inside the carriage, a young man in brocade clothes slowly walked out of the carriage, came to Gao Boyan, smiled softly and said: "Master Gao, there is no need to be polite, please get up."

Gao Boyan raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him.

This is the first time he has seen the Prince Lin!

From the Prince Lin's body, he vaguely saw a bit of the aura that Prince Lin had. It reminded him of the scene when Prince Lin came to Beijing alone about ten years ago...

Gao Boyan suppressed the beating of his heart and said with a smile on his face: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince condescends to come here. I have prepared wine and food. Please come to the palace to gather together, Your Highness the Crown Prince will do your best to entertain His Highness."

A smile also appeared on Lin Jiangnian's face. He glanced around inadvertently and landed on Gao Hang behind Gao Boyan: "Master Gao, there is no need to be so polite. I have heard of Master Gao for a long time, and today I finally have time to see him. True appearance... By the way, this one belongs to Mr. Gao..."

Gao Hang was suddenly stared at by the young Prince Lin in front of him, and Gao Hang was inexplicably shocked.

In particular, Lin Jiangnian's gentle and smiling gaze fell on Gao Hang's eyes, but for some reason it was a little penetrating...

what happened?

Seeing this, Gao Boyan quickly said: "It's Xianguan Quanzi, Gao Hang...Hang'er, why don't you pay homage to His Highness soon."

Hearing his father's words, Gao Hang's face changed slightly.

Seeing his father groveling in front of this young man who was almost the same age as him, he felt inexplicably aggrieved.

Although he knew that the other party's identity was powerful, Gao Hang felt indescribably unhappy for some reason.

Now that he heard his father's words, his expression changed. He gritted his teeth secretly, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Gao Hang, pay homage to His Royal Highness."

"Young master Gao, there is no need to be polite!"

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and said cheerfully: "Young Master Gao and this prince are almost the same age. If we were in Linjiang City, maybe this prince could become good friends with Mr. Gao."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

Gao Hang lowered his head and said.

Gao Boyan on the side saw this and said with a smile: "Your Highness, it's cold outside, please come into the house first?"

"That's fine."

Lin Jiangnian nodded, put his hands behind his back, and stepped into the manor under the guidance of Gao Boyan.

Gao Hang fell behind and stared at the figure of Prince Lin. Then he seemed to realize something and turned his head: "Is he the only one in the executive family?"

The butler on the side nodded.

"He dares to come to the banquet alone?"

Gao Hang had a look of disbelief on his face: "Isn't he afraid?"

"Master, be careful what you say!"

Gao Hang said nothing, just stared at Lin Jiangnian's back in front of him and the groveling look of his father beside him.

For some reason, Gao Hang felt more and more dazzled the more he looked at it.

Inside the manor.

It has to be said that Gao Boyan definitely made great efforts to win over Lin Jiangnian.

The entire manor was completely new. The maids and servants inside and outside the mansion knelt down respectfully on both sides to welcome Lin Jiangnian into the mansion.

The interior decoration of the mansion is beautiful, exquisite and elegant, and the spacious and bright rooms are filled with warmth and block the cold air outside.

It's freezing cold, but the room in the manor is as warm as spring.

Gao Boyan made a special trip to entertain Lin Jiangnian with an exquisite and luxurious feast. He even thoughtfully prepared a pair of beautiful twin maids for Lin Jiangnian to serve him at meals.

These twin sisters are not very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old. They have stunning looks. They are both out-and-out beauties.

She is weak and delicate, I feel pity for her when I see her. It has to be said that such a pair of sisters are very attractive.

However, Lin Jiangnian declined the offer on the excuse that he was not a womanizer!

This was of course an excuse, and Gao Boyan saw it.

"Could it be that His Highness is not interested in this pair of lovers?"

Gao Boyan assured: "Your Highness, you can rest assured that the two of them are innocent and absolutely clean..."

"That's not the reason."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly.

"Oh? What's the reason for that?" Gao Boyan asked: "Could it be that His Highness is wary of his subordinates? Are you worried that your subordinates will be detrimental to Your Highness?"


Lin Jiang young sighed.

"Why is that?"

"Master Gao, no wonder you have been an official in Beijing for so many years and are still a minister. You have a problem with your ideological consciousness."

Lin Jiangnian sighed.

The smile on Gao Boyan's face froze slightly: "Your Highness, what do you mean by this?"

Seeing that he was still so clueless, Lin Jiangnian pointed at himself: "Who am I?"

Gao Boyan didn't know why: "Your Highness is naturally the Prince of Prince Lin."

"What am I doing in the capital?"

"Your Highness is coming to the capital..."

Gao Boyan was stunned and suddenly realized something.

"This prince is the fiancé of the eldest princess and the future prince-in-law. Sir Gao, you actually want to give a woman to the future prince-in-law..."

Lin Jiangnian sighed: "I really don't know, Mr. Gao, are you really stupid, or... do you have ulterior motives?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Boyan almost shed a cold sweat, and quickly explained: "I have no such idea at all. I just thought that His Highness would like it, so I just fell in love with him..."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at him, half-smiling: "Not to mention, I really like it. Twins, they don't have flowers..."

Gao Boyan's eyes narrowed, and he understood immediately and promised: "I will send the two sisters to His Highness's house later... Your Highness can rest assured that not even a word of what happened in the house today will be spread out, nor will it be spread. It will reach the ears of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess..."


Lin Jiangnian looked at Gao Boyan and chuckled again: "But, I can't trust you, Lord Gao!"

"what to do?"


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